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/lit/ - Literature

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12660521 No.12660521 [Reply] [Original]

>claims to be /lit
>hasn't read King James Bible

Explain yourself

>> No.12660529

I only read originals.

>> No.12660545

Uh, /lit/ is a Catholic board, okay? We read the Douay-Rheims, a translation from the original Latin. Protestants are going to burn in HELL and their Bibles are corrupted by the JEWS. I"d explain more but I have some anime trap porn I need to fap to. Deus Vult.

>> No.12660549

/lit/ doesnt reach much of anything

>> No.12660561

>Uh, /lit/ is a Catholic board, okay?

So are we still pro-indulgences or nah?

>> No.12660564

Pro-indulgences because fuck Martin Luther

>> No.12660611

We’re not Freemason.

>> No.12660614

cause I'm trying to read the vulgate

>> No.12660617

fuck you I'll fight you irl

>> No.12660623

On the contrary, I am a Freemason.

>> No.12660630

I read the Septuagint. Get on my level

>> No.12660632

I unironically read the king James Bible last April.

it's got some pretty cool imagery, dragons and shit. real epic of classic literature. the stories are very arbitrary. Jesus is more of a recurrent anti-hero desu

>> No.12660636


>> No.12660638

Estonia, Pärnumaa, Pärnu, Kännu 7. Come at me bitch

>> No.12660640

Thats just the old testament though

>> No.12660643
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Bro your cuck shed has a chimney

>> No.12660650

So what come fucking AT me bro. I'll wait

>> No.12660688

These are the only acceptable languages for reading the Bible, everything else is protestant heresy

>> No.12660703

What if I'm an Australian Catholic who only speaks English because we're super lazy?
Am I screwed?

>> No.12660704

behold the kjv and it was good.

u can't reallly function in lit without reading kjv a few times

>> No.12660716

based Estonian crusader

>> No.12660726

Estonia is like the most atheist country in Europe

>> No.12660736

got 50 years to learn ancient greek, you anglo pig

>> No.12660754

which is why he is based

>> No.12660761

It's not relevant if it wan't written in the last 10 years

>> No.12660782

if it isn't fun to read why bother. I read for entertainment, not to flex my intellectual superiority on an image board full of strangers

>> No.12660795

weird flex but ok

>> No.12660847

>not to flex my intellectual superiority on an image board full of strangers

You're doing it wrong

>> No.12661679
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>> No.12661691

guess you just have to skip the Aramaic parts huh? lolol

>> No.12662129

>the original Latin.

>> No.12662197

>randomly-aggregated rantings of deranged Bronze Age mystics
Because however proficient the style, the material is just bollocks.

>> No.12662298


>> No.12662777

I have the Barry Moser illustrated KJ sitting right next to me.

>> No.12662794

I bought a bible at random without checking what translation it was, get on my fucking level

>> No.12662989

so what was it?

>> No.12662994
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>Claims to be /lit/
>Has only read King James Bible

no, explain YOURself

>> No.12663000

Because NKJV is better.

>> No.12663009

>Anglo bible

>> No.12663039

Oxford annotated NRSV seems to be the ideal way to dig into the Bible. All the parts with multiple translations, play on words from other languages, and verses that appear in some manuscripts and not others are all there in the footnotes. The KJV prose is superior tho.

>> No.12663044

>learning French
>oh cool, I wonder what my fellow French Catholiques read
>Iines are all strange and somewhat incomprehensible

Maybe I’m still trash but this is weird.

>> No.12663063
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>The NRSV by contrast adopted a policy of inclusiveness in gender language. According to Metzger, “The mandates from the Division specified that, in references to men and women, masculine-oriented language should be eliminated as far as this can be done without altering passages that reflect the historical situation of ancient patriarchal culture.

>> No.12663071
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>implying nonanglo versions of the bible matter in a world with few places untouched by the anglo

>> No.12664123

I'm French, I'm reading the Crampon Bible.

>> No.12665010

>meme james

>> No.12665448

It's a more accurate translation you dip. Essentially when words were used that were genderless, older translations translated them to be masculine. This made it impossible to discern where the ancient texts made a point of using masculine words. Maybe take a week off of social media eh?

>> No.12665483

There’s only so many seconds left in my life. I’d rather not waste them

>> No.12665606

There is no such thing as a "genderless word" in Latin, Greek or Hebrew.

>> No.12665616

It's the same greek as NT.

>> No.12665631

Why are you blaming Catholics for Jewish discord tranny shills? Will you blame them for the BBC cuckposting next? Genuinely curious how you came to this conclusion. Also curious why you've received several posts applauding you.

>> No.12665639

ESV is miles ahead more accurate than NRSV and that if we judge NT alone - using critical texts.
ESV comes from conservative Evangelist circles - NRSV is a council, eclectic product of atheists, various denominations and so on.

Wtf are we talking about anon?

NRSV is still more accurate than most bibles in the market - it's also using a richer vocabulary both OT and NT.

But claiming that's the most accurate considering there are so many options in the market miles better in terms of accuracy - wtf we're talking about?

Most of your mainstream translations have a >insert random prestigious college< study edition, it's a matter of fucking taking a translation and pasting some commentary - usually stuff from your theology department.