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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 484x578, Heidegger_1955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12659819 No.12659819 [Reply] [Original]

Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.12659830


>> No.12659837


>> No.12660019

You can use a hammer

>> No.12660045

Got about 40 pages into the translation of his "being and time" and he was still attempting to formulate, clarify, extrapolate, reconstruct, reclarify, and then introduce for the very first time the conceptions regularly associated with "being", seemingly to revolutionize the common understanding of "being" without any semantics or strings attached to the word. I received this explanation of his as an attempt at bulldozing down the overarching ontological landscape so Heidegger there could plant his 'new and improved' flowers. Now, I hadn't made it very far before I'd lost interest, but I'm sure he eventually makes a point or two during all his pontificating, verbose, gibber-gabber.

>> No.12660050
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>> No.12660220


>> No.12660230

everyone after but also including plato and aristotle fucked up and polluted everything with stemfaggotry

>> No.12660438

I am

>> No.12660448

Heidegger wants to use what he calls an "existential analysis" of human experience as a springboard into a search for the meaning of being. How this differs from, say, a biological analysis or anthropological analysis is that, where the latter study humans in their group behavior, environmental adaptation, resistance to bacteria, etc., an existential analysis is aimed at uncovering those structures that constitute encountering beings in the world and ground their possibility a priori.

How his a priori conditions of the being-there (Dasein) differ from the a priori of Kantian transcendental philosophy can maybe be elucidated by comparing their discussion of space: whereas Kant introduces an aprioristic intuition of space to account for the validity of the absolute statements of physics, that space is a condition of experiencing any object whatsoever in the physical world and therefore absolute statements of dimension, extension, motion, etc. can be valid a priori, Heidegger sees knowledge of something like the measurement of spatial properties of objects to be grounded in a fundamental structure of human experience that permits something like a sense of space, region, direction, etc. to even be possible. This fundamental structure is considered an "existential" of the being-there (Dasein), as distinct from, say, the category of spatial position which the human being as a worldly object would possess, and distinct from a Kantian transcendental of knowledge.

Heidegger sees human experience as always already bound up with the world in a complex fabric of relations and relevance. To understand the structure that constitutes the field in which something like being and a world can be encountered at all is the aim of his analysis, and from there a flight into the source of the structure.

Hope this helps. I know the terminology can be really frustrating to grind through. Don't be afraid to keep reading him and make a mental note to return to those obscure parts later.

>> No.12660759

This and also fuck Descartes

>> No.12660792
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>> No.12660818

Heidegger is enjoying his national morning breakfast deeply rooted in local folklore at at the local public village table made by the skilled handwork of local women workers placed in the near forest clearing together with the village elders.

Before they even finish setting down their wooden home made plates the sound of machinery roars through the forest thickness.

Trees come tumbling down, destruction rages through the village, the sun rays who greeted the peasants happily and reveled to them the truth of the beginning-of the-day, the leaves that inspired poetry, the rivers which solidified national pride and local identity as being-in-the-world transform into physics equations right before the eyes of the innocent villagers and unleash untold horrors through the folkloric local community.

At that time Bertrand Russell reveals himself standing upon the bulldozer which turned the clearing into just another place in space, eating his automatically manufactured subway sandwich. With a destructive modernistic liberal voice he proclaims :

"Good morning, Martin. I have brought you machinery and civilization to free the peasants of the daily dread of menial work. But most importantly, would you like one of my automatically produced and commercialized sandwiches for breakfast"

Heidegger : "No, your artificial construct will reveal nothing of importance to my breaking-the-fast. I can not enjoy breakfast that way."

Village elder : "No, we much prefer our traditionally prepared breakfast."

Russell : "Fools ! How can you not see the beautiful objectivity of the mathematical framework underlying my Analytic modernity. Mathematics is the highest form of thought and objective truth there is !"

Heidegger : "Tell me, how old is mathematics in relations of other modes of revealing."

Russell : "It's the prime entity ! Everything followed from it !"

Heidegger : "False, mathematics is just a post a-priori construct of the Dasein's Aletheia coming from Being-In-The-World as and working the fields and counting cows as a combinations of Episteme and Poiesis as the primary modes of revealing . If what you said was true then the essence of Mathematics's being is a Being itself"

Russell was visibly shaken. His brain could not comprehend the Ereignis he just experienced and thus exploded. Asperger children all around the world committed mass suicide. Mathematics was scrapped from school curriculums and replaced with poetry. Moot himself came down from the heavens himself and erased /sci/ from the board's existence.

The village elders happily sat down at the table and finished their traditionally prepared breakfast.

>> No.12660950

top kek

>> No.12660963


>> No.12660974
File: 42 KB, 1000x552, 0C488EE4-52F5-42D3-8E2A-DCB12856ED4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if a waifu isn’t a physical object, as a being, it possesses a real and concrete Being (“is-ness” or ability to be used with the word “is”) which we can analyzed in isolation (the present at hand) or in its wider context among my collection and awesome NEET-life (ready to hand).

By observing the Being of waifus, we can understand Being in general. Everyone has assumed Being = looking at things like scientists look at rocks, which is why we’re all fucked up.

Good luck on your report anon-kun.

>tf when no cutey to exercise my Being-with in idle talk with.

>> No.12660981
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>> No.12660987

Being is not an entity but the expression/action of an entity. Something like that. It gets a lot more complicated from there though.

>> No.12661043

>being is always the being of beings.

There you go, he did it for you.

>> No.12661049


>> No.12661063

lol at all the brainlets in the comments section using "he was a Nazi" as an argument against a point that they can't even begin to understand.

>> No.12661073
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>> No.12661085
File: 40 KB, 400x400, hmmm heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' saved

>> No.12661117

Based waifuposter.

>> No.12661831


That was beautiful, anon.

>> No.12661864

i almost bought a car a few months ago, but i calculated all the expenses and it came to about 22% of my yearly income. after some more research i learned that, according to 'budgeting experts', this was 'low-normal'. that is insane. thankfully i live close to work and such, and don't actually need to drive.
it does sound trite, but the things you own really can come to own you.

>> No.12662992

>moot erased /sci/

>> No.12663013


>> No.12663049

fascism is about the rebirth of the nation so yes

>> No.12663053

came here to pay respects to Russell eternally BTFO

>> No.12663057
File: 506 KB, 1579x1600, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grundiert und lichtunggepillert

Gott strafe England

>> No.12663110
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>> No.12663213

dieser Pfosten ist ein Hammer

>> No.12663248

saved for future shitposting purposes