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/lit/ - Literature

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1265980 No.1265980 [Reply] [Original]

Help me find a new book.

I'm an inconfident, angsty 18 year-old who listens to a lot of Bright Eyes. I like Chuck Palahniuk books. My parents divorced when I was 13. I'm in love with a girl who has a boyfriend.

I want something that will describe my life.

I can't find an appropriate picture so I chose a depressing one.

>> No.1265985

Go to /fit/, start working out, become alpha, stop pitying yourself, stop being a faggot
Also, Griffin?

>> No.1265986

cool story bro

>> No.1265990

I was gonna write something but this about sums it up.

>> No.1265989

"Rule of the Bone" by Russell Banks? That might work.

>> No.1265991


No thank you.

I don't know who Griffin is.

>> No.1266001

Oh, you sound like some fag I know.
>Go to /fit/, start working out, become alpha, stop pitying yourself, stop being a faggot
Still, do this. Or continue being a faggot liking someone who is happier with someone else

>> No.1266004

Bump. Looking for books, not advice, lol.

>> No.1266006

Which do you need more?

>> No.1266009

>ask for advice
>bitch about it

Confirmed OP's age

>> No.1266010

To be honest, it'd probably be a really shitty book.

>> No.1266013


Books. I need books, which is why I came to fucking /lit/ and not /adv/, bro.

>> No.1266019
File: 4 KB, 110x126, Slowpoke News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no your parents divorced??? how awful! thank god this never happens to anyone else in the world...


>> No.1266021

Try and track down a book that fires needles into your face when you open it.

For fucks sake. If you think you're edgy, original or even alone, then you have a lot to learn little boy. Who the fuck uses their parents divorce as a character description?

If you want a book to validate your emotions, then you should stick to teen fiction, or so called "edgy" writers like Chuck. If you want actually learn something then you can pretty much read anything else. Don't get me wrong, I like Chuck but I'm sure even he hates his readers who read his books like they are the next coming of New Literature.

tl;dr: lrn2classic and keep your angst to yourself

>> No.1266022



I'm basically looking for a sad book. Help me out.

>> No.1266023

try alan jacobson... fucking AWESOME

>> No.1266029

Protip: Go to /fit/ for advice /adv/ is just a slightly less shitty version of /r9k/
Also, seriously, stop being a self pitying faggot.

>> No.1266030
File: 44 KB, 350x393, Trade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, nigger. can't help ya here... just picking cotton fo masta.

>> No.1266034


Since when does working out corelate with happiness, faggot?

>> No.1266041

>I'm basically looking for a sad book. Help me out.

couldn't you have just said that before instead of the angst?

>> No.1266044

You don't know shit. Go lift heavy and see how you feel.
Exercising releases endorphins in the brain (which are the same thing that opiate drugs like heroin replicate), which causes pleasure.
Also, correlate has two r's in it

>> No.1266047

Exercise has been proven to fight symptoms of depression and anxiety...

Unrelated, but the more you know.

>> No.1266049



Hey guys I'm looking for a sad book.

>> No.1266053

I just noticed that your pic is very much related; however, you want coins, and we're trying to give you change.

>> No.1266056

Heroin is the way forward, OP. Heroin. Trust me.

>> No.1266057

Very true...it also looks like the jobless ho in his pic needs a fucking job.


>> No.1266061


Poster of >>1266034's status:
told []
not told []

>> No.1266066

Youth in Revolt. The movie sucked but the book is really entertaining.

>> No.1266071


This seems appropriate.

>> No.1266077


Too late! You've already trashed your thread with your bawwing. I would suggest trying again in a few hours/days when you've been forgotten. Also, don't open your threads with anything that will incite flaming. Could this be why you're "inconfident"? (Not a word by the way).

As for advice, just read more of everything. if you stick to sad books, you'll never be able to pretend you've read books because you haven't. It the same as only liking "books with vampires". You just sound stupid. All books will have some degree of tragedy and sadness, otherwise they wouldn't be any good. There are stacks of threads that will give you a starting point. Even the "god tier/shit tier" threads will give you some idea.

No doubt you'll go from angsty try-hard to hipster wannabe try-hard but at least you'll be moving up.

>> No.1266080

Also, to cure your "inconfidence" work out. It raises confidence, too.

>> No.1266084

This is true, nothing gets you moving like knowing you can kick the ass of anyone you meet!

..OP is probably off weeping in some dark corner by now..

>> No.1266086


I just wanted some advice. Why does everyone have to be so mean to me ;_;

(Not OP btw)

>> No.1266089


No, OP here.

I don't look at life in that respect. Quite frankly I over-exaggerated my original post. I'm quite happy and I'm just crushing on the girl who doesn't even like her boyfriend. BUT THIS SHIT IS SO IRRELEVANT AND I'M GETTING ANNOYED :(

Just help me find books!

>> No.1266092

Because you're a faggot

Glad to know I'm not the only one on ./lit/ that likes working out

>> No.1266093


A library.


>> No.1266094

Disregard everything, get ripped
The regard other things, while maintaining your rippedness

>> No.1266095

the old man and the sea. this is serious OP

>> No.1266101

read sorrows of young werther and do as werther does.

>> No.1266106

Somebody should post the "best of /lit/" picture, sort of like that one /mu/ has.

Also, I strongly recommend Tao Lin's books, OP. They're awesome.

>> No.1266109

Jesus Christ OP, you are a pussy.
Read some Dostoevsky and either kill yourself or keep on perpetuating your pitiful existence.

Which ever you decide, never post a thread on /lit/ again until you man up and stop being a bitch.

>> No.1266110


Kills himself?

>> No.1266113

I've heard some good things about Ayn Rand...

>> No.1266117


>> No.1266781

Books that describe your life are boring OP. A good, sad book is The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak.

Actionally, another of his books, The Messenger, might be more relevant to your life. But, it's not as good.

>> No.1266789

I hate recommending it but Perks of Being A Wallflower could be perfect for you OP, though you might be a tad old. Also, The Bell Jar. Read some of Anne Sexton's poetry.

>> No.1266790

God, /lit/ really sucks these days, what's next?

- Recommend me some good fantasy books.
- How about you face reality.

- Recommend me some victorian fiction.
- How about you start living in the present?

- Recommend me some books like Lolita
- How about you get your ass off your chair and molest some girls yourself?

>> No.1266799

I can't say I agree with the first two, but that last one sounds like good advice.

>> No.1266816
File: 9 KB, 183x275, TyBrax15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Help me find a new book
>I'm an inconfident, angsty 18 year-old who listens to a lot of Bright Eyes. I like Chuck Palahniuk books.
lol stop letting the team down faggot. here's some help with the music:
>My parents divorced when I was 13
i indirectly stopped mine. dunno whats worse not having or having to here fight/fuck alot :/
>I want something that will describe my life.
good luck with that, aspies arent creative or become famous. (i guess there's fakers like morissey from smiths tho)


>> No.1266821

almost forgot,
>I'm in love with a girl who has a boyfriend
>in love
please kill yourself. or go watch porn.

>> No.1266828

>No doubt you'll go from angsty try-hard to hipster wannabe try-hard but at least you'll be moving up
Lt.Braxton signing in.

have to be serious though, lifting or cycling(which i still do but not as frequently) didn't do much for me in the long-term but OP does sound like more of a faggot so perhaps...

>> No.1266832

For some reason I thought OP was a lesbian through this whole thread.

>> No.1266835

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

>> No.1266841

I thought you killed yourself after your dox got leaked

>> No.1266847


>> No.1266871

Whiny fucking faggot. Grow up.

>> No.1267247

here again
OP is still a fag

>> No.1267254

if you want to wallow, 'Wasp Factory' by Banks. If you want to man up, 'The dragon Never Sleeps' by Cook

>> No.1267298

Catcher in the Rye, buttbaby.

>> No.1267312

hey op go read Norwegian wood, it'll either make you laugh or kill yourself either way problem solved

>> No.1267592
File: 131 KB, 401x265, catcherintherye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1267611

Requiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby, Jr.

>> No.1268871

Hey there,

To some extent I find myself in a similar predicament/background to your own.

Look the best advice I can give is the same that the others have been giving but I will word it differently....

Track down an author called Matthew Reilly.....you won't gain any life changing insight, you won't have an epiphany and you most likely wont feel "enlightened" from his work but you WILL escape your mind for awhile. You WILL experience quality, fast-paced, active writing about fuck all and that my friend is probably the best thing for you right now.

>> No.1269005

Go read "The Stranger" maybe it will teach you to stop being a hyper sensitive pussy

>> No.1269027

fucking phony

>> No.1269035

sage the troll

>> No.1269044

>Try and track down a book that fires needles into your face when you open it.
I almost spit out my soda.

But come on guys, it took you half the thread to start recommending stuff? Let him wallow in his angst. It's enjoyable. He'll get over it when he's ready.