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/lit/ - Literature

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12659168 No.12659168 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ read comedies? or is all you fuckers ever do is read Marx?

>> No.12659189

>this card game that’s meant to be offensive towards everyone and everything shouldn’t be offensive to my race

>> No.12659210

>t. /pol/

>> No.12659222

how can there be any laughter in the age of trump? comedy is for bourgeois catholic white males scum

>> No.12659223
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>t. no sense of humor

>> No.12659238

He used ironically wrong though

>> No.12659252

I’m voting for him simply for his comedy routines, really makes you think

>> No.12660349

A Confederacy Of Dunces is /lit/ approved comedy.

>> No.12661026

Played this game with friends last week
Got the card, "being seen on the train reading Infinite Jest"
One of the creators of the game must have been one of us

>> No.12661058

Marx and Engels are hilarious desu.

>Last Sunday we had a moustache evening there. For I had sent out a circular to all moustache-capable young men that it was finally time to horrify all philistines, and that that could not be done better than by wearing moustaches. Everyone with the courage to defy philistinism and wear a moustache should therefore sign. I had soon collected a dozen moustaches, and then the 25th of October, when our moustaches would be a month old, was fixed as the day for a common moustache jubilee. But I had a shrewd idea what would happen, bought a little moustache wax and took it with me; it was then found that one had a truly very fine but unfortunately quite white moustache, while another had been instructed by his principal to hack the criminal thing off. Enough, that evening we had to have at least a few, and those who had none had to paint themselves one. Then I got up and proposed the following toast:

>Moustaches always were the pride
>Of gallant gentlemen far and wide.
>Brave soldiers faced their country’s foes
>In brown or black mustachios.
>So, in these times of martial glory,
>Moustaches are obligatory.
>Philistines shirk the burden of bristle
>By shaving their faces as clean as a whistle.
>We are not philistines, so we
>Can let our mustachios flourish free.
>Long life to every Christian
>Who bears his moustaches like a man.
>And may all philistines be damned
>For having moustaches banished and banned!

>> No.12661367

what? it's just one very vocal newcunt

>> No.12661375

it is humour

>> No.12661394

>That is not irony at all. I believe the phrase you are looking for is "completely expected"

>> No.12661399

same. and I'm a card carrying communist

>> No.12661409
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yes, i've read midnight summer dream and the merchant of venice.

>> No.12661614

Norm's book

>> No.12661876

Dubs confirm your doing you're part

>> No.12661887

what is?

>> No.12663109

>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Don Quixote
>Gulliver's Travels
>Tristram Shandy
>Three Men in a Boat

>> No.12663116

Also Notes From Underground is hilarious

>> No.12663125

JR is funny too even if everything else Gaddis wrote is borderline depressing

>> No.12663129

I really liked Norm Macdonald's book, but it's full of inside jokes I imagine only Norm fans would enjoy.

>> No.12663156

I've never read Marx. I am not sure if I should or not. I have read some Marxists, though. What do you guys think? I feel like it would be boring as all heck and I could probably have it explained to me by a few Youtube videos or something and I could read something that actually interested me.
I did read Norm Macdonald's book, which I recommend. I liked it better than the Culture Industry.

>> No.12663172

You sound like a real jerk

>> No.12663174

Tom Jones
Pickwick Papers

>> No.12663175

Damn is Norm /lit/-approved now? I think he is the funniest man I've ever heard speak, myself.

>> No.12663209

Amazing. Sounds more like the Marx brothers than Karl Marx.

>> No.12663226

wtf is the deal with this praise of norm? i've seen some clips on youtube of him and he never makes me laugh, is this some kind of american boomer humor?

>> No.12663236
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>> No.12663239

Yeah, he's shit. The only good comedian ever is Nick Mullen. Now THAT'S a comedian huh

>> No.12663247

even nick praises norm, i don't get it man. does he hold a lot of power in the humor business?

>> No.12663249

His stand up album is pretty good
His interviews are however a masterstroke of genius and probably you're not understanding the subtly of how he works. Watch this video of him on a talk show, this women are going into fucking fits

>> No.12663251

While we're on 18th and 19th century British, Tristram Shandy and Sartor Resartus are among the funniest books I've ever read. Humphrey Clinker is also great, and most Dickens novels have at least a few hilarious moments. Austen can be surprisingly funny. The Vicar of Wakefield and Vanity Fair are also good, although I haven't finished the latter.

>> No.12663282

>Tristram Shandy
This is simultaneously the funniest and most infuriating book I have ever read. I also think Gulliver's Travels is hilarious.

>> No.12663307

Challenging game. Most difficult part is to fake laughter while you get bored out of your skull.

>> No.12663312

>>https://youtu.be/Z3PP_SWHUQQ [Embed]
well, that was painfully unfunny

>> No.12663330

kek imagine actually being a zoomer

>> No.12663333

Based Rafiq holy shit

>> No.12663344

not an argument.

>> No.12663355

Roderick Random is pretty kekworthy too.

>> No.12663366

It is. You're going to be a dumbass until you're in your mid 20's, sorry. You'll know its time for Norm when your senior coworkers talk to you like a real person.

>> No.12663374

No but really try the stand up playlist. It's real stand up, he tells actual jokes. There is a reason he is respected.

>> No.12663380
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>> No.12663398
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>> No.12663401

i'm 28, and this is not funny. sorry. listening to the playlist now, and i have a hard time finding any jokes.

>> No.12663410

How old were you when you were diagnosed? Do you still own a weighted blanket? What do you think of Brian Regan?

>> No.12663422

Do you think /lit/ sees the purpose of the author mocking the hipocrisy of ignatius, or are they like ignatius that they see the comedy in the actions of the mom and the others?

>> No.12663426

>they get there with the defibrillators, and they attack your heart!
>because that's all the heart understands is violence, you know
>not funny
you're hopeless

>> No.12663430

point out one (1) funny joke, please:

>> No.12663441

If you dont find Norm Macdonald funny we aren't friends.

>> No.12663443

not really funny no

>> No.12663452


>> No.12663454

I feel like short stories are a better format for comedy

Real novels should be dramatic, I can only take so many poop jokes in one sitting (the can)

>> No.12663457


>> No.12663467

The News is a highpoint of the routine imo. What do you think about Brian Regan? He is more on the nose funny than norm and also never swears. He's not that similar to norm, he's kind of absurd, but I'm wondering what you would think of him because he's a little of the main track of comedy

>> No.12663469

this is getting painful, is this what passes for comedy in the us of a?

>> No.12663492

>What do you think about Brian Regan?
never heard of him, will check him out

>> No.12663513

aaaaand the verdict is in: not funny

>> No.12663519

Who do you think performs stand up well?

>> No.12663533

katt williams

>> No.12663542

Ever heard of Doug Stanhope? He might scratch your itch then. He's like if Louis CK wasn't kind of gay with kids.

>> No.12663549

Also since i'm just hammering you with comedian's comedians, Josh Blue is a dude with cerebral paulsy and its part of his act

>> No.12663553

I'm here to defend Brian Reagan

He had a bit on Comedy Central that was superb, and you don't understand comedy

>> No.12663567

handsome for a cp. bit too sentimental, tho.

>> No.12663572

All of his stuff is great. I really like the moosen joke and the one about walking through a spiderweb in public

>> No.12663584

>I really like the moosen joke
this place really has become boomer central

>> No.12663585

Dude he jokes about how he acts retarded since people assume he is

>> No.12663586
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He's too big to fail.

>> No.12663601

Watch Norm's ventriloquist act. 100x better than his standup.

>> No.12663636
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I am 28 and have been using 4chan since 2006. I was introduced to it in 2004 by a guy who is now in prison for life for kidknapping his ex gf with his tranny lover, but I didn't like the website at the time because I was a mallrat and he was the looking-back-definitely-a-pedophile guy we met at the mall. His name is Jack Morgan, which I never knew until after this arrest happened and an old acquaintance found it and got it out to us. He always told us to call him "Wolf", or ostensibly his real name was "Tyler" (like fight club, in retrospect) here is his arrest and the saving of the kidknapped girl.
> https://youtu.be/7Z88CS8DRso
Don't ever insult me again newfag.

>> No.12663655

>oldfag /b/-tard thinks his opinion matters
o i am laffin

>> No.12663667
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I have clearly won ;^)

>> No.12663677

Funny man fucked up on Xanax who looks like he just rolled out of bed.

>> No.12663709

Infinite Jest was an in joke long before /lit/, that's essentially the point of the book stinker

>> No.12663769
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To keep this on topic, that now-imprisoned-for-life /b/tard told me a joke I still tell to this day. Now the trick to this joke is to repeat it very slow and promise its good and has pay off. There is a lot of repetition, if the setting is right try to do it close to 10 times
>so this guy is walking through the woods right
>and he stumbles across a 10 foot long dachshund (weiner dog)
>and he says
>"man you have got to be... the biggest weiner dog... in the world"
>weiner dog says nope
>follow this path you'll find a weiner dog even bigger than me
>no way
>yes way
>guy keeps going through the woods, finds a 20 foot long weiner dog dachshund
>you have got to be the biggest weiner dog in the world
>weenie dog says.... nope! Keep traveling through the woods and you'll find an even larger dog!
So basically repeat this formula for as long as you think is appropriate or in whatever fractions of length to get to the punchline:
>he finally comes across and unbelievably long weiner dog, 100 feet long
>astounded, the man says "you have to be the biggest weiner dog in the entire world",
>weiner dog sighs and says "yep"

>> No.12664192

thats the standard jew response. It's illegal to criticize them in many countries. There's a reason why they have been kicked out of every country in history. We need to do it today

>> No.12664221

low quality bait

>> No.12664238

Augustus Carp

My Twisted World is an unintentional masterpiece of comedy, comedic levels of narcissism drip off every page

And for the record Norm McDonald is a VERY funny guy.

>> No.12664250

Seriously, he's certainly no amy schumer. Now she's the funniest comedian that's ever lived. I know you agree

>> No.12664638
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>> No.12664680

I was going to respond with something along the lines of:

>Implying holding the Jews to the same standards as everyone else makes you an anti-semite

But then I realized that it does. It's not even the whole "Figure out who you can't criticize to see who's ruling you" bit, it's a whole layer on top of that where you can't even hold them to an equal standard they expect to be applied to everyone else.

Oh, that and they'll use the numerous and wealthy institutions they hold power over to make sure that your life is completely and irreparably damaged for uttering the canard that there is disproportionate Jewish influence in many societal power centers.

>> No.12664952

magnus mills

>> No.12664956

Normie McDonald's

>> No.12664992


It literally never occurred to me that there could be literature that was supposed to be funny. I thought parts of Brothers Karamazov were funny

I relate to this too much.

Am I becoming a meme? I should stop hanging out here so much.

>> No.12665005

Yeah, I remember laughing out loud when he tried to stance up in the tavern and the Chad soldier just shoved past him. It was like something out of a /fit/ greentext.

>> No.12665092

only good post in this thread

let us continue

>The Twelve Chairs
>Good Soldier Svejk
>Huckleberry Finn
>At Swim-Two-Birds

>> No.12665192

we're about the same age and I have also been here since 2006

>> No.12665207


Even money says a jew wrote those jokes.

>> No.12665470

Normy, normy, normy,
Hockey Normy!

>> No.12666409

>It literally never occurred to me that there could be literature that was supposed to be funny
>Am I becoming a meme?
you already were

>> No.12666931

I read Joe Orton for the lolz, no homo.

>> No.12667022

Nobody on lit has actually read Marx

>> No.12667099

Why read comedies when real life is unironically already one?

desu my only grievance is why did they even have in a separate pack?

>> No.12667209

>borderline shit

>> No.12667234

I'm stealing this joke

>> No.12667271

now this is literature

>> No.12667777
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I was never a big fan of Norm McDonald's stand up, but I did like him in SNL sketches and the few movies he did.

Dirty work is a guilty pleasure of mine

>> No.12667789


>> No.12667808

Humorlessness is a pretty baseless charge for a board that spends all its time fawning over a few modernist and postmodernist novels that mix classical references with edgy toilet humor.

>> No.12667828

butthurt newfag pleb begone, lit has great taste and there's nothing wrong with modernist and postmodernist novels that mix classical references with edgy toilet humor

>> No.12667882

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. I'm a Pynchon fan. I guess it was my choice of adjectives, but OP is wrong already. This board fawns over Pynchon's descriptions of shit-eating and Joyce's passages about farts way more than anything Marx ever said.

>> No.12669761

Unironically correct
But rich and elites rather than purely catholics

>> No.12670111
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>new guy starts an office job
>he's immediately smitten with a coworker but shy
>through the tedium of office work he befriends a guy
>tells him to come to this informal office thing for people to blow off stean
>mentions his crush will be there
>when he arrives the party is much larger than he expected, but miraculously his crush is alone
>he chats her up, she's very charming
>he asks if she'd like a drink and she agrees
>he goes to fetch it
>at the refreshment table he realizes that there's no punch line