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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 172 KB, 378x500, Lady_Macbeth(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1265580 No.1265580 [Reply] [Original]

I need help with Macbeth, anybody ever write one before? I need good quotes to help me make it longer. Also a good essay website would help too, i just wana get it done. The topic is good versus evil. Halp?

>> No.1265583

Macbeth is good, he loses to lady macbeth, who is evil
That's just the first part, you can find parts throughout the book. You in AP English Lit too?
I didn't read the last act or two and still did good on the test my teacher gave us

>> No.1265582

I writed one Macduff before maybe. Is that counted?

>> No.1265590
File: 51 KB, 468x600, 468px-Shakespeare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I need help with Macbeth, anybody ever write one before?
Sounds familiar, I believe I wrote a Macbeth once.

>> No.1265591

Honestly, with such a vague prompt, if you can't find material I'd have to question what you're doing in a literature class.

36-41 indisnon

>> No.1265592

nah im in english four, i forgot lady macbeth influenced macbeth thanks. Im so stuck right now i have it done but i need two more pages, im considering just buying an essay to get it over with. Is that sketchy?

>> No.1265594

it's not only sketchy, it's retarded.
Teachers DO check papers via turnitin etc. these days.
Be prepared to fail if you buy essays like a retard.

>> No.1265595
File: 87 KB, 486x599, marlowe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1265596

yes just dont do it faggot
Read through sparknotes to refresh your memory
Do macbeth vs macduff or whatever, like I said I never finished it
Do witches vs macbeth

>> No.1265605

Fuck off Chris, he wants to know about WELL KNOWN playwrights. You have been a thorn in my side for the longest...

>> No.1265607

What say you that you are simply my pen name? Eh?

That's right, what if I wrote all your plays? Who's the playwright now bitch??

>> No.1265610

Hey faggot, how does it feel that I'm not your pen name? Your just mad that bitches be mirin' my shit and that I'm studied more.
Also, I wrote more dick jokes.

>> No.1265617

well im not gonna lie, im an idiot when it comes go literature. The only reason im taking this class is because every other class i take is honors level. Has anybody written an essay like this that would be willing to post it...? hah

>> No.1265620

Yeah, well I'm 2 months older than you, kiddo...

>> No.1265624

So? Neither am I but I made an A in AP Lit last quarter

>> No.1265627

Yes, and your mother's meat curtains are also loose as fuck, and you are a liker of men and taker of many a phallus.

>> No.1265628

This is what is wrong with the US school system. A kid is a good mathematician, for example, and ends up taking "honors" literature.

Fuck OP stop being a lazy bum and go read some cliffnotes/sparknotes.

>> No.1265629

Look at the play between natural and supernatural.

Now stop being lazy, get off 4chan and write the fucking essay.

>> No.1265637


>> No.1265638

>you are a liker of men and taker of many a phallus
But so are you?

>> No.1265644

No, I'm all about the pussy motherfucker, I munch that shit all day.

>> No.1265642

i would focus on the witches vs Macbeth and also macbeth vs lady macbeth

in the first scene the witch tell us whats gonna happen to Macbeth, to what extent is what happens his fault? is he the victim of external forces e.g. the supernatural?

Macbeth is actively encouraged by Lady Macbeth to commit Duncans murders? she questions his manhood and tells him to 'look like the innocent flower but be the serpant underneath' or something to that effect.

discuss there OP.

>> No.1265643

i've been writing it all day and im stuck at 5 pages and it needs to be 7. you dont know me

>> No.1265647

Your sonnets betray you...

>> No.1265655

Your girlfriend betrayed you with my cock.
I wrote those because bitches be all over poetry, and I'm a goddamn player. Bitches be thinkin' I be sensitive and shit.

>> No.1265661

Yo chris i know you wrote a few sonnets and ima let you finish, BUT Shakespeare is the greatest Elizabethan writer of all time!

>> No.1265668

Thanks, Kanye. Ay dawg, we need to hit up the booth sometimes, I can spit mad rhymes while freestylin'.

When in disgrace with fortune and men’s eyes

I all alone beweep my outcast state,
And trouble deaf heaven with my bootless cries,
And look upon myself, and curse my fate,
Wishing me like to one more rich in hope,
Featur’d like him, like him with friends possess’d,
Desiring this man’s art, and that man’s scope,
With what I most enjoy contented least;
Yet in these thoughts myself almost despising,
Haply I think on thee,—and then my state,
Like to the lark at break of day arising
From sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven’s gate;
For thy sweet love remember’d such wealth brings
That then I scorn to change my state with kings.


>> No.1265673

Explain what?

Kids that are classified as "gifted and talented" become "gifted" in every area, despite the fact that they might you just be good at math or foreign language or what have you. When you have to be "gifted" in every area to receive a good education, then being "gifted" no longer means anything. Genuine learning means nothing, what matters is "teaching to the test" and arriving at good grades no matter what the method. Couple that with massive grade inflation and you can begin to see what I mean.

>> No.1265675

I feel yah i feel yah, its just I droppin my new album soon so im kinda busy. and then theres the fact that you're dead, thats not gonna fly...

>> No.1265682

Fucking nigger, stop niggering.
Bitches don't know bout my "gift" in all area of studying

>> No.1265685

>then theres the fact that you're dead, thats not gonna fly...
So's Pac, but that nigga puts new shit out every few years.

>> No.1265705

Bitch what the fuck did you just call pac?

>> No.1265717

I said that nigga puts shit out every few years despite being dead for a while

>> No.1265720


Bitch asked for an explanation so I explained it to him.
I don't care two shits what kind of "gifts" you may or may not have.

>> No.1265736

Nigger fuck you

>> No.1265743

What a horribly vague topic. My students would kill me if I chose something like that... or maybe they'd celebrate since it's so open-ended. Who knows.

That said, do your own homework, kid.

>> No.1265758

Good and evil are subjective.

>> No.1265767

That's not even a topic, really. It's nothing. It's not even a thing. It's terrible.

>> No.1265776

the other way i could write it is as how macbeth relates to aristotles definition of a tragedy

>> No.1265784

how could a teacher found out if i bought the essay if it doesnt show the full essay on the website? Couldnt i just get rid of the preview and be all good with it?

>> No.1265796
File: 19 KB, 297x369, waht a twist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1265801

Your bad grammar NOT being in that essay would be a dead giveaway. Catching plagiarism is the best part about being an English teacher.

>> No.1265812

i could always put bad grammar in it