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12654104 No.12654104 [Reply] [Original]

I mean, deep down we all know that the world is meaningless, free will cannot plausibly exist, and that there's no divine creator, let alone one that cares about us. Right? Surely you guys don't actually believe in God and free will? I know that many of you are /pol/tards who just hold views to spite liberals, and don't get me wrong, I hate liberals as well, but you can't just start believing the dogmas of Christianity are literally true just because liberals hate Christians.

>> No.12654116

This is the worst post I have seen on /lit/ in a week, and I'll tell you what, that's quite the accomplishment on your part.

>> No.12654118

This but unironically

>> No.12654119

If you "deep down" know the world is meaningless, what motivated you to make this thread? Why aren't you acting like life was meaningless?

>> No.12654120

What's wrong with it?

I'm not being ironic

>> No.12654122

Just want to see what others around me feel about all of this. My feelings are not things that I can have debates with, they operate very similarly to how your feelings do.

>> No.12654144

>Just want to see what others around me feel about all of this
Why? It's meaningless, they're meaningless

>My feelings are not things that I can have debates with, they operate very similarly to how your feelings do.
So you're a slave to your feelings even though you know life is meaningless? Wouldn't it then be fair to conclude that following those feelings give meaning to your life?

>> No.12654148

I am my feelings, not a "slave" to them. Don't even know what that means.

>> No.12654150

no I believe in determinism but that freewill is a byproduct

>> No.12654151

This. But I hate liberals because they are too centrist

>> No.12654155

Atheism is the only rational position. The End.

>> No.12654157

>No, it's not.
The end.

>> No.12654161

Alright, why doesn't free will exist and why is life meaningless?

As a "rational free-thinker" what do you think of the fact that Stephen Hawking endorsed many-worlds interpretation?

>> No.12654173

>implying we currently understand the universe
How do you get this arrogant/naive?

>> No.12654178

Try Meillassoux, After Finitude.

>> No.12654193

And yet a burning doubt lingers as to the trueness of your faith in atheism; the possibility of God existing persists, atheism was never a fact only an unproven belief.

>> No.12654204

>muh meaning
What does this even mean? If life is meaningless, what the fuck would make it meaningful? It's just another infinity we chase and are obsessed with.

Let's pretend YOU are the key to running the entire reality as we know it. Is your life meaningful now? Well, WHY is running reality meaningful? Why is the objective of keeping it going important and meaningful? That's right, it's as meaningful as having a pokemon card collection and taking care of that. Would God make life meaningful? Why is listening to him meaningful? You're going to exist forever in either hell or heaven anyway so nothing you do matters; or is it about the suffering? Life has meaning because otherwise you'll suffer for eternity in hell? Couldn't we conclude then that as long as you're alive, your meaning in life is avoiding suffering? Why does the fact that things end somehow automatically mean they're meaningless?

It's such a loaded fucking question. Nobody can even agree to what meaning is