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12643951 No.12643951 [Reply] [Original]

>*blocks your path*
>*irrefutably proves that moderately ethnocentric right-wing nationalism with protectionist foreign-trade policies combined with privatization and the least internal trade-barriers in combination with human-biodiversity (e.g. redpilled on IQ) guided social policy is the most logical and best way to run a country, solving one of the most pressing philosophical questions of all time and proving himself as the most important philosopher alive today*

just try and refute him

>you can't

>> No.12643960

He's a Jew.

>> No.12643979

Premise 1: Kant is always right.
Premise 2: Molymeme isn't Kant.
Conclusion: On every point where Molymeme isn't Kant, he's wrong.

>> No.12643987

does he address the technological question? no
>the most logical and best way to run a country
the most logical and best way to run a country is decided by the system's immediate requirements and needs.

>> No.12643996


>blocks you're path

If you can't think for yourself of tell a meme philosopher from a real one at least learn to meme properly.

>> No.12644002

>try to implement policies
>it's hard due to the nature of government, reporting, interpretation, etc. i.e. the human factor
>they fail
>conversation on 'the best way to run the country' continues

no need to refute him. it is irrelevant

>> No.12644003

Don’t really know who this guy is exactly but I think I listened to a debate between him and some strasserist YouTuber a couple years ago. It was actually kind of a close debate so I guess that speaks to the fact that this guy has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.12644014
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broke: Molyold
woke: Molynew

>> No.12644107

He got BTFO’d by Taleb on Twitter

>> No.12644224

Is he even Ancap anymore or did he fell in love with Trump so much that now he supports me being shot if I disagree with paying taxes?

>> No.12644276

Basically bought into the fascist meme that communism is just around the corner so lets build super fascism to counter it just in time. I think he still believes that AnCap is best but it's just not feasible atm.

i.e fuck him he's a sellout, there's a vid where he talked about what made him stand out so much and it was how he was so uncompromising. That if he changed his view on abortion or god or some other shit he would get a massive amounts of followers and money but he valued his principles more than quick fame. I shit you not I wish I could find that clip it's fucking tragic.

>> No.12644292

>redpilled on IQ
are you 14?

>> No.12644297

isn't he so retarded that all his ideas were refuted by sjws on youtube

>> No.12644318

His arguments aren't intrinsically logical, he relies a lot on "research" and "data" from low power papers in shitty journals in fields that don't bother to replicate. His whole worldview rests on a vast set of incorrect assumptions and emotional responses to those assumptions. He's barely a "philosopher," probably more of a" faggot" if you ask me.
Basically he's a mommyblogger.
MolyneuxFriends will call this next point adhom, but just so everybody knows, he's also a wannabe cult leader.
While we're doing emotional appeals and throwing out non-arguments, I'd also like to add that if I ever see him in real life I'm going to fuck his ass and choke him with my fat cock until he dies.

>> No.12644381

I quiet watching him this year. He's probably gone full white nat by now. Inviting people from a literal white nationalist convention and d'souza of all people is enough to tell me the man's just a pseudo intellectual who sees things on the surface only.

>> No.12644391
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>> No.12644394


>> No.12644420
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If you think this man is in any way intelligent or even cogent you are at best an extremely gullible, impressionable idiot and more likely a cultist or on your way to being one.

>> No.12644442

Hes a fucking faggot you faggot

>> No.12644451

God damn I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. Props anon