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/lit/ - Literature

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12642159 No.12642159 [Reply] [Original]

>literature major
>hasn't read the bible

>> No.12642172

>sociology major
>philosophy major
>history major
>psychology major
>hasn't read the bible

>> No.12642179

>hasnt read richard dawkins

>> No.12642661

>Hasn't read the Bible

>> No.12642680
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>literature major

>> No.12642726
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>literature major

>> No.12642736

Dawkins has never actually produced anything significant or innovative on the subject of religion, he's basically just Sam Harris from 40 years ago. For atheist literature you're really better off reading some of the Greeks like Epicurus.

The Bible on the other hand is the single most culturally relevant piece of the Western canon. There is literally no excuse not to have read it to the point of at least passing familiarity except that you can't read.

>> No.12643133

>actually reading the bible instead of just getting the gist of the important parts by osmosis through a casual catholic upbringing

>> No.12643667

Most literature majors I've talked to are the types of people who "fucking love YA" and spark note half the reading for class because it's "boring" and "out of date." They're to the humanities what CS majors are to STEM

>> No.12643997

I'm convinced of the bible's importance to understanding literature but does it really have to be so fucking long? I haven't read it yet because I know it's going to be incredibly boring to get through.

>> No.12644008

Please tell me by most you mean 2 or 3

>> No.12644141

If that's really your concern then just read the New Testament. That plus Genesis, Exodus, a few key psalms and Isaiah are 98% of worthwhile biblical material, and I say this as a biblefag.

>> No.12644346

Can confirm
I’m a lit major and a majority of my peers liked YA so they went into English, find it mostly difficult and boring so they sparknotes everything

>> No.12644453

can confirm, lit majors are hell to work with. a lot of them just want to write fanfiction