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File: 52 KB, 500x300, st_augustine_quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12639811 No.12639811 [Reply] [Original]

Renounce the flesh. Temper your desire. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.12639828

Will that cure my aggressively receding hairline?

>> No.12639832 [DELETED] 

FUCK st augustine

>> No.12640415

Probably, since masturbation might speed up the receding

>> No.12640509

Search the warosu /lit/ archives for DHT

>> No.12640527

Augustine was high iq. Stop making him out to be a simple stoic.

>> No.12640531
File: 98 KB, 1829x381, 1549411295212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, here's what to do:

1. stop masturbating (completely if possible but excessively is good enough)
2. use castor oil / some kind of oil treatment everyday for at least a few hours. Hair NEEDS oil to stay alive.
3. biotin supplements, get the kind that has iron and if possible iodine
4. biotin/dht removing shampoo (used rarely. a few times a week at most. a nickel/quarter amount of shampoo mixed with a tablespoon of honey depending on how much hair you have)
5. a shot of apple cider vinegar every other day or so
6. intense imagining sessions where you put an image of yourself with a full head of hair into your mind's eye and concentrate on it for at least half a minute at a time. best if done after intense workout or some activity that expended lots of energy

There you go. No one should ever really go bald. No, genetics has nothing to do with it. Yes, balding can be reversed and the body's ability to heal itself just on its own is FAR beyond what most people imagine. Do not listen to the defeated and discouraged and DO NOT fuck yourself up with rogaine or any other treatment like that.

I know this works because it worked for me. It's up to you to accept it or not. Deciding that you will not go bald is the key here, if you don't decide this as a fact then all the rest will be in vain.

Also, you could go pic related's route as well.

>> No.12640567

>the wicked, though he reigns, is a slave
what did he mean by this part

>> No.12640579

Um, that's not everything he ever wrote anon

>> No.12641521

In giving free reign to the moment, you will always be agitated by temporal allures distracting you and pulling you hither and dither. You reign in as much as a boat drifting about the ocean does without a sail.
The good man, a slave, though confined, gains freedom by not being held captive to such whims.

>> No.12641544

Some people sacrifice every ounce of power to the devil, they fulfill their short sighted ego. He’s basically calling evil people NPC’s.