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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 148 KB, 500x375, 1287145892736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1263839 No.1263839 [Reply] [Original]

where is all this trolling about hipsters coming from? is this some kind of raid from /b/?? it seems unlikely but almost every front page thread has a hipster-based argument in it! the fuck is going on with /lit/?

>> No.1263841

hipsters trolling as usual

>> No.1263844

It's some spillage from a sci-fi thread I think.

Somebody posted disparaging remarks about sci-fi, some sci-fi fags got butthurt and went apeshit with hipster accusations.

Quite silly.

>> No.1263849


>somebody made disparaging remarks

Odd way to say that a bunch of trolls started shitting all over an inoffensive sci fi thread.

>> No.1263851



Your point being? ignore them then. What are you a child?

>> No.1263855


>Your point being?

That you're making shit up, of course. Don't act like all the trolls didn't rush the Sci-fi thread.

>> No.1263861


Dude what are you on about/ I said disparaging remarks, because that was my vantage point, I just made a simple observation. If you feel it was trolling fine. Why are you making deal about this???

Jesus let it go.

>> No.1263862


Don't start what you can't finish, asshole.

>> No.1263864
File: 87 KB, 469x428, Trollface_HD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watch out guys. Internet tough guy on the loose.

>> No.1263866

I'll take it from here guys, don't worry. Stand back

Fuck you.

>> No.1263868


Internet Tough guys threaten to beat people up. I'm just calling you out on your bullshit.

If you can't deal with it don't bullshit around, bro

>> No.1263869




lmao it's been one guy throwing out all these hipster accusations, that's pretty petty and pathetic, it transcends simple butthurt.

>> No.1263871



you are scum

>> No.1263873

the worst thing about this picture is that it leaves out that platypuses have double-pronged penises

>> No.1263872


>it's been one guy throwing out all these hipster accusations

Thought so, they all had a similar tone.

That guy must lead a pretty sad and empty life.

>> No.1263879


>> No.1263880


>That guy must lead a pretty sad and empty life.

As sad and empty as the people who troll genre fiction threads amirite

>> No.1263882

lol maybe you should alter it

>> No.1263885

>stop not liking things I like

>> No.1263887


>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.1263890

What did I say I didn't like?

>> No.1263897
File: 74 KB, 550x600, 1287145475087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is everyone having a bad day or something? so much rage

>> No.1263898


/lit/ all day erryday

rage, neckbeards, and hipsters

>> No.1263906

Ewww lasagna

>> No.1263916

is it lasagna in general that you have a problem with or just the featured lasagna? because the one in that picture looks like someone has vomited on a plate

>> No.1263933

Lasagna in general. Too much cheese.

>> No.1263962

You can make it without cheese.

>> No.1263967

don't you motherfuckers talk shit about lasagna

>> No.1263977

There was a thread on lit just a day ago about hipsters, any all the regulars here got super offended, it was funny(but also sad), but I think it finally fell off page 15.

Dammit, I just found something I wanted to add to that thread too. I want to start another hipster thread but all the e/lit/es are going to throw a shit storm if I do. what should I do....

>> No.1263984

don't do it
you're being watched

>> No.1263999

lit is full of hipsters. Just face it. Tao Lin comes to this board. If the king of all hipster fags comes to this board, there must be hundreds that frequent here daily.

>> No.1264014


Here's the archived hipster butthurt thread


Enjoy the asspain and realization that /lit/ is full of hipsters

>> No.1264029

Fuckin' A! Thank you!
I still think I should start a new hipster thread, though.

>> No.1264676


>Asspained mouthbreather's detected.

/lit/ is not full of hipster's. It does have a substantial amount of sci-fi and fantasy-fags who get what they deserve for polluting /lit/ with their childish genre trash, You're no better than twilightfags.

>> No.1264681


Trolls in 3.....2.......1......

>> No.1264690

>implying /lit/ isn't full of pretentious faggots trying to be edgy and d33p

>> No.1264692

>implying it is with all the Wheel of Time / fantasy / sci-fi threads

>> No.1264698


>> No.1264696


>implying anyone can get a sci-fi thread up without hipsters shitting all over it

>> No.1264701


>Implying that's a bad thing.

I support the hipster's in their fight against genre trash.

>> No.1264712

>implying you're not one of those cancerous hipsters

>> No.1264713


Yes, yes, enjoy sucking hipster dick. Those of us who are considerably less homosexual won't be getting our panties in a twist because someone likes something we don't like.

>> No.1264714



You're cool.

>> No.1264715

hipsters are literally worse than tripfags

you can't prove me wrong. even fagolee failed to be nearly as cancerous as the average anon hipster on /lit/

>> No.1264716

You're not.

>> No.1264724

A sci-fi/fantasy board should be petitioned.

This would solve so many problems. I mean technically genre isn't classified under literature, so it shouldn't even be here. This would solve this whole /lit/ war between genre and literature. it would be a glorious achievement.

>> No.1264746
File: 93 KB, 677x335, 1270800495441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I mean technically genre isn't classified under literature

>> No.1264748


The guy's right. Go to any bookstore and look at their classification.

>> No.1264751
File: 22 KB, 400x400, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1264765


That's obviously because bookstores are run by hipsters. Including the ig chains.

amirite genrefags?