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12637942 No.12637942 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Bukowski is Burroughs-über-lite.
Daily reminder that the true Exit Trilogy is The Nova Trilogy (The Soft Machine, The Ticket that Exploded, Nova Express).
Daily reminder that Burroughs is infinitely more complex than Joyce.
Daily reminder that real intellectual don’t read Plato; they read Burroughs.

>> No.12637973

this motherfucker really is swinging a sword.
shit I need to read this faggot asap
burroughs weeb desu confirmed?

>> No.12638045

that's clearly a western-style sword

>> No.12638067


>> No.12638090
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Burroughs power ranking
1. The Western Lands
2. Ghost of a Chance
3. Naked Lunch
4. Cities of The Red Night
5. Nova Express
6. Junkie
7. The Wild Boys
8. The Place of Dead Roads
9. My Education
10. The Cat Inside

>> No.12638144

I've read Junky, Naked Lunch, and the Soft Machine, excited to start the Ticket that Exploded. Something about his style gets me, like feeding some raw unprocessed form of literary genius into your veins

>> No.12638179

>raw unprocessed form of literary genius
Exactly. Burroughs’ style exposes and breaks down the control machine that is society, language, culture, and government.

>> No.12638182

I agree Burroughs is great. He and Bob Dylan were the best things to come out of the Beat generation. Kerouac and Ginsberg can go suck each other's dicks

>> No.12638189
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Burroughs best characters
1. Dr. Benway
2. Uranian Willy
3. Tio Mate
4. Kim Carsons
5. The Death Dwarf in Nova Express
6. Bill Gains
7. Old Ike
8. Captain Mission
9. Hans the german guy in Cities of The Red Night
10. Hassan I Sabah

>> No.12638207

Keruoac is good ftw his On the road is amazing.
Ginsberg is a good poet....writer idk

>> No.12638216
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Careful with what you say, son.

>> No.12638238

>Daily reminder that Bukowski is Burroughs-über-lite.
Agreed 100%. That Bukowski is seen as pleb-trash is nothing new that regular posters here would already be well aware of, the Bukowski spam must be a butthurt redditor who recently started to post here.

>Daily reminder that Burroughs is infinitely more complex than Joyce.
Also true

The Soft Machine belongs at least around 3,4 or 5 and is much better than Junkie and The Wild Boys

>> No.12638255

Soft Machine, Ticket and Nova Express are basically the same book anyway. It´s clear they come from the same manuscript. I would have included Exterminator.

>> No.12638279
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Daily reminder that NOBODY in the so-called "Beat movement" is worth reading.

>> No.12638357

But Burroughs was the Beats' black sheep.

>> No.12638836

hes his own movement. the beats crowded around him adopting what little they can.

>> No.12638848

imagine reading this faggot

>> No.12638867

kys my friend

>> No.12638919

bill b is actually pro frog.

>> No.12638939

Burroughs let his close friends rape his son as a child and he later killed himself. Burroughs murdered his wife so he could have more pederastic sex. All of Burroughs stories are schizogenic with pedophilic undertones.

>> No.12639129

>Soft Machine not #1

>> No.12639142

>Daily reminder that Bukowski is Burroughs-über-lite.
I do not agree. Bukoski isn't even in the same universe as Burroughs, further they have basically nothing in common except being different facets of what is sometimes considered the "quintessential American writer."

>> No.12639170


what does this mean anon

>> No.12639292

>pedophile literally (literally) just copies and pastes random lines from newspaper articles
pseuds: "whoa, this is really smart and complex!"
most notable people he influenced: Kurt Cobain (pseud), Frank Zappa (pseud), Alan Moore (pseud)

>Kerouac successfully combines the spontaneity of jazz and Joycean poetics in order to contemplate God and join Him in his infinite majesty and love
sinceres: "you know, maybe there's something to this guy"
most notable people he influenced: Pynchon (sincere), The Beatles (sinceres), Nobel Laureate who won the Nobel Prize for Literature Bob Dylan (occasionally sincere)

>> No.12639390


>> No.12639398

I would have agreed with you 100% but you insulted Alan Moore :(

>> No.12639564

Kerouac wrote the same novel every time he wrote something more or less.

>> No.12639658

Reminds me of the Dalék song that samples burroughs
Reading Naked Lunch right now after finishing Junky, and jesus christ is it really pushing the boundary of comprehensibility in its use of beat slang. Would be nearly incomprehensible if I hadn't read junky first. Amazing so far.
Ballard would like to have a word with you.
>Implying Pynchon doesn't suffer from the same literary problems as Burroughs

>> No.12639898

Daily reminder Burroughs was a hack and a murderer
Daily reminder Burroughs was a son of privilege
Daily reminder Burroughs was not gay
Daily reminder Burroughs regurgitated Rudyard Kipling filtered through Celine
Daily reminder Burroughs was the darling of spoiled, selfish Boomers who sacrificed their children's futures on the altar hip, edgy debauchery, just as he did

>> No.12639970

thats exactly why hes also a jingo imperialist

>> No.12639988

>Daily reminder that Bukowski is Burroughs-über-lite.
At least Bukowski wasn't a sodomite degenerate.

>> No.12640032

>this motherfucker really is swinging a sword.
>shit I need to read this faggot asap

Burroughs basically pissed on Islam in the Naked Lunch. the reason they didn't issue a fatwah against him was that he was also a known gun enthusiast, collected them, fired them on a daily basis, and Salman Rushdie was just an easier target.

>> No.12640047
File: 36 KB, 402x402, burroughs_smiling2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they claimed Burroughs as one of theirs, but Uncle Bill never played the bongos while wearing tea shades, a beret and a goatee beard. Burroughs was too out there for anyone to claim. he was his own literary movement.

>> No.12640056
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"SOME citizens is hung up on pre-puberty kicks. I don't dig it. I say any man can't wait until fourteen is no better than a degenerate."

>> No.12640407

correct response
ignore all beat threads

they're the hot topic of literary movements: cool for edge-lord teens, quickly outgrown, remembered with embarrassment, mocked by adults

>> No.12640434

>Burroughs was
>a hack
>a murderer
That's pretty cool though.
>a son of privilege
Debatable based on your definition of "privilege." These days the term could mean almost anything.
>was not gay
>regurgitated Rudyard Kipling filtered through Celine
A more learned reader would say Conrad through Gyson, but whatever.
>was the darling of spoiled, selfish Boomers who sacrificed their children's futures on the altar hip, edgy debauchery, just as he did
If that's boomer life I'm alright with it.