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/lit/ - Literature

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12637236 No.12637236 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck's wrong with this board? Can we even go back? All I see are
>What does /lit/ think of? threads
>/pol/ crossboarders
>/mu/, /tv/, /v/ crossboarders ranking artforms
>brainlet posting
>shelf threads
>stack threads
>What is the most /lit/ [insert daily ritual]
>Ironic christposting
>Social media screenshot bait posting
>E-celeb posting
>Amazon just purchased threads
>Books about X bait threads
>Political ideologue posting
>Name a better X, you can't threads

>> No.12637238

the /r9k/ faggots trying to fix their autism with a book need to leave.

>> No.12637243

>What the fuck's wrong with this board?
Americans. And people who act like them.

>> No.12637260

we need more threads about obscure poets like bukowski

>> No.12637278

I honestly agree that it would improve the board tremendously. Right now we have too many threads not worthwhile. Hopefully things will improve and we'll see lots of high quality Bukowski threads.

>> No.12637283

All I see are a bunch of commie faggots

>> No.12637286

Ban asexual posters, r9k fags, fetish posters and butterflyfags

>> No.12637287

Petersonites with a fixation on self-improvement and redpilling themselves.

>Check these books off the list to understand [x]
>How do I start with [x]
>[philosopher/author] on [recurring Peterson-esque topic]

Just as bad are the maladjusted misfits who've decided to make /lit/ their identity and ask for advice on how a depressed, lone wolf intellectual would act and dress and how to attract art hoes. They usually frequent shelf/stack threads because expressing your desired identity through purchases is easier and much less risky than discussing the books themselves.

Both these issues seem too ingrained in 4chan itself at this point.

>> No.12637294

Philosophy is a gateway drug to political theory, which then leads to people from /pol/ thinking they have any valuable insight into whatever is being talked about

>> No.12637305

>What the fuck's wrong with this board?
anglos, I'm not even joking. Favela mongrels are 1000x more insightful than ivy leagues students it's insane.
Any european poster should check out /lit/ at night, it's an intellectual wasteland

>> No.12637308
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Do not fret. Like the Roman emperor Diocletian, I will single-handedly return /lit/ to its former greatness.

>> No.12637316

Just another average day on /lit/
>niggers complaining about shitposting who do nothing to combat it but complain
Why don’t you make a decent thread every now and again and I’ll post in it

>> No.12637323

>What is the most /lit/ [insert daily ritual]
>/mu/, /tv/, /v/ crossboarders ranking artforms
>E-celeb posting
>brainlet posting
There's way less of all of these than there used to be

>> No.12637324

Pretty much all of those could be solved by making a philosophy board.
>but there is a philo-
Yeah, and they all got bullied out of using it. Humorous as that is they need their own space so as to stop people turning /lit/ into /r9k/ for people who think /r9k/ is below them.

>> No.12637342

Combining history and philosophy was a mistake. There's hardly a philosophy thread on /his/, it'd be like combining a Pokemon board with Shin Megami Tensei - the minority get drowned out and any threads they do have get overran with shitters who think they can contribute.

>> No.12637344

Remove /r9k/ posts.
Remove /pol/ posts.

Everything else is fine.

>> No.12637346

Why don't we make a comfy /lit/ lounge thread where anons can go to post about those things and leave other discussion for the rest of the threads?

>> No.12637357

What is "acting American"?

>> No.12637359

Ahem. What about the /leftypol/ issue?

>> No.12637370

i doubt that these people can be contained in one thread. one has to look at /pol/ or /leftypol/ that such a solution is ineffective.

>> No.12637379

What /leftypol/ issue?

>> No.12637382

all ideology threads are cancer

>> No.12637384

based!!!!! twiggy will you sign my copy of walden?

>> No.12637385

Well you should be aggressively telling phincelophy posters to fuck off back to /his/
This. OP is some newfaggot redditor who's grace period is wearing off and genuinely believes his shitposting thread will change some 8 years of board topics
>they got bullied out of using it
Too fucking bad. Shitpost their threads here to death and report for off topic. Its like two guys making "where do I start with D&G" threads every fucking day.
>why don't we make cancer generals
Because you're a fucking retard

>> No.12637386

Fucking these.

I don't think the majority of the people making those threads are really interested in answers, they just want attention.

>> No.12637390

It doesn’t exist. Euros like to use Americans to cope for their own intellectual insecurity becuase we’re seen as stupid. The truth is that the average American is no dumber than the average Euro. I’ve been to Europe too, and some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met were British, French, and German.

>> No.12637392
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>> No.12637398

no pewdiepie please

>> No.12637405

Hey, easy on the onions there.

>> No.12637408

>shitposting is wrong
>okay let's try to fight back by shitposting
Headbutt a fucking knife.

>> No.12637412

You can't fight it. All boards on 4chan are contaminated by retards. This site is dead since 2010

>> No.12637414

All posts should be written as essays, in MLA/APA format (Chicago-flags pls go) with an annotated bibliography at the foot of the post.

>> No.12637418

That doesn't even make sense you meme-spewing faggot
I didn't say shitposting is wrong, I said that OP is a fucking idiot and philosophy niggers should be quarantined with religion posters in /his/ which I have said since before that board was created. Go fuck yourself you autistic little marxist cocksucker.

>> No.12637419

I’ve not seen many outright lefty ideological threads. There are left leaning posters, sure, but nothing on par with the people that want to make this a sister board to /pol/.

>> No.12637421

The worst threads are the IQ ones.

>> No.12637425

Just imagine my face imagining your concept of "dumb".

Making 200 threads about a shitty author and believing it's funny.
I mean, it's so fucking obvious that 99% of those threads were made by Americans.

>> No.12637426

>I’ve not seen many outright lefty ideological threads.
Hahahahaha go and kill yourself you disgusting brain damaged tranny. You will never pass and everyone instinctively is disgusted by you

>> No.12637430

this has been discussed multiple times. banning mobile posting on slow boards would solve 75% of the problem. /pol/ reinvented 4chan in the public eye and flooded the board with traffic. hiro would never neuter that kind of clout. but we can at least redirect the traffic appropriately. half the faggots that spill into here literally run out of things to click on their phone and thus end up here and contribute for the sale of contributing. unironically trips would also fix a lot of the problem. no one likes this though.

>> No.12637431

What is your nationality?

>> No.12637435

you are a sad man

>> No.12637445

I've been using 4chan since 2006 and I don't even own a PC. Nobody cares you're a fat, mold-culture of a neckbeard with no friends and a "battlestation" that can barely cool itself through the nicotine build up.

>> No.12637450

Gee I wonder what kind of porn this "guy" nofaps to

>> No.12637454

>d-don't be mean online ;_;
>y-y-you're a sad m-man
So are you tranny lmaooooo

>> No.12637458

What about the Jews though guys? Literally satan

>> No.12637463

Do people still report posts on this website?
Or is it just that the moderation doesn't exist?

>> No.12637465

Typical pathological leftie. Can't think about anything but sex, a literal incel, defends trannies because he knows at least one sad sack beta who decided to become a fag and then take hormones after striking out with women. Just kill yourself man, its never getting better for you.

>> No.12637470

I'm not the one psychotically ranting about my favorite porn category to strangers on the internet.
Does the wife know?

>> No.12637472

Don't think janitors exist on this board either. Off-topic threads are regularly taken down within minutes on /a/.

>> No.12637476

>thread about fighting cancer
>retard throws a tantrum about trannies
Do you have any self-awareness?

>> No.12637479

Someone deleted my Marx thread the other day, so I think the moderation is just making it worse even though it exists.

>> No.12637485

based schizo poster! do you wake up in the middle of the night to piss, stub your toe o the coffee table and cry out in rage "GOD DAMN TRANNY DISCORD!"?

>> No.12637488

>all this resentment
I’m mobile posting right now mostly because im at my job where i work to support my wife and so we can go out drinking with friends on the weekend, but the fact that you equate PCs with neckbeards just shows your own holes you inhabit . I just know that when I’m on my laptop I am severely less likely to spout off about shit I dont know about just because i am restricted. Mobile culture IS clicking culture, and clicking culture is reactionary, low effort, etc. This is not a a wild claim. You’re just a lazy fuck and I highly suspect your reaction is in turn a perfect example of what I’m talking about.

>> No.12637496

Well, prove me wrong.

The vast majority of “leftist” threads I’ve seen are rec threads for leftist literature. That’s equally valid as threads that ask for recs for fascist literature. The problem is some people that use this place as a soapbox for ideologies, when they can take that elsewhere. There’s far more of that on the Right end of the political spectrum happening here.

>> No.12637502

>not worthwhile. Hopefully things will improve and we'll see lots of high quality Bukowski threads.
GTFO spammer

>> No.12637510

Acting in a non-white race mixed manner

>> No.12637519

biggest problem with /lit/ is unfixable

>20 year old college student newly inducted to literature who has always liked to read arrives
>sets out to read meme titles
>after a year or two finishes them
>starts to create his own interests and genre tastes which are either uninteresting to or heretical to /lit/ memethink
>starts threads on Thomas Hardy or Stanislaw Lem that get no replies
>proceeds to shitpost for a few months and then quits

>> No.12637529

This doesn’t just apply to /lit/, but the site as a whole:

When will they make a new site wide rule banning any OP post that doesn’t have a related image to it’s text? That alone would stop so many low quality threads being made.

>> No.12637535

Imagine being this obsessed with a country that you don’t even live in.

>> No.12637541

>but nothing on par with the people that want to make this a sister board to /pol/.
Eh, fuck off. /lit/ is hardly, hardly the worst example of this. If you don't like it, just leave, but it's not going to get better until this site changes overall, or tolerance becomes less popular in culture, so there's less of a perceived need to react against it.

I'm not expressing approval of this trend, but your expectations are simply not realistic.

>> No.12637544

I think I've seen this post a hundred times, more or less

>> No.12637549
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>/pol/ represents tolerance in society

>> No.12637556

It's not that hard to imagine. /pol/ is still obsessed over Sweden, Germany, and Canada. Now, the problem with Yuros obsessed with American is much, much worse, but it's not totally unrelated.
I've seen the stereotypical obsessed Yuropean post a million times as well.

>> No.12637564

No, dumbass. I didn't even consider that I might have to spell that out, but it's the tolerance in society which /pol/ is largely reacting against, among other things. You can disapprove or laugh at /pol/ or whatever, but that's undeniably the case, and I should not have had to explain that.

>> No.12637581

They’d maybe be more realistic if the mods did their fucking jobs.

I understand that this kind of thinking needs a containment space somewhere, but that’s what /pol/ is for.

>> No.12637582

Why do you think that pointing out that a country is utter shit corresponds to obsession? You Americans do that all the time. Niggers, Jews, Arabs, Middle East, Mexico, China. Isn't that obsession too? You dislike others, others dislike you. As simple as that.

>> No.12637584

folks tired of this place should look at the /lit/ over at 8 channel. its a fairly dead board, so you can basically start /lit/ anew

>> No.12637589

its 4chan. Anyone who looks for intellectual purity in this fuck pile is dumber than the dumbest /r9k/ "books for this feel" poster.

Trying to "fix" this shit is like trying to fist fight a fart. Just take a deep breath and you'll get used to the smell eventually, you'll see through it.

>> No.12637598
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You believe that /pol/ is justified in reaction, but nothing progessive has happened. We're much less progressive than even a few decades ago. The idea that /pol/ is justifiably reacting to some rainbow children fantasy is laughably naive. It's the social analysis of someone who doesn't look at society or history. Do you believe that the Weimar Republic represented social progress which the Nazis were justifiably reacting to as well?
I'd bet that you do.

>> No.12637609

>implying that the typical “Ameribros are so dumb” post is any better or different than the average “Yuros are obsessed post”
My point is that there’s nothing inherently different (speaking of intelligence of course) between a Euro and an American. The average IQ of America is 98 and the average iq of Europe (with all individual country averages averaged) is around 98. I’m sick and tired of this meme that Americans are dumb just for being born in America.

I’d send an image of the average IQs for European countries with this post, but my phone is fucked right now. If you look up “European average IQ map” you’ll find some good examples.

>> No.12637611

Americans are not much worse than other countries in this regard, at least not on /pol.
>Isn't that obsession too?
Yes, actually. If you complained /pol/ was simply too racist, I would agree with you as well.
>You dislike others, others dislike you.
It's a problem that's a proportionate as it occurs. Also, this was basically what I said, meaning you therefore have less of a reason to complain about it.

>> No.12637613

its a balancing act between finding people to do it for free, and lazyness of mods

>> No.12637622

No, that's not what mods are for. If there is something intolerably racist about certain threads here, those should be reported, but most of the /pol/-tier discussion is still on-topic or fair game. If you don't want to see threads which you disagree with, even though entirely consistent with the rules of the board, try reddit.

>> No.12637631

>if you don't like how I'm acting, go somewhere else
Fuck off

>> No.12637643

>You believe that /pol/ is justified in reaction,
I didn't say or imply that at all. It's simply cause and effect, and as long as the cause exists, so will the effect. I do not see how I could have made myself more indifferent.

It's like if I complained about capeshit on /tv/. I wish people would ignore that garbage, I hate seeing discussions about it, and I think people here should be better than that, but I accept that people are going to talk about it, and they are entitled to do so according to the rules of the board. Other boards could be even worse in this regard: /v/ could be discussing mobile games, and /lit/ could be discussing modern romance or fantasy novels, which they make that and this board much worse, than they are now, and I could complain about it, but it's not something that can or should be corrected by mods.

>> No.12637647
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>it has to be justifiable to be considered a reaction
I disagree with /pol/ on 99% of things but if you don't think censorship and overly egalitarian tolerance are actual problems you're living under a rock
Americans are way less educated than Europeans. this is just a fact. high IQ doesn't mean you're educated.

>> No.12637651

>>implying that the typical “Ameribros are so dumb” post is any better or different than the average “Yuros are obsessed post”
No, I was not implying that.
It's like if I was so triggered by the anti-American comments that I wanted it banned. However much I dislike it, I know that will never, ever change.

>> No.12637655

you're being childish. /v/ and /g/ have it way worse than /lit/ with /pol/ posters. /pol/ is actually reasonable behaved here.

>> No.12637662

If you understand that most of the shit /pol/ has a victim complex about is completely divorced from reality, then you should also understand the cause is different from what you said it was (and what they say it is). It has nothing to do with tolerance. Just like there wasn't a Jewish conspiracy when the Nazis exterminated millions of Jews, nearly every grievance /pol/ has is based on lies and distortions tailor-made to whip up Jingoist sentiment.

>> No.12637666
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>All these assholes arguing about why /lit/s bad instead of just making good threads because they're incapable of doing so

>> No.12637669
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>> No.12637677

This doesn't reflect the fact that as social justice has become more popular in society and more mainstream, /pol/'s influence has immensely increased.

If the popularity of Nazism as proportional to the prominence of Jewry in Germany, this would be a valid comparison, but that is not the case. Even if Jewry was equivalent to social justice for /pol/, or 4chan at large, that would not make it a valid basis for censorship.

There are plenty of communities that ideologically censor people, but this place isn't one of them, and however much you or lament it, or complain about it, it will not change, and you are not producing valid arguments for why it should be removed, especially when there are communities out there that will suit you.

>> No.12637683

Threads of the format
>books for [blogpost or intentionally trolling non-lit statement]?
should be banned

>> No.12637689

It really is the perfect meme

I think we can confidently say that memeism peaked with the creation of this image. There is a distinct pre-camera shrek and post-camera shrek period.

>> No.12637696

>This doesn't reflect the fact that as social justice has become more popular in society and more mainstream, /pol/'s influence has immensely increased.
Correlation doesn't imply causation.

>If the popularity of Nazism as proportional to the prominence of Jewry in Germany, this would be a valid comparison, but that is not the case. Even if Jewry was equivalent to social justice for /pol/, or 4chan at large, that would not make it a valid basis for censorship.
No it wasn't. Jews were always a comparatively small minority in Germany, it correlated to a rise in antisemitism, not in any fact about Jews.
>There are plenty of communities that ideologically censor people, but this place isn't one of them, and however much you or lament it, or complain about it, it will not change, and you are not producing valid arguments for why it should be removed, especially when there are communities out there that will suit you.
My posts get deleted all the time on ideological grounds, so that's also a lie. The censorship here is of the left, because that's how moderation skews. I won't leave, though. If you don't like it, tough shit. You can leave.

>> No.12637711

Reports work, especially if it's nsfw or dramatically off-topic. It's the old way of sage report ignore and there are Jannies yet. Off-topic has to be so with due reference to the sticky.

>> No.12637731

>if you dont like what I'm doing, and its not against the rules, I should still be banned
Fuck off

>> No.12637749

You obviously haven't even read the rules if you think spamming /pol/ garbage isn't against the rules.

>> No.12637756

Saying blacks have a low IQ isnt racist lil guy, go ahead and just ruminate on things before you type, ok?

>> No.12637773

Not him but do you understand the difference between mean and median averages, statistically speaking?

>> No.12637776

>Correlation doesn't imply causation.
True, but until a better explanation arises for the increased prominence of /pol/, that's a good explanation of any. It's like if I somebody asked why there were so many threads on the election of a certain country, and the answer was given that the election was occurring at that time, and that was contradicted by saying correlation doesn't imply causation, that contradiction in and of itself would be no less valid than yours.

Reactionaryism, regardless of whether it is right or wrong, is explained either by a crisis or a upturn in progressiveness. In the case of Nazi Germany, the former was the cause, and in the case of 4chan being taken over by edgy reactionaries, it's the latter cause.
>it correlated to a rise in antisemitism, not in any fact about Jews.
That was entirely part of my point. I don't see what was the object in repeating part of exactly what I said. I was explaining that there is a possible and apparent causes to the reaction against social justice on /pol/ and 4chan, which was its increased prominence, while that is not the explanation for the rise of fascism in Germany, (and you only explained the means, not the ultimate cause, which I think is fundamentally different in both cases), which is why your comparison fails.

Again, even if the rise of Nazism in Germany and rise of edgy reactionaryism on 4chan were parallel, that's not a valid reason for censorship, however wrong or rightly objectionable it might be.
>My posts get deleted all the time on ideological grounds, so that's also a lie.
Irrelevant straw man strictly as far this particular discussion is concerned. I would have to see what sort of posts you make and why they are deleted. If they are done so purely on ideological grounds, then I can not approve of their removal. If you started initially complaining about the ideological bias in moderation, I would have been more sympathetic to your position, but you did not do that, and it seems like shifting on your part.
>I won't leave, though. If you don't like it, tough shit. You can leave.
Bizarrely irrelevant statement. It's not as if I complained about people making the complaint about /pol/, and had I done that, or suggested that's how this board would be improved, making such a statement would be comparable to my suggestion that you leave, but I did not. I am merely explaining that the increase prominence of /pol/ thread is explainable by current trends in culture, that, barring some larger cultural change, this will not change here, and that the suggestion as made here that >>12637344 of removing them is wrong, and to avoid seeing it, for better or worse, you must leave, because it will likely not go away, and it's not proper to be censored through moderation.

Again, if I said anti-/pol/ posts should be removed, the suggestion I should leave would valid, but I did not make that suggestion.

>> No.12637782

i think you're a cool guy, guy

>> No.12637788

>Hur dur not all of them
Stfu retard when someone generalizes groups they dont mean that the small percentage of people don't exist just means they're the minority, and ho boy are smart blacks a minority.

>> No.12637789

What would you replace it with?
>hurrr why are talking about literature on /lit/ ugh ughh

>> No.12637803

the fuck is wrong with this guy?

>> No.12637808

No one is talking about IQ (biggest meme ever) and no one is suggesting that Americans are stupid. The point here is that all the shit on 4chan comes from Americans. The memes, the dumb and retarded and unfunny memes, the flooding and the spamming, the shit-quality threads, the lazy irony, the degenerate lewd content, the verbal violence, the racist meanness: all of this comes from Americans, because it's always the American individual that compulsively uses the internet to attack others, to mock, to ruin things. It's the American individual that laughs for poor-quality jokes and shabby irony. Every time I had the chance to participate in a thread about lesser known European authors (threads where you Americans never, literally never set foot) it was a paradise: only kind and educated people discussing things with honesty, accepting and giving recommendations, making jokes but in a peaceful atmosphere. And, no, I'm not describing reddit (inb4), I'm talking about /lit/. On the contrary, every thread about English or American authors is always full of shit, full of shit in the most retarded and memetic and annoying way. That's it.

>> No.12637809
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>> No.12637814
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I've basically stopped reporting posts ever since I got a fucking three-day ban for "abusing the report function", despite the fact that the thread I reported also wound up getting deleted. Fuck the mods, they're shit and they've always been shit.

>> No.12637819

he really likes bukowski and is upset his boardmates don't share his enthusiasm

>> No.12637822

Very reactive over the internet, you would imagine bot seeing the other person would make these over reactive people less present, but maybe a lack of a human face makes him think hes debating some automated machine, in where he is the correct one no matter what.

Schizoid posting finished.

>> No.12637842
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All right, fuckers, I've got a plan to fix /lit/. Pic very much related: my plan essentially involves this board acting a lot more like /a/.

I don't know how many of you guys regularly go to /a/, but it's one of the most elitist, mean-spirited boards on this site. They have zero tolerance for newfags and they do not believe in coddling or spoonfeeding people who just show up asking about shit. They will bully and harass newfags until they shut up and lurk more.

This is what we need to do to the /r9k/ posters. We need to harass and bully them until they either shut up and lurk, or leave and go kill themselves. We need to become as elitist as we pretend we are.

>> No.12637858
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>> No.12637862

Fucking terrible idea
/a/ sucks ass

>> No.12637874

Oh noes. Did the nigger rebbitor get triggered by the 4chinz meanies?

Typical onions drinking yurocuck. You have to go back.

>> No.12637878

The problem is newfags coming in thinking that everyone of the board is a expert of their boards respective hobby, things kinda like how the news thinks 4chan is a "super elite hacking site that you should never get on!" kind of thing, yea a like a few years ago it was a tiny bit more literary focused, but its really and honestly not too different.

>> No.12637881

Imagine if this was the culmination of "western civilization"

>> No.12637896

this thread has become the very thing it swore to destroy

>> No.12637900

the mods are shit. Off-topic threads thinly veiled as related to literature should get deleted.

there should be a /yootoober/ board and a /self-help/ board to act as containment for off topic bullshit.

too many people have come here, especially post 2016, who really have fuck all interest in literature......and they're generally tolerated and possibly even in the majority now.

we have 300+ replies to threads about youtuber gossip and genuine threads about literature die.

its beyond saving.

>> No.12637910


>> No.12637916

/a/ is much better than /lit/ at staying on topic, we could learn lessons from them.

>> No.12637920

That's an argument you can make in those threads, retard. If that's not good enough, and you need to have mods remove it because of how abhorrent, intolerant, racist, problematic, triggering, etc. it is, than, seriously, fuck off to reddit. Ineptly complaining about /pol/ isn't necessarily worse than /pol/, but it sure as fuck doesn't do shit or make any place better.

>> No.12637927

>Oh noes. Did the nigger rebbitor get triggered by the 4chinz meanies?
Valid satire.
>Typical onions drinking yurocuck.
Ruins it. Try to be less cliche.

>> No.12637937

>communist yuropoor slurps bull slime out of his wife nightly
>complains about others acting cliche

>> No.12637950

Bullshit, I’ve seen good threads disappear quick. I have a life so I can’t be the one to keep bumping them.

>> No.12637958

jfc what a horrid place to be, your mind

>> No.12637980

And that is annoying, but "so[i]," "cuck," have long ago been as obnoxious as "SJW," which you rarely see on /pol/ anymore. Using reddit as an insult is still valid, because the quality of being a intellectual hugbox that is reddit, (or rather, individual or ideologically similar subreddits, which is really where most people spend their time), is what some people are clamoring for, even if they don't know.

>> No.12637986

Oui. Celui là va dans ma compilation de cringe.

>> No.12637995

the only way to fix /lit/, and this also goes for the rest of 4chan, and even goes for the rest of the internet too, maybe even real life but i wouldn't know much about that, is to start acting unpredictably. break your trends. everything on this board is just one giant ritual, the exact same threads and posts and templates and frogs and wojaks being posted over and over again. its the same song and dance, day after day, including these fucking meta threads complaining about how shit the board is. IT'S THE SAME THING EVERY TIME, ON EVERY SINGLE BOARD. LITERAL REPETITION. just try and stop. i mean it, next time you go to make a post or a thread or post a picture, take a second and think "am i being original?" put down the pepes for a second. does he really properly convey the point you're trying to get across? ok maybe you don't have a gf and that makes you sad, but do you really need to share it with everyone? it's been done before. it's always been done before. just try creating original thought. just make an attempt. please just make an attempt.

>> No.12637997

Wait, what's wrong with Asexuals?

>> No.12638013

we need a containment thread for the "better myself"/r9k/ scum--/self-help general/ or something

>> No.12638026
File: 66 KB, 700x700, Snapchat-1735968306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12638027

This. Making one thread a day whinnying about the state of the board is just part of the problem
also this kind of threads encourage the shitposters and the /pol/posters because they realize they're even more annoying than what they previously imagine, which it's their ultimate goal

>> No.12638030


Smart whites are a minority as well, moron.

>> No.12638042

Ban Americans. Ban /pol/ cross-posters. It's a start.

>> No.12638050

If I had an original or creative bone in my body I wouldn’t be here in the first place tho

>> No.12638051


>> No.12638087

>muh pawl
>muh Americans
The absolute state of the People's Republic of Europistan.

>> No.12638092

mods allowed the current /lit/ culture to develop and take hold by not deleting low quality and off-topic content.

I post one picture of a naked black man and I get banned within like 20 minutes... but completely off topic threads are tolerated and even encouraged.

reddit is better

>> No.12638102

>literal cuckposting redditor
nicely b8d

>> No.12638112

Based oregano

>> No.12638116

I'm not a Redditor. I'm just an average European male with biologically programmed urges.

>> No.12638118


Case in point.

>> No.12638125

I honestly can't tell whether it's children who post here or if adults are somehow losing 10 IQ every year.

>> No.12638130

See >>12638118

>> No.12638283

These responses are case in point of what's wrong with /pol/ crossboarders on /lit/. You guys need to try to fit in a little better. If there are more white than black geniuses, there must be more idiot whites also to account for the mean average difference between the two groups. It's likely that blacks have a higher median average iq if whites have a vastly larger sum of geniuses. I believe it today.

>> No.12638339

Here’s a technical solution - a combination of /r9k/‘s “only unique posts" and a minimum character limit. Force people to actually put some thought into their posts. I don't care if it drives away 90% of the traffic so long as the 10% that remains is actually conducive to discussion.

>> No.12638446

That's not how it works you stupid fuck.

>> No.12638455

There is only one rule we need, all non book centered threads are deleted and the OP is banned forever.

>> No.12638462

Meta threads go on /qa/ niggerfaggot

>> No.12638466

>i selectively ignore the daily marx threads
Kill yourself fagaloon

>> No.12638478

ITT: asshurt leftists want /lit/ to be their circlejerk safe space
You're all cancer
Discuss books or fuck off

>> No.12638484

Swallow your own medicine, cockmongler

>> No.12638502

It's just math bud

>> No.12638511

I'm sorry I must have stuttered
This is a BOOK board

>> No.12638620

Ban /pol/ cross posters
>YouTube/e-celeb threads/social media shit
>thinly veiled political bait that had nothing to do with literature
Comes from them

Also, ban all /r9k/ cross posters, because all the
>self help shit
>random whining about women that had nothing to do with literature
Also comes from them

>> No.12638633

No, it was just hard to understand you between all the cum gargling and bootlicking.
I haven't seen a single "leftist circlejerk safe space" thread.
All I see is you, here, complaining about leftists instead of talking about books.

>> No.12638658


>> No.12638688

spotted the critical theory fag

>> No.12638699

>>Ironic christposting
the christfags are unironic. Otherwise I'd agree, but to reform the board we'd first have to get people on /lit/ to actually read books.
iirc /co/ has a weekly fileshare thread. I wish we had something like that. we should organize to improve the online piracy offerings for our fellows too poorfag to buyfag. there are anons RIGHT NOW who have obscure material that's nowhere online and they aren't scanning that shit in for us.
Just permaban frogposters by droning a grenade to their house.
we have that already, write what's on your mind isn't about writing anything other than misplaced /r9k/ posts. actual writefags have no forum on /lit/.

>> No.12638717

/a/ actually has mods, who are massive homosexuals. nu/a/ is a shitshow and if you think otherwise you've been here less than two years. it died when they started allowing naruto threads back on. Now /a/ is indistinguishable from /c/.
>Ban /pol/ cross posters
Also this, if I want /pol/ I'll go to /pol/.

>> No.12638751

This thread was moved to >>>/qa/2615192