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12636261 No.12636261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ pseuds BTFO

>> No.12636269

A brailet says a retarded thing in a quotable way.

>> No.12636272

I thought his name was henry lebowski?

>> No.12636634

The op says a gay thing in a gay way.

>> No.12636664
File: 7 KB, 250x202, cataghast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low iq drunk says stupid thing in stupid way and is quoted by stupid people

>> No.12636668

artists say whatever they want however they want or else they wouldnt be artists

>> No.12636669

Who's Bukowski?

>> No.12636674

>le art can be anything meme
Nah get fucked you're even more of a brainlet than OP

>> No.12636685

Is Niagara Falls art?

>> No.12636693

No its a waterfall

>> No.12636699

t. OP

>> No.12636704

>he thinks iq is real
yikes! how low is your iq?

>> No.12636716

>art must be simple xddddd
This is exactly what's wrong with modern art.

>> No.12636731

lmao u mad as hell and im not that's all you need to know to know who's right here

>> No.12636739
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>> No.12636744

That and it represents nothing at all and has no objective beauty

>> No.12636749

What if I build a waterfall in my back yard by redirecting a stream, is that art?

Are birds decorating their nests doing art?

>> No.12636750

define "hard thing" and "simple way"

>> No.12636754

Bukowski btfo

>> No.12636755

objectively wrong, but I highly doubt you know anything about art anyway

>> No.12636763

No. Why are you asking stupid questions? Building a beautiful fountain out of marble carved by hand is art. Waterfalls are not art anymore than a mountain or a pond is art.

>> No.12636768

Charles Bukowski BTFO

>> No.12636771

Enlighten me modern art student so I can laugh at you

>> No.12636784

daily reminder that both ideas and art are literally the spookiest of spooks

>> No.12636788

I can't see the difference between purposefully redirecting a stream and sculpting a tree. Could you explain what makes art distinct from other activities and how you would restrict the category of art?

>> No.12636809
File: 1.18 MB, 2816x2112, DSCF0442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>its a spectrum therefore i cant tell what is art and what isnt
I was completely expecting you to come out with this logical fallacy and here it is
Redirecting a stream isnt art its plumbing
I dont know what you mean by sculpting a tree, what does that mean?
I'll use my example which is closer to yours. Pic related is art.
If you cant tell the difference thats your problem not mine.

>> No.12636818

I'm merely trying to learn what art is, and I'd love to have your help. You're merely providing examples of art, but I'd love to know what art IS

>> No.12636821

based socrates poster

>> No.12636825


Dictionary result for art


Learn to pronounce



the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.

>> No.12636837

I'd say that using human ingenuity to redirect a river through your garden falls under art with that definition, does it not?

>> No.12636849

How does redirecting a stream involve creating emotional power or beauty you fucking troglodyte?

>> No.12636904

God, who’d wanna be such an asshole?

>> No.12636934

If you re-direct a river into a town it would have emotional power. Like an inland tsunami. Awe inspiring. Goethe would call that art.

>> No.12636941

I have a small garden, and working on it to make it beautiful really gives me a feeling similar to composing a poem or singing. Think of it similarly as interior decorating - it is the composition of a space.

In a similar way, one can admire the composition of a natural scene. I don't think that human intent is required for creating something that can be considered art. It a sculptor brings a stone to his studio, and decides that the way nature has shaped the rock cannot be improved upon, then why is she wrong? When did the rock become art?

Reactionary theories of art don't have to be bad or poor, but simply saying that the questions I'm asking are ridiculous is presuming a framework which ceased to exist in the 20th century. If you want to rebuild them, go ahead, but you can't just pretend that they never went away.

>> No.12636991

What makes something beautiful, objectively? You seem to know so please tell me, because I am under the impression that beauty has no objective form.

>> No.12637062


>> No.12637104

I dont give a shit about your small garden and how it makes you feel like singing faggot.
We're using your example of redirecting a stream from a waterfall, stop moving the goalposts.
>I don't think that human intent is required
Then you are wrong by the definition I provided courtesy of the dictionary. I dont care what you "think" art is.

>If a sculptor vrings a stone to his studio, and decides that the way nature has shaped the rock cannot be improved upon, then why is she wrong?
Of course its a she LMAO
She's objectively wrong by any traditional conception of what art is. A rock is a rock.

>What makes something beautiful, objectively? You seem to know so please tell me, because I am under the impression that beauty has no objective form.
Of course you do because you're a cultural marxist and you cant imagine anything having inherent value.


a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.

"I was struck by her beauty"

"We hold that all the loveliness of this world comes by communion in Ideal-Form. All shapelessness whose kind admits of pattern and form, as long as it remains outside of Reason and Idea, is ugly from that very isolation from the Divine-Thought. And this is the Absolute Ugly: an ugly thing is something that has not been entirely mastered by pattern, that is by Reason, the Matter not yielding at all points and in all respects to Ideal-Form. But where the Ideal-Form has entered, it has grouped and coordinated what from a diversity of parts was to become a unity: it has rallied confusion into co-operation: it has made the sum one harmonious coherence: for the Idea is a unity and what it moulds must come into unity as far as multiplicity may." Plotinus, 22 [EnneadI, 6])

>> No.12637141

Stoped reading there

>> No.12637161

Because you have low IQ

>> No.12637169


>> No.12637189

Is this some sort of raid? 7 Bukowski threads on the first page.

>> No.12637195

it's just one sperg. Sad isn't it?

>> No.12637208

How do you reconcile the theory of eternal forms with the non-existent borders between magic and art in pre-agricultural societies?