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12635463 No.12635463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books on this?

>> No.12635474

>women are this retarded enough to fall for catfishing

>> No.12635480

Atomised, Michel Houellebecq

>> No.12635483

What's the success rate on these catfishes? Sure, I've gotten messages like this as an okay dude, and if I splice them together you guys would probably think I'm doing really well.

>> No.12635487

have you read the bio, you fucking spastic
even one success is embarrassing

>> No.12635490

lol another interesting thing to do is switch your sexuality on tinder to gay and just watch the messages fly in
so many thirsty gay dues xd

>> No.12635492
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>My Anthem: Young Love

>> No.12635497

>mfw all those accounts are dudes also catfishing

>> No.12635508

Well, his bio reads if it's ironic + you don't see the number that swiped away. Pretty sure if you put a attractive women and search for men you'll get similar results.

>> No.12635988

My Twisted World

>> No.12635995

>implying if a hot girl did this loads of guys wouldn't message as well

>> No.12636008

>Pretty sure if you put a attractive women and search for men you'll get similar results.
>implying if a hot girl did this loads of guys wouldn't message as well

this is true but men don't even read the bio so it's irrelevant

>> No.12636010

men read the bio after they get a match

>> No.12636012

A Hero of Our Time

>> No.12636016

who the fuck said men wouldn't do the same? you're missing the point

>> No.12636021

what is the point exactly? people are desperate to fuck hot people?

>> No.12636984

anything redpill. it's shitty pop-psychology that isn't correct but makes you act in a way that gets u laid.

focus on looks, they matter.
don't be needy. be very much the opposite.
if a woman makes u mad, ignore her.
act as if the woman is weak and needs your "strong male presence" or whatever.
in an argument, there's no need to change the way she thinks, just the way she feels.

hope you enjoyed this guide pls subscribe

>> No.12637095

That's bs. All you need to do in order to get laid is to actually develop a personality. Women aren't into cute guys who can't hold a conversation or major assholes with fragile masculinity trying to project a "strong male presence".

t. engaged to a nerdy guy

>> No.12637110
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anonette, I am not against you. I have grown past that phase too. but I know for a fact that manipulative behaviour under very attractive looks works

>> No.12637237
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Bros I just wanna fall in love

>> No.12637245

The book doesnt even have anything to do with the picture.

>> No.12637254

Bros I just want a wise, kind, intelligent woman who shares my cultural and moral values. That's all

oh fuggg, that's my mom

>> No.12637256

Every normal person understand that personality counts a lot in the dating scene, but its no denying fact that looks also play in a same role since they even create a halo affect on your other qualities.

>> No.12637259

post feet whore

>> No.12637261

you're probably pretty ugly

>> No.12637340

just go to church/charitable events with a tight community. Eventually you will be approached by women your age to make conversation or set up by grandmas that you volunteer with.

t. 6/10 reasonably fit guy

>> No.12637492

is it about physics?

>> No.12637500

>Acting like every r9k spastic that posts the image in OP wouldn't do the exact same if they matched with a 10/10 woman
It's fun playing pretend

>> No.12637512

That I think is the biggest irony of all this shitting on women. So many people doing it would fall over when faced with a woman that satisfied their expectations.

>> No.12637547

women are supposed to be better than men.
men are libidinal animals who act on impulse. women are the more level-headed, more intuitive counterpart. the problem is women acting like men. this is terrible. women shouldn't act like men because men are terrible!

>> No.12637602

No, more to do with biology, some philosophy and other social problems.
The book tackels more the preception of getting old and the feeling of wanting to live life but you cant because your body is already worn out. It also talks about the "sexual liberation", its affects in society and how it was never really a "liberation" in any sense. How hippies spawned and the shit they did to the next generations which resulted in the birth of the two brothers and their distinct lifes. The reflections that the materialist/capitalist society that we live in was inevitable and also the death of religion which result in further alienation and decadence of our society.
The plot is also really good, had a lot of good punches in it. Houellebecq shows an intense knowledge in the science fields and their current states.

>> No.12637603

You actually believe this?
What a fucking joke.

>> No.12637636
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>> No.12637777

>men are libidinal animals who act on impulse.
Tell me of a living being that doesnt act on impulse.

>> No.12637783

Never thought I’d see the day...a gimmick/avi poster I actually like

>> No.12638394
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> implying the bio in the picture is the same bio the women are replying to

> being this gullible

>> No.12638613

Sex and Character

>> No.12639730
File: 58 KB, 500x428, neutral.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"How am I able to post a bait picture that has literally nothing to literature on a literature board just to stir shit up? I know, I'll add "Books on this?" in the OP!"

>> No.12640072

we would, but we also wouldn't go around claiming "it's about your personality bro"
we know it's about LOOKS and do not pretend otherwise

>> No.12640080

The crazy thing is that men actually care less about looks than women