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12633168 No.12633168 [Reply] [Original]

>pic unrelated

>> No.12633211

Pretty good. It's pretty short but I wrote it for fun so I don't mind. It is 108 pages and 67 thousand words. I am redrafting chapter 4 of 12 today and am liking it a lot so far. I look forward to recording it, I plan to release it as a sort of serialized creepy pasta.

>> No.12633309
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what even is the point? Why try writing and try publishing your stuff when nobody really even gives a damn? Books are a woman's territory nowadays anyway. Books are dead. I'm tired of the idea of constantly finding NEW and INTERESTING ways of appealing to the masses just so I can do the one and only thing I actually care about without the need to wageslave the half of my life away in a retarded job that kills any creativity that's left in me. I don't want to be famous. I don't want to suck cocks of critics or other writers. I want to write and I do so YET NOBODY CARES but why should they?? And I HATE MYSELF for getting stuck at this mental state, fuming like some fucking toddler, throwing a tantrum, it's PATHETIC. FIVE BOOKS. ONE PUBLISHED to no critical acclaim or recognition. JUST
And that state of mind is a barren place... where I'm unable to create because I see no better future for myself and my passion. I say to myself "abandon all ambition, be free" but this world is killing me. I just want to get somewhere, I want to take the next step, I feel stuck stuck stuck
OH GOD everything is futile, there is only oblivion
hold me HOLD ME

>> No.12633312


>> No.12633321
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I know how you feel anon. Keep trying. The only alternative is giving up.

>> No.12633331

What's the subject of these books? Maybe the publishers didn't find them appealing or thought there were plenty of other books like yours? Tell me more about your works, anon.

>> No.12633333

how old are you anon? how long did you spend on each book?

>> No.12633344

The reward comes in the work, anon.

>> No.12633345

It's coming along well, but there are times I find my themes lost in the swirl of new characters and plot advances. I also feel like I'm emptying the character of my protagonist in order to make room for new locations and devices, which is something I abhor in other authors and it's disappointing me

>> No.12633346

As a general rule the publisher simply needs to take an interest. Whether risky or far too common, the material simply needs to make the reader think 'I would like to read this'. It is always about making it land in the right hands. It is true of any form of entertainment. Different networks are constantly buying each others shows that the initial studio refuses to greenlight for whatever reason and that other network finds great success with it. Take Adventure time for instance.

>> No.12633387

thanks buddy. just in a bad place right now.
first one was pure trash, wrote it when I was 17.., then there's a coming-of-age trilogy (book 1 & 2 done, 3 working on) about genY, then a sort of "fairy tale-realistic" story, takes place in today's world but with fairy tale tropes (supposed to be charming and light-hearted story, really thought this one was gonna do it for me), and then a novel about a fucking egomaniac that troughout the story justifies beating up a physically handicapped person and does so in the end
24, started when I was 17. Depends, sometimes 2 years, sometimes only half a year.

>> No.12633396

I used to have this mindset. Lost it somewhere along the way. Just want it back and actually enjoy writing instead of getting frustrated with the lack of succes

>> No.12633432
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Coming along pretty well, looks like I've taken a huge leap forward compared to some months ago. People tell me my themes have already been thoroughly explored but I refuse to believe it and keep going on. I know social isolation and misanthropy aren't exactly fresh subjects, but I kinda wished to write down a bleaker version of The Catcher in The Rye set in the modern age, where the main source of isolation isn't the lack of communication per se (as Holden does by trying to strike a convo with prostitutes and lowlives), but a general lack of insightful conversations. Not sure you caught my drift, but I'm trying to write something big and rather complicated... there are plenty of reflections on loneliness lasting even as long as the chapters themselves. The main character is by all means a social autist, he walks around the town in the deep of the night as and is prone to episodes of escapism, and i'm trying my best to replicate the thoughts that cross his mind whenever he comes to face reality, even to the point of employing hyperbolic and paranoid statements. Lately, I've even gone as far as describing grotesque visions, both as a result of his anxiety issues and his insomnia.

>> No.12634100

I hit a snag so I just started cannibalizing choice passages from the ~40k I have written to incorporate into shorter fiction that I intend to enter in creative writing contests with the prospect of cash prizes. I've never done this before, but I want to know how I stack up compared to other writers. If I suck, it will kill whatever ego I may have now and help me moving forward, if it's really awesome, then I will be slightly less broke and I'll pay my rent in advance.

>> No.12634113

Roughly two years into it and not a single word written so far.

>> No.12634352

61k words and I sent mine to a beta reader. Waiting on feedback...

>> No.12634390

What's even the point of writing if you weren't born an ancient Greek? No matter what you conjure up, someone has probably written about it. There's nothing new under the sun, just give up, man.. Nah, fuck those people, as long as your story is well executed, it doesn't matter if it's not completely fresh. It's the topic most close to you, I presume- and that's why you're writing about it, this your take on the subject. Have some artistic integrity!

>> No.12634396
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This artist has absolutely no appititude for representing particular persons. Without Zizek or the hat I would have no fucking idea who that is meant to be. It looks kind of like Gary Cooper.

>> No.12634500
File: 336 KB, 2070x1380, 180112-lucifer-tom-ellis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was this guy.

>> No.12634506

This one's a novella. Roughly 20 pages of pure spergery so far.

>> No.12635748

Zizek looks like Ethan Klein.

>> No.12636065

Mine is currently 31,000 words but i dont think i can write more than 40,000 since the story is almost finished. I currently add bullshit chapters to enlogate it.