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/lit/ - Literature

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12632692 No.12632692[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why did they kill mersault

he dindu nothing wrong..

>> No.12632694

He didn't play the game.

>> No.12632695

the internet has really changed the game for strippers.

>> No.12632700
File: 50 KB, 900x900, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12632742

who dat

>> No.12632769

god I wish that were me

>> No.12632815

She's playful and coquettish now, keenly aware of her febrile allure and the power of her own sex. Does she realise that as each second passes, with every flick of hair and gyration of the hips, the inevitability of her beauty's inglorious death draws ever closer. Is our dancer, as with a measure of women of similar blessings, aware that she has to play her hand with guile and cunning, in order to convert youthful vivacity into lasting happiness? Or will she, like so many poor and wretched souls before her, squander her fortune as a gambler at the dice, her meagre consolation fragments of faintly remembered glory? That is the question, my dear boy.

>> No.12632825

I call this little piece: An Incel's Ode


If I
If I were
If I were to
If I were to die

Would I
Would I return
Would I return and
Would I return and find

Myself in
Myself in the
Myself in the arms

Of such
Of such a
Of such a girl?

Oh please
Oh please god

Let me
Let me die.

>> No.12632832

it's fake ass tho

>> No.12632862

even if she isn't perfect in the face, what i wouldn't do for her to acknowledge me in the slightest, for my tongue to touch her flaming skin, and for her to laugh and make fun of my tiny member - never chaddish enough for her, this Goddess, in comparison to me. -

>> No.12632961

I don't understand how anyone could unironically want a girl like this

>> No.12632995

Weininger was right!

>> No.12633053

Because she's happy..

>> No.12633056

Yeah but if she's dating you, she wouldn't be anymore.

>> No.12633067

Is she really?

>> No.12633072

wtf i love jews now

>> No.12633083

If I
If I were to die

Would I
Would I return
Would I return and find

Myself in
Myself in the arms

Of such
Of such a girl?

Oh please
Oh please god

Let me
Let me die.

>> No.12633090

lmao no wonder youre an incel

>> No.12633101

The 2/3 ellipsis really makes this post.

>> No.12633118

How do I petition to make it against the rules to post images women on this board?
You faggots are really getting on my nerves.

>> No.12633135


nice projection

i can only read so much from a webm. she looks like she a nice energy

>> No.12633145

this bitch needs to fucking chill
hoeing it up while making a smoothie
bitch calm the fuck down

>> No.12633157
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jealous roastie detected

>why can't i be like her??

accept your inferiority and become a bigger person for it

>> No.12633158


>> No.12633251

Just any girl. I have never been with a girl.
It is perversity beyond words. I just want to be loved.

>> No.12633255


its a mask, you simple faggot

>> No.12633266

daily reminder that mersault was a gay faggot

>> No.12633278

Not everyone is as miserable as you.

>> No.12633373

i'm male, i think this woman should be wearing a burka and acting modestly, she's making a smoothie, it's obscene and ridiculous, she's a stupid horny animal putting herself on display for the camera, it's whoreible

>> No.12633385

She's being paid to advertise the clothing she's wearing.

>> No.12633398

Women are truly whores

>> No.12633402

She's just unattractive. Not so much for her default physical appearance (although it seems she has fake tits), but mostly for her tasteless attitude.

>> No.12633404

>that disgusting webm
If there isn't a thing called Attention-seeking Disorder, there should be.

>> No.12633405


>> No.12633409

Don't read past this post.

>> No.12633414

There's also the Attention-giving Disorder, which is arguably a bigger problem.

>> No.12633426

I totally don't mind giving my disordered attention to the nice young lady in the underwear commercial. You guys need to relax

>> No.12633433

>Everyone relax and stop having strong opinions... Be relaxed all the time like me...

Keep eating that BPA runoff, neutered gamma male.

>> No.12633443

Having strong opinions about an obscure underwear commercial on a literature board is gamma behavior.

>> No.12633453

>no you!

If you hadn't neutered yourself you'd be able to come up with more interesting content.

Be sure to spend the rest of your life wading into discursive spaces where people are engaging with things avidly and telling them to just calm down. Cool hobby, eunuch.

>> No.12633462

>Why don't women care about the finer things in life like literature
>Invites online non-friends to speculate whether the girl in the literal underwear commercial has fake tits

Just relax and enjoy the underwear commercial

>> No.12633467

>Just relax

See >>12633433

>> No.12633491

I already saw that. I didn't change my opinion. You need to stop getting worked up over an underwear commercial, especially on the literature board.

>> No.12633502

I really don't know what to make of this new "submissive boy" trend that's being gaining ground. It's certainly refreshing and original in light of the "traditional sexuality" and "pretend alpha male" posting that has been the norm for more than a year (which is ironically a very normie trend in line with the evolution of the normie world). But I still find it somewhat unpalatable.

Softboy/alphamale dialectal synthesis when ?

>> No.12633517

..Then why repeat yourself multiple times? If you've said your piece then leave it at that, don't reply three more times to say "no you really do have to do what I said you have to do."

You think people should all relax and only take things seriously if you deem them worthy, I think you're a weak-willed effeminate fag for trying to police others taking things seriously, we agree to disagree.

>> No.12633528


>Softboy/alphamale dialectal synthesis when ?

socrates already told us about this in the republic over 2000 years ago

>> No.12633533
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Renounce the flesh. Temper your desire. Do this and you will know true peace.

>> No.12633540

sacred digits

>> No.12633543

She cute and seems to be a fun gal. Probably a bit of a bitch but not too much so very bearable.

Stop trying to replace the fascists jannies of old.

The level of woman-to-woman judgementality in your image is rather hilarious.

You must learn to love yourself anon. Also get in touch with your parents if they love you and are alive.

Whatever, it's still more pleasant than the average /lit/ curmudgeon. People literally pay women to smile and act happy in their presence, having a girlfriend who does it for free wouldn't be that bad.

>but muh truth !

Most human interactions rely on some form of staging, grow up. Truth is to be contemplated alone, friends are for when you're reeling from the truth.

The principles behind your discourse are understandible but you're just being an overdramatic faggot here. I won't tell you to relax, rather I'll remind you there are better things to be dramatic about on this very board.

He didn't cry at his mother's funeral.

>> No.12633553

True dat. We should have started with the Greeks. Why doesn't /lit/ ever heed its own advice.

>> No.12633558

Because you responded with insults multiple times, and that's how you stall an argument. If you say the same thing twice, I'm going to say the same thing twice.

Anyway, this underwear commercial still isn't literature, and you've accused me of being effeminate for the second time.

>> No.12633573

I am not insulting you, I'm telling you I think you've irreparably damaged your masculinity. You're a deracinated pussy. You should get your testosterone checked for real.

>> No.12633597

Not sure if you're joking or if you actually have zero self-awareness here.

>> No.12633600
File: 303 KB, 642x705, 1527438056534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.
>Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities. But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots; Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
>But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ;How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.
>And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.

>> No.12633683

>people can't genuinely have fun while working
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

>> No.12633704

I didn't say that, lol.
I want to buy her top.

>> No.12633712


you try to help someone see that they're getting manipulated, and they lash out at you! enjoy the useless fantasies

>> No.12633845

Mersault was a pussy that straight up killed a man first of all. (Mersault wasn't even a character he was an idea) Second of all that book sucked.

>> No.12633894


>> No.12633915

t. apollonian cuck

>> No.12634019

i cant watch webms on my phone help

>> No.12634057

what kind of phone do you have? if its an iphone just download vlc player app, it has webm support.

>> No.12634062

Alright I describe it to you
>a girl, maybe aphrodite herself, is in a kitchen. mahogany wood or some shit. real high class shit. open floor plan
>she is perfectly tan and has a tight body that is titillatingly revealed due to her attire that underscores modesty in its function to exacerbate sensuality
>she looks into the soul of the camera and the soul of your penis
knowing what she is doing, she smiles, the little fermenting slut
>she dances suggestively as she finishes composing her fruit smoothie. she dances over to the blender.
>she is aware of just how phallic-shaped the container in her hand is and as the blender blends she gyrates her hips in a simulation of coital ecstasy while ever so suggestively moving her hands about the penis shaped container.
>the smoothie is made and she teases herself with a slight little sip, the way she would sip your cock's tip after to blew a hot ropey load upon her cherubic face.
>her tits are basically screaming for your mouth throughout the whole thing since her top is almost nonexistent

>> No.12634196

Not bad, I rate your description 7/10.

>> No.12634211

Capitalism forces people to make money anyway they can.

>> No.12634223

>lying on the internet

>> No.12634234

I unironically wish we lived in a post-apocolyptic hell-world so I could straight up kill women like this lmao

>> No.12634268

Her instagram is LITERALLY her just advertising a shitton of bikinis, retard.