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12631870 No.12631870 [Reply] [Original]

Evil isnt real. Prove me wrong

Pro tip: maybe you can.

>> No.12631898

I donno man this is a pretty boring proposition that can be affirmed by any of a grab bag of popular amoral or relativist systems. Whether you consider evil "real" or not it's still going to be treated as real by most of the world.

>> No.12631921
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> There is no good and evil, there is only power, and those too weak to seek it
This is from Voldimor from Harry Potter. Not Foucalt.
You got memed, son.

>> No.12632036
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There is no powerful or weak

There is only evil

and those good enough to resist its temptation

>> No.12632059


There is no AIDS or HIV

There is only DADDY

and those too weak to seek it.

>> No.12632062

Yeah my buddy had this crush on a girl who was way out of his league, she'd been one of the hottest chicks in high school and used to go to like frat parties as a 16-18 year old, but she would talk to him a lot because I think she actually did like him. One of those pathetic friendzone situations where I don't think she actually knew he was crushing on her.
Anyway a couple of years out of high school she started going downhill, started doing pretty hard drugs, I think guys on here call it "the wall," basically I think she was dealing with being less special by pushing the envelope harder. And my friend was super worried about her, he knew her parents and was even talking to them about it, everyone was worried.
Apparently she had this boyfriend going on, sort of. He was her coke dealer too so you get the picture. My friend and her parents have this conversation with her about how she needs to slow down, she's going to get hurt with this lifestyle, all that, and she runs away crying.
Next week or so my friend gets shot by her boyfriend while he's walking out of his house. She told the boyfriend where my friend lived and everything. He's dead now, died next day in the hosp.
So I guess I am game for and not so much above this philosophizing about evil but in real life practice we have a clear definition of evil from experience.

>> No.12632171

I hope they get lit on fire, sorry for your loss anon

>> No.12632187
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>there is no good or evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it

>> No.12632199

Proving Nietzsche's argument "against" evil correct here, an emotional unconditional plebeian reaction to a traumatic experience. Not that you "shouldn't" be angry, but can you really call these people categorically evil? Stupid, yes, but to make monsters of them is a false anodyne for your own grief

>> No.12632203

Dads are annoying
>durr hurr listen to my dumb jokes *BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP* whoopsie i farted haha :) how about a brewski now
No thanks
Fuck you and your football. Mom and I are hockey fans.

>> No.12632207

Thanks man. It's been a couple years and I'm doing fine.

>> No.12632234

yeah I'm pretty sure killing a guy when he tries to keep your drug addict girlfriend from doing more drugs is evil in practice. All this philosophizing comes from a position of softness and privilege, far from any real world encounters with violence or evil.
I realize where I'm saying this, most dudes on this website were never even spanked as kids. This allows them to wax philosophical about such concepts.

>> No.12632289

Evin isnt real.Prove me wrong

Pro tip: not a photo..

>> No.12632301

I believe in good and evil but at the same time do you think it was the woman's wishes to see the guy get killed? She was probably stupid to the point of not realizing getting her drug dealer criminal boyfriend involved could turn out to be this bad. She's stupid and should pay for her stupidity but do you really think she's evil to the core

>> No.12632332

>Let me tell you a long ass tragic story
>And therefore, we can all agree that evil does indeed exist
Did you follow that sam hyde advice of telling everyone a long ass tragic story to get what you want?

Tbh the boyfriend that shot your friend didnt even had a the perception of the "evil" he was doing, and taught i was completly justified.

>> No.12632396

Does anyone really think this shit profound in any way?

>> No.12632409

my point was that evil is a practical intuitive label for actions, if you're too stupid to see that and would prefer to watch outdated surrealist comedy on youtube that's your own problem.
What's with all the retards on /lit/ today?

>> No.12632432

>my point was that evil is a practical intuitive label for actions
Lol, i think you mean "intentions" behind those said actions. Or else someone killing a criminal to defend his son would be labeled as evil by your standards.
Even all that crap that you say is simply subjective and is diferent from person to person.
There is no objective evil, you brainlet.

>> No.12632485

>weak and naturally phased out by natural selection
>"I can't be weak, it must be evil"

>> No.12632530

It’s subjective. If you find something to be evil, it is. Same as judging some art piece to be trash or below you. Many others may agree, some may not.
Murder is pretty foul, one could say evil, but sometimes it’s done in self defense and thus judged not to be evil

>> No.12632788

Good butterfly post

>> No.12633336

Evil is not existent nor nonexistent; it's is devoid of meaning; a sort of metaphysical cancer. It stems from free will the result of rejecting God (not from church terms, more from a mystical understanding); it is the excess of freedom - or rather, misuse , which paradoxically results in the gradual loss of freedom.

>> No.12633352

I honestly can't tell which of the characters are supposed to be evil? The bf for dealing drugs? The girl for being inconsiderate? The friend for being a coward for two years? The girl's parents for fucking her up good? The narrator for not helping his friend unfuck himself? The coke cartels for pushing drugs? The reader for wasting his time on 4chjn? Answer me, where can one find evil here?

>> No.12633608

Autistic level statement by OP and autistic level quote by Focoult.

Prove unequivocally to me that you exist. You can not. Therefore way? Therefore you don’t exist?

I can understand questioning the existence of “good” but literally everyone can identify evil. You autistic infintile faggot. Go suck a dick.

>> No.12633638

>I honestly can't tell which of the characters are supposed to be evil?
It's worrying that "the drug dealer killing the guy trying to help someone" and "the girl ratting the guy to the drug dealer" don't even make your list.

>> No.12633681
File: 67 KB, 620x480, bill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but literally everyone can identify evil.
>You autistic infintile faggot. Go suck a dick.
By irony you made the dumbest infintile and autistic post in the entire thread. Congrats anon.

>> No.12633862

How so

>> No.12633994

No it's not, it's bad.

Why would you assume it's subjective? Perhaps it is objective and humans are just unable to see objectivity.

>> No.12634010

I am evil incarnate.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.12634067

Would evil exist if humans or life didnt exist?
Is evil something that doesnt change from human to human?
Evil is as subjective as it gets, maybe there can be some "universal" evil, but that doesnt mean it is objective.

>> No.12634074

There is no evil, but there is no good either, simply "hot" or "cold": visceral organisations of pack psychology, religions devotion and tribal instincts on the hot end, and the analytic, transparent and anti-anthropocentric sterility of the cold. Power and its distribution is not a struggle between weak and strong but rather the process of disturbing thermal equilibrium in either direction.

>> No.12634108

If evil was real, or Satan was real, then evil Satan would probably expend a great deal of energy running laps of sophistry in the minds of mortal men so that evil Satan could delight in individual men concluding that evil is fictitious. It/he would be tickled pink to hear men think that they were among the Wise Elect capable of obtaining such a truth.

But of course, Satan and his distant cousin Evil, twice removed called Wrong/Bad, thrice removed known as "that which harms," does not exist. Who has time for such silliness nowadays? And who wants to be bothered by temptation in the course of pursuing a ghost of satisfaction in this one-and-only life?

Right! Carry on! It's all systems, principalities and powers. Nothing was ever holy, only creeping and conniving and of it's own sinister purpose. It must be so! Else we have demons to face and who wants that? Certainly not demons!

>> No.12634141

Perhaps? No.
Poor post. I mean, what is your response to >>12634067 ?
I recall some simpleton kid shows trying to explain that the universe can’t exist without the forces of evil. “You cannot have light without shadows” or some such platitude. Kind of true. We can tell tell the colors of the rainbow though. Life’s not in black and white

>> No.12634153

did Foucault really anally dominate the weak?

>> No.12634644

Not evil, but bad things certainly do exist. Imagine the worst suffering possible for everyone on earth. Would that not be a worse world than our own?

>> No.12634647

if anyone says no to this then the argument is whether or not we should care about human suffering.

And what a dumb argument that is.

>> No.12634710

Very very well written man. Good shit. Did you write this?

>> No.12634788

>All this philosophizing comes from a position of softness and privilege, far from any real world encounters with violence or evil.
lol Nietzsche served as a medic in a horrific battle during the Franco-Prussian war retard. I’ve been surrounded by human malice and stupidity all my life, it doesn’t erase my ability to detach myself from my own subjective feelings. You have a weak mind, that’s all.

>> No.12634830
File: 251 KB, 446x435, matrix pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil exists because I exist. Evil is defined by its relation to my existence, in practice this means that anything o anyone that harms me is evil and everyone and everything that helps me is good. If you think this is infantile thinking, then you're N elitist pseud who needs to get their head out of their ass because at the end of the day that's what everyone concludes.

>> No.12634859

"The world is my will"

>> No.12634934

Based schizo poster

>> No.12634942

>If you think this is infantile thinking, you're right, and I'm also very insecure about my ideas, so, here, have an insult

>> No.12634985
File: 152 KB, 1006x921, 1511305043011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil is the social mirror-idea of universal waste.

This is why murder in a neutral form is considered evil, however in a more complex form it becomes self defense which is considered a vital form of good.

Death is waste, but not when it becomes a sacrifice.

Just because there are situations so complex we have difficulty agreeing on the outcome of an action does not mean evil does not exist (such as war; is it a net waste? We can't measure how deep the impact of war echoes into every facet of the human condition).


This is the beginning of the nuance present in the old testament. Our ability to be conscious of our actions allows us the unique position of comprehending waste, and how to turn an inevitable waste into a benefit. This in turn, among many others but perhaps first and foremost among them all, led to the formation of civilization.

There can only be one alpha male, but there are many males. We turn the loss of strength and productivity involved in this natural constant into a sacrifice. This turns a constant waste of human energy into a sacrifice instead. We live within a society which puts weakness to work, and rewards it for working. This is the fundamental triumph of humanity.

If you're capable, you will begin to realize that this means the entire path of human social evolution has been one that was pre-ordained to favor sacrifice over evil.

If you're depressive and capable, you will realize that there is no question about evil existing. The true question is where did the concept of good come from? Was it a stillborn creation from the womb of sacrifice?

But if you think evil doesn't exist you don't need to take my word for it.

>> No.12635065

>people unironically arguing if evil is real and that power is all that exists
Plato put this to bed 2,500 years ago. Stop already.

>> No.12635078

Is seeking power good or evil?

>> No.12635161 [DELETED] 

Is your cellphone eating low?

>> No.12635165

everyone in this story is a cuck especially you.

>> No.12635170

Is your cellphone getting low?

>> No.12635189

>Evil isnt real.
I agree, there is only the privation of Good.

>> No.12635203


>> No.12635207


>> No.12635408

There are universal symbolic structures independent of subjectivity.

>> No.12635428
File: 121 KB, 598x362, 1546110988329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I listen to some bald faggot in a turtleneck? Thats the real question.

>> No.12635445

>itt: psuedointellectuals

>> No.12635448

evil is "real" in that even as a construct it exists and is a functional descriptor for certain exhibited behaviour, but it is not "true" as there is no physical conditions of possibility for its existence

>> No.12635450

ur evil

>> No.12635482


>> No.12635499

>Good is not existent nor nonexistent; it's is devoid of meaning; a sort of metaphysical cancer.

c'mon lad

>> No.12635515

"Necessary condition" or "Conditio sine qua non", often just "sine qua non" are less bulky phrases for "conditions of possibility for its existence."

Just throwing you a bone

>> No.12635523
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>there is no good
>prove me wrong
well that was easy

>> No.12635561

Like the cross for excruciating torture till death? And?

>> No.12635573

If I may interject, I think the cross stands for the unwillingness of God to intervene violently in history to force men to do his will, and therefore the love of God for a humanity for whom loving God in return remains a choice.

That's what I have heard anyhow.

>> No.12635609
File: 531 KB, 623x466, Dan Backslide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only discussion more psuedointellectual than arguing about the existence of good and evil is the questioning of free will. There is absolutely zero possibility of a constructive discussion with those. There's no amount of jerking off over this that's going to keep you from thinking and behaving as if good/evil exists, and there's no way whatsoever to implement the knowledge that free will doesn't exist. It's fucking useless discussions entertained by people who only live in their heads.

>> No.12636558

Cringe. Read Galen strawson