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12629547 No.12629547 [Reply] [Original]

I want to understand

>> No.12629550

Where can i find more of these before and after pics?

>> No.12629556

Whats so hard to understand?

Stop being such an essentialist.

>> No.12629558
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I-I don't quite understand Anon

>> No.12629576

Can you orgasm if you get bottom surgery? Are trans people incapable of feeling sexual pleasure?

>> No.12629587

A sexual fetish hijacked a psychological disorder, equipped itself with medical technology, and sailed off into the strange land of social progress where it was well received on account of its semblance to LG and B, and nobody said anything at any turn in a great haste to prove compassion and in great fear of being perceived as dogmatic.

Rebellious young people discovered a good bit of this while growing up on the internet and rebelled.

Everyone was largely caught off guard on account of who knew how many folks got off on being the opposite sex.

And the great circus carries on, parading into the abyss with a great deal of colorful oddities and steps falling out of time.

>> No.12629599

surprisingly apposite

>> No.12629602
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>> No.12629603

It's mental illness, through and through. The fact that modern society is giving it legitimacy will lead to disaster.

>> No.12629607
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tfw its true

>> No.12629608
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>> No.12629609

I highly think this is related to status
An average female has far more status than a lower male. The handsome men turning to trans is very rare.

And if you look into transexuals in places where average female is not that better than a lower class male (Middle East, South East Asia) you will see most transexuals are prositutes, poor guys etc who are in it to make money.

>> No.12629618 [SPOILER] 
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I wonder who could be behind this?

>> No.12629619
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Imagine growing up in a hostile world, where you are bombarded with endocrine disruptors from the moment your first cell divides.
compare that man in the left with rod sterling, notice the differences, it's truly hell.

>> No.12629621
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Delete your file Anon and you might see 20$ in your checking account (((randomly)))

>> No.12629626

doesnt explain ftms though

>> No.12629640
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>Rebellious young people discovered a good bit of this while growing up on the internet and rebelled.
why did i laugh so hard at this

>> No.12629643

they are mentally ill

>> No.12629667

CH Lester - Trans Like Me
Leslie Feinberg - Stone Butch Blues
Julian Gill-Peterson - Histories of the Transgender Child

>> No.12629688
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i want out

>> No.12629741
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well I'm not sure whether you mean this as a transphobe or not, but as a non-transphobe I agree with what you say to an extant, it is a strange world indeed, but often in these cases i've known people to end up at least seeming happier than they once where.

>> No.12629746

The Wasp Factory

>> No.12629747


>> No.12629781

You clearly havent seen the stats on post-op suicide rates among transpeople. Even after operation they are miles higher than the average population. Not clear how happy they actually are

>> No.12629792

It does. There's a disproportionate number of mtfs compared to ftms

>> No.12629805

>growing up on the internet
I'd be curious to see how many trans people go about their transformation in private compared to those who broadcast it over social media seeking validation, fame and fortune.
Any average Joe Nobody can grow his hair long, dye it purple, start wearing a dress and posting on twitter under the alias @TwistedCockBitch3000 and have a fan club of 1000's waiting for (insert appropriate pronoun here).

>> No.12629815

One of the main characters in Salman Rushdie's novel, the golden house, was a man who became a woman, you can see his/her trans path. He/she kills himself at the end though because his family didn't accept her new identity

>> No.12629826
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It's a mental illness like any other. Why bother understanding schizos?

>> No.12629827

Testo Junkie

>> No.12629830

Transgenderism is the work of capitalism; the reconfiguration of social relations, the destruction of tradition that extisted to quarantine perverse desires, the manufacture of hitherto non-existent desires, the enslavement of man in these manufactured prisons of desire, all for the sake of the creation of new markets and new consumer identities, all for the sake of Capital.

>> No.12629831

>Transgenderism is the work of capitalism
You do realise that trannies existed for literally thousands of years, right?

>> No.12629833
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Proof? Thought so retard.

>> No.12629842

>identity is fluid, it can't be pinned down into normative categories
>except trabsphobes, you're either with us or against us on that ground

>> No.12629848

Hahahaha not in the way they exist today

>> No.12629921
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>> No.12629940

hahahahahaha fuuuuuuck

its so funny but it hurts so much

>> No.12629941

1st and 4th are cute

>> No.12629955
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>> No.12629972

based quentin

>> No.12629977

why is it that the women are never faltered in the slightest yet you can literally see the 3rd guy's soul dying.
Actually I know the answer, I'm just confounded.

>> No.12629978

>Why bother understanding schizos?

schizos have interesting processes of thought. don't be a cuckbrain

>> No.12629980
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is there an archive for Quentin's vids?

>> No.12629988

Dumb fucking tripfag.

>> No.12630005

who is this guy anyway?

>> No.12630009
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As interesting as a shorting electric shorting

>> No.12630027

It soften your skin, every reason to do hrt is just an excuse for that.

>> No.12630031
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Absolutely based

>> No.12630035

Because you aren't very good at reading women's faces. The women are sad too, but are hiding it slightly better than the dads

>> No.12630071

yeah i suppose unconventional thinking is problematic when you view people purely as objects and utilities

>> No.12630083

This thing has a father and and a mother, all of them do. Think about that.

>> No.12630144

Sexing the Body by Anne Fausto-Sterling is a very insightful and exhaustive book on the topic; it kinda tries to surpass the social constructionism/essentialist and nature/nurture dualisms; that these are not competing, incompatible ideas. My politics are generally conservative. The hateboner for trannies is such a contrived culture war proxy battle. The most coherent objections to transgenderism on principle (I think the ‘practice’—the politics and medical advocacy, are ripe areas for critique) come from religious philosophers and metaphysicians, who naturally prefer a compassionate and pastoral approach to the transgender individual, not one of battering them with shrill cries of degeneracy.

Stifling liberal doctrines on transgenderism don’t interest me either—the suppression of that paper about transgenderism as a social contagion (which hardly seems incompatible with social constructionist assumptions) is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.12630165

yes, no

>> No.12630274

provide source

>> No.12630303

She looks hot

>> No.12630316

They failed. It’s futile from the beginning to have a child at all.

>> No.12630389

This. For a friend.

>> No.12630391

I want to FUCK bottom left mom.

>> No.12630416
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>> No.12630452

Damn.... so deeep...... uploading to Twitter right now........

>> No.12630466

Trannies are based. Gender acceleration is not an if, but a when. The clock is ticking, m*les...

>> No.12630474

Underrated comment

>> No.12630500


>> No.12630519

is it transphobic to want to prevent doctors from mutilating the mentally ill with little to no measurable impact on their mental health?

>> No.12630520


>> No.12630558
File: 43 KB, 465x640, elagabalus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try reading books about gender history instead of ridiculous stuff like this >>12629587

the more you learn about the actual history of transpeople and gender around the world the more ridiculous transphobia seems

>> No.12630591

Posting a kid with a sexual fetish

>> No.12630595

t. Tranny

>> No.12630601

Heliogabalus was a decadent retard, terrible time for Rome really

>> No.12630614

forty percent LOL

>> No.12630628
File: 151 KB, 580x1309, Femminiello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah obviously

doesn't make me wrong

its much lower with hrt and supportive environments
both of which are becoming more accessible :)

>> No.12630630
File: 507 KB, 2048x2048, MRIifl3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is my favorite
Watch out though, it's kind of a memetic hazard if you've ever been insecure about your gender

>> No.12630648

>doesn't make me wrong

yes it does, freak

>> No.12630667

Fuck off tripfag

>> No.12630676

Nobody is "afraid" of diseased tranny faggots you language butchering piece of shit.

>> No.12630678

>try reading books about gender history
Such as? I want you to provide some book recommendations on the subject of gender history.

>> No.12630684

Delusional lying tranny lmao every person you encounter is visibly repulsed by you and you know it and it will never change hahahaha just kys worthless disgusting subhuman trash

>> No.12630689
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Someone needs a hug

>> No.12630710

Goddam beautiful

>> No.12630711

God deam dude

>> No.12630712

>its (suicide) much lower with hrt and supportive environments
Proof of this?

>> No.12630713

It's not a mental illness unless you count body dysphoria

>> No.12630719

Transgender History by Susan Stryker
Man Into Woman: The First Sex Change by Lili Elbe
Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton

>> No.12630723

It's starts with depression and alienation more than a sexual fetish.

>> No.12630724


>> No.12630734

>tumblrite special snowflakes rebelling against daddy
sure it does

>> No.12630743

Transgenderism has been going on since the dawn of man. Grow up

>> No.12630745

The doctors try to turn the penis head into a clitoris.

>> No.12630748

if you weren't afraid of some aspect of it you wouldn't have a problem with it

>> No.12630754

go back to your discord tranny freak

>> No.12630764

Transgender History starting, according to goodreads, in the mid-19th century.
Einar Wegener had his surgery in 1931,
Jorgensen's beginning in 1951. Mormonism has an older tradition.

>> No.12630773


Though being a tranny might be objectionable, I think most people hate them because they're obnoxious bitches. Like junkies, the issue of drug use itself is almost irrelevant because they're stupid bitches first and foremost.

>> No.12630779

tfw you never get invited to the secret trans discord cabals ruining 4channel

feels bad man

well its a US-centric book

>Mormonism has an older tradition.
elaborate i'm curious

>> No.12630791

Any standard of health put forth by a sick society is a recipe for illness.

>> No.12630802 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12630810

>every negative response is fear
Read Heidegger, halfwit tranny.

>> No.12630839
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ask me anything

>> No.12630841

Religious and gay crossdressing is at least 3000 years old.
Hormones and gender reassignment surgery however is new.

>> No.12630850

Why ?
You could have used the money for drugs or therapy.

>> No.12630852

Are you doing it for sex?

>> No.12630858

who says i dont have and do those things already

no. i don't really like sex in all honesty

>> No.12630859


>Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter Day Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity started by Joseph Smith in Western New York in the 1820s and 30s.

My point is that transgenderism, in a historical context, is a new thing. This was in response to >>12630558.

>> No.12630865

Explain your reasoning for deciding to transition concisely and without sounding like you're propagandizing.

>> No.12630866

Crossdressing =/= transgenderism

>> No.12630867

Do you notice a tactile mental deciciency?
Are you aware that you are to society just as a retarded kid i to a birthday party? Yeah, they invite him and let him stay, but they cloyster him off so the non-retards can develop.

Did you have a shitty childhood? Are you a virgin?

>> No.12630880

Definitely, but there is a relation.
Men assuming a female gender role is not unheard of, but it reaching unhealthy proportions is a new problem.

>> No.12630882

What’s the final solution?

>> No.12630887

Eunuchs aren't, and never were, considered to be female. MTF trans aren't actual females either.

>> No.12630893

because i want to indoctrinate children

no, yes, no, no

>> No.12630909

With that awareness, do you not feel any responsibility to stop yourself from striving to reach a state that is a symptom of transcendental idealism permeating general society? The geniuses who culminated the ideas regarding identity and self had worked there from a slow crawl. Do you understand that you are the poor victim in a crossfire of ideas meant to tear down competition? Imagine teaching a child how to fight before teaching him how to be friendly. Can you think of a time where you entertained and accepted an idea that was far beyond your intellectual capabilities?

>> No.12630911

>My point is that transgenderism, in a historical context, is a new thing.
no its not
the specific western conception of it we have today is new but there is ample evidence of customs and behaviors that we would call trans throughout human history across the world

>>Mormonism is the predominant religious tradition of the Latter Day Saint movement of Restorationist Christianity started by Joseph Smith in Western New York in the 1820s and 30s.
I'm asking what that has to do with transgenderism, I know what Mormons are

>> No.12630920
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>> No.12630930

>no its not
>the specific western conception of it we have today is new
Pick one.

Only that Mormonism has an older tradition than transgenderism, which I already said. It's a comparison, that's all. Because we are talking about history, and new things.

>> No.12630934

>ample evidence of customs and behaviors that we would call trans throughout human history across the world

Let’s see it

>> No.12630946

doesnt matter anymore. this is a Cartesian fantasy. we’re already in the abrasive world of other “I”’s confirming our existence, and one jist hijacked the global network of undersea cables and is plugging in directly to your head. prepare for radical metamorphoses, and prepare for meltdown. you cannot override.

>> No.12630951


>> No.12630959

no, you cannot override, because you need help. As much as I hate to confirm your existence, I cannot aptly argue against it without fooling myself in the same manner you have.

>> No.12630963


etc etc etc

>Pick one.
not necessary
>Only that Mormonism has an older tradition than transgenderism
thats ahistorical and we both know it

>> No.12630973

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.12630978

do facts matter to bigots?

>> No.12630979

not an argument sweatheart

>> No.12630992

it's really not that hard to understand. some people just don't find congruency between how they want to express themselves and how their body is presented.

some people change their pronouns, some people start using hrt, and some people get reassignment surgery.

the dysphoria of looking at your body and hating what you see because it doesn't feel like your body could be defined as a mental illness, but not akin to schizophrenia or bpd.

>> No.12630993


>> No.12631013

It was a question. I’m pretty sure you are so I’m tread lightly, forbwhatever it is that’s wrong with you certainly has a cause, and for the sake of the people that have to deal with you, I don’t want to add too heavily to that cause.

That being said, are you actually retarded? Do you build fantasy mansions around yoir ego while you read those books? Do you take them out of context and loosely apply these “facts” to your own behaviors and attitudes?

Are you unaware of the manner of thought which causes such works to be so easily marketed to people in your state of mind?

As far as facts go, the only things that can be proven irrefutably are mathematical truths, because the language is unambiguous. Your facts and my facts are not compatible in argument, so I have to see where you stand before progressing. I can rip the leech off your soul if you’re honest with me.

>> No.12631022

you just don't like trans people so you're interpreting historical evidence to match your assumptions
and don't lecture me about how historical inquiry works, i'm a history MA student

>> No.12631025

jesus christ it’s already metastasized
Abandon thread

>> No.12631031

This. A laughable fraction of all trannies have legitimate gender dysphoria, the rest are almost certainly cries for attention due to receiving none (0) during childhood, and here's them displaying that they will do quite literally anything to get some, and only because we've thrust the issue into the spotlight. What trannies I have known have been obnoxious pricks (never mind depressed headcases), and talk in Tumblr-blog-esque fashion, but IRL, and they wonder why nobody wants to listen to their nonsense.

>> No.12631037

What is a whole lot of pointless projection.

>> No.12631039

What is assblasted depressed headcase with a shenis

>> No.12631049

Did you retroactively read the post? Anon is pretty on the money here, but I’m trying to figure out the underlying mechanism of the psych that causes these affectations to manifest. I’m starting to understand, but it’s not a problem you can fix unless you can recognize what causes it.

>> No.12631050

I wish I was a girl sometimes, yet I think this post is probably accurate. Historical transsexualism is also a cultural meme, it doesn't have inherent existence in itself, but gains and loses popularity.

>> No.12631056
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Wisdom from the depths

>> No.12631061

He who makes a beast of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man.

>> No.12631067

retarded use of a retarded platitude

>> No.12631080


>> No.12631081

1. Gender Dysphoria is not classified as a mental illness by the APA
2. The APA classifies suicide as a result of mental illness
3. The suicide rate for non binary individuals is significantly higher than binary individuals

conclusion: Put your pronouns in your twitter bio

>> No.12631083

Bottom is a cis female though, although basically a slut that does anime dances for Japanese men online.

>> No.12631085

t. retarded tranny

>> No.12631088

Very accurate I feel. Men turning themselves into monsters because being male is too hard

>> No.12631089

Trump is definitely not a Kantian. There is no “completion of a system” where trannies are involved.

>> No.12631091

What is the name of the psychiatrist that identified the huge amount of genders?

>> No.12631093

These don’t logically follow. Has the APA been corrupted?

>> No.12631094

What if they are rare passers though.

>> No.12631099

The Internet isn't real life anon.

>> No.12631109

If they pass in a porn vid with various angles they can pass in real life.

>> No.12631112

They were never men to begin with, that’s their argument, right? I’ll play. If one has felt the pressure of being a man and, under that pressure, one has felt that he was never a man to begin with, then it means the pressure was accidentally placed on a boy who quickly folded under the raw power thought to be held by men. I guess we can look at trainnes as a self-corrective loop that keep good genes in the pool. Maybe we’re more intelligent as a species that we think.

>> No.12631119


>> No.12631122

>its much lower with hrt and supportive environments

No, its not. 40% holds across all countries. Which by the way is higher than the suicide rate for jewish people in Nazi Germany. Do you mean to suggest that trannies in 2019 face worse persecution than Jewish people in Nazi Germany?

>> No.12631126

>Has the APA been corrupted?
I don't think the APA was ever not corrupt

>> No.12631127

I just started hrt. This time next year I'll be qt enough to get gang banged by all the chads at my school!

>> No.12631129

Would that were so anon, alas the camera is deceitful above all things. In real life the big hands, bone structure and voice can't be ignored

>> No.12631139

Me challengjour

>> No.12631154

Slowly whittling away the elaborate lie.

>> No.12631170

idk that's pretty hot, not gonna lie

>> No.12631187

Eunuchs, homosexuals, and crossdressers throughout history aren't indicative of transgenderism as it is known today. None of these are examples of men becoming women. If they were the same thing we could use the same terminology, for example a castrated male becomes a eunuch. If we do that, we must also concede that it is impossible for a man to become an actual woman, which is implied already in history which we can see by examining the meaning of the terminology used to describe these individuals. Ergo trangenderism, as it is understood today, is a new thing.

Mormonism is older than transgenderism as it is understood today.

>> No.12631190

idk bros, imagine how good they're at sucking dick, since they were born boys they know how to please you just right. Does it even matter if it's a fetish thing at that point? When they purr like kittens and swallow your protein shake?

>> No.12631196

t. needs a gf

>> No.12631205

>When they purr like kittens
So quite a deep sound?

>> No.12631214

I just want a bf to treat and love me like a girl.

>> No.12631221

Marry you a butch lesbian

>> No.12631240

I'm gay male though.

>> No.12631241

>Eunuchs throughout history aren't indicative of transgenderism as it is known today.
A lot of eunuchs were not even volunteers, so they are a particularly bad example.

>> No.12631244

t. Clinically retarded

>> No.12631260

>t. Clinically retarded
Please, elaborate. Were there never eunuch slaves that did not volunteer to be such? Without volunteering to be a eunuch, being such would not be an indication of an internal condition yearning for a transgender transition.

>> No.12631262

Becoming a eunuch was an assault, an injury that was inflicted upon you. Transgenderism is a softer, psychological form of the same process

>> No.12631278

This is almost comical. Are trannies the modern day equivalents to court jesters?

>> No.12631284

But anon, you could pound that butch dyke pussy doggy style, imagine how hairy her legs and bum will be. She'll have a tight grip for handjobs too, because of her years of manual labour, maybe she can have a moustache to add a little tickle for when she gives you head. Nothing wrong with a twink marrying a lumberjill, makes sense.

>> No.12631293

Read some of those links here >>12630963

>> No.12631298

I wish the best for legitimate transgender people. Is transgenderism found throughout history, or more of a recent phenomena? Also, not trans myself but lately I've desired to BE the girl. Maybe that's AGP or whatever, I don't know, it just looks so fun to be one and I wish I could experience it.

>> No.12631300

Meant this >>12630963 for you, not for you >>12631262

>> No.12631309

Women are retards, and a man that wants to be a woman is himself already a retard for wanting to be a retard, so there is no need for him to try to become what he already is.

>> No.12631312


But anon, in these historical examples >>12630963 the eunuchs were willing and consenting to cut off their genitals, so it would, indeed, be comparable to transgenderism.

>> No.12631316

Eunuchs never claimed to be female though, whether they volunteered for it or not.

>> No.12631321

I was not stating that volunteers did not exist, only that there was such a thing as being a eunuch that was not a volunteer - such as:

>> No.12631322

The trannies think they’ll cement their position in history because in interpreting texts, they’ve been conditioned to exault retards.

See >>12631262

>> No.12631338

So, you agree with the original premise of the other anon, that eunuchs are not a valid historical pretext for modern trannies? That is all that I was buttressing.

>> No.12631346


>> No.12631348

Yeah, so what? see >>12631316 that's the difference between eunuchs and mtf transgender post-surgery and hrt.

>> No.12631377

Even if you start comparing trannies to byzantine chaste monks that voluntarily, actively chose to removed their genitals, isn't that just insulting to transgenderism? Comparing your whole social constructivist theory about being a girl born with a penis to an orthodox fanatically religious monk that would have burned trannies at the stake and didn't bother himself with the pettiness of what it meant to be a man or a woman, and instead just chose to be? Isn't that comparison the absolute antithesis of transgenderism? Isn't comparing gender disphoria to Roman twinks without dicks and Arabic femboys ironically denying transgender theory?

>> No.12631378

>eunuchs are not a valid historical pretext for modern trannies
I agree. I also do not see any historical pretext for modern trannies; every time any evidence is brought forth it is eunuchs, homosexuals, or crossdressers. None of those are valid, none of those are claiming to be actual females. I'm wondering now if there is anything in history about men who thought they were women? And how societies in the past dealt with them.

>> No.12631384

Learn to read retard, you're the only one saying that all eunuchs were involuntarily so

>> No.12631392

Also “trans-gender”, literally above gender, applies to no human. You are a member of a new age cult which is the product of intellectual masturbation in ivory towers gone awry. That’s tally 6 for clinically retarded.

>> No.12631401

Trannies are not human confirmed

>> No.12631402
File: 10 KB, 160x160, 6AtJWkA.png.1ef86a787c2c36389bc3989cd7b3665b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aren't traps just incels gaming the system?

>> No.12631403

Unironically Lord of the Rings. Western males, like the elves in LOTR know that their time is over and that their kind has no future in this world. Transitioning is just one of many ways of self annihilation that are becoming increasingly common in the West. Think of it as abdicating identity in the same way as the elves do when they return to Numenor. It's a very sad thing. I might make the same journey soon

>> No.12631405
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I genuinely believe they should be locked up in mental institutions. The left has decided to normalize the behavior and so they need to be separated from society because now their very existence is causing damage.

>> No.12631406

Then we don’t need to treat them as such

>> No.12631411
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>> No.12631413

>Isn't comparing gender disphoria to Roman twinks without dicks and Arabic femboys ironically denying transgender theory?
Yes it is. Trannies eternally btfo by trannies.

>> No.12631422

>Think of it as abdicating identity in the same way as the elves do when they return to Numenor
Nigga. First of all they're going to Numenor. Second, what in the hell are you talking about elves abdicating their identities? They're not ceasing to be elves by going west.

>> No.12631426

psychology is a meme-field from day 1

>> No.12631431

There’s no reasoning with the clinically retarded based anon

>> No.12631438

>I'm wondering now if there is anything in history about men who thought they were women?
There were accounts that Nero was a cross-dressing faggot. He was supposed to have been the bitch in a mock wedding across the harbor while Rome burned, according to Tacitus.

>> No.12631440

>They're not ceasing to be elves by going west.
elves are strongly tied to the land and nature, they are losing something fundamental by going west, which is why it took them so long and kept their environments artificially frozen in time using the rings

>> No.12631442

that's still just a fetish

>> No.12631445

Jesus christ this anon is delusional!
topkeks are being had in this shitshow of a thread

>> No.12631455

If you state a supposition without qualifying that there are exceptions to the supposition then the naturally assumed inference is that there are no exceptions. You should not be offended by others drawing light on the exceptions. The fact that many people did not volunteer to be eunuchs further buttresses the argument that not all examples of eunuchs make for good historical precedent of transgenderism.

>> No.12631458

Do the rumours suggest that Nero actually thought he was an real woman?

>> No.12631459

The elves preserve the land because change and corruption causes them to be depressed. They're not tied to the land and their souls aren't interlinked. That is nonsense and it has no basis in the text. You thought the elves were going to Numenor so you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Why front?

>> No.12631460

This is what trying to sound intellegent looks like

>> No.12631468

>There were accounts that Nero was a cross-dressing faggot
and? you said it yourself - "crossdressing faggot" not transgender
using a contemporary example of Ru Paul shitshow, those people don't claim to be transgender NOR gay in some cases
so why are historical examples suddenly a valid targets of modern sex/gender theorist anachronisms like "transgenderism" when you can't prove it to be the case in contemporary examples?

>> No.12631470

Hopefully, this will become so self-evident that the house of cards collapses.

>> No.12631471

Elves are NOT GAY!

>> No.12631475

How can you be sure?

>> No.12631480

it's a field that stands between philosophy and science and claims to be both yet ends up being neither
at least transition to neurology is trying to rectify the situation but they are still chained to the general field of psychology

>> No.12631482

I have to concede ignorance on that point but I also do not see that the opposite can be proven either. Faggotry is always murky.

>> No.12631483

Rofl, still lower than pre-op, learn to read stats and contextualize

>> No.12631484

>when you take sissy hypnotization audios and bbc worship compilations too seriously

>> No.12631490

Not an argument.

>> No.12631495

sorry, I meant valinor, not that up on my LOTR

>> No.12631496

psychology and sociology are kind of is self-destructing right now thanks to IQ given that:
a) IQ is not a very good statistical measure and psychologists/sociologists are trying to debunk it very hard because of the "icky" implications if IQ is real
b) IQ is the best predictor in the whole field of psychology/sociology

so hopefully we will live to see the day when they admit their fields are garbage just so that they don't have to support IQ related studies

>> No.12631502

Youre a contorted soul anon. No amount of rational argument and human kindness will show you how wrong you are. Open your fucking eyes

>> No.12631509

doubt it, having to live the rest of your life centering your days around keeping a wound open doesn't sound conducive to mental stability

>> No.12631514

>human kindness
>pandering to the basest impulses of people
we have different definitions of that word

>> No.12631518

>genderqueers are not faggots
I disagree.
>those people don't claim to be
Their claims are irrelevant in the face of their faggotry.
>so why are historical examples suddenly a valid targets
Everything is always open to criticism. Regardless, you allowed permutations in this question. Can you restate this? I am lost as to what you are precisely asking.

>> No.12631520

The fuck are you on about now tranny

>> No.12631526

Also not an argument.

>> No.12631532

That faggot is an interloper that was answering for me. Ignore himher.

>> No.12631533
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>ITT: trannies intentionally misinterpret history and fiction to make it seem like being a tranny isnt an artificially formed modern mental disease

>> No.12631535

ah cool, making statements based around entirely made up facts, "doubt it".
Must be a lot easier to have opinions on stuff, when you dont know what the fuck you are talking about

>> No.12631541

Your arguments are as weak as your force of will. They’ve been shatteres consistently in this thread, yet you are to dumb, blind, dellusional, and biased to see this. It is unfortunate that I have to share the world with the likes of you, but I suppose that beats surrendering to the ideas of others and mutalating the natural state of my body. If you’re a larp, you’re a genius. If you’re serious, I hop that you support your fantasies until the society that once backed you turns to betray you.

>> No.12631542

Based frogposter critical analysis.

>> No.12631547
File: 689 KB, 655x649, plebs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no real scholarship around transgenderism because the guy who did it would get hanged the next day on all major newspapers, so all we have to go by are our opinions, which is what i'm doing

and sociology and psychology are garbage fields either way, even when it comes to non-controversial topics, so even then i wouldn't be convinced

>> No.12631555

>Can you restate this? I am lost as to what you are precisely asking.
why are you using historical examples of faggotry as evidence of the fact that transgenderism has "always existed" when transgenderism as a concept did not exist prior to 20th century and all the examples before that you could possibly bring up are explained away as homosexuality or crossdressing?
essentially why bother bringing up any examples of queer behaviour before the 20th century as evidence of existence of transgenderism when the movement itself is more characterized by the possibly of actually transitioning to the opposite gender (itself a questionable practice as to whether that is truly possible, you're not having children anytime soon as a functionally biological woman would) which has historically not been possible until modern medicine?

>> No.12631558


>> No.12631561

at least you have found a retarded way to justify your retarded views, which is better than to having to doubt your uninformed opinions every second of the day I guess, good on you

>> No.12631567

This stuff already exists, but it's mostly ignored in academia for being wrong-think.


>> No.12631572

>uninformed opinions
come on, don't try to meme me, "educate yourself" is not credible anymore, your scholarship is shit and basically glorified fanfiction about yourselves, which is admirable in a sense but it won't last

>> No.12631580

Ladies and gentlemen, the pot is calling the kettle black

>> No.12631583

Is that true that it'll close itself up? Like an ear pierced. I don't want to think about sticking my dick into an open wound, gore fetish style, yuck!

>> No.12631586

just making up your own opinions based on absolutely no knowledge whatsoever seems a lot more based, I agree! I also, I dont know what scholarship you think I have, but you are probably mistaken

>> No.12631587

i never claimed to have decent scholarship about a made-up identity

>> No.12631590

ahh the ultimate LGBT trigger

>> No.12631594

>eating shit is better than eating nothing
it's not, it'll rot your insides

>> No.12631600

Are you a professional grave digger because I’ve never seen anyone fuck themselves over as well as you consistently do.

>> No.12631608

Yeah and it fills with hair and puss that trannies have to dig out. They consider it a simulated period.

>> No.12631611

My only argument was that though post-op suicide rates are high, they do not increase more than pre-op. What you think someone who has had an operation might be feeling, is both irrelevant and of no interest

>> No.12631613



>> No.12631619

Trying to understand something that spits in the face of reason is a waste of time

>> No.12631634

it's ignored because it's pseudo-science based entirely on blanchard's feelings and completely disregards all the scientific facts

>> No.12631644

I'm not who you were originally responding too I just thought it was important to point out that you are 100% dead wrong in saying that an inside out post-op penis is not a wound. It is a wound, and left alone it would attempt to close up and get infected.

Took 5 seconds on google

>> No.12631658

This >>12629781

Why are the suicide rates higher than normal regardless of whether post op?
Why are the suicide rates lower post op than pre op?

See, that's two questions.

>> No.12631662

>I enjoy feeling like a girl, therefore I become trans

it's you that can't reason

>> No.12631674

Honestly curious, do you have a source on post op rates being lower than pre op?

>> No.12631677

You never felt like a girl because you never were a girl.

>> No.12631720

I have a good friend who is going to do HRT (he has been always borderline psychotic with no treatment). I'm literally so disgusted that I find it hard to continue talking to him, though I'm making an effort. The most weird part is he is not effeminate or homosexual. People trying to normalise this fucking disgust me.

>> No.12631724

>modern mental disease
Can we predate this phenomenon to before Weimar? This appears to be the origin point for me. In all fairness though, practicality would subvert any physical transition of others before the time period due to lack of possible successful surgical transition. The lack of possibility might suppress any openness that someone might have. A real question is whether or not this phenomenon exists without a framework of psychiatry to tell them how to manifest their mental illness.

>> No.12631726

The people trying to normalize it know exactly what they're doing, and there will be a reckoning.

>> No.12631729

You can feel feminine. Gender is a fluid and no one pertains 100% to whatever gender stereotypes.

>> No.12631742

some of my first sexual fantasies as a child were about being a woman or being slowly transformed into a woman. not sure what to do with this given i am a normal straight man and completely happy with it. the idea can still arouse me sometimes but not like it used to.

>> No.12631745

>Genders don't exist.
>Genders are fluid.
>I want to change my body to align with a nonexisting fluid thing.

>> No.12631749

not OP but also taking estrogen, although mainly as a means of suffering management.

I still present as male (albiet a rather feminine one) and hormones have actually made me more comfortable doing so. Every aspect of my life has improved and see no reason really to stop unless health eventually becomes an issue, but i'm taking a rather safe dosage.

>> No.12631762

I dont think it's right to call Weimar the source, Weimar was definitely the first time and place where the environment allowed these forces to show through and do their dirty work but it certainly wasnt the origin. Psychiatry and psychology, the Western conception of gender, and the idea of tabula rasa inherent to liberalism all play a part.

>> No.12631768

>why didn't people who lived before hormone therapy and sexual reassignment surgery act exactly the same a trans people today?
gee i dont know anon

you're post is the equivalent of putting fingers in your ears and saying "nananana i'm not listening"

>> No.12631776

As someone totally clueless to all of this transgender stuff, what should I read to get into it? Should I even, at all? I'm kind of squeamish, and find transgenderism one of the areas that make me uncomfortable. Not because I have any vendetta against them, but I'm just not comfortable seeing images and reading of people who had to go through such a switch. I want the best for them, but I am uncomfortable seeing and knowing of girls who become boys and boys who become girls - I prefer a world in which both genders are simply themselves, without such complications. But I feel bad for these people, and believe they have a real condition. I look at their faces, and I see they are not the gender they belong to biologically. Their faces always reveal a difference to them, a mixup between body and soul, and it makes me feel quite sorry for what they must be growing through. But is it transphobic if I'm genuinely uncomfortable seeing images of the kind, be it of mtf's, ftm's, or drag queens and anyone related? Is this bad of me? I feel bad about myself if so, because I don't want to hurt these people any more than society already is.

>> No.12631784

>to dumb
>I hop that
I hope you have the excuse of being ESL. Regardless:
>I suppose that beats surrendering to the ideas of others and mutalating the natural state of my body
I was only buttressing the position that transfags do not have a solid foundation in history as was previously posited. My separating the different types of eunuchs by states of voluntariness was purely in a spirit of drawing light on what the transfags were stating. I never advocated for transfaggotry.

>> No.12631785

lots of people willingly became eunuchs even if some were forced and that invalidates your point

>> No.12631787

he is probably just an incel gaming the system, soon he'll become a """lesbian""" and try to shame women into sucking his feminine penis

>> No.12631794

Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
I'm curious how all the sex changes will pan out over the years. Will they regret it? Will some kts? Will others actually be fulfilled?
I don't understand why fulfillment is so wrapped up in indentity and gender. If that's all there is, then maybe super volano now

>> No.12631796

Yes it is transphobic. Until you can treat these people like you would anybody else and understand (and embrace) the change of a man into a woman, you are bigoted. Really the only true way to solve transphobia imo is for all men and women to become trans.

>> No.12631801

sounds like a fetish

>> No.12631808

You need to get blacked

>> No.12631816

Eunuchs were not transgender, their gender was man before and after they became eunuchs. They didnt magically become women by becoming eunuchs.

>> No.12631819

There's nothing said in that post, which you're misrepresenting, about how they act. Acting like a woman is not the same as believing that you can become a woman, or are a woman with male genitalia. Learn to read better or fuck off.

>> No.12631820

Worse. I’m a phone poster.

>> No.12631821

>gender norms are oppressive
>unless you oppress this person in the right way, you are bigoted

>> No.12631831

As long as we are sharing opinions: when there is a time of even relative prosperity meeting the needs of the weak becomes a priority simply because needs of an average person are more or less taken care of. What happens next and what endlessly baffles me is that people tend to forget that taking care of the weak is a privilege that you have to be careful with. People start to force a change into the human nature as if endlessly repeating something untrue will magically make it true. Right now trans think that everybody else has to take care of them, has to see unattractive as attractive, has to delude themselves into whatever version of reality that would suit trans which is simply unsustainable. Overall though i believe tons of problems of current society come from treating caring as a virtue as opposed to empathy as a virtue. People get triggered right and left and see themselves holier than though for it without any attempt to actually deeply understand a person or an issue. To me it's reasonable that endless caring means literally suffocating someone because you are too afraid to let them move enough to even breath

I don't think trans people were the ever norm. Humanity is first and foremost about reproduction, even if you don't want to have children at a time it only makes sense to be with a person with whom the possibility is still on the table. I don't doubt they existed and may have been extremely powerful individuals, but they power came from accepting themselves, not from forcing everybody else to accept them.

>> No.12631834

Well I would treat them like anyone else, but my aesthetic sensibilities are uncomfortable in the sight of them, and I can't change this.

>> No.12631843

t. Antinatalist

>> No.12631844

at the end of the day we can't escape from truth, beauty and goodness, even in this society

>> No.12631846

I feel bad for transgender people because they are more enslaved by gender than even the most masculine men and feminine women.

>> No.12631853

Then you're a transphobe. I recommend you try to groom your children into trans in the hope that their tolerance can outweigh your fash-inspired backwardsness in the long run. The only way were going to fix this world is by helping the youth see what's right. Try to get them on HRT at a young age and bring them to gay clubs to expose them to the culture early on. You know what's right now do it.

>> No.12631856

t. doesn't know any trans people

>> No.12631857

>Genders don't exist
this is a layman's way of saying gender is not fixed/essentialist but rather learned behaviours arbitrarily aligned with sexual organs.
>Genders are fluid
one's own gender is considered fluid as something which exists between traditionally masculine and feminine behaviors.
>I want to change my body to align with a nonexisting thing
you change your clothes to align with your identity even though it is fluid and could be considered nonexisting

>> No.12631868

What i don't know is any non-trans people who would make the sacrifices trans people do just to conform to a gender.

>> No.12631882

where do they come from? discord?

>> No.12631892

>why are you using historical examples of faggotry as evidence of the fact that transgenderism has "always existed"
I merely stated the first point of cross-dressing faggotry with which I was familiar. I cannot, as the other anon doubted, prove that his faggotry extended beyond tranvestitism into transgenderism. It is worth considering, though.
>transgenderism as a concept did not exist prior to 20th century
By name and with a practical possibility of making any kind of a surgical transition that somewhat resembled the opposite sex, I totally agree. I cannot pretend to know what lurked in the minds of faggots centuries ago, though. Your primary disagreement with me appears to stem from you conflating me with the transfag historian/enabler. I do not disagree with any of your underlying premises.

>> No.12631896

This but ironically

>> No.12631897

>Gender is simultaneously binary and non-binary on each end of a spectrum.
The state of you.

It's a new age cult, I'm convinced.

>> No.12631905


>> No.12631909

Dont bath new age cults like that

>> No.12631911

why does leftism in the current year sound like fake eastern wisdom?

>> No.12631920

I am no expert on this topic and I am unfamiliar with his work. The part about about:
>the other is "autogynephilic transsexuals" who, according to Blanchard, are sexually aroused at the idea of having a female body
I find particularly interesting.

>> No.12631926

maybe people change their body to fit within a particular accepted archtype in regards to gender, especially in America, which more so fits how they actually are as a person.

In America you can only act feminine in a caricaturistic flamer way, acting genuinely soft and sweet in personality is only acceptable if you were born female. Trans identity politics is simply conformation of the identity politics of gender already present in society, regardless of who you are your gender is supposed to define who you are and how you act as a person, god forbid someone simply be themselves.

>> No.12631927
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Thankfully you have no need to wait to find out.

>> No.12631935

They usually end up killing themselves, so we don't need to actually do anything.

>> No.12631939

Not him but
Would you be fine with performing surgery on a man who says he is part of a new gender, to turn his penis into some bizarre organ of his own design then staple it to his own forehead?

I mean why is his gender less legitimate than male and female in this logic?

>> No.12631945

i mean the masculine/feminine behaviors is my own terms. im sure a trans person wouldnt cede that much ground to the dualism of traditional gender roles. even so i dont see a contradiction, i never said binary anywhere.

a better question is why sexual politics are considered leftism

>> No.12631950
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>> No.12631956

There is still time to repent, so do it.

>> No.12631961

>it certainly wasnt the origin
Do you care to point more accurately than I can?

>> No.12631962

>a better question is why sexual politics are considered leftism
Because they're kind of new and conservatives are usually the ones who oppose it.

Hell, gays are already old news and we're starting to see plenty of them being conservative already.

>> No.12631971

i wouldnt be fine with performing a surgery on anyone. if you're asking whether it's a good idea to staple your penis to your face i'm gonna say no.

>> No.12631978

>lots of people willingly became eunuchs
>that invalidates your point that some were not willing

>> No.12631997

You're being mean to them, and I don't appreciate that. I want what's best for them, I just can't aesthetically stand to look at male caricatures of women or vice versa. Be it trans or drag, or elsewise. It crosses my wires, as a lover of beauty. Yet trans people have a real condition, and drag people have the right to their self-expression. Yet personally I wish I could avoid exposure to both. If I were to create a society (like Plato's Republic), then I'd personally outlaw drag-expression or atleast confine it to a specific, enclosed zone. Trans people are completely fine, and would receive all the help they need. I'm sure that's bigoted, I know. I feel bad but I just want things to remain in their classical forms...

Sadly this, though I wish nothing against these people. Aesthetics matter to me, is all.

>> No.12631998

leftism is about """liberating""" people from oppressive structures, like class or gender or having to wash your ass to participate in society

>> No.12631999

The vast vast majority of people were forced to be eunuchs when they were children.

>> No.12632003


>> No.12632005



>> No.12632007

conservatives are only 10 years delayed progressives, there's no such thing as right wing in our society except for economy because economy and technology are the 2 areas that it's too obvious when they stop working and the effects of their decay are too immediate to be acceptable

>> No.12632010

>Hundreds of threads being posted about literature
>some retards arguing about transsexuality is the most active thread

>> No.12632011

i want my hairline back too...

>> No.12632017

the point he was making is that because most were involuntary then trans people didn't exist and the existence of voluntary eunuchs contradicts this

>> No.12632021


>> No.12632023
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>> No.12632024

a tripfag is right for once

>> No.12632027

>conservatives are only 10 years delayed progressives
You are discounting true conservatives. Your comparison likely only encompasses normalfags.

>> No.12632028
File: 186 KB, 738x669, ayo tranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when are you going to kill yourself?

>> No.12632032

is this satire, or perhaps post-satire?
either way, fuck you redditor

>> No.12632041

How far are you going to take this BS?

>> No.12632044

srs has been practiced for 89 years already and its not going anywhere

>> No.12632046

Is it part of this guys persona to write in such an embarrassing manner?

>> No.12632054

Trans people usually suffer from depression even before they transition so that stat is basically just shows depressed people are prone to suicide,

>> No.12632057

Fucking WEW lad

>> No.12632058

And it's been a complete failure for those 89 years, but back in the day it was just a niche freak procedure.

>> No.12632064
File: 22 KB, 420x153, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people responding to a tripfag
It's over. I have given up.

>> No.12632069

I believe you to have lost track of which anon is which. Besides, you have a logic error:
>because most were involuntary then trans people didn't exist
The fact that castrations were forced does not preclude some victims from being transfags. I agree that the likelihood is near zero but the forced castration itself does not prove this point.
>the existence of voluntary eunuchs contradicts this
I still see a distinction between voluntary eunuchs and transfags. Some likely did it for the money. Some likely did it for the prestige. Without any historical reference except for it being required for political purposes, any transfaggotry link is very tenuous.

>> No.12632075

You allow a large permutation. Your statement can be interpreted in two opposite directions.

>> No.12632077
File: 66 KB, 1024x752, Morisot_Lady_at_her_Toilette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlets are always afraid of new horizons.
They worry about consequences of the new instead of reward. Truly the most beta of mindsets.

So you post some unsightly transitions, some pitiable and ugly souls. I see pioneers. Risk takers. People living true to themselves knowing full well it will not be a comfortable or desirable existence. Our trail to the moon was littered in bodies. Every path forward is. But you will die no matter what, so the best thing to do is die in noble struggle.

>> No.12632078

>*people willingly castrates themselves*
you, cis male who has no idea what its like to want to castrate himself: "nope no way they were trans"

>> No.12632090

Show me your (You) farm yield.

>> No.12632099

This. Sometimes I find my self thinking about the trannies ive seen at my local mall in such a way that for a second feel genuine uneasiness. This feeling is comparable to when I discovered my fireplace had asbestos in it after cleaning it or when I first see those house centipedes in my bathroom after turning on the light. I remember about 15 years ago, when in grade school, I'd occasionally see a tranny and it being a shocking thing to behold. Usually my mother or father would quietly ask me not to stare and to keep my question until we got into the car. Now I see them fairly regularly in public places. I just walk by them pretending to not see them just like everyone else. Its crazy how we all just silence our disgust. Ive recently started looking at other people when a tranny is nearby, people look for a moment, noting the creature's presence

>> No.12632111

I get it now. "Anti-/lit/" means anti eloquence and everything that makes reading good and harmonious
Just don't make me read something like that again I almost considered giving up on it for good

>> No.12632120

just because he was a messed up sodomite doesn't mean he was trans

>> No.12632121

why haven't you necked yourself yet - i mean, it's only a matter of time so why prolong things?

>> No.12632130

she offered to pay anyone who could give her female genitals, dressed as a woman, and delighted in being referred to as female, among other things

>> No.12632131

>cis male who has no idea what its like to want to castrate himself
We don't let mentally disease people kill themselves or do any damage to themselves, why would we allow this disordered people chop their genitalia like it is normal and good?

>> No.12632133

this assumes a necessary link between gender dysphoria and depression, how is this a beneficial revelation? regardless, suicide rates are much higher among trannies than they are among regular people with depression, retard

>> No.12632142

thats a false equivalency and maybe you should try reading some scientific literature before commenting on things you don't understand???

>> No.12632145

>mentally ill people existed in the past as well
powerful stuff

>> No.12632146

He was not trans, sure he was mentally ill like plenty of his predecessors (Caligula, Tiberius for most known examples) but apart from that there would have to be heavy mental gymnastics to equal his psyche and circumstances to modern phenomena

>> No.12632147

Yeah, the same scientific literature that shifts its paradigms according to social and lobby pressures.

>> No.12632155

trans people have existed for all of recorded history

you're doing mental gymnastics to say there isn't a strong case she was trans

>> No.12632161
File: 38 KB, 357x342, ted-how-bad-things-really-are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show boipucci, slut

>> No.12632162

>science isn't static and the definition of mental disorder is socially constructed
woah its like i'm reading that evil postmodern drivel i hear so much about

>> No.12632166

>Just don't make me read something like that again
I neither wrote that no made you read it. I was only reminding you of the fact that most ripfags are (You) farmers.

>> No.12632172

>"nope no way they were trans"
I never stated this, either - just that the link was tenuous without some sort of information contemporaneous with the castration. I can imagine a starving peasant allowing himself to be castrated for the privilege of ascendancy into a priesthood whereby he would have a general guarantee of sustenance.

>> No.12632178

of course they have, but only in modern society has mental illness become so pervasive. under regular circumstances, such a person would be shunned and met with pity, as opposed to blind acceptance as a means of subversion

>> No.12632180

>trans people have existed for all of recorded history
As all sort of disgusting deviations, doesn't make it ok man (hope I don't offend you by calling you for what you are)

>> No.12632186


>> No.12632189

you can only imagine that because you're a cis male who can't fathom what its like to be trans
you need to try listening to people with perspectives different from yours

>> No.12632196

>calling psychology or sociology "science"

>> No.12632221

I see. My mistake. I deserve public humiliation to compensate for that so the least I can do is leave anonimity protection for people to point and laugh. Hi, my name is Lucas

>> No.12632230

To me it seems like confusion around human categorisation. Grouping ourselves around our reproductive function (sex) as male and female seems like a good start. It's a real distinction, so the categories are valid - how useful they are in the long run remains to be seen and can be up for debate, although I think they've served us well for the most part..

Not sure why Anglos insist with this whole gender thing and put that, rather than sex on their official documents. But fine. As long as you view gender as an expression of sex, I have no quarrels with it. Quite hard to precisely calculate how the expression of your biological sex projects itself onto various psychological planes (hence the rebellion, confusion and general annoyance around fixed gender roles), but valid categories nonetheless; just more abstract than biological sex.

Now, how useful is it to rebel against gender, or sex? As long as you find a more useful criteria along which to categorise humans, I'm fine with it. It could turn out that three neural architectures each with their own subsets of functional configurations might render more useful categories for understanding ourselves as a species. That doesn't make the male-female distinction less real, just less useful and more conducive to confusion.

Having said that, there is absolutely no evidence (apart from some rare chromosomal abnormalities) to suggest that 'being born in the wrong body' is an actual thing. Neuroscientists are welcome to explore possible biological markers that would uncover a cause, but in the meantime people suffering from gender dysphoria should be given due attention to unveil whatever it is that might make them feel that way - whether it's latent homosexuality, or some form of trauma induced malfunction of self-identification. As for those trans who claim to think of gender as fluid, or non-existent they sure seem to care a whole lot about the packaging, or how they are perceived. Not even going to touch on those who don't even root their categorisation of humans in real biological markers (ie:animal kin and shit).

Gender re-assignment might reduce the suffering of some, but it's a mere coping mechanism, teleological drugging if you will, and in no way a cure.

>> No.12632233

>you're doing mental gymnastics to say there isn't a strong case she was trans

I don't know why you're using the word she as to he was a male. A sick perverted one but a male nontheless. Plus read up on Roman history of the debauchery of certain emperors if you think his doing was considered trans, if we go by your standard there would be many more you would try to twist to fit your agenda.

>> No.12632245

why does it get you so bitter? I even think the trans ideology is actually harmful but at it's core recognize it's something promoted by big pharma to sell more drugs and don't idiotically hate on people with actual dysphoria. No one actually tries to approach the issue from reasonable viewpoint, just subscribe to american outrage culture instead.

>> No.12632251

> a mentally ill momma's boy who got what was coming to him is considered a good trans historical example

>> No.12632254

I'm just letting the steam off since I can't show my opinions in real life without destroying my career.

>> No.12632260

i use she to make morons on 4channel upset
and i think its you who need to read up on roman history and what gender dysphoria and transness is

how about a reasonable viewpoint that if people want to have a male or female body and gender expression they can chose instead of trying to pathologize it to force people to conform to certain gender roles

>> No.12632263

trannies are repulsive to the sensibilities

>> No.12632265
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>a mentally ill momma's boy who got what was coming to him
i identify with that

>> No.12632267

>how about a reasonable viewpoint
Who put you in charge of what's reasonable?

>> No.12632273

i put myself in charge

>> No.12632279

>i use she to make morons on 4channel upset
and i think its you who need to read up on roman history and what gender dysphoria and transness is

A literal no you reply. I doubt you've read many ancient Roman historians to be talking as you do you've most likely skimmed the wikipedia article. Given I've tried to approach this reasonably but alas it's no use against agenda driven people such as yourself. You will just deny and twist history to fit your talking points. Fine have it your way.

>> No.12632285

>suggest that 'being born in the wrong body' is an actual thing
That's an overly reductive simplification. From what I've read, trans people have less sexually dimorphic areas of the brain that deal with internal body map than cis people do. It's more of a neurological intersex condition than anything else

>> No.12632288

>i identify with that

You shouldn't because in his case it was being killed along with his mother and both of their bodies were dragged through the streets. Or maybe it is some sick tranny's fantasy of being seen as a martyr, who knows

>> No.12632290

bitch i'm not typing out essays in an autosaged 4channel thread

also, learn how history works

>> No.12632294

taking things super literally is a sign of autism

>> No.12632295

fifth post best post

>> No.12632306

they told you that after the diagnosis?
>also, learn how history works

you first.

>> No.12632313

actually autism is possibly caused by having too much testosterone exposure in the womb and i have physiological and mental makers that indicate i was likely exposed to an unusually low amount of testosterone

>> No.12632316

Not an oversimplification, it's how it's expressed by them and the crux of the issue.
>less sexually dimorphic areas of the brain that deal with internal body map than cis people do
can you calrify this for me please before I reply to something that you might not even be saying? Are you referring to sexually dimorphic nuclei?

>> No.12632322

There are lots of opinions you can't show in real life without destroying a career.

Society is at large cancer and entirely at odds with whatever goals you have in life. Separate yourself from the culture as much as possible.

>> No.12632333

Check this out
>The only exception was the right inferior fronto-occipital tract, connecting parietal and frontal brain areas that mediate own body perception. Our findings suggest that the neuroanatomical signature of transgenderism is related to brain areas processing the perception of self and body ownership, whereas homosexuality seems to be associated with less cerebral sexual differentiation.

>> No.12632383

Right so the map doesn't match the territory sort of thing, but not really since both are territories. I'll look into it, but even if we were to entertain this hypothesis, what makes you think that re-assignment will make for a closer representation of the map? It's not that the map reveals a different territory that we already know of (ie: the opposite sex); it's that your cartographers were really crap and no amount of terraforming will match it. It's the map that they need a fix for, not the other way round.

>> No.12632415

Transgenderism is at large an attempt to ascribe to the stupid fucking ideology of gender needing to define who you are and how you act in the first place.

"Billy is in to theatre and poetry, he's to feminine"
"He's in middle school and he hasn't been in a fight? He doesn't want to play football? hes such a girl"

>> No.12632435

>wtf is physical dysphoria

>> No.12632454

there's literally nothing wrong with shaming people into normalfaggotry

>> No.12632466

do you remember when the alt-right made those npc memes? because thats what you are

>> No.12632475

probably someone fucked over by such ideology at large that having a certain level of masculine features means they think they should act equality as masculine.

>> No.12632487

post like this are why cis men should shut up and listen

>> No.12632496
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>the alt-right made those npc memes

>> No.12632656


>often in these cases i've known people to end up at least seeming happier than they once where

Keep an eye on them. Monitor how they develop through their 30s. You'll likely see a decline in their emotional state. A body can't be denied its biological destiny.

Whether you support or oppose transgender folks, this pattern seems almost inescapable.

>> No.12632701

You just wrote it.

>> No.12632704
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The disgust you feel is natural. I'm convinced that a percentage of trans people are in it for the spectacle they cause.

They were once weak men who went unnoticed, leading dreary and unremarkable lives. Now they hold a perverse kind of power. They dare people to sneer and make comments. Even sidelong glances can incite persecution. Finally, they're in control: they dispense punishment, acceptance, and approbation in equal measure. If you wrong them, they will find your identity. They will call your supervisor. They will get you fired.

The world ignored these men for too long. Now it can't.

>> No.12632723


Perfectly healthy

>> No.12632729


>> No.12632911

A great description of the method. The reason it was done is outlined in the culture of critique

>> No.12632924


I fear that it's a subversive tactic used to destroy western civilization and if it's allowed to continue being promoted by the (((media))) it will destroy many lives. No single person should support this facade

>> No.12632930

I view people accurately as part of a community. An individuals actions ripple out to the society at large. If you want to be a subversive peace of shit go live out in the Forrest

>> No.12632935

the history of trans-"people" is as a weapon used by cultural Marxists and subversive tribes against Western society.

>> No.12632938

>because i want to indoctrinate children
at least one is finally honest. With any luck you'll be one of the 40% suicides

>> No.12632951

trans hate themselves and in an effeort to rebel against the god the claim doesn't exist they seek to destroy the good and innocent. Few things are more innocent that a child. It's a win win for them. And a loss for all of humanity.

>> No.12633021

Be the cancer.

>> No.12633110

>Replies: 381

>> No.12633238
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I want to remind EVERYONE this is a LITERATURE BOARD.

Noting in this post is LIT fuck off to
where you belong

>> No.12633483

He became the pixie dream girl he had no chance of getting

>> No.12633495

Insane surgeries and putting kids on hormone blockers if they even dare pick up a doll has not