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/lit/ - Literature

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12628529 No.12628529 [Reply] [Original]

>make shitty 5 minute long breakdowns of entire world-views and simplify them to the point of meaninglessness
>encourage people not to read philosphers because they're "bad writers"
>completely misrepresent and even lie about entire world-views in order to push your own agenda
>millions of brainlets watch this tripe and upboat it
This shit makes me so fucking angry
How are they allowed to get away with this?

>> No.12628534

this is the book board dude

>> No.12628537
File: 127 KB, 1310x779, 1466127322023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy your Philosopher Jumper™ for the small sum of 182 US dollars.

>> No.12628539

And where else should I talk about a book channel fuckhead?

>> No.12628551

lmao what the fuck

>> No.12628594

wut. Why?

>> No.12628609
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How many of the people watching them would have even read philosophy texts anyway? Alain de Bottom is a just a businessman making money off the back of midwits who want to feel educated (a remarkably similar mindset to many on /lit/ nowadays), nothing more.

>> No.12628615

I genuinely have AGP. Wow. I don't know if it's AGP actually, I just want to be a girl. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.12628617

>its just capitalism at work dont be mad
Nah fuck him
I'd rather have uneducated people around rather than pseuds who think they understand philosophy because they saw a video once

>> No.12628620
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>> No.12628730
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Then it shouldn't be difficult to prove to them that they do not understand what they're talking about, and that de Bottom isn't a good source for understanding philosophy. I'm not saying you shouldn't be mad, only that the perceived damage to philosophy is less than you imagine.

Please stop replying to my posts.

>> No.12628922


>> No.12629074
File: 19 KB, 360x360, 1495435216292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check their youtube channel
>second video is about polyamory featuring WWBM

>> No.12629097

Jesus fuck I just watched it
>interracial couple
>complaining about capitalism
3 strikes you're out

>> No.12629108

What did he do that's so bad

>> No.12629109


>> No.12629111


>> No.12629118

did you read the OP?

>> No.12629139

The super vague and general complaints in the OP? Yes I read them. I want specifics. The most specific thing OP said was how he said philosophers are bad writers

>> No.12629150
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90% of their views are from school teachers who want to check their phones while some bald faggot explains things they forgot from university/they cheated their way to their position and have no clue what they are talking about half the time.

Also there is a huge lack of philosophers who dont write autistic 1000 page essays about bullshit that the average person doesnt care about. There is a reason why there is a huge boom in authors like jordan peterson, because he can write simple things without judgement.

>> No.12629162

>pupils dilate when I look in mirror

>> No.12629169

He misrepresents Philosophers to fit his own agenda
Multiple examples
In his Plato video he said Plato was against militaristic and/or authoritarian societies, which is fucking hilarious
He clearly hasnt read Republic or Laws
In his Kierkegaard video, well there's a comment that sums it up nicely.
Look for the comment by "Conclusive Postscript"
In his Hegel video he said "Hegel writes horribly and confusingly" and that he "Made philosophy much weaker in the world than it should be", then proceeded to completely misunderstand Hegel and gloss over Hegel's true body of work

What a fuckin hack

>> No.12629198

Thats because Philosophy was only meant for people intelligent enough to comprehend the ideas being discussed
If you cant read the work then you're already too stupid for the message of the work to have any value to you
Its not meant for everyone

>> No.12629253

Complete elitist thinking here. Thanks for re-affirming that philosophers are pretentious asscunts. Anyone who has an intense curiosity for concepts in Philosophy could get a proper education in Philosophy with proper work ethic like reading and in form of dialectic if they are lucky enough to have an intelligent Philosophy professor that could mentor them.

>> No.12629267

>elitist thinking
It's just the truth
Sure someone can get an education in philosophy, heaps do. But that doesn't mean they will learn anything valuable from it.

>> No.12629417


>> No.12629423

ego ego egooooo

ive got a big egooooo

suck on my dick and suck on my egoooo brooooo im a psychooopath with no emotion just trying to increase the size of my egoooo

viagra for me egooo

>> No.12629638

>everyone who doesn't share my views on society and politics is pol
Grow up

>> No.12629822

Worldview is one word and you used it wrong.

>> No.12629887

Its two words and I didn't use it wrong.

>> No.12629890

you are no longer permitted to discuss philosophy on lit. please take all philosophy discussion and go fuck yourself, you worthless cunty faggot

>> No.12629891

What? Are you telling me that [philosopher] isn't a progressive liberal?!

>> No.12629895

Is this your youtube channel anon?

>> No.12629911

discussion of philosophy is no longer allowed on lit. please kill yourself asap

>> No.12629917


>> No.12629963

THE SCHOOL OF LIFE is definitely a cancer, but it's probably not as bad as you make it out to be. I haven't paid them a lot of mind, but what you describe is basically was critics have been doing for centuries. Every time you read a 5 page introduction that shapes and summarizes a philosopher's book you're getting the same thing. Every time a philosopher is used for a figurehead of anything but their own ideas their work is redrawn shorthand and weaponized.

>> No.12631375

>dude it's okay cuz others do it

>> No.12631891

Wow, this is fucking genius.

You sound like a brainlet, getting mad at what other people do.

>> No.12632047
File: 60 KB, 1200x684, 1537421494410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You sound like a brainlet, getting mad at what other people do.

Let me just dump some toxic waste on your private property. What? You don't like that? Well, heh, see, you sound like a brainlet, getting mad at what other people do.

>> No.12632500

brainlet post

>> No.12632540

Shitty bait try harder next time

>> No.12632550

They're not even special in this regard, but they are symptomatic of the fruitlessness of YouTube as a philosophical source. I wouldn't even say they're the worst; just the biggest. Channels like Hbomberguy, Truediltom, and the deviously-named Philosophy Tube are far more guilty of using philosophers and their works as the basis for an ideological Trojan horse.

>> No.12632563

This point is fair. Someone like Derrida wrote so poorly that it’s practically an obligation to deliberately misinterpret him.

>> No.12632570 [DELETED] 

>make shitty 5 minute long posts of entire world-views and simplify them to the point of meaninglessness
>encourage people not to watch vids because they're "bad writers"
>completely misrepresent and even lie about entire world-views in order to push your own agenda
>millions of brainlets read this see op and upboat it
This shit makes me so fucking angry
How is op allowed to get away with this?

>> No.12632577

In the "Why did Socrates hate democracy?" video he implies Socrates wanted every one in society to be educated and have an educated democracy when Plato wanted a Philosopher King.

>> No.12632586


>> No.12632588
File: 2.42 MB, 2119x1580, Screen Shot 2019-02-20 at 3.28.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$182 for a jumper is cheap.

Based J. Press Shaggy Dog Wool Sweaters go for $245

>> No.12632600
File: 471 KB, 1369x989, SmartSelect_20190220-202415_Clover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make shitty 5 minute long posts of entire world-views and simplify them to the point of meaninglessness
>encourage people not to watch vids because they're "bad writers"
>completely misrepresent and even lie about entire world-views in order to push your own agenda
>millions of brainlets read this see op and upboat it
This shit makes me so fucking angry
How is op allowed to get away with this?

>> No.12632606

I can get a jumper for 20 dollars at target

>> No.12632613
File: 906 KB, 660x868, Goldman_Shecklesburgstein_Eyes_A_Babys_Freshly_Cut_Penis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a third time anon maybe it'll be funny

>> No.12632629


>> No.12632680
File: 217 KB, 1281x1640, jkr9009fb790_colorlightgreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing wrong with that $20 jumper but don't pretend its anywhere close as to a Brushed Shetland made of 100% Pure Wool, you fucking fanook.

>> No.12632732

Sounds gay as fuck