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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 229 KB, 500x813, My angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12628433 No.12628433 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your literary waifu? For me, it's the girl born with roses in her eyes. I've read her diary 3 times.

>> No.12629214

She was fucking 13. And an ugly 13 year old at that.

>> No.12630161

not her spirit. a heart beat and then it stopped and what it sustained is gone forever. it left a book..
relative to what remains it's all the more precious
>brightness falls..
not my waifu but not a bad choice either.

>> No.12630179


>> No.12630233

I want to say Natasha but she cucks Andrei twice.
Great pick. Franny is a solid one too.

>> No.12630247

Emily Dickinson of course, I'd be her Death anytime

>> No.12630348

and don't say I'm pedo cuz I read these books when I was 13

>> No.12630797
File: 45 KB, 624x468, alone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kitty from anna karenina. too bad she's taken. :(

>> No.12631155

aheago edit pls.

>> No.12631168

Her book was fake, go back to /his pls.

>> No.12631175

So are all the other books itt

>> No.12631265

What a fragile little snowflake we have in this thread. Maybe you should follow suit.

>> No.12631280

Dolores Haze

>> No.12632051


Weird Anne Frank porn fiction is the unironic natural conclusion of Holocaust pornography and emotional terrorism at the expense of Historical prudence.

>> No.12632785

Tell me more OP.

>> No.12632810
File: 953 KB, 828x1174, Annie Reb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Confederate pregnant Anne Frank porn is the end result of 70 years of leftists using her name to shove their agenda down everyone's throats like Harvey Weinstein does with his dick and prospective actresses.

>> No.12632814

When I was 17 I got a boner reading The Picture of Dorian Gray so I guess Dorian was my waifu.

>> No.12632824
File: 261 KB, 660x440, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonya Marmeladova.

>> No.12632849

right now, Midori from Norwegian Wood

>> No.12634105

That's, I assume, a pretty narrow category. Also the conclusion seems obvious. Literally a symbol of innocence, of naivete, immortalized by a diary created at the latest when she was 15, who else? Some nameless corpse marred by the reich and photographed while festering amid a pile of others, graved en masse?

(This is written in a pretty cringeworthy way I know)

>> No.12634111

My husbando would be the Fair Youth from Shakespeare's Sonnets. I would like to think it's Pembroke not Southampton, the descriptions of Pembroke sound a lot more like the Fair Youth I imagine. Plus the dates match up a bit more. Southampton is too obviously feminine, and there's no point in going gay for someone who's basically a girl.

>> No.12634123

Esme and Franny are my choices too

>> No.12634243

Oh, god. Oh, no. No, no. I remember reading that book and reflecting on how lucky I was to be single.

>> No.12634264

Glad to know I’m not the only one who finds cartoon Anne weirdly provocative.

>> No.12634301

Anne Frank was bisexual so there's plenty of material to go off with. Or get off with, rather.

>> No.12634398
File: 82 KB, 599x587, antigone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antigone. Beautiful, strong, defiant Antigone.

Catherine Linton (the daughter) is a close second.

>> No.12634411

She should've left her brother's corpse alone. She died because she abided by stupid principles. Being buried and having a funeral is the most narcissistic way to go.

>> No.12634423

(holland, 1945 quietly plays in the distance)

>> No.12634426

Jane Eyre, she is my girl.

>> No.12634431

>Not valuing family above society
>Not wanting proper honor and remembrance for your loved ones

>She died because she abided by stupid principles
Even if you believe that, it's better to die for one's principles than give them up and live in shame and regret.

>> No.12634437

Sonya is a SLUT

>> No.12634454
File: 124 KB, 570x940, justine de sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Awful life only grows more awful the more she lives
>Every good deed goes punished ten fold
>Even when happiness comes, she cannot handle it properly after all the shit she went through
>God then literally smotes her.

I know the book is a satire of moral ingénue stories, but I couldn't help but feel bad for her the entire time.

>> No.12634561 [SPOILER] 
File: 712 KB, 889x1216, 1550716591193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Anne Frank will never be nine months pregnant
>Anne will never find that her breasts have become so engorged that none of her bras or bikinis fit her anymore
>Anne will never decide to go topless because fuck it, she’s horny, hormonal, and uncomfortable enough as it is
>Anne will never arrive at the beach with you and the kids, wearing a dress thin enough to make her nipples visible
>Anne will never tell the kids to go make sand castles, but warn them not to go too far out into the ocean, knowing it will keep them occupied for the next hour at least
>Anne will never lead you toward a rock formation that’s out of sight of the kids and other beachgoers
>it’s next to an abandoned German minefield, but you both know the way, you’ve done this before
>Anne will never tear her dress off immediately the moment she’s out of view, ripping the buttons out, but she doesn’t care
>ywn become instantly rock hard at the sight of Anne and the weight distending her stomach and engorging her breasts, and yet, so beautiful
>there’s no need for foreplay, the constant slosh of a womb strained to the very limit of its capacity and well beyond that against her organs is enough for Anne, and just seeing that naked swell of a middle full of your child gets you the rest of the way
>you and Anne will never fuck cowgirl style, right there in the sand, to the sound of the laughter of your children, NATO jets flown by Europe’s new protectors, the Confeder-err I mean United States thundering by, and the forever moving sea
>ywn feel the exhilaration of expelling your hot and sticky load inside of your beautiful, nearly ready to burst Anne
>Anne will never cover her mouth to avoid screaming with pleasure, a reflex, like she did all those years ago when you and her were in hiding together and your first was conceived in the Annexe
>ywn lie, facing each other in pure exhaustion and content for the longest time

>> No.12634567 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.71 MB, 1050x1500, 1550716658065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ywn look at your Rolex watch
>ywn realize you’ve been lying there for almost two hours
>Anne will never grab the beach towel from next to you and use it to clean up your oozing jizz
>ywn tell Anne as you feel the tingling of the rag and her hand pressing up against your cock, as if she’s prepping you for a handjob, that it’s time to collect the little ones and head home
>Anne will never realize that she’s ripped out the buttons on her dress and it’s impossible for her to pull it around her gravid frame
>ywn tell her what does it matter if others get a glance? You’re both happily married and every one of your children was fed from those breasts anyway
>ywn stroll down the beach with Anne, holding hands, her Khazar milkers proudly on display for all the world to see
>ywn call your children’s names
>ywn listen to them innocently giggle at the sight of their mother with her favorite dress popped open, comically flowing with the ocean breeze
>ywn put them into the car and drive off with the setting sun
>ywn put your hand on Anne naked belly and feel the new baby kick responsively
>ywn feel the greatest sense of happiness and contentment that a man can

It hurts to live

>> No.12634584 [SPOILER] 
File: 570 KB, 511x850, 1550716917809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a symbol of the cute little pregnant Jewish girl that every man ought to have.

>> No.12634633



>> No.12634639
File: 1.04 MB, 2147x2997, Anne Frank x University Greys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


She's a symbol of what we could've had if the Good Men of the Confederacy had been there to dare stand against the might of the Nazis.

>> No.12634915


>> No.12634918


>> No.12634922

Could you stop posting these? I'm a Confederate and these are extremely offensive.

>> No.12634952

>Norwegian Wood
Is it worth reading? My interest has been piqued.

>> No.12635022

I liked it okay. It had a handful of moments that I think will stick with me. I didn't like it as much as everyone around me seemingly does, though.

When I read it, I was unaware of the high suicide rate in Japan, and thought that every third character committing suicide was just some sort of cheap melodrama on the author's part.

>> No.12635097

I wish I could save her in some sort of time machine

>> No.12635654

>i think it's goose-stepping


>> No.12635676

Weena from The Time Machine

>> No.12635698

sophies world

>> No.12636053
File: 68 KB, 803x566, tfw no anne frank gf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Let me think about that...
