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12627562 No.12627562 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder this snorky fuck managed to avoid the media which in turn saved his career.

There's no doubt Pynchon was fucked in the head probably would have offed himself if the media got to him the same as DFW did, all post-modernist have issues.

>> No.12627585

My ISP range seems to be blocked on all boards on 4chan. Does anyone use any other anonymous sites like 4chan. Are there any?

>> No.12627605

being an overt, pathologically reclusive hermit is literally the ONLY way to live today. hear me out. you aren't allowed privacy anymore. it's not even a luxury good. you are NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE PRIVACY. and this man went through so much trouble to stay out of the public eye and the fucking PARASITES in the media still have been hounding him for decades becauset hey have absolutely NO RESPECT for privacy. privacy doesn't exist. it's not real. these parasites would wander around long island taking photos of any eccentric looking old man just in case they can proclaim WE GOT HIM BOYS, WE FOUND HIM. really what they're saying is WE'VE FINALLY INVADED HIS PRIVACY or even WE'VE FINALLY VIOLATED THE ONE LAST THING THAT MAN HOLDS SACRED, WE DID IT REDDIT!!! and i mean even if he can stay out of the public eye, that doesn't mean he's owed a modicum of solitude. oh no no, thanks to ALPHABET AGENCIES constantly monitoring everything and everyone to fight imaginary terrorists, you will literally - and i mean LITERALLY literally and not figuratively ltierally NEVER have privacy. like i said, it doesn't exist. so you owe it to yourself to at least try your hardest to fight these CIA/FBI/NSA/etc spooks. and that's what pynchon has done his whole life. his entire literary anthology can be surmised as a war against the spooks. he has fought more bravely and valiantly than any MURDERER in service of the us government

>> No.12627623

Unironically this but Pynchon was most likely as much as a nut as DFW was I mean look at what he wrote about, I have no doubt the guy would've gone cuckoo as well but, sense he was no were near as an academia as DFW was; the man on his toes got away precisely.

>> No.12627734

We dont have enough eloquent nuts in my opinion. glad we got pinecone

>> No.12627758

David Benatar is an academic and he got away with it for the longest time until he chose to start revealing himself recently.

>> No.12628105

Every weirdo in the world is on my wavelength

>> No.12628148

Damn he cute

>> No.12628192
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I want to write a magnum opus and demap myself. Would you guys read it?

>> No.12628199

Unironically yes, if you intend to write it as your magnum opus and not half-ass commit midway and or write some post-post-modernist jargon.

>> No.12628221

Pynchon was not fucked in the head what a boring idea of artistry youd have to have to believe that gay shit.

he was reflecting the insane times he lived through. gravity's rainbow was a perfect statement about the deterritorialization ww2 caused and the crises of sexuality/identity/power in its wake.

he was also pretty high when writing a lot of it.

>> No.12628224

Buy a 4chan pass to get around range bans.

>> No.12628230

as long as its not Ted tier prepubescent rambling