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/lit/ - Literature

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12622549 No.12622549 [Reply] [Original]

post shelfs, get roasted

>> No.12622580


>> No.12622591

what is daily life in ancient rome like/

>> No.12623274

have not started. trying to get through top to bottom, approximately. i skimmed through when i first picked it up and was stoked but don’t remember specifics

>> No.12623286
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>> No.12623292
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imma do me bich

>> No.12623310
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>> No.12623372
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>> No.12623475

actually so nice. whatchu think of giles goatboy

>> No.12623482

looks like your taste is drier than my cunt, is that a first edition IJ? lmao

>> No.12623488

>muh big bulky hardcovers

>> No.12623497

Points for Henry Miller but Naomi Klein? Come on man

>> No.12623504

based silverstein

>> No.12623538

i just never got around to it and it makes me feel guilty not reading it. not worth it?

>> No.12623545

for reading at home who fuckin cares dogg

>> No.12623625

>looks like your taste is drier than my cunt

>> No.12623634

seems anon is a mentally ill post-op tranny who has to irrigate their hole

>> No.12623826

>Jordan Peterson hardcover
What the fuck is wrong with you? Nice Tintin though.

>> No.12623837
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I never get properly roasted.

Stacking is bad for the spines. Be nice to those old hardcovers.

Is the annotated Lolita worth getting?

>> No.12623883
File: 2.18 MB, 3236x2447, 9D4CCDB3-1891-4510-808C-863DFE09E3BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I have a copy of “Tintin in the Land of the Soviets” that’s given me a lot of pleasure. Super early Tintin is so crudely illustrated, and the plots are so violent and incomprehensible – there’s no way to resist being charmed.

>Is the annotated Lolita worth getting?
A thousand times yes. There are so many little jokes and Easter eggs lurking in “Lolita” that you’d be likely never to find without the assistance of the annotation. There are also many interesting tidbits about the development of the book. If you’ve read “Lolita” a few times, I’d say you owe it to yourself to get the annotated edition at some point.

>> No.12624188


>> No.12624217


>> No.12624268
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hello :)

>> No.12624294

hey, i think i remember you!
the comfy americana/mysticism vibe guy, right?

>> No.12624299


None of you are smart.

>> No.12624307

your gay

>> No.12624310

this is my first post, but I'm interested in that sort of thing

>posturing on the channel™

>> No.12624316

dang, i'm sure you two would vibe well

>> No.12624335

Oh, hey – I'm reading the Kindle version of that edition of "Rashomon" right now. Is that "A History of Japan" a good introductory text? It looks pretty short.

>> No.12624336

yeah, I mostly hang out on /x/ and /tv/ but I'll visit every so often for recs and whatnot
the internet is a small place, though, so who knows?

it was nice talking with you! :)

>> No.12624347

Well, quantity of books is not always matter. Maybe they prefer read digital ones. Or left some at parents house

>> No.12624351

No one's talking about quantity, anon.

>> No.12624354

t. virgin lmao

>> No.12624357

nice one, anon

>> No.12624362

Why do you have a framed photograph of negros and a Scandinavian wooden horse?

>> No.12624366

Okay then, just thought there have to be one or two with shittone of books

>> No.12624369

thanks :)

>> No.12624405

I lived and worked with said negroes in the Peace Corps; the Dala horse was a gift.

>> No.12624564

Nice horse, I got one from my great grandmother

>> No.12624596

Tack. Got mine from my gf, along with Moberg’s “The Emigrants.”

>> No.12624602

P.S.- What’s the story with your great grandmother?

>> No.12624882
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>> No.12624887
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>> No.12624955
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I am poor

>> No.12625082
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>> No.12625472

Not bad although you fell for a couple of memes.

>> No.12625490

>the shelf of trying to get out of the american beat mindset but slowly crumbling with pressure that they are not in fact smart at all

>> No.12625595

Nice desert island collection. Is the companion worth having around?

>> No.12625952

close but replace beat with hippie lmao

>> No.12626087
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>> No.12626090
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>> No.12626115

aren't these pics typically post in shelf threads just to get a rise out of /lit/posters?

>> No.12626121

works every time

>> No.12626347

yeah it's reasonably interesting for background information on the composition

>> No.12626632

>Jordan Peterson

>> No.12626647

Don't you have a John Wayne protest to be at?

>> No.12627564

>don delillo

>> No.12627569

Naomi is based and it’s a quick read

>> No.12627735

tfw libraryfag

>> No.12627756

>tfw just finished boxing up my bookshelves
>won't unbox until october when I'll have a proper house again
not a good feel lads

>> No.12628651
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Why yes, I am Canadian... What gave it away?

>> No.12628821

Ada is so good and is criminally underrated. Lolita has so much currency on this board but Ada is, in my opinion, the superior book

>> No.12628835
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doubt you even read/10

>> No.12628865

I've read all those books though

>> No.12628934 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 2304x1728, Beksilf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's less of a shelf and more of a decentralised book land where they fall kind of system.

>> No.12628951

Prove it. What does geschichtsrevisionisten mean?

>> No.12628953
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It's less of a shelf and more of a decentralised book land where they fall kind of system.

>> No.12629029

Ok I haven't read the dictionary or the grammar books cover to cover. But I would guess historical revisionist?

Edit: looks like I was correct

>> No.12629223

oh God, here we go again, FUCK OFF BACK TO R*DDIT

>> No.12629252
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pic related shelf is haterproof

>> No.12629254

i might be responding to bait but this is the most reddit image i have ever seen

>> No.12629256
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>> No.12629264
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Fuck protties honestly

>> No.12630244

You are homosex.

>> No.12631622
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I’ve got a couple different shelves. 1/?

>> No.12631624
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>> No.12631629
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>I am poor
>has a $100 boxset of LOTR

>> No.12631633
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Not pictured are the pop figures you could probably have guessed I have anyway

>> No.12631640
File: 2.04 MB, 3264x2448, 27B0ECDB-74C4-4CFA-A33D-BB649517A1F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s the main shelf.

>> No.12631650
File: 1.84 MB, 3264x2448, FE63D476-B61A-494C-BE7B-8AE3985160DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 1/2 of the shelf above my desk. Loki painting is by my wife’s friend

>> No.12631660
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2/2 of desk shelf.

>> No.12631669
File: 2.05 MB, 3264x2448, CFFF03A9-330B-4073-A983-64B18F6509EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shelf is pretty much just for fun

>> No.12631684

The last shelf is just my Harry Potter stuff, which you don’t need to see.

>> No.12631689
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Forgot picture

>> No.12631728
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, 5B8BDFD7-708E-4552-9AD1-EFB600F45483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last one until I get new shelves. And I’d say I’ve read a good 40-60% of what’s on these.

>> No.12631733

you stole these from some reddit thread, didn't you?

>> No.12631747

very similar to mine shelf. but I can't forgive you Fry, Peterson, Disaster Artist.

>> No.12631764


>> No.12631774

What is wrong with the disaster artist?

>> No.12631786
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Actually I just took the photos. Not pictured is my MAGA hat.

>> No.12631930

Humble and based

>> No.12632045

why do you have catholic and faggot flag?

>> No.12632100

Because of my varied tastes and interests.

>> No.12632129

just download some pdf's m8

>> No.12632799
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>> No.12633032

"The Disaster Artist" is surprisingly good. It lures you in with promises of weird anecdotes about Tommy Wiseau, but turns out to be a surprisingly serious book, and not especially light.

As for "The Ode Less Traveled," it was pretty much my introduction to poetry. No regrets.

>> No.12633364

literally disgusting I'd kill myself if this was my home

>> No.12634017

Ok .. what's wrong with it?