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12621911 No.12621911 [Reply] [Original]

>uses analytic philosophy to destroy analytic philosophy

So what the fuck do I believe?

>> No.12621915

do you believe anything?

>> No.12621942

well I believed reason was a fairly reliable way of discerning even ultimate truths but this situation kind of throws a monkey wrench into that prepossession

>> No.12621951
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who this?

>> No.12621977

>I believed reason was a fairly reliable way of discerning even ultimate truths
why would you believe this to begin with when reason is predicated upon pre-rational suppositions?

>> No.12622002

Kirt Gurrd-ell
Johann Gurr-tuh

>> No.12622013

He really looked like a disney villain towards the end. Paranoia really was doing a number on him.

More like ruined Hilbert's formalism project using formalist tools, though yeah I guess the early analytics were somewhat collateral victims. But Gentzen shows us a different side of the story.

>> No.12622035

uh, oh, I'm about to enter another "debate" with a Christian.


>> No.12622057

He’s not completely wrong. He’s only wrong for being a Christcuck

>> No.12622116

The only person who would claim this is a deeply religious person just so they can invoke their God. There's nothing wrong with taking reason at face value, even if Kant argues otherwise (once again to invoke God).

>> No.12622203

Brainlet here, what do you guys mean by this? What's the problem with using reason? I don't understand.

>> No.12622245

Nothin but Christcucks like to criticize reason as an end in and of itself because it doesn't leave enough room for God. They'll literally say the only reason they know they aren't a brain in a vat is because of the existence of an incomprehensible being who wrote an apparently entirely comprehensible book, the comprehension of which is the only way to know we aren't brains in vats.

>> No.12622285

>People who actually believe Godel's theorems have a significant relevance for any philosophical theory of language or mind

Is it tough not knowing how math works? What do you do when your phone is out of battery and you need to leave a tip?

If you're strictly talking about Russel's logicist program, then nothing I say applies, but it's your fault for calling that one movement analytic philosophy.

>> No.12622355

This wouldn't be such a bad strawman if instead of "they know they aren't a brain in a vat" you said "they believe they aren't a brain in a vat"

>> No.12622431

well no, in the case of Christians who use this presuppositional apologetic, they say they know it. To merely say they believe it would defeat the whole purpose of the apologetics since an atheist could just as easily say they believe they aren't a brain in a vat because their reason tells them this.

>> No.12622676

Lmao I guess Nietzsche, Heidegger, and late Wittgenstein were really trying to invoke god. (Maybe post-turn Heidegger actually did.)

There are a lot of people who ground reason in a pre-theoretical engagement with the world who go on to argue that the job of philosophy isn't an exercise of reason for the sake of infallible truths. There's a pretty long history of philosophers criticizing "reason as the rode to ultimate truths."

>> No.12623308

do you seriously expect anyone to watch those youtubes?

>> No.12623316

If they really want to pursue presuppositional apologetics then, yes, as a matter of fact, I do.

>> No.12623339 [DELETED] 

Fuck this white person.

>> No.12623351

it seems like nobody was really taking about christian god or whatever, and you just pulled a strawman. i think its pretty reasonable for "normal" people to believe in "ultimate" reason, just as those who believe in peano axiom system or something like that, and you just pulled "christcuck" strawman outof nowhere, and just link some shitty youtube videos which is almost an hour long. at least try to get an essay, or something. video is just terrible form for communication such abstract thoughts and compresses horribly.

>> No.12623442
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>dude logic has limitations
>AnalYTic PhilOSOphy iS DEaD

Analytics are still the majority at many universities, and Russel, Witty, et al are widely taught and respected.

>> No.12623465

I think the poster in question is trying to get at the fact that reason is a subordinate faculty to underlying irrational processes. Psychology refers to it as the subconscious, philosophy refers to it as the will. Think of it as the thing in itself of who you are, with your reason being only an expression of it.

So reason would be ultimately incapable of discerning ultimate truths because reason isn't truly a rational faculty, it only appears to be.

I'm not Christian.

>> No.12623525
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>Wittgenstein is an analytic philosopher

>> No.12623554

Wittgenstein is an ideal language philosopher
Ideal language philosophers are analytic philosophers.
Therefore, Wittgenstein is an analytic philosopher.

>> No.12623647

Yeah the guy who went on to give ordinary language philosophy's its reason for being is an ideal language philosopher.
It's not even clear in the tractatus if he's an ideal language philosopher because of the resolute readings of it. For the record I agree that he was one, but it's not a trivial truth about that book either.

>> No.12624236
