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File: 117 KB, 1024x707, Gilles_Deleuze_2_H-737107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12621677 No.12621677 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw cured from the cancer and stupidity that is platonism
feels good

>> No.12621680

>cured from cancer
Um, anon...

>> No.12621695

>unprovable sophistry
Wow what an upgrade

>> No.12621698
File: 103 KB, 495x630, 1949-a-1956-gilles-deleuze-habite-avec-quelques-amis-dont-michel-tournier-qui-a-pris-cette-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw cleared the final boss
what do i do now?

>> No.12621748

I double dog dare you to greentext how Deleuze refutes Plato

>> No.12621936

Plato refutes Deleuze just as much as Deleuze refutes Plato. Also when will Platonism become fashionable again? I want to see contemporary continental philosophy take a Platonic turn.

>> No.12621988
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That guy is one of the worst readers of Plato to ever walk this earth. In Plato and Simulacra he completely makes up the category of simulacra and distinguishes it from that of copy with now textual evidence whatsoever. He builds a literal strawman, and much like several others trendy philosophers calls it "Plato" "Platonism" "Aristotle" "Western Metaphysics" as if he had the slightest idea what any of these are. Deleuze is not refuting Plato because he has no idea what Plato is saying, and this is cleat to any undergrad who has taken his Ancient Philosophy 101 course on the Euthyphro - something that frenchfag never did, apparently. I am not a Platonist but as someone who has spent a reasonable amount of time studying history of philosophy, seeing that there was a period in time where literature like Plato and Simulacra was not only published, but also revered, is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.12622024

It takes nerve to attempt a takedown of Plato. What was his attempted refutation? It's just funny because the modern French tend to be terrible at philosophy, imagining one that tries to dismantle the greatest of them all, is a potential scene for comedy. Though I won't judge pre-emptively. Maybe Deleuze did say something neat.

>> No.12622062

Deleuze is far better when critiquing with subtlety. There's a chapter in ATP where he (gently) tears Levinas' face of the other to shreds.

>> No.12622224


>> No.12622228

>Deleuze defines simulacra as "those systems in which different relates to different by means of difference itself. What is essential is that we find in these systems no prior identity, no internal resemblance"
Guys, how does this work? Aren't the actors in Deleuze's simulacra *similar* in that they can all be predicated of difference?

>> No.12622273

To say one thing can be similar with another if both are predicated on difference is a contradiction. It's kind of like saying two things are the same because of everything that they both aren't, like Zizek's joke about coffee without cream and coffee without milk. Deleuze's idea of pure difference is the move from a genealogical to a spectral distribution of identity– we don't have a shared origin, but rather are constituted in the degrees of separation between us. We only learn who we truly are by growing apart from everything.

>> No.12622324

>To say one thing can be similar with another if both are predicated on difference is a contradiction
On a fundamentally technical level, it is not. But we don't even have to go that far to reveal implicit similarity in Deleuze's simulacrum; we could simply say that the actors in his system a similar in that they are predicated of anything at all, no need to qualify.

>> No.12622405


>> No.12622442

>the actors in his system a similar in that they are predicated of anything at all
But Deleuze never makes simulcra a predicate of difference, IE, "no prior identity". There's lots of ways you can put that idea to work: for example, biological life is not the genetic code itself but rather the deviations and defects that result from imperfect reproduction. What you're describing, on the other hand, is pastiche, rather than parody. Though the latter might draw on an original, it doesn't give the same reverence to its source of inspiration that pastiche does, it doesn't maintain the primacy of its ancestors above itself.

Bear in mind, Deleuze sees the history of philosophy as a history of buggery:
>"getting onto the back of an author, and giving him a child, which would be his and at the same time be a monster".

>> No.12622555

>But Deleuze never makes simulcra a predicate of difference, IE, "no prior identity"
He does so whether he likes it or not. To speak and write of the actors in his system as "different relating to different" is to qualify them as such, and to speak and write of them in relation to one another at all they must first (prior) be internally relatable.

>for example, biological life is not the genetic code itself but rather the deviations and defects that result from imperfect reproduction.
Biological life *is/are* those deviations. If something *is* something it is necessarily similar to that something. I still identification based on similarity.

>> No.12622566

Still see*

>> No.12622695

Again, the idea that deviations (plural) can be grouped according to their type (IE, the differentiated) doesn't hold water. The 'set' of differentials could very well be infinite, but not definable as a "type". The only way we can address the idea of deviation in general is by talking about it as though its constitutive elements are similar, but it is important not to hold the model above what is actually being described. Difference is an untenable type, even though our language would lead us to believe such a category is possible. The identification of similarity is just that– an identification, it does not speak of pure difference.

>> No.12622729

You guys sound so smart to me...I think I'm just a brainlet who wasn't made for philosophy...I'm basically a capital-P Platonist (believing all entities have an abstract form to them that caused them to be here), but philosophy beyond that is difficult for me to penetrate. Is it okay for me to be unintelligent? As long as I'm kind to others?

>> No.12622762
File: 99 KB, 746x512, k51ruvchmbf11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jast tree hurdur fren kep tryig two lern

>> No.12622785

I love you fren. I will try harder, but above all I will love you and all my other frens in this world we inhabit together. To love and be kind to others - these will always be the highest of philosophies for me. I'll leave the bigbrain stuff to you guys.

>> No.12622788

I've never read Delouse, but judging from the pic related, he knew aesthetics when he saw them.

>> No.12622799

Don't worry anon, keep trying. When you start getting into more modern philosophy you'll stumble into the linguistic turn and wonder what the fuck happened. It becomes less of a question of objective truth and more about finer gradients and closer approximations by tweaking our language. Philosophical debate at its most congenial is not much more than nitpicking at the other's model.

>> No.12622829

A differs from B and C
B differs from A and C
C differs from A and B
A is similar to B in that both A and B differ from C.

I believe it does it hold water. It bottoms-out these ontologies of difference (Deleuze, Derrida, etc.); beneath every ontology of difference there lies, albeit implicitly, one of similarity. A limitation of language most definitely, but not something to be scoffed; for a limitation of language is a limitation of man (perhaps this is why Deleauze's project appears so anthrophobic at times). The idea dovetails quite nicely with Girardian mimetic desire, GA, etc. I believe it has clout.

>> No.12622845

>Be Plato
>Write a series of dialogues where opinionated characters talk about and argue their individual points of view
>French philosopher 2000 years later calls himself anti-Platonists because he disagrees with something one of your characters said, as though he was a member of one of the dialogues
What went wrong here?

>> No.12623018

>perhaps this is why Deleauze's project appears so anthrophobic at times
this is an intelligent connection. I think its important to acknowledge the way in which Deleuze (despite his admiration for Spinoza) breaks away from the tradition of univocity. Spinoza's ontology is, in this sense, undercut by the way deleuze substitutes the onto-theological Being for a being which makes substance turn around the modes. Univocity is a system of analogy, a means to show how attributes, though similar, sustain the difference between descriptions of beings and descriptions of God. Deleuze's innovation is to show that univocity precludes the positing of two different kinds of being (substance and mode, God and creatures, etc.) because Being is ultimately a modal being, entirely lacking in an original essence.

This brings with it a degree of unintelligibility because we can no longer understand Being (x) or substance in analogous terms with beings (A, B, C, etc.). The apparent similarity of modes is purely the result of the analogous relationship to their type: for example, man is wise, but only by analogy to the wisdom of God, which is unlike anything the man is capable of conceiving.

>> No.12623029

Yep, philosophy is definitely not for me. I can't understand this at all, and it seems really boring to me too. No offence in any way, this is just my brainlet opinion. I think art is moreso my forte.

>> No.12623091

To each their own, but Spinoza's ethics is genuinely beautiful. I'd call it a work of art if only for its brilliant synthesis of form and content, its euclidean structure is the most incredible fine-tuned machine, especially considering it was written around three centuries ago.

>> No.12623113

Can you name me a translation, pls? I'll put it on my list.

>> No.12623187

Underlying this modality however is something concrete; the difference I speak of above: man is wise, but only by analogy to the wisdom of God, which is unlike anything the man is capable of conceiving, but man and God are similar/different in that man and God are neither/not neither eachother. The concretive similarity of difference is implicit in the fabric of our faculty to sign. It is in this manner that we can transcend an ontology of difference, moving towards one more conducive to the ontological reality expressed above; one that we can tentatively call meta-difference.

>> No.12623810

I'm going to be responsible for the revival of Platonism

>> No.12623812

This is what Badiou arguably represents

>> No.12623868

Please do anon. All this dunking on Plato is getting boring.

>> No.12623986


I was in a restaurant the other day reading during the slow hours. apparently, another guy had the same idea, and came in and sat down with the complete works of Plato. I went over to him and just asked, "why?" (I was much more polite than that, but that's what I asked). Why spend around 3 years wading through utter backwardness?

>> No.12624016

If Plato is backwards then who is forward?

>> No.12624679

Advaita is the end-game after the final boss

>> No.12624989

To understand Deleuze you have to understand the French. French Philosophy is a pilgrimage searching for Anglo obscurantism. While Hume and Locke are truly dim and cannot help it, thus not so much content with or even forced to abase themselves, but simply doing so implicitly, the Frenchman is actually bright and cannot stand it. Though at first glance French Philosophy does seem written by troglodytes fumbling with random phonemes in a phantasmagorical imitation of actual humans, this is not the case. The Frenchman is actually neurotic and terrified by his own masculinity, prominently by his Mind. France being a proto-Israel and proto-USSR is evidence enough. The Frenchman hopes he can achieve Anglo anesthesia by abusing his own Mind enough.

>> No.12625004

wtf i love the french now

>> No.12625006

the introduction of Aristotle to western europe courtesy of the islamic golden age did a lot to break the curse of Plato on medieval thought, with Descartes pushing Aristotle's emphasis on empiricism to even greater heights. so those two, for starters.

>> No.12625138

how can i explain and remove this naseuting sensation sitting on this chair smelling the juices of a pussy drying on my cock? actually, the temperatures located around my groin area is just the right temperature where the juices dont actually dry to a crisp, but keep some moisture.

>> No.12625145

wow I love Daft Punk now

>> No.12625163

i wish i had read enough french philosophers to know if this is true

>> No.12625187
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>> No.12626064


It is.

>> No.12626145

>Try to read French philosophy.
>All I can see is weird words connected, they seem to think that writing obscure paragraphs=depth and intelligence; no comprenhensive thought seems to transpire
Am I a brainlet or is French philosophy a meme?

>> No.12626160

Most crine post in this thread tbqh

>> No.12626294

Depends. Who did you read?
Foucault is ultra-meme tier

>> No.12626438

Being intentionally retarded is not a substitute for a personality. If you were even slightly familiar with philosophy in the 20th century onwards you'd know I'm right. Philosophy is a process of refining the models by which we understand the world, not a way of talking about the world "as is".

>> No.12628009

Don't worry friend, your post sounded quite smart to me, the anon you spoke to. Relieved me a bit too, because while Plato's philosophy seems so straightforward and accessible, anything of recent Western philosophy seems like an alien realm to me, and I'm absolutely baffled at how the former gradually transitioned into the latter. You are a smart and good person, don't worry about those who berate you on this site. :)

>> No.12628330
File: 158 KB, 432x676, Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Errors Brought Into Religion From Aristotles Metaphysiques
Now to descend to the particular Tenets of Vain Philosophy, derived to the Universities, and thence into the Church, partly from Aristotle, partly from Blindnesse of understanding; I shall first consider their Principles. There is a certain Philosophia Prima, on which all other Philosophy ought to depend; and consisteth principally, in right limiting of the significations of such Appellations, or Names, as are of all others the most Universall: Which Limitations serve to avoid ambiguity, and aequivocation in Reasoning; and are commonly called Definitions; such as are the Definitions of Body, Time, Place, Matter, Forme, Essence, Subject, Substance, Accident, Power, Act, Finite, Infinite, Quantity, Quality, Motion, Action, Passion, and divers others, necessary to the explaining of a mans Conceptions concerning the Nature and Generation of Bodies. The Explication (that is, the setling of the meaning) of which, and the like Terms, is commonly in the Schools called Metaphysiques; as being a part of the Philosophy of Aristotle, which hath that for title: but it is in another sense; for there it signifieth as much, as "Books written, or placed after his naturall Philosophy:" But the Schools take them for Books Of Supernaturall Philosophy: for the word Metaphysiques will bear both these senses. And indeed that which is there written, is for the most part so far from the possibility of being understood, and so repugnant to naturall Reason, that whosoever thinketh there is any thing to bee understood by it, must needs think it supernaturall.

>> No.12628337

But to what purpose (may some man say) is such subtilty in a work of this nature, where I pretend to nothing but what is necessary to the doctrine of Government and Obedience? It is to this purpose, that men may no longer suffer themselves to be abused, by them, that by this doctrine of Separated Essences, built on the Vain Philosophy of Aristotle, would fright them from Obeying the Laws of their Countrey, with empty names; as men fright Birds from the Corn with an empty doublet, a hat, and a crooked stick. For it is upon this ground, that when a Man is dead and buried, they say his Soule (that is his Life) can walk separated from his Body, and is seen by night amongst the graves. Upon the same ground they say, that the Figure, and Colour, and Tast of a peece of Bread, has a being, there, where they say there is no Bread: And upon the same ground they say, that Faith, and Wisdome, and other Vertues are sometimes powred into a man, sometimes blown into him from Heaven; as if the Vertuous, and their Vertues could be asunder; and a great many other things that serve to lessen the dependance of Subjects on the Soveraign Power of their Countrey. For who will endeavour to obey the Laws, if he expect Obedience to be Powred or Blown into him? Or who will not obey a Priest, that can make God, rather than his Soveraign; nay than God himselfe? Or who, that is in fear of Ghosts, will not bear great respect to those that can make the Holy Water, that drives them from him? And this shall suffice for an example of the Errors, which are brought into the Church, from the Entities, and Essences of Aristotle: which it may be he knew to be false Philosophy; but writ it as a thing consonant to, and corroborative of their Religion; and fearing the fate of Socrates.

>> No.12628358

Why do you capitalize so much shit just write normally