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12620961 No.12620961 [Reply] [Original]

How can a desire machine produce something real ? And what is it producing?

>> No.12620969

have you tried reading deleuze and guattari? they might have intriguing insights on those questions

>> No.12620982

read literally the first few paragraphs of chapter one of AO

>> No.12620998

Whats real to you? A coffee mug doesnt feel so does that make it less real? No, it is part of reality so its real.

So a machine can produce something real just as a coffee machine can produce coffee.

As for what is producing, well depends what you put in there.

Dont be so concerned about all the machines out there producing, its your CHOICE to use those things or not.

>> No.12621017

I desire to shit, so I shit.

I produce brown logs and they stain my toilet bowl.

It feels good when they leave my body.

>> No.12621048

Fuck that last sentence gave me chills, I expected to rhyme but you shattered my expectations with a reverse and stabbed me straight in my chest, BRAVO.

>> No.12621067


Defecooze and Scattari are stale memes.

>> No.12622004

never heard of them.

>> No.12622019

but how can desire produce something? like what the hell even is a desiring machine? I've been reading some of Anti-Oedpius and it just seems like a bunch of nonesense to try and sound smart and intellectualz.

I dont get their whole schizophrenia thing, like they said something about its better to be a schizophrenic? Like do they even know what its like to be schizophrenic?

i'm just really confused.

>> No.12622026

You were supposed to read freud and lacan first

>> No.12622049

Think of it like a leap over freud and a skip away from Lacan. The dream stage unconscious is replaced by an unconscious that is structured like a language, which is then scrapped entirely for an industrial concept, desiring-production, the unconscious as a veritable factory. The desiring machine is way of describing desire as an autoproductive flow within a population.

>> No.12622136

i dont know who lacan is, but i've heard that freud was pretty wrong about a lot of stuff, so I glossed over him.

>> No.12622157

Freud is wrong about most stuff and Lacan is wrong about almost everything, but D&G do interesting things with their ideas.

>> No.12622159

I don't know whether its arrogant or just plain dumb to "gloss over" the thinkers that D&G are responding to with Anti-Oedipus, but then again, you don't know who Lacan is so its probably just the latter. How much philosophy have you read prior to this?

>> No.12622169

>Lacan is wrong about almost everything
protip: without calling him a charlatan