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/lit/ - Literature

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12619429 No.12619429 [Reply] [Original]

ok bros i read discipline and punish by this pozzed faggot and liked it, but goodreads is telling me the order of things is the more patrician book by him.

what should i read before this? do i really need to have read nietzsche? can i just dive right in?

>> No.12619439

lmao yeah just keep reading pomo obscurantist bullshit hahahaha if you read enough of it you'll develop Stockholm syndrome and believe you can make sense of the amphigory.

>> No.12619446

t. Jordan Peterson

>> No.12619455
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the only way to understand foucault fully is to be a gay bdsm sub in an anonymous bareback bathhouse gangbang after spending 2 weeks marketing the evening by fliers outside every gay bar in a hundred mile radius and posting repeatedly in bugchaser forums. Then you will understand the mechanics of power he is referring to.

>> No.12619461
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>reading foucault

>> No.12619467

>if jordan peterson is a charlatan that must mean foucault and judith butler are honest intellectuals practicing their philosophy in good faith.
>they would never take advantage of me.

>> No.12619469

what should i be reading instead? nick land? debord? baudrillard?

>> No.12619474

Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas

>> No.12619486

What’s the best Foucault book to start with? I’m interested in Madness and Civilization; would that be a good place to start?

>> No.12619487

suicidez vous les anglos vous êtes pire qu'un cancer

>> No.12619491

Read what you like.

>> No.12619494

the one where he convinces naive college students to let him fuck them in the ass with his aids dick.

>> No.12619495

dont listen to him read all the french theorists they are great

>> No.12619498

i like foucault. thats why i made this thread

>> No.12619507

Les mots et les choses is way more patrician.
Structuralist Foucault > Post-structuralist Foucault

>> No.12619508

forget about Foucault.

>> No.12619516
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>reading unfalsifiable garbage

>> No.12619517

>In our paradigm, one receives the bug from the oppressor, processes it within the system internal, and then dispenses it unto the helpless. In this we create a new paradigm of shifting fluids and plague, a modern trickle down of sin and depravity to counterpose the order in our society.

>> No.12619518


>> No.12619529

>french theorists

Anon, charlatan and theorist are not synonyms...

>> No.12619534

they literally admit they make shit up to try to sound deep and get laid

>> No.12619535
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>> No.12619543

oh boy

>> No.12619559

whether or not he conforms to intersectional progressivism, his work on oppression is the direct ancestor of today's clickbait outrage culture.

>> No.12619560

>liberal retard land
except all the right wing bots on /pol/ came from reddit in 2016 lmao

op keep reading foucault, he's just too difficult for these sad larpers

>> No.12619562

Order of Things was 2 deep 4 me. Seemed to assume a pretty good familiarity with early modern French intellectual history

>> No.12619571

Imma need you to back that up with references to specific works, anon

>> No.12619577
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>y-y-you wouldn't understand
>derrida and foucault are just 2deep4u
>you have to spend your whole life reading them before you figure what this bullshit might mean and even then you might be wrong
lmao at the absolute state of continentals

>> No.12619578

Sage and reported.

>> No.12619586

DIRECT ancestor is a little bold, and you really have to be more specific when using the term "liberal." It has meant very very different things throughout the last few hundred years, from pre-Foucault, Foucault, to today.

>> No.12619596
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No. This is a reactionary board.
Read Kondo, faggot!

>> No.12619597

boring, irrelevant, non-entities

>> No.12619608

This meme brings me joy

>> No.12619635

Aquinas was just plagiarizing Al-Ghazali and Averroes

>> No.12619661

Depends on what you want from him. If you're interested in the organization of modern society I recommend Discipline and Punish. It's one of his best.

>> No.12619676

It's the same for Aristotles and the Greeks in general t.b.h.

>> No.12619677

>Reading philosophy written by somebody who couldn't live up to his own ideals

What is the point of studying philosophy that nobody can actually follow in practice? It's missing the point. Unless you're just reading up on it to seem intellectual..

>> No.12619696

How did Foucault not live up to his philosophy?

>> No.12619705
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And don't come back.

>> No.12619714
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>the HIV is a social construction created by le ebil white man to oppress gays

Just kill yourself please.

>> No.12619721

Kant said he wouldn't write philosophy about religion until a certain king died, I can't remember the name of the king, and he held his word.

>> No.12619729

And the social construction killed him lol

>> No.12619730

how did he not live up to his philosophy? it's clear his whole philosophy is built around his fetish of getting dominated and he got plenty of that

>> No.12619739
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tbf society can construct pretty sturdy things

>> No.12619922

Are you being ironical? You read foucault, liked it, and then go to goodreads and have people tell you how you were really supposed to do things?
>this is bait
>you probably didnt get what foucalt was saying

How bout this, you tell me whether i should piss or shit first.

>> No.12619932

Its necessary.

>> No.12619959


>> No.12619973
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>Foucault was a conservative

Fuck off kike

>> No.12619974

Extremely low quality post. by any chance you're a regular on /pol/

>> No.12619979

most black people i have met suggest that HIV was originally created by the CIA/Jews to thin out the black population, and just didnt factor gays in. How would foucault respond to this mis-transmission of oppression within his ontological construct?

>> No.12619985

>Continental witchcraft

>> No.12619995

>obscurantist bullshit
low iq

>> No.12619999

I don't thunk I've ever seen the term "good faith" invoked in good faith.

>> No.12620005

low iq

>> No.12620032

>get your dick wet
>publish papers about it


>> No.12620078

He did live up to it, but he proved it wrong in the process.

>> No.12620140

Is there any better reason?
I miss the schoolyard days when girls wanted to borrow my books AND suck my cock.

>> No.12620149

>Thomas Aquinas
Truly the Riza Negarestani of his time.

>> No.12621389

bump for fookoo

>> No.12621411

are you literally a retard?

>> No.12621844

Kant, Husserl, Bachelard some knowledge of Hegel, Nietzsche, Heidegger, of the Quixote and of Sade. And above all, "The Analytical Language of John Wilkins" by Borges.

>> No.12621861
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>Not starting with this tome

>> No.12622153

wtf i leave for work and find my thread full of /pol/ tards discussing about AIDS than about the sources to read before foucault. i hate /lit/ sometimes

>> No.12623034

>Madness and Civilization
Also interested in reading this as I'm going into psychiatry. Just how much of his thinking is unsubstantiated bs?

>> No.12623041 [DELETED] 

That Anon must be a stupid white boy.

>> No.12623046

>ok bros i read discipline and punish by this pozzed faggot and liked it,
nice false flag, faggot

>> No.12623048

gay niggers on hrt don't work, you're not fooling anybody.

>> No.12623080

My ex gf used the “medical gaze” to blame doctors for not paying attention to her “mysterious muscle/bone problems” when in reality she had an eating disorder. What a fucking retard lol. Hope she’s dead from malnutrition by now.

>> No.12623094

So is Foucault pushing the old "le doctor is bad" meme?

>> No.12623133

He basically pushes a depersonalization story. How you’re just a machine made out of flesh and bones with certain pathologies that can be diagnosed from a textbook

>> No.12623136


>> No.12623137

no wonder trannies identify with this.

>> No.12623143

Oh shit I thought you meant birth of the clinic. I haven’t read madness, sorry but I do remember having discussions about “WhAt iF tHe CrAzY oNeS aRe AcTuAlLy ThE SaNe OnEs???!?!

>> No.12623196

Foucault is not that hard to read anyone calling him an obscurantist is a moron just pick the book up.

>> No.12623220

it's all americans dude.

>> No.12623229 [DELETED] 

Specifically, stupid white americans.

>> No.12623412

People who think Foucault isn't obscure are stupid tryhard pseuds.

Foucault even admits to overwriting to obscure his meaning.

>Searle claims Foucault told him: “In France, you gotta have ten percent incomprehensible, otherwise people won’t think it’s deep–they won’t think you’re a profound thinker.” When Searle later asked Pierre Bourdieu if he thought this was true, Bourdieu insisted it was much worse than ten percent.
>With Derrida, you can hardly misread him, because he’s so obscure. Every time you say, “He says so and so,” he always says, “You misunderstood me.” But if you try to figure out the correct interpretation, then that’s not so easy. I once said this to Michel Foucault, who was more hostile to Derrida even than I am, and Foucault said that Derrida practiced the method of obscurantisme terroriste (terrorism of obscurantism). We were speaking French. And I said, “What the hell do you mean by that?” And he said, “He writes so obscurely you can’t tell what he’s saying, that’s the obscurantism part, and then when you criticize him, he can always say, ‘You didn’t understand me; you’re an idiot.’ That’s the terrorism part.” And I like that. So I wrote an article about Derrida. I asked Michel if it was OK if I quoted that passage, and he said yes.

>> No.12623428

fucking based comment, /lit/ might have a few posters who actually fucking read

>> No.12623721

>listening to Goodreads