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/lit/ - Literature

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12619007 No.12619007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books with the subject of the female orgasm?

>> No.12619009


>> No.12619014

>nose ring
>colored hair
Yep. All the warning signs.

>> No.12619021
File: 21 KB, 311x499, 41B9iJQRKHL._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder women are biologically fascistic and statistic

>> No.12619032

Women are statistic? How do you figure?

>> No.12619035


>> No.12619037

Prove to me that a cow is less useful than this thot (they both look the same but the cow is actually useful)

>> No.12619064

can't women just make themselves cum?
why do they need men for that?
i thought they were stronger and more independant than that.

>> No.12619080

She Comes First by Ian Kerner. Look for pdf online.

>> No.12619095
File: 144 KB, 750x910, 23554CE2-F70B-4F66-8290-5BAFC39D439F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't men just make themselves cum?
Why do they need women for that?
I thought they were stoic and too independent for that.

>> No.12619099

>implying a 3D woman has ever made me cum
ha ha

>> No.12619101

Add the shirt that shows shitty values and this has more redflags than the crowd in a Liverpool vs Manchester United match.

>> No.12619102

I know a girl who looks just like her. She asked me if I wanted to fuck once. I turned her down.
If this is the same girl then the one I'm talking about is much prettier with no acne.

>> No.12619103

>whore around
>thinking most dudes will care about making you cum

Egotism goes both ways

>> No.12619109

She needs to focus less on her make up and more on her skin. Like change your sheets, wash and moisturize, and if you're a man shave with some cream made for sensitive skin and maybe a safety razor. Also don't blast your skin with boiling water in the shower.

>> No.12619117

why read something that makes you crave instant gratification, I don't disapprove sensual writing but if you're reading for sexual pleasure then reading is the hobby which isn't going to last for you.

>> No.12619128

I love how there has been one one legitimite response in the whole thread. Never change /lit/, you steaming pile of shit.

>> No.12619134

>defending this thread
Why lel ?

>> No.12619136

The OP wasn't seriously asking for books on this topic. Rather he wanted to start a "feels" thread on this board and added the books part so it wouldn't get pruned.

>> No.12619139

people are responsible for their own orgasm, in my opinion. If I fucked a chick and she came a couple times and then was over it, I would jack off until I came. It's happened before and not that weird, no hard feelings.
the same principle applies to women. She should communicate what makes her cum, grind in a way that makes her cum, or masturbate until she cums, but expecting someone to just "make her cum," is kind of unreasonable.
I'm not sure how giving full control and final authority of a process that exists entirely in your own mind and body over to a man is feminist.

>> No.12619140

Are you a big pussy and we made you cum anon?

>> No.12619141

Men are so toxic and misogynistic they don't even want to think about discussing female sexuality.

>> No.12619144

Are you a fucking idiot? Oh sorry let me go find a book on the female orgasm. Oh wait the only ones that aren't shit are sociology research papers. Oh wait this is a thread op made because he wanted to post this girl to either bait people for insults or bring out the pathetic gf posters. Idiot.

>> No.12619145

Anyway. Miss Smilla Dreams of Snow.

>> No.12619159

>why read something that makes you crave instant gratification
This is the ideology of our times, I guess...

>> No.12619165

I'm not defending it, but hey, I'd like to find books of the topic.
>>12619141 is not me, btw, nice try though.

Than link some sociology research papers. It's be better than this.

Yes, you did, anon.

>> No.12619166 [DELETED] 

Why would anyone want to discuss about any sexuality on a literature board ? You’re bound to hurt yourself using these big words.

>> No.12619173

Because sexuality is and should be a part of literature, just like any other aspect of life.

>> No.12619174

Right. Go back to your Maggie Nelson then I guess.

>> No.12619181

Not him but you can't just deny the existence of sexuality that is present in half of the human population.

>> No.12619186

This is about a 4chan thread, not the very existence of sexuality, you retards.

>> No.12619248

Can woman just shut the fuck up about themselves and sex for five minutes?

You whores are obsessed. But most of you won't even admit you watch porn when asked in person. All fucking pathetic pussy cavebitches that wish they had the balls to own their own base urges.

>> No.12619254

Women experiencing sexual pleasure is a sin 2bh

>> No.12619267
File: 13 KB, 399x400, Fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me guess - It's not a sin for men

>> No.12619270

Is black and white photography for hiding the heavy application of makeup?

>> No.12619280

I've had a gf for 3 years and I still cant make her cum. She claims she's never had an orgasm before, and i believe her cus im her first. It's hard cus she has a VERY small clitoris, only the size of a grain of rice; and the pressure hurts and desensitizes her over time. also, with my fingers i can get her close, but not there. cant do it with my dick, its rather skinny, but long.

>> No.12619338

Wanting to cum shows shitty values? Lol

>> No.12619356

Looks like there a lot of poster on /lit who can't please a woman. I recommend unabridged Kama Sutra. It contains more than diagrams on sexual positions

>> No.12619365

every girl is prettier with no acne

>> No.12619367

Give her a long forplay.
Go slowy on her, taking time kissing her and undressing her. When you've laid her down, spend some time licking her with all you've got. Be gentle and try to look for her breath rhythm and body language to know when to pressure her. YOu may have to spend 10 minutes licking her, if she is hard to get, insert a couple of fingers in her. In 5 minutes time she should be on the way. If you can make her cum that way, insert your dick in her fast while she is still trippin on her orgasm and continue to fuck her. If you have the least amount of self-control and can fuck her without cumming for 10 minutes it's almost certain you'll make her able to make her cum again.

I've heard of women claiming this too and I do think It's possible, but than again not a lot of men are willing to put their power-fantasy of fucking her stupid and just lay down and suck that pussy for an eternity.

>> No.12619374

why does the female orgasm exist?

>> No.12619403
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The Forest Passage

>> No.12619414

thanks friend. its just that she tells me to stop whenever i lick her or finger her. it feels amazing for her but she says then it feels like 'too much' and she wants to stop.

>> No.12619425

"too much" ? as in "too much" ? she sounds like me one I was jacking off in 4th grade and I felt like I was going to faint every time I was about to cum, so I was scared of cumming until I maned up and decided to go into the void.

>> No.12619427

Ancient legends and Myths

>> No.12619430

Do you think a woman who wears a shirt like that is a temperate woman or is it a huge slut who considers sexual pleasure super important for life?

>> No.12619440

honestly might be that. she says she feels like shes gonna pee when she gets close, and feels pressure down there.

>> No.12619475

Well, I'm not a female, so I hope there's somebody here that can share their experience with that.
I'm not a believer in squirting, never happened to me, no matter how hard I tried.
If she is scared of peeing in the bad just fuck in the bathroom for once. If she feels too tense maybe use some mild drugs or alcohol to ease her into comfort. But yeah, just a bit of wine should do it. I wouldn't risk being accused of rape later, since that seems like something that happens to people nowadays. (note: i'm not saying rape doesn't exist, just that I've heard some overexaggerated stories about how fucking drunk girls could result in rape charges. )

>> No.12619477

Maybe she just wants to cum

>> No.12619490

It is, but less so because they can't control it

>> No.12619564

Women are actually statistical

>yes baby, raise my median value

>> No.12619613

And women can?

>> No.12619627
File: 29 KB, 231x319, DailyMail2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge slut who considers sexual pleasure super important
How dare she!!

>> No.12619674

>Well, I'm not a female, so I hope there's somebody here that can share their experience with that.
>I'm not a believer in squirting, never happened to me, no matter how hard I tried.
What the fuck

>> No.12619734

Being promiscuous and a sexual hedonist means you have shitty values, yes.

>> No.12619758

>wanting to feel sexual pleasure during intercourse = being promiscuous and a sexual hedonist

>> No.12619780

I'm sure that someone who wears a shirt like that is actually someone who only has sex in the bounds of marriage with procreative and unitive purposes and who only considers pleasure as a bonus, rather than the end of sex.

>> No.12619782

As a male, I mean, it never happened to me with a girl.
I mentioned squrting since op's girl said she felt like pissing herself.

>> No.12619806

>photo is black and white
>colored hair

>> No.12619826

they think mothers should coddle children and the state is everybodys mother. any deviation from this eternal law of motherhood is delinquency and must be corrected with swift and exacting punishment

men are born fighters and prefer the chaotic violence and struggle of an open system

>> No.12619843

If no one had orgasm, how is babby formed?

>> No.12619861

I don't think statistic is the right word for that.

>> No.12619874

Nice movement of the goal post.

>> No.12619882

>someone who only has sex in the bounds of marriage with procreative and unitive purposes
So orgasms are okay I think? You need them to make a baby

>> No.12619884

you're right, the word is statist. the other anon is just stupid.

>> No.12619934

You are not really answering properly and are just trying to change topics because you lost.

>> No.12620137

cringy undergrad-tier analysis

>> No.12620151

I'm just trying to work out if sexual pleasure is acceptable. Surely it must be, for if sex is for procreation, an orgasm and thus pleasure is an essential component of that. So I'm befuddled by your opposition to sexual pleasure, unless you are against procreation

>> No.12620199

He's opposed to sexual pleasure for women, not women

>> No.12620205


>> No.12620240

What is being argued is that someone who knowingly uses a shirt like the one in OP's picture probably has promiscuous values.

>> No.12620245

Stop spamming /lit/ with garbage threads asking for books on X fucktarded or sexual thing.
Clearly, everything but the shirt is a great warning sign and clearly you can tell she has dyed hair from a black and white photo
>Nose ring + choker == deranged
If you're lonely right now, I feel bad for you and if you are in a relationship, I hope it works out cuz if it don't you clearly don't have a good grasp on how you should select potential partners.

>> No.12620266
File: 132 KB, 1024x569, 1550036418416m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A whore's post-singularity salvation is the braap barn. A vacant womb is a playground for chicanery so she must submit herself to providing energy for her society in place of the good offspring that was her duty.

>> No.12620322

>Mispells statist as statistic
This is delicious providence that you've spilled for me to pick up.

Yes, indeed, women are indeed fascistic and statistic. They correlate exactly to my generalized List of Standards and Stereotypes that people like this anon and this anon >>12619014 have generated, any deviation from this is heretical, as it threatens my ability to demean myself while also reinforcing extremists on both sides of our blatantly unnecessary gender wars for which sane, relieving discussion can littler and littler be had as schisms deepen with feared names and child's stones til either the larger child, in this case the opposite of what we may assume, beats the smaller child into submission, or the smaller child begins its plot to assassinate the other in either case both out of fear.

>> No.12620377

>I wasted this writing this in a troll thread
Ahhh god dammit.

>> No.12620384


It doesn't.

>> No.12620585

Women are a resource. Men are an asset

>> No.12620634

Do you not see a trashy tattoo on a person and immediately get the impression that they have very poor taste? It's the same idea.

>> No.12620684

Cum is a fucking stupid word.

>> No.12620711

What's worse, women like in OP or the kind of pathetic sanctimonious loser who looks down on her, but would get her name tattooed on his arm if she asked him to and smiled

>> No.12620770


>> No.12620796

Both are trashy, let's not kid ourselves

>> No.12620826

Depends what you define as a trashy tattoo.

A nose ring is ambiguous and I know a lot of girls with them. Granted, I'm in PDX so maybe its different here in liberal northwest. After all, they're annoyingly available to minors here.

Any way, if its a woman with a nose ring, to me that just gives me the same impression to me with gauges in his ears (even though that's actually dumber and less attractive) or a man that dresses a bit punk, and that doesn't bother me.

I guess if you think nose rings look bad or are poor tastes, then that's you. Come to think of it, for a time, I believe I used to think they looked strange and gross. Maybe I've gotten used to them since I moved from Portland metro to Portland proper.

But I suppose if a girl has a really bad tattoo that communicates something clear like a playboy bunny, it says something REALLY stupid, or it looks like SJW symbology, then sure, maybe that's a flag.

>> No.12620837

Who broke you?

>> No.12621539

Fragment #3—Scholiast on Homer, Odyssey, x. 494: They say that Teiresias saw two snakes mating on Cithaeron and that, when he killed the female, he was changed into a woman, and again, when he killed the male, took again his own nature. This same Teiresias was chosen by Zeus and Hera to decide the question whether the male or the female has most pleasure in intercourse. And he said:

'Of ten parts a man enjoys only one; but a woman's sense enjoys all ten in full.'

For this Hera was angry and blinded him, but Zeus gave him the seer's power.


>> No.12621641

>Because lust and love no longer feel like solace and escapism to me. Instead, they seem to be yielding, just like everything else, to the surge of transactional neuroses that constitutes life in the digital age.

Help me with this...

>> No.12621687

I was referring to the trashy shirt as well. Seeing people wearing that sort of shit in public makes me uncomfortable. Like I saw some guy walking around with his little kids and his shirt had some phrase written on it that contained the word "fuck."