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/lit/ - Literature

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12617539 No.12617539 [Reply] [Original]

"What's your favorite book, Anon?"
"Well, you've probably never heard of it, but after my Literature Professor assigned the book in class, I've been in love with Rachel Olan's The Open Window"

>mfw Rachel Olan never wrote any book titled "The Open Window"
>mfw Rachel Olan never wrote any book
>mfw Rachel Olan doesn't exist
>mfw most people I have discussions about books with are filthy liars who are desperate to avoid looking like anything but more well-read person than you

Its called a test of character and everyone fails miserably. Why is it so hard for people to admit they haven't heard of someone else's favorite book?

>> No.12617779

being a sociopath must be tiring

>> No.12617787

Becuase they haven't read Kant and realised that lying us wrong.

>> No.12617908

>lying is wrong
I lie more often than I speak the truth, and it has never killed anyone. How bad could lying possibly be?

>> No.12617917

It violates thr categorical imperative which is the application of the disjunctive category of categorical applied to action.

>> No.12617922

In this world you're either a sociopath or unsuccessful

>> No.12617931

I personally think The Open Window is an exceptionally overrated piece. I much prefer his later period where the impressionistic influences truly come to life.

>> No.12617938


>> No.12617940
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>he actually bought the reciprocal justification argument

>> No.12617966
File: 1.44 MB, 1925x1077, homekl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>go to a job interview for a loss prevention guard at a grocery store
>the girl doing the interview asks me who my favourite author is
>unexpected question, literacy doesn't seem relevant to the position
>so I just spat out arthur conan doyle, even though he's probably not my favourite he's the first author that I liked that I thought of
>she asks me who that is
>you asked me who my favourite author is and you don't even know sir arthur conan doyle? what was the point of the question?

Didn't get the job, but I did learn that a fun hobby of mine is going to job interviews for jobs I don't want just so I can make fun of idiots.

>> No.12618254

How dare you insult Olan

>> No.12618312

FFS now I have to the the Rachel Olan reviews thread in the archive because it's some of the best collected criticism of the 21st century. Why don't you check the archives before posting so you don't post about books we already discussed when they were big? Olan is better than the constant Rodgers threads, but you don't need to keep memeing her without depth like Rodgers or DFW. Give her the credit she deserves if you are going to make threads, you know?

>> No.12618317
File: 51 KB, 500x333, Tasmanian+Pademelon+(TP2513).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meet a qt who is studying creative writing
>She says she loves Chuck Palahniuk
>It's not exactly Borges but it's not Harry Potter either
>Say, 'oh yeah, have you read Guts?'
>Send her a link
Turns out she just liked Fight Club the movie and hadn't actually read any Chucky P. Fucking plebe.

>> No.12618323

Open Window's a fucking masterpiece, you fucking idiot

>> No.12618345

You're just parroting the zeitgeist dipshit. Read Bloom's essay on her, he clearly demonstrates why Window utterly fails at conveying its themes.

>> No.12618399

>muh themes
Honestly, the prose might obfuscate some of the underlying themes (barring the overarching thematic discussion of veiling and disclosure which would be obvious even without the curtains scene from the title alone) but you'd really be at a stretch to call it a failure to convey its major themes. Even if it did, her prose style is delicious. She's far clearer in her themes and viewpoint than, say, DH Lawrence, and Window still has all the virtuosity of his style in Rainbow.
>tl;dr no u Bloom's talking out of his hat

>> No.12618432

None of you have read Olan. Do you want to know how I can tell?

>> No.12618435

don't mention chapter 14 you edgy fuck

>> No.12618450

You know that's the only bit anyone reads.

>> No.12618703

Strange >>/lit/image/cu7gZ7iZWn05-9A_DHikBg

>> No.12618797

In English, professor.

>> No.12618804

Link if you don't mind please.

>> No.12619091

Why do you make up these stories on the internet anonymously? It makes no sense.