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/lit/ - Literature

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12614571 No.12614571 [Reply] [Original]

>“You have to risk it or you won’t get close to the power or the horror of it,” he says. “You have to risk going too far. Man, I sound like Foucault. I actually think this kind of antiseptic, clipped, edited version of violence I see in literature sells it short. If you don’t read the scene of the murder of a child and find it unbearable, then that scene failed. I think people are used to violence, but they’re not used to suffering. In Hollywood films, we see violence, but we don’t see suffering. In my writing of violence I do not escape suffering and I think one of my violent scenes is equivalent to 30 of someone else’s. I get this rap of being too violent, but actually what I’m saying is that violence comes with consequences and suffering and I don’t blink at either. So it’s going to reverberate longer in my books.”

>> No.12614576 [DELETED] 

is it racist if I'm just really bored of black people and their culture?
Kind of feels like it's been a black history three years, now it's black history month and there's a bunch of shit on tv and the radio about it and I'm sorta just over it.
I used to care a bit but now it's like eh

>> No.12614596

yea me too, I'm not even white
>muh race
>muh struggle
>muh social critique
Fuck off.

>> No.12614603

While I think it is wrong to ignore genuinely talented and insightful lack people, I recently have come to see black culture not as something merely foreign but as something fundamentally hostile to me. It feels like engaging with it is fundamentally harmful to my well being.

>> No.12614613 [DELETED] 

"black" stands for brain-lack. daily reminder.

>> No.12614621

don't paint every black person with your bullshit american brush
underclass culture is depressing everywhere, and if it gets oversold to compensate will make it even worse
there is american black culture, there is no black culture in general. black history month does not exist in nigeria

>> No.12614631

What the fuck does this have to do with the OP other than the fact that the author happens to be black? You are definitely a racist if you can’t look at a black person without getting pissed off my man.

>> No.12614635

yea it's very boring

>> No.12614638

Thank you for sharing this, anon.
I thought something similar after seeing the films "Green Room" and "Blue Ruin". I've seen thousands of people get hurt or die onscreen in war flicks and such but jaysus, I felt like those two were the first violent movies I'd ever seen in my life, they were metnally exhausting to watch

>> No.12614646

Very insightful and on point. Is this James ? Man the more I hear about him the more I want to read him.

>> No.12614647

Guillermo Arriaga said it and did it first.

>> No.12614673

first is the worst

>> No.12614683

PS fuck whitey. Wow what a genius.

>> No.12614686

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12614690

>Man, I sound like Foucault.
Imagine being this delusional.

>> No.12614704

>itt cucks turn the focus of a thread from analyzing a good quote to yet another thread for white cuckold's to bitch about "duh blacks".

>> No.12614719

>only whites complain about niggers

>> No.12614742

why do these obviously impotent posters obsess over black men? Are they envious of the supposed power/violence they stereo-typically represent?

>> No.12614756

There is no distinctive American black culture either. It's just Southern white culture + 'cultural' shit that Jews made up to sell to American whites. Such as the majority of rap.

>> No.12614762

OP, you should have used a picture of Cormac Mccarthy with the same quote. Then the thread would have been full of people agreeing and actually discussing it rather than acting out their race fantasies

>> No.12614772

In time that might work. Also I'd have to remove the Foucault line

>> No.12614775

why are blacks so ugly? not even racist but they look literally subhuman

>> No.12614787

that may be true as i know very little of southern white culture, but the point remains that when some idiot declares themselves to be tired of black culture based on a quote from a jamaican guy they are retarded

>> No.12614789
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This. It's absolutely crazy. The funniest part to me is how these posters see themselves as these intellectuals capable of independent whilst most of their personas are a result of stormfront propaganda.
>tfw you realize Stormfront is always bragging about targeting low iqed white dudes to turn into their white nationalist puppets.
>tfw you see these sad little puppets all over the internet when black people are brought up as a subject.
This thread is a great example of this lol

>> No.12614799

*smirks in your direction

>> No.12614811

>The funniest part to me is how these posters see themselves as these intellectuals capable of independent whilst most of their personas are a result of stormfront propaganda.
I'm not even American, faggot. You're equally as retarded as the boogeymen you just created.

>> No.12614814

In yesterday's thread about rap/hiphop lyrics, the posted Deltron 3030 lyrics provides an example of a different artistic direction that is highly compelling, fruitful and not at all beholden to these saturated - but commercially lucrative - genres.

>> No.12614846

I wasn't aware that only Americans could be brainlet stormfag puppets

>> No.12614856

>If you don't like niggers and nigger culture, which barely exist in your country, you're a stormfag puppet
This is your brain on American media.

>> No.12614873
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I'm not American puppet nor do I consume American media but I'm smart enough, just enough not anything special mind you, to not paint a whole culture with the same brush.
>do yourself a favor kiddo

>> No.12614878

that you keep saying nigger and act like they're some hivemind race is just further evidence how waterlogged your brain is. You can intelligently clarify your disdain on what you consider black culture without having to resort to speaking like trailer trash.

>> No.12614886

Why is this a race thread now? The quote in OP never even alludes to race.

>> No.12614889
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>being offended by simple words in a literature forum

>> No.12614895

I'm not offended, I am just ashamed at the level of discourse you operate on.

>> No.12614899
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Anyone read Seven Killings?

>> No.12614914

You're a fucking retard. You need time to self reflect grab yourself some coffee and start with the Greeks

>> No.12614927

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize we were at the Presidential debate.

>> No.12614940
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>a literature forum

>> No.12614952 [DELETED] 

t. salty nigger

>> No.12615475

>good quote
oof, thats a yikes from me sis
do better

>> No.12615487
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>> No.12615503

yes, it took me a while to get into it but it's awesome

>> No.12615522

He's completely right, especially in regards to cinema.

>> No.12615530


>> No.12615554

Yeah except for their porn. Blacked is patrician tier

>> No.12615664

La haine comes to mind for me personally

>> No.12615666

but everyone on the internet is an american and if they're not I don't give a shit
other countries don't matter

>> No.12615673 [DELETED] 

nah I just knew the thread would go in that direction and decided to set the tone with my thoughts

>> No.12615721

>I can't experience literature without relentless gay rape and child murder

Muh ecstasy

>> No.12615752

it'll never beat kink.com

>> No.12615806

i like black musicians but contemporary black culture is generally so tied up in idpol it does absolutely nothing for me as a white man. im not against all idpol i think blacks have an understandable bone to pick with the universe but rehashing that is not entertainment to me and i'm sick of people acting like it should be. i dont waste any of my time on contemporary politics or social issues i'm ESPECIALLY not going to waste my time on white man bad.

>> No.12615810

yeah I'm in the same boat. I get the sentiment but I don't really want to spend my time on it, and they don't want me to either so I'm happy to just move on.

>> No.12615900

>crying about Stormfront
is it the early 2000s again?

>> No.12616107

>itp any opposition is cuk
>itp whites are auto cuk

>> No.12616297

Anyone got a bet going on how long it is until the shocking revelation that he rapes people on the reg comes out?

>> No.12616299 [DELETED] 

being born with an avg iq of 80 and generally ugly features would make me upset at god too

>> No.12616341

The stormfags win every online debate about race differences, and irl you simply aren't allowed to ever have the debate. So...

>> No.12616381

I'd disagree even more. I think essentializing writing about violence like this only hurts literature. It's a very narrow minded and unnuanced statement rooted in a shallow sentimentalism. Him being black makes it at least understandable as this type of thinking is the natural consequence of oppressed-oppressor dynamics that characterize the difficulties of black life. If McCarthy said this, there would be no excuse.
My entire worldview is characterized by a very deliberate anti-intellectualism that owes more to Pol Pot than any of stormfront's heroes. I have no desire to be or be seen as an intellectual. My problem is that when it comes to struggles between the body and the body politic, I can only sympathize with the latter.

>> No.12616443

This. I've gotten along super well with black people in Europe who grew up there and assimilated to the culture and think of themselves simply as another Frenchman or German or whatever. American blacks were never assimilated into general American culture and at this point they are far too split off to ever be. Not all blacks are like American ones though.

>> No.12616447 [DELETED] 

the smartest people ive ever met were all sympathetic to or openly fascist

>> No.12616457

I agree with you 100% but this has absolutely nothing to do with the OP and derailing a potentially good thread like this isn't cool.

>> No.12616458

>I think essentializing writing about violence like this only hurts literature. It's a very narrow minded and unnuanced statement rooted in a shallow sentimentalism.
I have to agree, even though I sympathise with his perspective. Writers are in the bad habit of selling themselves as a kind a tonic cure to some problem they think is extant in the “literary scene”. Buy my books, they’re raw and uncompromising and they have revitalised fiction and steered it away from x problem bla bla bla. DFW might have started this.

>> No.12616465

>being born with an avg iq of 80 and generally ugly features would make me upset at god too
Perfect response. Absolutely hysterical. I will use this in the future.

>> No.12616474

>act like they're some hivemind race
As a whole, they're not. However, the ones in America essentially are (though there are a few exceptions, as with everything).

>> No.12616486

Black culture is pretty repulsive. If you actually take time to actually look and think about what it is. Every thing about it is based on the insecurities of being a nigger.

>> No.12616508
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Why are people so stupid? Don't answer that because it was rhetorical. I find it so funny when people have these opinions that only stem from some narrative they have created for themselves, which in turn stems from some narrative that fits their personal experience. They then project this narrative to the rest of reality. There is always some excuse, everyone can come up with an excuse for anything. When one single experience contradicts their worldview, they come up with a reason (excuse) as to why that experience contradicted their subjective "objective reality". It really is hilarious how so many people actually believe what they believe in, and I can't blame them, because they have had such a narrow perspective on life, their entire life. How can you know anything outside of what you already know? I firmly believe some people can never be saved from their ideologies. Like the cliche goes, the first step of solving a problem, is recognizing that there is one. And even me saying this, I realize how so many ideological retards are going to automatically think (like a perfect little NPC you are): "BLACKS ARE THE PROBLEM" WHITES ARE THE PROBLEM" etc.. just your conditioned responses whenever you hear buzzwords. What's even more hilarious is that most of you NPCs will somehow rationalize what I am saying, as some kind of coping mechanism. Maybe some of you will say, "life is pointless, might as well do whatever I want!" "It doesnt matter you virgin, there isn't right or wrong!" "You sound like a perfect little goyim!" etc..
This is the great irony of you people, you people are "worse" than those mindless sheep you call NPCs. For them, they never really questioned their reality to begin with, but you did. But what is sad and pathetic, is that you merely settled for a worldview that befits the narrative you've been telling yourself your entire life.

If you really realized how strange and weird life really is, you wouldn't judge people so harshly on the things they do. But, of course I'm contradicting myself! I'm judging all of you faggots, right?! You're right, but its not because I hate you, its because I love you - I really do. When NPCs are confronted with a paradox, the way they solve the problem is saying that the paradox isnt real. You can't accept the fact that the story you've created for yourself is a lie, because you've based your entire identity on that story.

The human mind's main instinct is to judge things, it is a computer that is constantly interpreting data. That is how we've evolved to survive. We are essentially problem solvers, but what happens when we become so good at surviving? We get more time on our hands.

this is the truth, but there will always be that contrarian that is against whatever is being said for the sake of being against it.

>> No.12616529

I mean all the evidence shows race differences, it's just the sensible hypothesis

>> No.12616565

Not any of the tards you replied to but you should turn your skepticism inward, instead of just rattling it as a sabre. It’s natural to baulk at the hypocrisy of common ideological elements in your immediate environment, but that’s only part of the picture, and the most superficial and obvious one. Not that you shouldn’t be critical of x dumb view, but the rhetorical and emotional force of your writing, coupled with its incomplete moralising, suggests suddenly being at wits end, a recent disillusionment, a catalyst that has been steadily building up, a dam breaking. The fact is that all coherent worldviews, including the skeptical one you and I share, “most of you NPCs will somehow rationalize what I am saying”—we are slotting these “NPCs” into our own narrative, our own worldview. It’s fruitless to criticise other people on this account. You can think of it as a regrettable limitation of the nature of the human mind and of knowledge, but it’s a bit rich to blame certain kinds of people for doing it (when it’s unavoidable) just because their politics are noxious to you. The stuff about loving the people you’re shitting on is a nice sentiment but could rightly be criticised as insincere and haughty. It puts other people in an unfair position—oh well he loves me, so he says, so it’s not in my rights to be provoked or to reject him. It’s a little glib and easy and self-satisfying to say it and place yourself above other people.

>> No.12616576

what techniques does he use to produce suffering instead of violence? is pushing the envelope the only thing writers can do, unto infinity?

>> No.12616597

Mind you, we still haven't solved the problem of surviving. But, how can you? That is the paradox we face constantly, and are constantly trying to solve. This need to survive. And it is this need to survive that has created all the problems, and petty tribalism that is the reality of our current world (and entire human history for that matter). You can't stop death, but you try. And when you realize you can't stop death, you become sad and pathetic, trying to escape your reality with politics, video games, disparaging others that are different from you. You can't control your own fate, so you try to control the fate of others, or you let others control you. You people form groups to try and separate yourself from other human beings, because of arbitrary differences. First it was who conquered who, then it was "blood", then it was the color of your skin, then it was nationality, then it was what your likes and dislikes. You constantly create arbitrary boundaries to try and preserve your individuality, your uniqueness. Identification is the greatest drug. The drug that lets you escape the reality of your fate. I mean after all, why are we on this image board anyways? It's something to do, something that allows us to forget the tragedy it is to exist. Nihilists are the saddest creatures alive. Their pursuit of whatever they pursue, has landed them on the notion that life is meaningless, life is unfair, life is suffering, that ultimately you really have no control on what happens in this world. I pity you. You embody the meme of the miner mining for gold, endlessly picking away at the rock for days, for months, for years, to end up having nothing, not knowing that you were arriving at the truth! What makes it worse is that you see other people find what they are looking for within a few days. This further cements the idea that life is unfair! Who are you to fucking judge the fairness of life? You are a mere man who's perspective is equivalent to a tiny ant. I take that back, an ant is better than you. An ant doesn't hesitate, it doesn't question what it is about to do. your experience in this world is going to come to an end. But somehow you cling to it, even when the idea of death is directly in your face. Maybe you are right, that none of this really matters. Because in the end, we all have to let go of these constructs we've created, in the end we all have to let go of the stories we've created. But, that doesn't change the fact that existence is suffering. Though, this is only true for those who cling. Yet, we are all clinging. What is different between you and me?

>> No.12616655

>DFW might have started this.
If anything, it goes back to that time a bunch of Italian painters decided to disparage their predecessors by calling them barbaric.

>> No.12616682

what is the evidence you are talking about? science? what can science tell you? that this thing is different from that thing? I can do that easily. I see a fat person and I look at myself. That person is bigger than me, so I am different from that person. What evidence is there? Well, I mean look. I'll stand by the fat person and you tell me who is "bigger".
Science doesn't tell us anything except for describing what is, human brains/minds are what imposes the meaning. How do you get an ought from an is?

I recognize that you cannot escape ideology. That the mere fact that I am comparing my views on the world with those "tards" is in itself an ideology. Everything we do and say is essentially dualistic.
"it's fruitless to criticize other people on this account." I have to respectfully disagree with you. I am fully aware that the tendency that people resort to, when being criticized and attacked, is to double down on what they believe in. I'm also aware that me doing and saying these things can be fundamentally characterized as "NPC behavior". But I mean, that is the nature of language. I think the better avenue of "trying to wake people up" is to ask questions. But of course it would have to be warranted. That too is a regrettable limitation of the nature of the human mind - one who doesn't want to know something, doesn't want to know something. I mean that is the fundamental difference between judging and understanding. To judge something is to already know, to try and understand implies you dont know. But, how can you make people want to understand? How can you make people understand? You can't. The basic fact remains true, people will do things they want to do.

Maybe the way I am conducting myself is itself retrograde, and that entering a dialectical discussion with someone who wants to do so is much better. But, again, we are creatures of symbols. And, I believe, my judgmental/condescending/patronizing post is (in a way)equivalent to the Buddhists monk setting themselves on fire, or the methods often implemented by Zen Buddhists.

>> No.12616697

what culture do you find to not be repulsive?

>> No.12616708

But... then again...

>> No.12616720

>what is the evidence you are talking about? science
yeah, but not just science, other evidence like sociological statistics and history as well

Idk why you're talking about oughts, my post was just about race differences

>> No.12616776

What book expresses genuine violence the best? Storm of Steel comes to mind

>> No.12616787

Is this guy asexual?

>> No.12616789


>> No.12616794
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It's what you implied when you said there are racial differences... Wait, how would I know what you implied? How could I ever know what you implied when you said:
>I mean all the evidence shows race differences, it's just the sensible hypothesis

Maybe there was no implication?! Maybe i created the implication?! Was it a trap? A test? What does it all mean? How can I ever know what you meant? Wait, maybe you could tell me what you meant. YES! If you merely tell me what you implied, I'll know what you implied! I feel much better now...
Wait... how can I know what you tell me what you meant is even true? Maybe you are trying to deceive me! Or is it just another test? Yes, it must be another test! What am I being tested on? Is it whether I know what you meant or not? Or was it something else? can you please tell me what you were testing me on? Hell, why would you even tell me what you were testing me on? is this all a test? How can I know? There must be a way to know, maybe if I think some more about it, I'll know. Well, lets go back...
This thread was derailed by making it a race issue, and of course the debate over racial differences came up. People saying that we are all human, or people saying that there are actually differences between humans. You then said that there is evidence for racial differences, so it is a sensible hypothesis. What is the hypothesis though? That blacks are inherently inferior to whites? Well, I guess that is a sensible hypothesis. That if there is evidence of differences, then obviously you can compare one group of people to another. So, yeah I guess that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense! But, why do I not believe in that hypothesis? Oh, because I believe that the evidence isn't very compelling. And even if the evidence did show that the there are concrete differences, I still dont believe that that should warrant us to treat them any differently.

Phew, I was starting to get anxious about not knowing. Wait, why did i respond to you in the first place? Was it because I thought you were implying that because there is "compelling" evidence that the hypothesis is reasonable? Was it because when i saw you say those words, it automatically made me respond in a certain way? That it made me automatically assume you were those other people who want to further divide us?! Or were you merely just stating the logic behind it all?!

UGH HOW DO I KNOW WHETHER OR NOT!?!?!?!?! oh my god... what do i believe in? how can i know you are with me or against me?! please tell me... NO DONT TELL ME! but tell me, please... I need to know... I need to know... I need to know... I cant stand not knowing... Why cant i know?! WHy cant I ever know what you really meant? If I could only be inside your mind, and see your thoughts! That would let me know for sure! But is that even possible? No, not that I know of. I know that that isnt possible. Maybe it'll be possible in the future. But ill probably be dead by then!

>> No.12616801

Based autistic wall of text poster

>> No.12616815

The evidence isn't the strongest, but it's much stronger than the evidence for the races being the same as each other(nonexistent), making it the sensible position. As for 'what should be done' about that I neither know nor care, and my opinion doesn't matter because I have no power.

You are clearly having some sort of crisis unrelated to this subject though

>> No.12616859
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Ok... I NEED TO GET IT FUCKING TOGETHER!!! HOW CAN I FUCKING KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY MEANT WHEN YOU SAID THOSE WORDS?! I MEAN EVERYTHING HAS AN IMPLICATION! EVERYTHING HAS MEANING. WHEN I SAY ANYTHING THERE IS MEANING BEHIND IT! THESE FUCKING WORDS IM TYPING HAS MEANING! THE DIFFERENCE IS I KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORDS IM SAYING, BUT I DONT KNOW THE MEANING OF THE WORDS YOU ARE SAYING>!?!??! Please, I need an answer. Universe, God, whatever, give me an answer! What is the use? A higher power doesnt fucking exist. If one did he wouldnt be have me suffering from not fucking knowing! Wait, what makes me think that God is a he, for all I know, if God did exist, he could be a she. Nah, if god existed he wouldnt be male or female. I dont even know what it would be like to be genderless. Well, actually i mean there are animals that are asexual. But what the fuck does that mean? God wouldnt be asexual anyways. FUCK, WHY AM I THINKING THIS ANYWAYS? WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL THIS?!!??!?!? Oh, yes, I need to know what you mean when you said those things! Fuck, shit, cunt. I fucking hate you for saying what you said. For doing this to me, how could you fucking say those things knowing full well that it would make me feel like this?! wait.... you fucking knew... didn't you?... You fucking new that saying those words would make me feel like this? Why? you think this is some sort of sick fucking game? getting pleasure out of my misery? you think thats funny? I BET YOU WOULDNT LIKE TO FEEL THE WAY IM FEELING RIGHT NOW! YOU FUCKING PIG! I FUCKING HATE YOU! YOU SHOULD FUCKING DIE! FUCK ME! THIS IS DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY! WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN TRYING TO MAKE ME SUFFER? WHAT IS THE FUCKING LOGIC BEHIND ALL OF THIS?! I CANT EVEN FUCKING KNOW WHETHER OR NOT YOU SAID THOSE THINGS TO MAKE ME HAVE THESE QUESTIONS?!

how can i know?.... can i ever know why?.... will i ever know why?....

>> No.12616879

The Iliad

>> No.12616894

holy pol autists

>> No.12616930
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holy shit.... I think i fucking figured it out. I can never know as long as I am a human being. Humans are so limited in what we can know! I can free myself and know the truth if I just kill myself!!!! FUCK BUT THE THOUGHT OF DYING SCARES THE FUCK OUT OF ME!!! I dont know what fucking happens after death. Well I mean ive seen other people die, and that doesnt sound too fucking rad at all. It looks pretty painful, probably the most pain one can even experience. Wait, but arent some good things painful? like running? I fucking hate running, but I read somewhere that running is good for me, cause itll make me have a healthy heart and that will let me live a better life. But FUCK RUNNING! Well, I mean if running can be a good thing and painful, why cant death me like that too? Well actually, now that I think about it, there are some painful things that arent good at all! Like cutting my cock off! What good can chopping my cock off be? None that I can think of... Well fuck, how can I know whether or not dying is a good or bad thing? Jesus christ this sucks. haha jesus christ, its funny how i dont believe in him but I still use his name. I give up on thinking. I cant stand thinking about this any longer, maybe if I do some science stuff I can know what you meant, or maybe Ill know what happens after death. Wait, how would that even fucking work? How can science fucking figure out what happens after death? Well, I guess, we would have to kill someone and then bring that person back to life! YEAH thats a good idea! Huh? There are already accounts where people have clinically died and came back to life? FUCKING SWEET, dont havet to do all that shit. Wait, they all have different experiences? They say they saw heaven or hell, some say they say nothing? like it was going back to sleep? Well fuck, i mean, obviously there were different experiences because some of them were dead longer than others. I guess we need to kill someone and have that person die and bve dead for a whole 24 hours! that seems like a reasonable amount of time. Wait, how would I know that 24 hours is a reasonable amount of time?! omg... not this again.. how can i fucking figure out what a reasonable amoutn of time is? FUCKING TIME COULD BE ENDLESS! There really is no hope. I should just fucking kill myself anyways, i cant stand all of this pain and suffering. I cant control anything in this fucking existence. Its fucking unfair. But death is so scary... there is no going back! You know maybe life could be better in the future! I mean i hear people say, "pain is temporary!" I mean ill PROBABLY stop obsessing over this, my anxiety and depression will go away! Time heals everything!.... but what if it doesnt?... What if it never stops?... What if my depression never stops?... Fuck what do i do? I mean logically speaking, if my suffering were to never end, it would make sense for me to just kill myself right now. But how can I know whether or not its going to end? Will it end?

>> No.12616937

Typing out walls of useless text doesn't make you look smart.

>> No.12617002
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Well, i mean statistics is a pretty good indication of how likely things are going to be, or happen again. But, I dont really know how statistics works... Well, i guess i better get started on learning it! But how though? Well i am in college, might as well just take the class! ugh, but i havent studied math in like forever! Im going to look fucking stupid trying to take a course when I am so rusty on my math skills! I mean seriously, if i were to take the class, the other students will probably just think to themselves, this guy is a fucking retard! Why is he even in this fucking class? He isn't smart enough. Well, maybe itll be a big class and I can just blend in with the crowd - be a drop of water in an ocean, hehe... That was a good analogy. Was it though? maybe i heard it from someone else? Fuck, im not being original... This clearly shows that I'm not smart enough, cause originality and novelty are clear indications of intelligence! Well, since I dont want to look like a fool in front of a bunch of strangers, how do I go about learning statistics so I can figure out my problems? Wait, what was my problem again? Forget that, I just know that I need to study statistics because itll help me. I'll figure out what that thing is after I learn statistics! But how am i gonna learn statistics?.... The fucking internet is a gold mine of information. I can easily fucking learn Stats on my own. But what if I get stuck somewhere? Well Ill just google it. Well what if google doesnt help me out at all? Fuck, having a teacher in the case of being stumped would be really nice. But what if even the teacher doesnt help? What if nothing fucking helps me understand? I guess those people were right... Im stupid.. Im not smart enough.... WAIT! I remember reading somewhere that taking certain drugs can help me! That one guy that discovered DNA took acid and discovered it! I'll try acid. Wait, why would I think that him taking acid helped him discover dna? He said it did, but why should i believe him? Sigh... Will i ever know?... Fuck this, im just going to major in English. Atleast I know how to write words, even if it is shit. I'll figure out the answers im looking for later, better to just not think about them right now. Cause you know, there has to be an answer, there has to be...

>> No.12617081

I said it sort of to be a dick. The subject bothers a lot of people intensely, but it's very hard to argue that there isn't evidence for race differences. So I use it to be an asshole on 4chan towards people who are often smarter than me but will always lose this particular argument because theyre forced by their socialization to argue for the side with no evidence. They're also unused to having to defend the position, because irl it's just not permitted to question it, so I know what all their arguments will be beforehand, having done this a truly embarrassing number of times already, but they are usually not prepared at all to combat mine. They might at most have something like 'intelligence is highly polygenic and cannot be selected in that short a timeframe', which they picked up from some article deigning to defend the status quo, and which sounds plausible, but you can then reply 'height is also highly polygenic and the races have different average heights, moreover it isn't even true that it takes that long to select for polygenic traits, all you need to do is shift the average of some of the relevant genes'. There are many examples of this sort of thing, it's basically a script at this point, the same points get brought up each time.You do have to get them to commit to actually arguing the point though, the more slippery ones just start sperging out about clines and races, and other semantic issues that obfuscate what we're actually discussing- the average genetic potential of different human populations as measured by socially relevant metrics.

Once in a while it occurs to me that there are people reading this who could be hurt by it, because they belong to a race that is being denigrated as inferior on average by some metric like IQ, and i feel slightly ashamed of myself. But then some midwit appears in the full bloom of unearned smugness and says something like 'dumb poltards and their infographics' and I can't help it. Plus I feel any such lurkers will either think 'this is just some dumb poltard' because after all the entire prestigious scientific establishment and our culture constantly assures them that racism is for malevolent retards, or else 'well im one of the smart ones anyway', and will not be actually affected.

Using the dignity of entire races of people as nothing but a cudgel to attack a mildly annoying anon might seem gratuitous, and well yes it is but no other subject has these specific qualities
A)the bait will be taken nearly every time
B)It is impossible to lose the argument really
C)The anon will be very sure that he is right and you are the misinformed one
so it is perfect for a bit of antisocial mockery.

i dont get any satisfaction out of you though, because I could have said anything at all, youre just having some sort of(exaggerated for effect im sure) mental break. Im an arbitrary accessory to your performative psychosis, your solipsism has shot right through my petty sadism

>> No.12617121

What was the point of this response?

>> No.12617126

He asked me why I made those posts so I explained the usual motive, though as i said at the end it doesn't apply to him because he is being completely unhinged

>> No.12617178

I guess what I mean is, you said that you didn't get any satisfaction out of his response, but then you put the effort in explaining yourself. I guess I mean I understand you get no satisfaction out of him in regards to falling for you bait, because his schizo/autist ranting didn't quite fit the bill. But, it looks like you are getting satisfaction out of explaining yourself to him, in spite of that. You saw that you were an arbitrary accessory to his performative psychosis and that in the end, whether or not you replied and "explained" yourself didn't make any difference, but you still replied?

This reply to your reply is actually pretty meaningless in itself, because knowing why you replied really makes no difference, except that it is in itself gratuitous for me, and I assume the same for you. I use you and you use me, the same way he used you as his arbitrary accessory to his performative psychosis? Am I wrong?

>> No.12617216

We all use each other as the occasion to pronounce our nonsense yes, but I was genuinely giving him his answer as well. He suspected a sort of sadism and he was right, the fact that he then veered off into his neurotic roleplaying is another matter.

My satisfaction in writing the post is largely a kind of test to see if I can express the ideas coherently. I usually can't so it's practice or something, but i post them anyway to give whoever else fodder to spin their bullshit onto

>> No.12617244

I'm satisfied and I've taken something anew from you. I typically find myself having difficulty verbalizing my thoughts coherently, and writing seems to be the best way to organize them. Thank you.

>> No.12617255
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>> No.12617278

Right foot ugly

>> No.12617291

fuck you, left foot ugly.

>> No.12617351

I love that gif. Imagine having 4 hands free to masturbate while eating. What would happen? Can a roach brain even deal with such multi-tasking?

>> No.12617366

Now read Savage detectives. It's way better.

>> No.12617377

I agree

One of the underlying problems is people who discuss things with the (subconscious or conscious) aim to defend whatever their current view is, rather than discussion with the aim to change themselves.

Basically people don't want to change, so how can you have a productive discussion with someone who doesn't even want to change in the first place? It's like trying to convince someone to get their rotten tooth pulled out when they don't think it's rotten. And sometimes they don't even realize that's the reason they're fighting you. They'll come with all these reasons on why it's not worth pulling, that it'll hurt, that it'll heal on it's own, etc.

>> No.12617394

I forgot to add, this is why I'm surprised there's so many unironically narrow-minded people on here. You'd think after reading so much they'd be more open to change. Every book or even every paragraph changes you a bit.

>> No.12617538

You might have seen this meme thrown around in "normie" world.

"If you know, you know."

>You'd think...

That's where the mistake is made! What even is necessarily implied when one is open to change?

>> No.12618176


Watch this and tell me Marlon James is not a middling IQ author, incredibly self-absorbed, short-sighted, and completely lacking in self-awareness

>> No.12618213 [DELETED] 

Stop going to /pol/ and learn how to hate niggers like an adult.

>> No.12619281

Thats a common trend among black intellectuals, but I dont get triggered by it like you. There are so many people who profess to be intellectuals and are in fact not. That isn't exclusive to black people, but your brain is just conditioned to automatically respond to race. So yeah.

>> No.12620992

Yeah it's great
Book of Night Women is good too

>> No.12621066

Actually unironically based.
I for one want a fucking long drawn out description of some poor fucker dying in the battle of Canae, with such unbearable pain that he decides to drown himself in bloody dirt.
>As Livy described, "So many thousands of Romans were dying... Some, whom their wounds, pinched by the morning cold, had roused, as they were rising up, covered with blood, from the midst of the heaps of slain, were overpowered by the enemy. Some were found with their heads plunged into the earth, which they had excavated; having thus, as it appeared, made pits for themselves, and having suffocated themselves."

Friendly reminder that the invention of the gun, trains and skyscrapers brought the possiblity of death without suffering. Chekhov describes peasants killing themselves with nightshade, nobility used to fall on a sword and the poo-in-loos threw themselves on fires. All have several minutes to hours of excruciating agony. The depiction and possibilities of clean violent deaths is an abomination. Give me the name of this Rastafarian so I can tell stacies I enjoy multi-culti literature and make sopping panties drop. Violent deaths are horrible and used to be common.

>> No.12621102
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>> No.12621147

I didn’t mention anything about him being black in my post, I just think he is full of himself.

He’s active on like every form of social media, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and from my brief glimpses of each, he seems to be really lacking in self-awareness, shooting from the hip, posting hot-takes that show how idiotic he is. He is a real pseudo-intellectual (not like the way that term gets constantly thrown around here). The OP is a perfect example, namedropping Foucault for no reason as soon as possible. The YouTube video as well, he can’t wait to talk about the last time he was on TV, how he won the Man Booker Prize, and how everyone is hanging on his every tweet, caring about his opinions about Indian airports.

>> No.12621173

It's a real joy to read.