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12613449 No.12613449 [Reply] [Original]

Post your novel ideas. It's not like they're going anywhere.

>> No.12613460

A man spends too much money on buying tapirs and using them to recreate "bikini-clad girls by/in the pool" movie scenes.

>> No.12613473

It's basically the Odyssey, but Calypso keeps Odysseus as her foot slave

>> No.12613503

It's basically Twilight, but good.

>> No.12613514


>> No.12613535

they go everywhere when locked in my mind and only seem to stand still when i put them to paper.

>> No.12613620

A mentally-ill man go to his home town bury his suicidal father. Packing up his father's goods he realizes that the father did not commit suicide. He starts to investigate. He talks to his father's ex-wife, the city deputy and a old friend of his father. He suspects of some kind of assassination plot between them. The ex-wife try to discourage him knowing that he has paranoid schizophrenia. He breaks the house the old friend of his father. The deputy arrests him. He feels guilty and starts to believe that his paranoid. I don't know how to end it, but I want to do something like The turn of the screw driver.

>> No.12613746

you mean when you put them on tapir haha these threads just always make me sad

>> No.12613829

Disenfranchised 21st man travels to a mythical Buddhist temple in modern day Bangladesh in search of his own spirituality that modern day liberal democratic societies have denied him. In hid travels he meets many interesting people, some of them even offering themselves to be his companions. When he finally arrives to his destination, after a long and arduous journey, he finds that the historical site has been turned into a McDonald's. He decides to buy a happy meal because he's hungry and wants some emotional encouragement of sorts, and he starts ranting about the shallow and plastic taste of the hamburger, and how the chips need more salt. A homeless starving kid asks for his ketchup. The protagonist realizes the futility of his journey and goes insane.

>> No.12614320



>> No.12614400

What Lolita is to pedophilia, my novel will be to urolagnia

>> No.12614423

The year is 2120. Humanity is at war with robots determined to destroy all life in the universe after Sam Harris used The Moral Landscape as the basis for the first AI's moral code. The resistance, led by Jordan Peterson's consciousness (now digital) is set to lose, unless they can enlist the help of the breakaway ethnonationalists who live in an Martian utopia. Peterson must choose between certain destruction of all life in earth and the day of the rope.

>> No.12614901

A husband and wife are murdered in their sleep. Their son is kidnapped by the murderer. The story is entirely in their memories, which mash together, them never really knowing how worse their past lives were, how they really felt about each other, it ends with remembrance of a fight they had that led to the kid running away, meeting the pervert that murdered them. Hansel and Gretial being lost in the forest of their memories. Slowly it's shown that the real predator is the husband, who's much older than the wife, and how the cycle of child abuse repeats over and over and propagates itself. They think they can change the future by altering the past memories, but really they making more branches and complexity for their personal hell.

Honestly I'm not sure how derivative this story is. Maybe it's too much like Gene Wolfe's Peace or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I swear I thought of this idea before I watched the newest season of True Detective.

>> No.12614953
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God why cant I put the ideas in my head on paper

>> No.12615015

Quasi Auto-biography about a boy growing up in the South watching his small town slowly go to shit. It focuses on several people but the young boy is the main focus. I can't decide how to end it, maybe by having the boy's family move out West or up North, leaving the arguably most sympathetic character besides the boy behind (the character in question is an old farmer who lets the children play in his fields, while he sits on his porch and remembers how things used to be).

It's kinda shit desu

>> No.12616021


>> No.12616359
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It's about a child living in the pinnacle of civilization on my own custom D&D fantasy setting. It'll have lovecraftian/cosmic horror-esque elements in it right from the start. The story will follow her traumatic childhood, her escape from the big city, life as a fugitive in the land outside the city featuring godlets, mushroom people, werewolves, cultists and all other kinds of shit.

One of the twists is that all the gods of the main pantheon are actually old cthulhu monsters who over time got their identities warped into normal folklore-ish deities.

>> No.12616369 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12616397
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i want to read this.

>> No.12616538

It's 2012, a U.S Coast Guard skiff departs a cutter bound for the desolate King George Island, onboard are three radio technicians: Thomas Webb, a lonesome black trainee, and our main character. Jameson Ebert, a strong and brutal ex-cop tortured by a murder case he was suspect in, and Tyler Reynolds, an upper-class young suburbanite wishing to follow a path of adventure. Together they land on the island attempting to fix a weather station on the Northern part of the landmass, but find the research bases deserted and get seperated in a massive snowstorm, but the cold and dark isn't all they have to worry about. They're being hunted, hunted by something with the power to change reality.

>> No.12616598

I call it Chinook Contrary, and basically after a massive food shortage most of urban North America has been destroyed in a multitude of different ways, The American government still exists and the story takes place in a farming town in Eastern Nebraska. Our hero, Levi Ferguson is the town drunk and the son of one of the few surviving doctors in the state and spared from most judgement and punishment thanks to his fathers reputation. But the newly formed Bureau of Human Allocation decides that in order to reform the greatness of Western Civilization, government funded breeding must occur to restore the population. Levi is one of the recipients randomly chosen in the pilot program to be placed with a teenage orphan named P.J. But Levi for some godawful reason, swore to his mother before she died to uphold his own honor, and decides to flee west to the wasteland of Utah with his newly found friend (NOT LOVER), but there's also the matter of P.J's father being the newly elected Secretary of State, not knowing her to be alive, sends elite ranger units after them while they make a desperate escape of a walled and controlled life into the desert.
It sounds like edgy YA, I know.

>> No.12616715

I read that one, the part where a glass of cider spills on Peterson's digital consciousness and makes the machine go into overdrive for a whole month without any rest was a little hokey.

>> No.12616795

Give now

>> No.12617401

it's not that destination that matters but journey... right?

>> No.12617422

A night-shift nurse leads an army of aging punk rockers against a cabal of bankers. The bankers are well funded, but the nurse is a more libidinous enemy than they have ever faced. If she can't stop them before menopause, the world as we know it may be over. Literary fiction.

>> No.12617659
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I was thinking about writing a book about a white supremacist who graduated university and became and abortion doctor but only killed minority fetuses. He would also only staff people who held his views. Eventually he would get found out and have a big court battle and people would lynched and bombs would go off and it would be neat

>> No.12617671

JazzPunk the game but a novel and not as wacky but still wacky as shit

>> No.12617678

>Hulk Hogan in man-tan writes the "N" word on the side of the Space Shuttle

Terrible idea

>> No.12617691

Picture this:

Bruce Banner but he's a woman in 2004. She'll find out what it means to be a scientist back when women weren't even allowed to smoke pot.

>> No.12617700
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I'm posting a video game idea because /v/ is a terrible board

I'm really smitten by an idea I had for an indie game and am considering "putting together a team"
>It's 1995
>You're an American college student with a love of railroading, you're studying mechanical engineering
>Over the fledgling internet you communicate with a man in a fictional eastern european country that recently escaped communism. When it fell, this man bought a formerly state railway spur line that serves the small town he lives in and the adjacent coal mine. Due to decades of neglect under the old regime, steam locomotives are still used.
>You form a friendship and he invites you out for the summer, where you can work as a fireman on his trains in exchange for room and board.
>You arrive to find he is dying of cancer, leaving the railroad in the hands of his 20-something daughter, who doesn't appreciate your autistic love of railroads but is happy to have the free labor.
>She knows the family business and can drive locomotives herself, she teaches you, and you develop a grudging mutual respect as you work to save the company and stabilize in the wake of her father's illness.

It would basically be a comfy little train driving simulator but with a plot line and various interesting side characters and "quests" that if done in enough quantity/quality result in the line being able to restore a mainline steam locomotive and haul bigger loads of coal from the mine, securing its financial future and fulfilling the dying father's dream. The game would a "wes andersony" aesthetic and general feel.

>> No.12618281

Why are you such a fag

>> No.12618424

I'd pay for a hard copy of this.

>> No.12618903

Everything works except the 20 something year old girl who doesn't like you but begrudgingly accepts your help because that's such a shitty japanese trope. That's just my opinion though. Take some queues from stardew valley, don't make it a fucking dating simulator and it should be great.

>> No.12618914

I would tell you, my friends, but the events of which I have conceived stand yet to come, and I shall not reveal all until all is revealed, if you will allow

>> No.12618965

Somebody post that one where the mc transforms into a floor and ends in a foot fetish thing

>> No.12619000

He waited in line at the local grocery store, which was run by an international company based in well, a far away nation. Foods had strange labels, one could call it off brand but he hoped that it was a household brand in a far away nation. Clerks never stood at one aisle but constantly switched, causing confusion and mayhem in the efficiently run store floor. Regardless, it had cheaper prices than the domestic brand so he coped with the inconveniences. He let an old lady go in front of him, since she only had a “Coolgate” toothbrush and a loaf of bread wiht her . “Its awfully nice of you” she warmly remarked. “Its no problem at all” he replied. He shifted his stuff back and let her place the two item on to the conveyor.

“Hi’ he offered, making a deft effort at pretending to meet the eyes of the store clerk. She wasn’t a local but seemed polite enough. Jason bought many bundles of bananas to make his banana smoothie, banana cake and banana spread. “Jeez, its a lot of bananas” the clerk commented. The well oiled convention of retail speak was impaired by this frank comment and Jason was taken back. He hid his hands into his kangaroo pocket with some shame. Fumbling his long slender hands, which were too big for his wrists. “Yeah I’m trying some recipes since they were on -“
“You know these bananas.. I remember that they were a great delicacy when was young.. only a decade ago really’ ‘were living like kings you know? We eat, wash, travel and live longer and better than a king”
Yeah. .he was aware of the exhausting labour, supply chain and marketing effort needed to bring bananas to the store in immaculate condition. He was the vice manager of the Duringo Fruit Company’s North Victoria sub-office after all.

He entered his Mayota 139, a car which the People’s magazine praised for having “great build quality and disposable parts”. Jason didn’t really give much thought to the car but it was sold at an reasonable price and moved A to B without a fuss. Its 3 cylinders, forged in Asia, made with Oceanic iron and finished in a neighbouring country, moved up and down, lubricated by oil. It provided enough energy to move the occupants, the automobile and stored items effortlessly, if a little unrefined: a flaw of the 3 cylinder design.

In the warm and rough polyester car seat, He drove back home. The still darkness of the night, interrupted only by the street lamps, which with meek servitude led the Mayota back to his home.

>> No.12620263

I’ll grant you the point about the girl, though weirdly I don’t think I consciously got that idea from Japanese stuff as I don’t really have an interest in it. That said, there would be no dating element, it might be hinted at early in the game to ensnare the player’s interest in continuing the story, but at the end of the day your relationship would be completely platonic. Too many cultural differences, and she has too much to worry about in her own life. I definitely don’t want to get rid of the character, I think it’s a key strength of the concept. The idea is to create a “simulator with a soul” which means it needs compelling likable characters and the novelty/uniqueness of a young female engine driver is a nice gimmick that will drum up interest.

>> No.12620740

A group of middle school misfits find a hidden tunnel in the back of their school's library leading down to a mysterious arcane chamber. There they each find stones of power that let them turn into mythic beast hybrids. As they master their new abilities they must fight evil monsters and magic users from an invading dark fantasy universe. Various twists would include:
>An MiB like government organization trying to cover up/control supernatural phenomena
>The kid's gym coach being a magic stone user whose leagues above them in terms of power because he's a grown ass man, but still needs them because he can't fight a war against the monsters on his own
>One of the kids goes mad with power to get out of the shadow of her controlling, over protective parents and uses magic to mutate her mythic beast form even further.
>She is lured into the monster world by the main bad guy at the end of book 1 setting things up for book 2 where the rest of the team must mount a rescue mission.
>Gym coach would die at the end of book 2, passing on his power to the team's leader
>book 3 would see the team return to an Earth run by the government organization from book 1 where they are branded as fugitives
>MC/team leader would be an upbeat tomboy that never loses hope no matter how bad things get.

>> No.12620802

Circa 1996, a studious man and professor of literature at a college in Washington has accidentally been pushed into an alternative reality where his ambition has never taken hold.

There he interacts with a depraved version of himself that merely exists to watch morning cartoons and play PS1 games.

Can he bring enlightenment to his mirrored life, will he correct the course and find the meaning of friendship along the way?

>> No.12620906

Why does he feel obligated to "enlighten" this other version of himself? Why not simply observe him? Why does he feel he has the right to impose his values on someone who obviously doesn't share them? I think there are better ways to investigate the relationship between realized and latent desires (assuming this is the angle you were trying to take). Also:
>the true meaning of friendship
I hope you're being ironic.

>> No.12620927

I want to write a novella about a man going rabbit hunting during a light snowstorm and knowing its fruitless but tracking the rabbits down anyway. Throughout this would be retrospection on having to cut loose bad friendships and situations throughout his life. I can't decide if I want to involve a dog, lose the dog if I do, or if a shot should be fired in the story.

>> No.12620947

That sounds like it has potential, anon. It's good that you think of these details before starting. Would it be ultimately a positive or more cynical story?

>> No.12620980

Dude, this is a really good idea. I want to read this now.

Maybe end it ambivalent as to whether or not he really is crazy? A question of whether it is better to believe the world conspires against you, but you resist with courage, or to acknowledge the random tragedy of life and resign oneself to dim reality.

>> No.12621201


>> No.12621247

Why does he go hunting if it's fruitless? What's his motivation?

>> No.12621419

>I hope you're being ironic
Ah, you're onto me finally. This plot was meant to lampoon the nostalgic self-centered millennial that inhabit our current environment of writers, in trying to "correct" his course he realizes that they're actually both the same person in a different way. The protagonist's morning cartoons are his literature reviews and his games parallel to his stagnant study of books.

>> No.12621451

A doctor pisses off his bosses by picking a poorer patient over a wealthier patient who could give the hospital he works at a good recommendation for more money. As a result of his consequences, he is sent to a rural area in Japan he has heard of that doesn't appear to be on any of the maps, once there he learns the people are incredibly superstitious and don't have modern necessities like TV, internet, mobile phones, etc. The nearest payphone is on a dirt road about twelve miles out of town. One evening while staying at the inn he is living in, he discovers a diary hidden under the floorboards of his bed and learns the innkeepers had a young daughter who apparently went missing. He begins to question his new surroundings and soon discovers that there is a disease that makes people forget their loved ones when they contract it. What is worse is that there is a more advanced version of the disease that can completely obscure the village from the major cities so no one can find it. Will he be able to find a cure before the disease proliferates to its fullest potential in the town?

>> No.12621489

>he nearest payphone is on a dirt road about twelve miles out of to

Why doesn't he just use his cellphone?

>> No.12621506


Did you not read it? No internet or phones since it is a backwater with pretty much nothing so no reception.

>> No.12621594

Near future, gas is scarce in the world. Nighttime, a man is driving home on his bike. He's tired and the road is wet. He falls asleep and crashes. He wakes up in a mechanics workshop only to find out he is joined with his bike at the waist. He's like a centaur, but the lower part is a bike. He's called a motosapiens. His spinal chord has wrapped around the bikes wires and if they are disconnected, he dies. A brilliant mechanic/doctor managed to save him. For him to survive, he needs gas just like he needs food. He'll never be able to have a normal life. After the initial anger and despair, he decides to rule the illegal gas market and turns bad to survive.

>> No.12621609

Man finds cell phone on the street and flips through the pictures to see a picture of himself picking up the cell phone earlier. He looks behind him to see....

>> No.12621653

I nearly pissed my pants reading this, thank you

>> No.12621665

this is wrong on so many levels

>> No.12621696

A comprehensive biography of Chris-chan with an appendix containing a freudian-jungian analysis of Sonichu.

>> No.12621704

Might make for an amusing short story

>> No.12621706

Man realizes he spent all of his youth looking at pictures of tapires on the internet, and despairs

>> No.12621796

there's a religious sect in hell dedicated to uplifting the souls of the damned to heaven. Its discovered that one the bishops has faked his own rapture and is funneling resources away from the church. A private investigator and his new protege are hired to uncover the plot and protect the church's authority

>> No.12621801
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>> No.12621811


>> No.12622020

I would base my decision if I like that on how much I appreciate the PS1 games

>> No.12622360

Give me alternate cosmology ideas.