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12609726 No.12609726 [Reply] [Original]

His analysis of Jewishness was correct. Prove me wrong.

>> No.12609806

Femininity is a Jewish trait, yes.

>> No.12609830


not necessarily. imo part of israel's founding principle was the 'remasculation' of the newly established jewish nation.
putting them in the 'master' role as opposed to the slave role was conceived of as a means of eroding the cerebral and passive character the ashkenazim - and certain segments among the eastern jews - in exile had assumed

>> No.12609850

Can't be right since he himself was a jew

>> No.12609871
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Truth, along with the whole of Western science, is a patriarchal tool of oppression, obviously, so going on about 'correctness' is tantamount to flaunting one's manhood about at everyone else's expense. That being said, Weininger can be studied (within the context of an incestuous academia) as a stark reflection of the bourgeoisie mentality of late 19th century Vienna. The crisis of manhood, recoiling from a threatening 'femininity' and 'Jewishness' which threatened to undermine traditional gender and social roles, defines the thought of this period, which desperately sought to affirm 'masculinity', obviously as a means to secure or rather reclaim its power over a changing mindset amongst the underclass which would take it into a more progressive era free from classist, racist, sexist power structures that have dominated the West since its inception.

>> No.12609881

Every generation or so, an anti-Jew arises from the ranks of the normal Jewry and calls them out for who they are.

>> No.12609900

What is this boy's name?

>> No.12609955

Not particularly into Weininger but he literally addresses this.

>> No.12609959
File: 116 KB, 539x487, bobby_fischer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praises be to Bobby

>> No.12609968

>not necessarily. imo part of israel's founding principle was the 'remasculation' of the newly established jewish nation.
That's what Weininger said. The only way for the Jews to become manly would be to have a state of their own.

>> No.12609979

What, that they are a very feminine people and thus incapable of individuality? Sure. But Christians are autistic, not individualistic, and the dude converted to Christianity, so he's really no better.

>> No.12610148

>Christians are autistic, not individualistic

>> No.12610182

Holy shit, Weininger BTFO for all eternity. Amazing posts girls.

>> No.12610198

I'll take antijews discussions more seriously if criticisms directed toward them didn't also apply tenfold to the people voicing them. I think antisemitism is a convenient ideology that let people blame something tangible and project all of their faults, kinda how some men are vociferously feminists while diddling kids on the side.