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/lit/ - Literature

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12608685 No.12608685[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's so fucked up that we'll never have a beautiful gfs with the personality we want while the idea is constantly dangling in front of our eyes as irresistible bait. even if we do somehow meet this 10/10 and get her to sleep with us, chances are she'll be a completely soulless whore like most girls anyway. what a cruel joke reality is, I wish I was born a peasant farmer in simpler times, maybe then I'd be too preoccupied with keeping myself and my family alive to care about such trivial matters.

>> No.12608695

Cannot emphatize.
Have 8/10 intelligent qt who writes good prose.

>> No.12608696
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just get a boyfriend faggot.

>> No.12608698

I'm cringing like a mothafucka right now

>> No.12608700


>> No.12608709

AHAHAHA nice one anon

if you're being serious though post some

>> No.12608721

how to be a perfect wife, lit?

>> No.12608728

What does this have to do w/ literature?

>> No.12608729

I am serious. And no. I aint posting her pics here. No fucking way.

>> No.12608733

Post her prose, retard.

>> No.12608735

someone post her feet

>> No.12608737

What do You mean?

>> No.12608744

reading book makes us smart and interesting and deserving of smart and interesting and 10/10 women

>> No.12608747

We aint english, though. No use. We are both slavs.
Sorry for assuming You wanted her pics. Im not gonna blame it on 4chan and my habbits.

>> No.12608748

I don't want to see you're imaginary gf, I want to read the prose you wrote in her name

>> No.12608754

Unfortunately, I have almost no prose in my (her) name since I wasted 6+ years on poetry. I just got started with prose, though. Feels good.

>> No.12608761

no one deserves anything

>> No.12608764

that's fucking wrong faggot

>> No.12608770

I'm a smart and interesting 10/10 woman and I'd prefer to marry someone who has a different skillset than my own literary prowess and intellectual comprehension.

>> No.12608773

ok, go on? no need to be rude btw we're all friends here

>> No.12608775

>”reading book makes us smart and interesting”
No it doesn’t. Not at all. Perhaps you are smarter than the average person because you read (depends on what), but that doesn’t make you interesting anyhow.

And you don’t deserve anything, let alone another person. You want a smart qt.314 GF, not deserve one. Thinking like that honestly limits your chances even more.

>> No.12608783
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How do you deal with being attractive but at the same time being barely human? I seriously can't relate to others. I get girls hitting on me frequently but I kinda don't want to talk to them. Sure I could pretend that I'm normal but that isn't something I like doing, it feels dishonest and the only thing I would get from it is sex with a person I don't really like in the end.

>> No.12608786

reading books makes me worthy

>> No.12608787

I think don't think he was being serious anon

>> No.12608794

This is a homosexual board, sweetie.

>> No.12608796

Agreed. Guy with the 8/10 intelligent qt who writes good prose.

I wasted YEARS: my whole highschool and a big part of uni just being the good guy and thinking they (girls) will notice. Of course they noticed, but nothing ever happened unti I actually SEIZED that bitch. Went through a lot of one-sided heartbreaks just to finally own up to myself and grab one of them by their wrists. You gotta want it, man.

>> No.12608809

what do you mean by seizing that bitch?

>> No.12608823
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The biggest cruel trick ever pulled on men was raising this past generation (or two) to think that women are Disney princess "manic pixie dream girls" who will provide meaning and joy to yoyur life while somehow also being full intellectual and spiritual equals AND sexual partners when necessary.

The sexual objects part is true, but only insofar as they are solely sexual objects at their real core, disgusting animals who exist sell themselves like a cheap commodity to other disgusting animals (horny men with tribal tattoos grunting and saying things like NNGHH YEAH BABY YOU LIKE DADDY'S COCK WHORE YEAH). Not only do they not mind being worn-out and used-up pieces of chattel, they exist in a perpetual dual state, worshipped as goddesses by pathetic beta cucks they despise on the one hand, and willingly, eagerly pissed and spit on by Chad on the other. The more betas worship women, the more they crave the subversion of this worship in the form of Chad shitting on their tits and punching them in the face. There is no in-between. If you want a woman to be your equal, she will be confused by you as a "middle term" that cannot logically exist. Worse, actually, she'll just slot you in the Beta category by default, because anyone who isn't a mindlessly aggressive silverback gorilla who wants to punch her in the face and choke her is ipso facto a beta slave tampon to be used up and tossed aside.

The Disney princess thing is a horrifying outgrowth of the beta/princess phenomenon. It's what happens when you let infantilized pussy betas run the whole society, and they systemically degrade masculine virtues and elevate the beta/princess archetypes as if they are the only forms really existing.

The equals thing doesn't even need to be deconstructed, it's such a joke. Schopenhauer already did it:
>And it was in this light that the ancients and people of the East regarded woman; they recognised her true position better than we, with our old French ideas of gallantry and absurd veneration, that highest product of Christian-Teutonic stupidity. These ideas have only served to make them arrogant and imperious, to such an extent as to remind one at times of the holy apes in Benares, who, in the consciousness of their holiness and inviolability, think they can do anything and everything they please. [F]or woman, rightly named by the ancients sexus sequior, is by no means fit to be the object of our honour and veneration, or to hold her head higher than man and to have the same rights as he. ... The European lady, strictly speaking, is a creature who should not exist at all; but there ought to be housekeepers, and young girls who hope to become such; and they should be brought up not to be arrogant, but to be domesticated and submissive. It is exactly because there are ladies in Europe that women of a lower standing, that is to say, the greater majority of the sex, are much more unhappy than they are in the East.

>> No.12608828

I mean actually going for it. As I said, I wasted years just fantasizing and doing everything in my power for a girl to like me (except conforming to smth / compromising my personality/belifes) but I never actually went for it. Most of the women I was with before my current GF were one-night-stands that drunk me I have no fucking idea how got. I would just sober up in one moment and thank my drunken self for this opportunity to get to kissing and touch bewbs.

Going for it means actually expressing that You WANT something. The first girl I ever dated, I basically told her autistically: "I like You. Can I kiss You now?". Guess what? It worked. It was awkward for both of us because I am a fucking retard and thats not how it ever works out in romance movies, but I got her. She dumped me 3 weeks later, but You get the point.

>> No.12608829

>t. incel coper who has never experienced love

>> No.12608838

the simple solution is to shun the w*men and embrace the pure and honest fetishism of homosexuality.

>> No.12608840
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Hole or hole-prole detected. Don't speak to me, hole-prole.

>> No.12608845

please stop

>> No.12608846

cringe to the base

>> No.12608850

found the salty breeder who is doomed to cause even more suffering for his selfish pleasure.

>> No.12608854

>someone's opinion makes you cringe
embarrassing, grow a pair loser

>> No.12608860

Come on I was trying to be polite. How else could I have phrased it?

>> No.12608870

there is no need to be polite towards bad people. if you think that homosexuality is bad, then please do post your opinions instead of being """polite""".

>> No.12608885

>men constantly joke about how they're annoyed by their girlfriend/wife
>thinks women want to date and have a fulfilling relationship with them
Of course we don't. The only time women date men is when they can get something out of it, whether it be children, money, security, sex, and sometimes a plaything. Do you know how annoying it is being a lesbian and talking to other women who just want to have sex with you and mooch off of your well-earned money while giving absolutely nothing in return? Worse yet are those who want to experience their first relationship with you while talking about relationships as if it were a romance movie. Reality doesn't touch the minds of many people, it seems. They all exist in a bubble of breedist propaganda and the lies that dribble out the mouth of a sinister, unrelenting media force, gouging the brains of millions and brainwashing them into listlessness and an unsatisfactory feeling with the real world. You're all brainwashed to think women are caring and kind but they will never care about you until you unlatch them from the hands that feed them that electronic sludge all over their phones and televisions.

>> No.12608888


>> No.12608891

Nice quads though.

>> No.12608893

women are the barometers of degeneracy, we live in the maximum jew era and women exist as pure jew energy

>> No.12608896


Lol, try doing this while being ugly

>> No.12608903

>women constantly joke about how they're annoyed by their boyfriend/husband
>thinks men want to date and have a fulfilling relationship with them
Of course we don't. The only time men date men is when they can get something out of it, whether it be children, money, security, sex, and sometimes a plaything. Do you know how annoying it is being a faggot and talking to other men who just want to have sex with you and mooch off of your well-earned money while giving absolutely nothing in return? Worse yet are those who want to experience their first relationship with you while talking about relationships as if it were a romance movie. Reality doesn't touch the minds of many people, it seems. They all exist in a bubble of breedist propaganda and the lies that dribble out the mouth of a sinister, unrelenting media force, gouging the brains of millions and brainwashing them into listlessness and an unsatisfactory feeling with the real world. You're all brainwashed to think men are caring and kind but they will never care about you until you unlatch them from the hands that feed them that electronic sludge all over their phones and televisions.

>> No.12608908
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>The only time men date men is when they can get something out of it, whether it be children
stop reading mpreg

>> No.12608913


>> No.12608915

I feel like we kind of agree. We're constantly sold lies and people ended up believing them. Don't really know what breedist propaganda is though

>> No.12608919

go back to your containment board incel

>> No.12608927

I honestly cannot help You with that. I never ran those kinds of simulation in my mind, could partially emphatize when I had a lot of acne and much much lower self-esteem, but thats not the same.

I wanna say love is blind but I dont know what is love.

It is possible, however, imo. Women arent attracted only to looks.

>> No.12608928
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uh, isn't it fairly obvious?

>> No.12608929

what if I wasn't an incel? would your reality shatter?

>> No.12608936

>tfw gf is an 8/10 severely dyslexic art student with strong family values and emotional maturity
A writer of sublime prose she ain’t but at least I can chat theory with her without coming across as pretentious (much).

Think if you boys want to find love you have to lower your expectations. Find a girl who doesn’t read but is happy for you to talk her ear off about this or that book, or at least humours your weird obsessions without being patronising or judgmental.

>> No.12608951

I mean to me, a family is a beautiful thing.

>> No.12608962

>what if I wasn't an incel?
but you are

>> No.12608967

>tfw 6.5/10 fit, workaholic gf with a bubbly personality everyone loves

feels good desu. probably gonna marry her

>> No.12608975

let's say I wasn't

>> No.12608983

Any given society must push for the people within the system to reproduce. If the people do not reproduce quickly enough, a competing nation will outnumber and outspend your military by virtue of numbers. Most of western nations are "great" because they pushed the family meme so hard.

Also, consider how our economy works. Any given investment have to sell their "bags" to someone else to actually generate monetary profit. This popular activity has generated this massive system of wagecuck that essentially will support our parents' retirement which is simply a continuation of their shallow hedonistic and materialistic lifestyle.

>> No.12608998

Hey anon, I used to be in your position, until I realized the rush of the power trip from screwing strange chicks and then never calling or texting them again. You should try it, take advantage of those good looks (thanks mum!) to fill the world with all that bitterness inside you!

>> No.12609022

I agree that families benefit societies/nations and that there is an incentive to push for population growth. However I don't think hedonism and materialism run together with family values at all. You certainly can have one without the other.

It seems to me that your problem is with the latter not the former. Why hate families then?

>> No.12609033

I'm saying that having a family is a hedonistic and materialistic activity. Your notion of "family values" is a shallow simulacrum that you and your family played roles in.

>> No.12609042

what's the alternative?

>> No.12609044

the void

>> No.12609053

This much ressentiment is really fucking awful to see. There are plenty of attractive girls with great personalities, your only problem is that it seems they're not attracted to you.

What are you doing to change that, if anything?

>> No.12609055

then I choose being around my loved ones

>> No.12609063

How do i create the desire of wanting a gf?

>> No.12609065

I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.

>> No.12609077


>> No.12609093

What do You mean? Why would You want to create this? If You have no desire, You have no desire. Where is the pressure coming from?

>> No.12609094
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>even if we do somehow meet this 10/10 and get her to sleep with us, chances are she'll be a completely soulless whore like most girls anyway.

You sound like you were some kind of goblin that needs to trick women to sleep with you. It's very hypocritical that literally the only objective you mention is having sex with pretty girls and then you turn around and say THEY are the soulless whores.

And no, you wouldn't want to be a peasant farmer, furthermore you are equally simple in thought.

>> No.12609095

And yet, this is exactly what you would have to do. Women want to see your inner psycho, whether they admit it or not. The ones who repress it are better in bed (so they say)

>> No.12609096

I'm an ugly, autistic, uninteresting and unsuccessful loser. I don't deserve a girlfriend, let alone a cute one.

>> No.12609106

cool story nigger

>> No.12609114

Please delete this post. You just established yourself as a fucking retard.

>> No.12609118

Why hasn't this /r9k/ thread been deleted?

>> No.12609124

>the only way to beat these mentally inferior beings is making autistic argument guides that boil down to "they are extorting me with their genitalia"

>> No.12609136

the argument is autistic but is it wrong?

>> No.12609138

>not recognizing our overlord Cory.

>> No.12609147

Truth hurts

>> No.12609160

I understand this feel but the "all women are whores" is a cope and you know it. I get like that sometimes but it's just resentiment born out of how unworthy you feel when those you admire don't admire you back.

No-one admires us really. We're paper people, filling up the room. I try to be more everyday but I don't think I have it in me. Day by day I become more and more aware that some people simply cannot ever make it and I may just be one of them. I'm still struggling with what to do with that information. I often feel the need to lash out, like you. Often I think of taking things even further.

I don't really know what to do anymore. I wish I could retreat from it all.

>> No.12609161

>having a face cleansing routine transforms you into Bateman

>> No.12609187

It's literally not. After meeting my gf's friends I became a lot more comfortable with women, and virtually all of them are massive sluts. One of them even bragged to me about how she steals girls away from guys and enjoys hearing them cry about it afterwards. All they do is talk about sex/relationships and social mass media. Believe me, I WISH this was all just a cope but the nightmare is real. Very few girls are marriage material in college.

>> No.12609209
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become a body without organs

desire is not lack

>> No.12609215

Your girlfriend is a cunt and she hangs round with cunts. This proves what exactly, beyond your poor life choices?

>> No.12609239

This is bad advice.

>> No.12609247
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cringe and bluepilled but I do the same thing and it feels good haha. I go on spouts every couple of months. I install Tinder and try to fuck as many 19yo girls as possible. After about two or three weeks I give up and delete them all from my phone and feel terrible for about a month and then I forget every girl's name except for maybe one or maybe two and I think about them a lot for the next month or so until I do it again haha.

>> No.12609270

Having a face cleansing routine is Batemanish

>> No.12609271

>Implying its not wrong.

>> No.12609274

I think for a lot of people, being attractive precludes emotional and/or intellectual depth

I was a very attractive, athletic child and it was only after someone close to me died and puberty was unkind to me that I got some emotional depth, tried to start really learning and understanding the world, and began developing empathy.

I’m like a 6-7/10 now but I think if I ended up a chad I’d be an entitled jerk, maybe that speaks more to the quality of my soul (or lack thereof) but that’s my anecdotal contribution, and I do feel I’ve noticed this in others.

>> No.12609296

This is the reason tall attractive men and very attractive women can't produce great works. Reflection is very much a coping mechanism.

>> No.12609299

Girls don't have personalities 2bh. They are fleshy pods who regurgitate the social currents of the particular moment

>> No.12609366

>The only person who could possibly disagree with me would be a member of the group I'm shitting on, so I can safely ignore all of their opinions and never consider that I might be wrong
You argue like a child, fuck off back to /r9k/

>> No.12609416

this is a really bad take. women aren’t a commodity nor a prize, and your statement on not being able to instantaneously sleep with them because they are vapid sluts is absolutely backwards. your experiences are not universal, and people who treat women as human— beyond “i tried to treat her like a competent equal briefly as an experiment and she and her entire sex have failed me!”— tend to have more success in cultivating relationships with them

>> No.12609424

Why is it cringe then? I don't hate women, in fact I was raised by a single mother and really only get along with women, I have basically no male friendships.
But I'm bitter and angry about having to exist on this hell of a planet and not having the balls to kill myself, so I take it out on the occasional Tinderella whore by pumping her full of horchata and then ghosting her. So what? Her life isn't any worse for it, and I get to feel a nice old rush of power thanks to a bit of genetic luck and some charisma.
I recommend this approach to all amoral doomer anons who haven't quite made that final, inevitable, decision yet. Unless you're ugly in which case you're fucked haha

>> No.12609465

>poster 1 posts an ad hominem fallacy
>poster 2 posts an image that calls out ad hominem fallacies, also says "i bet you use this ad hominem because you're a member of x group"

the latter is not an ad hominem

you can't think, making it likely you're a woman

>> No.12609466

I want to be a pretty girl...

>> No.12609491

Oh buck up, buttercup. Honestly; have some dignity.

>> No.12609503

>If you use an argument from my Big List of Latinate Fallacies you lose, I didn't so I win
How about this instead: I want to slam your retarded head into a concrete parking barrier

>> No.12609517


>> No.12609525

i accept your admission of defeat but i strongly disapprove of your reddit sense of humor

>> No.12609549

i wish i was a cute girl who could wear cute pink dresses

>> No.12609560

Me too, anon...why do you desire it?

>> No.12609561
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The guy saying "you used an ad hominem logical fallacy so I'm right" is accusing others of being reddit?

>> No.12609587
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>> No.12609619

yes. please stay on reddit.

>> No.12609639

ive dated a model. she was something else. so intelligent, beautiful, caring. We used to write together, drink together, gig together, all of it. I couldn't believe it. it felt like I met princess Diana or some shit man.

I am the reason it broke down. I'm pretty fucking happy her modelling career didn't take off. I still love her and want her to succeed, but not as a model. My ex-gf becoming an icon in society whilst I fap into my bedsheets would be too fucked up to even think about.

She had all the potential and chance to become a supermodel, but its definitely passed now. I peaked too young though. Woman like that aint coming again.

>> No.12609684

It really isn't, brother, it just isn't good for the soul, I think. I don't really care enough to stop though.

>> No.12609736

Kill yourself, saged and reported

>> No.12609759

but what of human need?

>> No.12609781

But isn't this just an empty pleasure? You don't really fix anything and instead just look the other way. I don't really know what to do. Maybe casual sex is fine for you but I actually want a deeper connection with someone but can't get it.

>> No.12609825

>I actually want a deeper connection with someone but can't get it.
I'm curious did you arrive at this conclusion before you were sexually active.

>> No.12609831
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i really just like innocent and cutesy things, whether it's through animals, clothing, girls, etc. pink is unironically my favorite color. pic related (kpop idol luda) is a good example, i find her very attractive and want to emulate it, but while i pay more attention to fashion than my friends i dress as a pretty regular guy. i remember playing nintendo as a kid and being obsessed with princess peach. fairly certain i'm bisexual but have never actively sought out men

>> No.12609834

I'm dating an actual 8-9/10 lit major who does theatre. So, sucks for you I guess.

>> No.12609840

you’re just a faggot

>> No.12609901

That's neat. I wish I had a pretty girlfriend who'd put makeup on me and kiss me all over my face while doing so.

>> No.12609909

I just want a friend with benefits, but I'm too ugly.
I don't want to waste money on prostitutes nor risk a STD. I wish a girl was attracted to me physically and I to her, so we could fuck, get back to our lives, fuck, etc. Repeat, until both our needs are satisfied, no emotional dependancy shit. How do I accomplish this, any tips?

>> No.12609921

You be attractive, fit, and good at sex.

>> No.12610007

Be unusually attractive

Women on OKCupid, before the days of Tinder, rate 80% of men as "below average" physically. Now we're in the age of Tinder. Be a prettyboy or subsist on Chad's tablescraps.

>> No.12610011

Neurotic thinks he can fill his gap with a woman in place of his insufficient mother.
More news at 3

>> No.12610024

I think it's no coincidence most Incels come from single mother families.

>> No.12610031

This is an area I can't fix.
I'm working on it. I hope to get abs in the future.
>good at sex
How? I'm still a virgin and not willing to pay hookers.