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/lit/ - Literature

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12608509 No.12608509 [Reply] [Original]

>woke up
>browse internet, have some junk food
>have gone outside walking
>the weather is literally like summer
>realise that when summer actually comes, it'll feel much better to have money in the bank and less fat so I am not a fat sweaty mess like I am right now
>go back home and eat remaining junk food
>about to binge on fast food, on my last day of unhealthy eating

I know this is dumb but I am currently agonising over whether or not I can give up junk food or coffee without being existentially cucked. On the one hand, I am redpilled about Stirner, so I know I am the guy who creates my own spooks. On the other hand, having any spooks at all makes me feel cucked and like I'm limiting myself. On the other hand, I am under constant attacks from other spooks. On the other hand, if I have any spook other than "Do what I want at the time", it's like admitting I'm a pathetic cuck who needs a master (e.g., a rule such as "No junk food"). On the other hand, I would create those rules and could change them at any time. On the other hand, people can choose to be cucks, and their ability to stop at any moment doesn't stop them being cucks.

And the very fact that I think of myself in probabilistic terms is fucking humiliating. I feel guilty for not figuring out a life philosophy that would let me know what to do at all times, while maximising happiness, wealth, success etc. I know that's stupid and, like the underground man, even if I knew this philosophy I would disobey it to feel free. I also feel (mostly) sure that dismissing this problem will lead to me being lazy and going back to being a slave to habit.

The sunniness was nice but depressing in an all new way. The California startup millionaires who work hard despite being distracted by incredible weather every day truly are gods.

>> No.12608517

>make a blogpost
>anon reads two lines
>sincerely tells you to stop posting and kill yourself

>> No.12608521

People told you to buy Ethereum back in 2015. You ignored their advice and spend thousands of £ on Junk food binges, coffee and entertainment.

You already could be a retired millionare in California, but you don't accept any advice. People already told you to buy Chainlink, but you will miss that train too.

>> No.12608531


I don't remember knowing anything about Ethereum in 2015. The earliest I remember reading about it was mid 2016, though I know I still missed a smaller boat.

Somehow I don't get annoyed by that type of mistake

>> No.12608544
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okay how the FUCK did stinky linkies infiltrate /lit/?

>> No.12608554

>The California startup millionaires who work hard despite being distracted by incredible weather
It's raining here right now. Not very fun.

>> No.12608581

Did you ever get diagnosed with anything?

>> No.12608590

stinky linkies are the philosophical neets of this age. of course, they would have a diverse range of interests and attempt to convey information that will benefit their kin.

>> No.12608648

What did you eat?
I myself enjoy junk food too, but I am not fat because I only binge on it once a week and work out a bit.

>> No.12608664

you finna based

>> No.12608689

Just remember that when summer comes it will inevitably bring bare-legged Staceys into your view cone. Can you cope with the fact that you've never had young love? That you'll never experience? Will it make you sad to see Staceys hooking up with Chads when you binge on icecream?

>> No.12608703

What would you eat without junk food anon? Like, if you were writing a character’s food routine, for an average person, what would you give him?

>> No.12608722

>junk food
>inherently unhealthy

It all depends on how much of it you eat.

>> No.12608768
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Check out Pierre Daniel Huet, Treatise on the Frailty of Human Reason. It’s hard to find, but good. Then stop trying to do this on your own. Your sins are more powerful than you.

>> No.12608784


>> No.12608790

Self-control is easiest when you abstain completely. Even if junk food can be helpful in a certain amount, it’s not as if anyone can easily limit himself that easily.

>> No.12608795


>> No.12608799

Thats it? No medication for long term depression or low moods?

>> No.12608842


OP here, that guy's not me. I've never been diagnosed with anything although I am an ugly beta nofriends loser with no social experiences since school, even through university

>> No.12608940
File: 381 KB, 500x775, The Last Binge Ever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Absolutely based