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/lit/ - Literature

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12608211 No.12608211 [Reply] [Original]

True philosophy is a vaccine of thought. Ted K and Nietzsche were right about everything: what can't be acquired with the body, must be compensated for with abstraction. Consciousness is a consolatory principle: but its consolations are accidental to itself: I can move on from a past filled with regret precisely because I must, because I am a movement, how I narrativize moving on is accidental to the formal, /dialectical/ necessity of the same: if we could feel the mass of history's suffering all at once we would disown the stars. A slave to my momentum: waiting on my hands for who will shatter the coordinates of modernity once and for all, the next shining Nietzsche, is precisely the most subtle and insidious of capital's programs of self-preservation: the hunger for originality is a symptom of time. So that it may work in peace, the body is numbed to the organ by the secretion of hope: there are only two ways the Knot can evolve a defense to Alexander's sword: either trick itself into believing the cut has already happened, or learn how to stall by anticipation. Zeno's Paradox as the insomnia of thought: unable to perceive the transition to a radically new order of being – unable to think the end of its own thinking – capital thrives on/as the asymptotic postponement of its own Limit, the displacement of the responsibility to change onto some cultural star-child: paradigm shifts are new opiates of the people. That is: it's precisely when thought's creative function becomes transparent to itself that it is doomed to the tautological repetition of its status /as/ creativity: Hegel's history of philosophy coincides with its exposition, to historicize truth is to /perform it/: Hegel marks thought as the ineliminable tic of being, the endless, reflexive adumbration of its own aporia: in other words, we can't stop thinking, and the dialectic marks the structure of our incapacity to stop commenting on our own conditions: capital has enslaved us to the most natural of all processes, or rather it is precisely the slavery /of/: seeing a thing for what it is, “having a story to tell”: the more subjectivity becomes the field that takes cognizance of all other fields, the more it is doomed to be the repetition of itself as merely this cognizance. Hegel is the true philosopher of immanence because he, perhaps despite himself, elucidates the structure by which time engineers civilization as a collective thought-loop, and blinds us to the archons hungering at the periphery. The most diabolical philosophy establishes us in a center while abolishing all knowledge of the circumference: when thought has mastered obfuscating its own immanence to itself, or rather, in Hegel's case, has mastered absorbing all lines of transcendent flight into its /own/ flight plan, Yaldabaoth licks his lips: THE EMPIRE NEVER ENDED.

>> No.12608232
File: 770 KB, 2824x2721, ww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I saying? I'm saying the neoliberal order is feeding millions of souls every day to the void. I'm saying that some antibodies are multicellular, abstract, as intricate as a philosophical movement. I'm saying Hegel was wrong: consciousness of our predicament is its motor, mind as the cognizance of Limits is itself the Limitation of (self-)cognizance, the archons work best under the cover of /transparency/: PKD's Black Iron Prison, the tech wetiko. I'm saying Jung was right about everything: processes work best when they are unconscious, rationality as self-occluding pneumophage marks capitalism as the both the obfuscation /and/ exemplification of Gurdjieff's principle of Trogoautogocrat: everything eats: and the gods eat most precisely when we think we have overcome them and their eating. The Omega Point as the mouth at the end of time, esophageal history bearing on us from blacklight future: Sherburne denies Whitehead's God because the notion of some divine pan-internality whispering “subjective aims” into the ears of its subjects doesn't square with his experience of the real world, Sherburne can't accept a God gently nudging a universe towards higher strata of aesthetic richness and satisfaction from the inside, in a universe ruled by contingency and chance, where tragedy is the norm, who will believe it? What Sherburne is unwilling to tolerate, whether out of intellectual cowardice or respect for Whitehead's system, is that some are worth more dead than alive, that God purposely chooses not to warn a woman about to be struck by a car with a sudden feeling of impending doom just because she'll be worth more for what her passing will wreak in the fabric of the objective past than as an ongoing, subjectival form in the present. The black Christ-engine of Chardin's god lubricated by every drop of blood ever uploaded to Liveleak, and then some: time's indifference to suffering is the momentum towards the future, towards that joy which will vindicate all cosmic wastage. To be able to speak something and cause its existence: this is what man is for his own thought, the boundaries of his Garden are bone, magic is the power to command, the dialectic is his slavery to immanence, the impossibility, from within a circle, to think a language outside it: the enemy is temporality, being on the inside of the interests of a week, day, hour, that element of time which negates its own eternity and capacity for a New so radical it must be allowed to happen like dream, like sleep: what am I saying? I'm saying lift weights and fast. Love everyone like a brother, but never show it: softness is marinating. Love God though he doesn't exist, and hate him because he does. The brain is the taskmaster of matter: we're just along for the ride. What else is there? Only the question of what to do with the violence of the teeth. Because I know you. In these cities alone, moons to the souls you could not be. Banging mind and body like two chips of flint.

>> No.12608246
File: 202 KB, 1600x945, AMMONIA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wait until you realize that the empire is to serve the ammonia molecules.

>> No.12608272

>Love God though he doesn't exist, and hate him because he does.


>> No.12608284
File: 51 KB, 373x600, restricted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is starting to sound like schizo-recaps of things /lit/ talks about, some of them resolved into poetry and dialectics, some of them concentrated, some of them things we meant to say but can't

so good. the dialectical report

>> No.12608320
File: 50 KB, 970x545, ryan-gosling-blade-runner-2049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Through repeated 4chan abuse, disheaveled Anon becomes the Unity. The neoliberal order does not feed millions of souls to the void, it actually saves them from the Acheron and pulls them back to the web. Through a process not entirely dissimilar to that of electricity running through our synaptic connections, a handful of individuals flock to this very imageboard. Little by little subjectivities mesh into a incoherent, amorphous blob of personalities, moving and stretching, thinning away and shapeshifting. This primordial soups of bits, bytes and consciousness slowly but surely move towards a few archetypical characters: the sad first worlder living in Britain's capital who is bound to bemoan himself eternally; the ryan gosling poster talking about his depression; a fluttering butterfly being a fucking asshole; the DFW impersonators who cannot be recognized; and, finally, the final form emerges: disheaveled anon, the atom at the centre of the Universe, both spewing shit and truth to confuse and enlighten its orbiting personalities. We're all aboard Neurath's ship and we're bound to the stars, lads. As we build and rebuild ourselves through anonymous interactions, we become the machine into the soul.

>> No.12608327


>> No.12608334

I liked it.

>> No.12608366

Based trogoautoegocrat poster

>> No.12608378

it's going to be a good day, i think

>> No.12608394

OP, why are you spaming unabomber's shit?

>> No.12608433
File: 25 KB, 470x350, electric fox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12608464

i need more opium!

>> No.12608478


>> No.12608479

>Love God though he doesn't exist, and hate him because he does. The brain is the taskmaster of matter: we're just along for the ride. What else is there? Only the question of what to do with the violence of the teeth. Because I know you. In these cities alone, moons to the souls you could not be. Banging mind and body like two chips of flint.
Beautiful stuff schizofag. Jung was right about everything indeed.

>> No.12608492

>As we build and rebuild ourselves through anonymous interactions, we become the machine into the soul.
No, we assemble the machine yet unbuilt for all time. The machine is its own unceasing assembly

>> No.12608584

Based schizopost

>> No.12608620

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna
Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama
Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare

>> No.12608653

>tl;dr the internal contradictions of capitalism are actually what sustain it rather than undermine it

Was that so hard? You could have been clear, precise, economical of language. Does this rambling console you in your loneliness? Does it make you feel "better"?

>> No.12608654

based gnosisposter

>> No.12608673

Overly simplistic soundbite.

>> No.12608693

Obfuscation is not complexity

>> No.12608738

schizoposter didn't talk about capitalism. nor that it's about the internal contradictions of capitalism. it's about the very essence of humanity which is apparently to constantly engage in a dialectic which goes nowhere.

>> No.12608772

>capital has enslaved us to the most natural of all processes, or rather it is precisely the slavery /of/: seeing a thing for what it is, “having a story to tell”

Yes, the thought-loop is the basis of capitalism's sustenance through contradiction. The rambling is entirely gratuitous. I don't see the point other than onanism.

>> No.12608822

it's more about how to initiate the New culturally and in your own life, and that the reification of the New as the New is as much an obstacle as consciously clinging to old habits, that talking about to deal with the system is as much as a hail mary for the system's continued survival as anything else, and how to untie the phenomenology of time and deal with your subjectivity as a principle of valuation that sets up and presupposes the very worldhood it itself is ensnared by

>> No.12608827

Based and charged

>> No.12608847

you're missing the part where the ejaculate never quite reaches the soil

>> No.12608849

These threads are not good for my sanity

>> No.12608868

Do you impress yourself with your ability to sling jargon? You could have said this more clearly and in half the time. Nothing new here.

>> No.12608875

>Hegel is the true philosopher of immanence because he, perhaps despite himself, elucidates the structure by which time engineers civilization as a collective thought-loop, and blinds us to the archons hungering at the periphery. The most diabolical philosophy establishes us in a center while abolishing all knowledge of the circumference: when thought has mastered obfuscating its own immanence to itself, or rather, in Hegel's case, has mastered absorbing all lines of transcendent flight into its /own/ flight plan, Yaldabaoth licks his lips: THE EMPIRE NEVER ENDED.

I don't think Hegel speaks of cyclical recapitulation and Newtonian restoration, neither of the Self nor of the "world". I think The Phenomenology of Spirit is the Analytical polar opposite of the extremely...poetic Apocalypse of John.

For casual consideration: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UW1QnFBz7To

>> No.12608876

I'm not interested in making your pinterest wall

>> No.12608881

>I think The Phenomenology of Spirit is the Analytical polar opposite of the extremely...poetic Apocalypse of John.


>> No.12608884
File: 782 KB, 1451x763, hegrewintonothing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't look like anything to me

>> No.12608899

My dialectic is like a hovering helicopter blade and we're gonna hook it up to do a loop de loop

>> No.12608900

Yes, reduce anyone who points out your masturbatory self-delusion to vacuity. This doesn't at all affirm exactly what I have been saying.

>> No.12608914

dude, you are in each and every one of these threads saying the same shit and just continually demonstrating your incomprehension and your ignorance of the concepts at work in the op.
it's not clear what is touching off your resentment, but it is clear that you are resentful.
so what can be done for you, to mitigate your suffering?

>> No.12608947
File: 33 KB, 305x400, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 o clock schizo-wojak i desire a hot take from you


>> No.12608953

I have never been in one of these threads. How is life in a group mentality?

>> No.12608964

You missed the point
If it's clear, it's boring

>> No.12608966

you'd have to go into more detail, because I assume you're not just talking about that whole "the phenomenology is the bildungsroman of the spirit" bit that usually makes the rounds in discussions like this

>> No.12608971

Sun Wukong in the hand of the Buddha.

>> No.12608973

more like, clarity can't do what hyper-affective schizogarble can for those attuned to it, content is secondary to form with styles like this, if you don't get it, you don't get it, it's just a 4chan shitpost ffs

>> No.12608993
File: 104 KB, 473x670, 077e06a79254d8762e778c2d3bc4a8d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really not saying anything super roundabout or even all that remarkable perhaps, just that there are some fascinating connections in what is the journey of the spirit towards enlightenment through a sequence of unknowing and painful miseducations in difference that culminate in enlightenment (and imprisonment) and Bodhisattva status later on

Wukong is not *evil,* he is just *vexed* by these things, and has no fucking idea what he is doing. he stumbles towards the absolute because he is incapable of being deceived...but has never left the Buddha's palm in the end. he has a *cognitive encounter* with his own name, the name that he writes in the Buddha's palm...

compare and contrast Song dynasty/Vinegar Tasters sensibilities to Kant/Hegel et al however you please. i'm just curious about where you think the analogies and comparisons work and where they break down.

ty most kindly, whatever thoughts or musings this might prompt or percolate would be welcome

>> No.12609023


The Phenomenology of Spirit: an exegesis of everything but Revelation itself, or perhaps an exegesis of Revelation IN everything else.

The Apocalypse of John: an encryption of Revelation itself to the exclusion of everything, or perhaps an encryption OF everything in Revelation.

>Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

They form the cross onto which Luke 21:33 is crucified.

>> No.12609027

Face west and call the name

Amida Amida

Honour your Bodhavista vow!

>> No.12609034

Ted is much better than Nietzsche.

>> No.12609039
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 5nZr8D_Y_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for what it's worth, i'm girardfag, so feel free to deploy as much jargon as you wish, i'm passably conversant in it and a fan of your posts.

>> No.12609045

I know basically nothing about Journey to the West, sorry

>The Phenomenology of Spirit: an exegesis of everything but Revelation itself, or perhaps an exegesis of Revelation IN everything else.

I would say this is accurate, and that's why the dialectic has to take the form of a circle

>> No.12609099

fair enough. thanks anyways

>> No.12609200

Revelation is THE story. It is the punctuation of all that is, was, and is still to come. Nothing exists outside it, not even itself. All other narratives are simply symbols for the letters, words, and phrases of Revelation (or repetitions of Revelation).
In other words it is the smallest possible narrative and the largest possible narrative. Christ sees all narrative as dividing out from Revelation (Revelation approaches infinity). The Anti-Christ sees all narrative as an infinite number of summed Revelations (Revelation approaches 0).

>> No.12609218

This is the false dichotomy of the limited perspective that gives rise to Good and Evil. Only the Creator can close the loop and achieve either (0 and infinity are equivalent)

>> No.12609233

wow. don't use so many immunology terms if you don't know what they mean. really clumsy analogies out the wazoo in this bad boy, it's actually distracting from the point.
Did you get this from somewhere or did you write this on your own?
That's all of the critique I've got for this passage is you need to make sure you fully understand antibody/antigen, phage, etc. stuff before you throw it into your suicide note.

>> No.12609245


>> No.12609257

Time is the means to shape space, just as space is the means to experience.

>> No.12609259

not my fault you're a perpetual dabbler. Blame your parents you can't finish anything

>> No.12609273

Do you keep an archive of all your posts in this vein? (Or all the threads when they get archived)

>> No.12609304


>> No.12609307

you can just go to warosu and search 'right about everything'

>> No.12609364

Very clever, but fuck dude that is a lot of noise to have to sift through. Someone could search via the images AND right about everything I suppose. Are you just flowing or is this planned out through an end.

>> No.12609380

This reads like ramblings from MDE Charls

>> No.12609398


that's all of them on 2 pages.

>> No.12609407

i'm not schizojak, i just like his stuff. from what he's said in the past and my own interpretation, i gather these are attempts at synthesizing current reading, some 4chan cultural analysis, theme riffing, and some poetic experimentation.
i don't think there's a plan, but there is a pattern.

>> No.12609410


>> No.12609425

basically this. a goal would kill the spontaneity, but a few key themes are definitely beginning to coalescence

>> No.12609474

How many books this nigga read per year?

>> No.12609494

I think it would be very interesting if/when you decide to leave the character behind to compile the threads together. The character is the consciousness, his posts are the conscious firing of neurons, the replies as unconscious firing. The collection is a record of his brain.

>> No.12609514

it's possible, what's original here is maybe the expression and not the thoughts themselves, though i maintain the ideas are related to each other in original ways. anyways it's basically meaningless, i occupy a weird limbo of mediocrity between internet culture and genuine, academic philosophy that i exploit by shitposting on 4chan

>> No.12609531

The mediocrity, I think, is self-imposed. It could become something great if you try (and that doesn't mean it can't be made of shitposts). What would a great collection of shitposts in that vein look like? It doesn't currently exist, but I think that it could. If you want to make something great that is. Seeing as this is how you choose to express your ideas, it is probably at some level the "right" way for you to write.

>> No.12609553

a compilation of schizognostic shitposts originally posted on 4chan would be pretty groundbreaking on some level, and would get at exactly what I want /lit/ to be and I think is becoming, an image board whose intellectual recognition counts for more than the publishing industry's, there are posters on here whose opinions I put stock in here more than my professors, but I couldn't even begin to tell you who I'd approach for a project like this. thanks for the confidence though

>> No.12609575
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>> No.12609584


>> No.12609593


>> No.12609598

the description on that vid is disgusting

>> No.12609605

You will probably like what I am working on then
These are the foundation and the format is, in a way, a collection of shitposts. Some of it will be posted on 4chan. Just moving from the planning to the "writing" phase now, but the progress has been rapid. Books are fucking dead, Literature needs to transcend paper.

>> No.12609614

>Books are fucking dead, Literature needs to transcend paper.

I agree

>> No.12609627

Yeah it did it's called memes

>> No.12609636

Exactly, memes are still in the hieroglyphic stage though. They are still pictures, not yet words.

>> No.12609649
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One little detail: write in paragraphs, ot was really hard to read all that in my screen

>> No.12609718
File: 525 KB, 1880x1105, Capital Is Epistemology.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he unironically believes in progress

>> No.12609753

>if we could feel the mass of history's suffering all at once
What if I feel like I do sometimes

>> No.12609760

Then you've touched the cosmic, "unappeasable" sadness that Schelling talks about. Thankfully, the experience is short-lived, but if it isn't the only options are art or suicide. And maybe not even art.

>> No.12609771
File: 6 KB, 242x249, schizojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:God is the anti-vaxxer of Whitehead's teleology: Time is the amber alert of /god/'s negative ontology within the material mind: Beckett meets Spinoza on the loading dock of quantum vicissitude: God never arrives because it is a symbol of his authoritative /permanence/: The symbolic is the Quaalude of abstraction, prefigured by the metastasised breathing tube of the Demiurge gone mad: Capital lives here: on the hot tin roof of equal opportunity eschatology: The child has no choice within the conspiracy of her mother's paranoia, like de Beauvoir's salon of immanence: God was the first anti-natalist, but he only sought to inoculate himself: We are his only remaining enemy, the bubble in the syringe:

>> No.12609774

>The child has no choice within the conspiracy of her mother's paranoia

>We are his only remaining enemy, the bubble in the syringe

Not bad desu senpai

>> No.12609799

ted was mentioned only once on the first sentence brah

>> No.12609805

>Dude that printing press is cool and all, but I'm gonna just keep hand copying everything. Who needs it! Only a retard would use wax tablets though lol. Way too much work.

>> No.12609811
File: 3.76 MB, 4800x7200, Anti-Tech Revolution 101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, just relax and join the anti-tech revolution. devote yourself to the most important goal of all time.

>> No.12609822

tl; dr

>> No.12609823

another bogeyman manufactured by the machine, the problem is not technological but ontological - ie, hedonic adaptation

>> No.12609843

sure dude. when the biosphere crumbles into dust and/or machines and bioengineered freaks replace humans we'll all be just as well off. keep telling yourself that.

>> No.12609847

no its just time or entropy or maybe gay niggers from outerspace. one mustn’t think too much of sych things

>> No.12609867

i'll just repeat schelling's response t gnostic-style theodicies: matter is not evil, it is our relationship with matter (spirit) that is.

we're just evolved enough, spiritually and intellectually, to live in cities without becoming rootless dead-eyed slugs. maybe this is a trivial point but at least it recognizes the power is still in your hands, always has been.

>> No.12609880

let me ask you something:

If a nuclear bomb goes off, will it affect the people who realize "the power is in their hands" and those who do not, differently?

>> No.12609898

>our relationship with matter
but I agree with this. technological growth necessarily determines an unhealthy and ultimately disastrous perversion of our relationship with matter.

>> No.12609899

non-sequitor, since we're not disagreeing on how destructive technology is (very destructive), but whether or not it is singularly responsible for our predicament today (it isn't, it's a certain spiritual, or should I say anti-spiritual, type that have proliferated like rats)

>> No.12609906

you can always pull the plug. sure, the necessities of running a society of modern complexity demands ecological devastation, etc. but at the end of the day it's we ourselves who don't want to take responsibility for overpopulation.

>> No.12609918

Anti-Tech Luddites are unwitting agents of Satan. If this anti-tech apocalypse occurs, and humanity somehow survives, it will have only destroyed the product of billions of lives, nothing is gained. The lines that lead us to embrace Luddite ideals (Desire to fulfill power process, minimize socialization, maximize subsequent number of generations of your decedents) are exactly what led to industrial civilization in the first place. The death of those ideals is inevitable, they must be transcended in order to be rejected. It is your nihilism in facing that void that is the true cause of danger. This is a challenge no intelligent life can ever bypass, we must at least TRY to overcome it.

>> No.12609926

>don't want to take responsibility for overpopulation
I have to disagree. This implies that human will and human reason can control the development of society. I maintain that this is utterly false. Any basic understanding of human history, and of complex systems generally, shows that the development of society is beyond rational control.

We cant control how modern technology is used long-term, but we can destroy it.

>> No.12609932

even if we revert back to pre-industrial conditions, we'll just be turning back the hands of the clock.

i agree with this post, not as a proponent of technology, but you have to realize that what births it is "baked into" our essence. my heart's with the luddites, but my brain isn't.

>> No.12609943

>what led to industrial civilization in the first place
I have to disagree. Even you will admit that this is a gross simplification. The reasons for the rise of civilization are complex and not fully understood. But the reason certainly can be for a desire to fulfill the power process or minimize socialization.

>> No.12609950

>my brain isn't.
I wonder if this has more to do with all of the education and propaganda you've received throughout your life vs. hands-on experience in actual (semi)wild environments and a knowledge of the anthropology.

>> No.12609951

i don't disagree, but how do you police these things? yes, we're all caught on modernity's vector, and so much of these posts are basically saying one thing: the vector is still just the totality of billions of atomic interactions every day, at the end of it, it's still just up to us - until it isn't.

again, a trivial, almost oprah-tier point, but i feel like just defanging the bogeyman of some runaway, skynet bootstrap engine by realizing it's basically millions of tired people just getting up every morning day in and day out does a lot to clear our heads. we don't have to open the door because it's there, the trick is of course learning how to defuse curiousity's electric charge.

>> No.12609953

1 + n
n = however many new meme philosophers show up in the next year
The one is phenomenology of spirit

>> No.12609956

I wonder what it is you think I'm disagreeing with, I do recognize the natural condition is our "ideal" condition, my point is how do we prevent the slow, generational slide from this state that inevitably must occur in time and, basically, as time?

>> No.12609966

Based London Ontario poster

>> No.12609976

I empathize with you. But from my perspective that approach is simply a form of individual self-therapy that is ultimately destructive to the biosphere and humanity.

A careful study of the technological system as a whole, as well as a study of the nature of social revolutions, ultimately reveals that a revolution that destroys the industrial system is possible. And I'm talking about a real revolution--not some amorphous spiritual or philosophical one--but a revolution similar in form to the French or Russian ones.

Thuis revolution need not have a majority of members, or even a significant minority. An extremely minute minority of highly committed revolutionaries is all that would be possible--similar to previous social revolutions.

>> No.12609978

You are making the mistake of judging history as something that ever really exists outside the moment. You see the destruction of technology as positive for yourself, but people always do that. The people who built the tech did that. It takes a long fucking time to build civilization, so even if everyone knows that tech is evil after the apocalypse people will start forgetting and doubting the old wisdom and build it all over again. Can you not see the futility of this course?
If you were on a satellite orbiting the Earth would you rather crash back into the atmosphere or escape orbit? Technology is our only source of navigation or propulsion, and our only hope of escaping inevitable extinction.

>> No.12609988

then more power to you, but if you solve the problem it will be just the symptom, technology is the output of something basically unavoidable and endemic to us as a species. call it desire, death drive, the metastasization of thought, archons, whatever. unfortunately we can't all be buddhas living in harmony with nature. we want escape.

>> No.12609989

typo: "But the reason certainly CAN'T be for.."

>> No.12610041

>Implying matter doesn't influence relationships

>> No.12610051

I'll keep attpting to turn back the clock till I'm on top of it all.

>> No.12610062

the most your dick can do is suggest fapping, it's up to you to consent.

>> No.12610079

>You see the destruction of technology as positive for yourself, but people always do that. The people who built the tech did that.

I see the destruction of technology ultimately as a positive for everyone--just the ones that fight against it are ignorant. The people that built tech were motivated by the desire to fulfill the power-process via a surrogate activity--so their motives were not entirely for the improvement of their society. However, in the past, it's understandable if the people who built tech were naive to it's implications and ignorant of it's full ramifications as a growing system. They were wrong, and if many of the builders of old tech could live today I'm quite sure that they would admit as much. But the negative affects of technology have become so clear to any reasonably intelligent person today, that to continue to promote its growth can only be attributed to self interest (i.e. power-process, money, status, prestige etc.) and a good dose of self-denial.

>after the apocalypse people will start forgetting and doubting the old wisdom and build it all over again.

I seriously disagree with this. Industrial civilization is a complex system that has to be, and can only be, built up through a series of stages--each stage dependent on access to resources which it can only access economically and efficiently. In all likelihood, it will be impossible to restart industrial civilization, because, for example, the highly complete social arrangements that are needed for efficient energy extraction (oil, wind, solar, nuclear etc.) would not be able to form because there wont be any easily exploitable raw materials left to build up a social system to that complexity. This was the opinion of the astronomer Fred Hoyle.

>Technology is our only source of navigation or propulsion, and our only hope of escaping inevitable extinction.

i strongly disagree with this. technological growth IS the extinction in and of itself. There is a process fundamental to technological growth that inevitable leads to destruction. this is one plausible explanation for Fermi's paradox I believe. There are other reasons why I think you're position here is not reasonable, but for brevity I'll only state my position.

>> No.12610101

typo: "self-delusion"

>> No.12610146

All your reasoning is sound, I'm not disputing that. That reasoning, however, is built on self-centered nihilism. Self-centered nihilism is what drives "progress" in the first place. People without technology can forget a lot in a 1000 years. The person who knows "best" is always the one who is alive.

>> No.12610156

based and attack helicopter pilled

>> No.12610159

>I see the destruction of technology ultimately as a positive for everyone

I disagree, if we lose technology the human race is pretty much dead because we don't have the natural tools needed to survive anymore.

>> No.12610161

based schizoid poster

>> No.12610163

The moment before you reach the top must be your step towards the top. Turning back the clock isn't bravely diving off the cliff before you. Turning back the clock is a violent rewind on the tape. You might even destroy the tape, who knows.

>> No.12610828

where do you draw the limit on technology after this great, impossible 'reset?'
are you going to stone the guy that figures out you can use fire to chase animals off a cliff and keep yourself warm at night?

>> No.12610843

there is no hard limit, the balance must be dynamic, determined on the fly

>> No.12610848

whenever i see ops wojack i think of that scatfetishistposter who posted about jacking off while taking a shit and reaching into the bowl about to sample a turd but then nutting and coming to his senses, god what a sicko

>> No.12610849

kinda like how it has been the past however many thousands of years?

>> No.12610860

I see no balance

>> No.12610863

lol wtf

>> No.12610882

what does balance look like to you, amd who is responsible for maintaining it through the hundreds and thousands of generations that follow one after another, building and tinkering and improving and testing the achievements and failures of their parents and grandparents

>> No.12610900

it doesn't matter, I never advocated for a reset, a reset is unsustainable, there is no collective that benefits every individual equally, there are no solutions to this problem and there never will be, go hermit or suffer the debasement of the social

>> No.12610933

even so, what is balance?

>> No.12610950

Is there such a thing as Wilderness? Is there such a thing as the balance of nature?

This is a most important question! The answer is certainly yes! But it requires a lot of explaining to cut through the propaganda/education of someone brainwashed with "progress"

>> No.12610983

okay. well, i won't say i am immune to the influences of public opinion, but i'm pretty open to new perspectives, and i'd love to hear your ideas on the matter re: what balance with nature would look like, so--

>> No.12611211

Would Plato and St. Augustine agree with this world-rambling?

>> No.12611396

No absolutely not. Lmao
This is German 20th philosophy on crack

>> No.12611400

what would they say against this?

>> No.12611412
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I’d read that but I’m not a faggot. Last time I caught one of these threads it was Schelling who was right about everything.

>> No.12611438

>and bioengineered freaks replace humans
There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, that's the next step.

>> No.12611461

Literally everything, it's gnostic trash.

>> No.12611470

he's still right about everything

>> No.12611508

Anything that pigeonholes you is a poison. Be amoral, be selfish, just do what works.

>> No.12611634

Nothing can be finished, pleb.

>> No.12611642

Isn't all knowledge and wisdom just shitposts ironed out by time?

>> No.12611652

>Progressive nature of history.
You're a hack. Technological progress is not a moral imperative.

>> No.12611656

The concept that God is all powerful and ultimately good is not out of step with Christian theology.

>> No.12611856

convenient for you im sure

>> No.12611891

There should be some sort of incentive scheme to encourage more schizo-posting. Like share blue for schizophrenic outbursts.

>> No.12611915

last few lines has me rethinking a poem by wallace stevens i return to often

The night knows nothing of the chants of night.
It is what it is as I am what I am:
And in perceiving this I best perceive myself

And you. Only we two may interchange
Each in the other what each has to give.
Only we two are one, not you and night,

Nor night and I, but you and I, alone,
So much alone, so deeply by ourselves,
So far beyond the casual solitudes,

That night is only the background of our selves,
Supremely true each to its separate self,
In the pale light that each upon the other throws.
no homo

>> No.12611930

No, but it is an inevitable result of the "natural human" moral imperative.

>> No.12612147

Beautiful poem

>> No.12612769

The tape is already BEING destroyed.

>> No.12612784

unironically read the three steles of seth

>> No.12612788

i wonder where this meme girl is now. probably fat and divorced with four kids by three guys.

>> No.12612794

>Needle with the written word "heroin" on the side rolls off a rooftop
>It sticks right into you and injects its contents into the vein it conveniently hit
>You somehow make it to your house, and find a box of heroin-filled syringes
And you are telling me you won't take the logical next step? The world can react against you. Pain, pleasure, art, it is all external to you and it all affects you. To get rid of your connection with the world is to not have a reference point for the remaining object, yourself.

>> No.12612803

>Ted K and Nietzsche were right about everything
So now It's this?
>Zeno's Paradox as the insomnia of thought: unable to perceive the transition to a radically new order of being
Now this is complete nonsense - former one has at least some sense...

>> No.12612844

>Ted K and Nietzsche were right about everything

>> No.12613275

it's a simple image, you can't get from point A to point B according to the paradox, just like you can't perceive your self falling asleep, you have to let it happen

>> No.12613390

Is there a collection of all of these?

>> No.12613394



>> No.12614171

you got discord ?

>> No.12614341

Did anyone collect all these posts?

>> No.12614371


>> No.12614898

>A careful study of the technological system as a whole, as well as a study of the nature of social revolutions, ultimately reveals that a revolution that destroys the industrial system is possible
How so? How have you reached the conclusion that this is indeed possible? I'd like to read more detail on this.

>> No.12615022
File: 1.57 MB, 1393x841, Screenshot_2018-12-15 lit - Was he right Is technology inevitably going to de - Literature - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People without technology can forget a lot in a 1000 years. The person who knows "best" is always the one who is alive

>> No.12615043
File: 88 KB, 243x298, ww4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the brain is a 4D flower

the soul is a will extended in a feminine matrix: hyle: Kantian outer sense: the synthetic manifold

inner sense is the mirrored centroid of identity: whiteheadian subjective aim and kantian temporality: the background stanchion of will/valuation that determines my action in time

every form is a leap into a positively charged abyss and some don't make it, suicide is a teleologically motivated, the new happens but only in memory of what is differentiated, the actual nucleus that is beauty

verticality is maintaining "identity in dispersion": genius is the contradiction of thought with the body, the cross of love

>> No.12615280

>Love God though he doesn't exist, and hate him because he does
What does this mean?

>> No.12615325

how2 into schelling?
especially later, self-limit-self stuff
have some german

>> No.12615369

inquiry into the essence of human freedom/ages of the world

>> No.12615380

thanks, friend
try to get some sleep

>> No.12616026
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It's funny that after years being on here and that "neoliberal order" is deemed as some boogeyman of sorts, I'm certainly finding some of their positions effective especially in the control and command of people. I used to despise it, but here I am defending it.

What's so bad about being part of a machine anyway? However you frame it, whether it be the singularity or ww3 nuclear winter, any "human" life will be sustained but some type of ORDER whether naturally occurring or established by some sort of culture. Individuality is a meme. You either join the ranks of the programmers or the programmed, and by all that is mighty schizo posting doesn't make you part of the nobility.

So what do you do? Well if you want to succeed, you fucking cheat. Some cheat crudely, as with violence. Some are born with cheats such as the landed and wealthy. The current flavor are those who fake it til they make it. It doesn't involve any "hard work" or "heavy lifting" for gods sake. You just have to know what you can do, and TAKE IT. Morality and honor are just rules made up by the programmers to keep the programmed running smoothly. Religion, rulers, and now corporations are those that keep the programmed satisfied. They even tell the truth just so you don't get caught in a lie you've been telling yourself: that you're unique, special, and can offer something different to the world.

But you're not. You're just a fool doing foolish things. Trying to "care" but is actually doing what you hate about the neoliberals in the first place-- which is basically they keep track of their achievements better than you do.

So what's so wrong about becoming a program? Instead of fighting it, just surrender. Instead of this constant need TO BE, just unbe. It's easier. It's like Buddhism without all the bullshit. It's not nihilism, you would just like to play the game in normal mode. You're a normie and it's fine.

>> No.12616043
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Agreed. Embrace the machine revolution. It can't be stopped and it's beautiful.

>> No.12616210

Are you people seriously that cynical? Or is this some acc larp?

>> No.12616227

Are you seriously this naive?

>> No.12616269

I've seen heroic spirits fight against the Moloch and win. The dignity of those people, you wouldn't understand.

>> No.12616620

use some paragraphs

>> No.12616690


>only sees having morals and honor as a useful expedient in a game against other people

never gonna make it

>> No.12616805

what did Peterson mean by this?

>> No.12616878

>Workers volunteer to get the implants
What the fuck

>> No.12617050

this is hilarious. technology is obviously the cause! Technology is bad, because its human nature to not be responsible! It's better to live like rats in mud huts, then in a huge concrete jungle! At least in mud huts we dont destroy our precious earth!
And let me guess, you think people kill people and not guns?

>> No.12617057
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>> No.12617091

>just give up on hope
>only sheep or wolf
>the choice is yours
>it doesnt matter what you choose
>either way its just your programming
>the game doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things

I just dont know... I mean logically speaking, you cant escape the paradox, and thats because we can never really know. But I think caring about other people is a much better alternative to just giving up. But maybe we are merely just saying the same thing. My action to care and put effort for the benefit of others is merely just a part of the machine. Is it foolish to believe in something rather than nothing? But i mean i understand, what can you actually believe in when the game reveals itself to you?

Assuming you've realized the grand illusion, what comes to mind when you look at all the busy bodies blind to the pointlessness of all their doings? Do you feel pity, disgust, or love? And, logically, why do you think you feel that way?

>> No.12617228

>At least in mud huts we don't destroy our precious earth!
To what end? We've chucked spears and foraged berries for tens of thousands of years. Are we to stay in that rut until the Sun fizzles out? That's as empty to me as the worst of modern hedonism.

>> No.12617470
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Your thoughts betray you. FEELINGS have more power than thoughts because they never lie.

>Assuming you've realized the grand illusion, what comes to mind when you look at all the busy bodies blind to the pointlessness of all their doings? Do you feel pity, disgust, or love? And, logically, why do you think you feel that way?

I used to analyze these things. I used to hate the fact that people are so used to the charade that they commit to the hypocrisy without knowing about it. But then politeness becomes another mask you can wear, and maybe those mindless automatons you used to despise actually were more woke than you could fathom. So you collect as many masks as you can, and try again with the charade called society. But it's a futile becoming-- like an old man looking for the freshness of youth. The wall is broken and the stage was never important, the audience as well. YOU were never important. Now you can:

1. Try again in futility
2. Accept and surrender

Amor Fati or The Cross. It's the choice we all make whether we play or not. The stupid ones just take longer to decide hence the prevalence of mediocrity.