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/lit/ - Literature

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12607409 No.12607409 [Reply] [Original]

Did the Italian-Native-American (150 IQ) slay the beast?

>> No.12607418

Vox Day is a much better writer than Jordan Peterson but Jordan Peterson has much more interesting things to say.

>> No.12607436

>150 IQ
>fell for the QAnon hoax, like any idiot Boomer

3 standard deviations above the mean, and he still falls into the cliches of his age and political affiliation.

>> No.12607449

Being a better than JBP is an easy feat, so that isn’t saying much about Vox Day

>> No.12607450

Vox Day writes about Jordan Peterson as if he’s just assblasted Peterson makes lots of money

>> No.12607476
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>standard deviations
would be a shame if that distribution turned out not to be gaussian

>> No.12607529

He literally has a stream where he just talks about how Peterson doesn't have a high IQ like him.

>> No.12607645 [DELETED] 

Mediocre minds are unable to understand Peterson's arguments which are multilayered and complex 'Real' philosophy comes from applying critical thinking to complex real-world problems and attempting to find tailored solutions, not from reading philosophy lectures and ebooks on the internet and mindlessly applying those ideas to irrelevant problems. Because their brains are compartmentalized and are able to think only in terms of black and white, whatever argument Peterson makes is several orders of magnitude above what their brain can comprehend and is able to process. So the only thing they can think of doing is attacking him or trying to find flaws in his arguments when very little exists. Try to reason with him one on one and show me that you can win against him logically. Only then you'll have my respect.

>> No.12608079

fuck you /lit/

>> No.12608088

tl;dr me on this guy if you want me to care. No, I'm not watching any youtube videos nor am I going to read any of his books.

>> No.12608093

>Foreword by Milo Yiannopoulos

>> No.12608102

>Vox Day graduated in 1990 from Bucknell University with degrees in Economics and Asian Studies. He is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association, the International Game Developers Association, and Mensa, and helped found the techno band Psykosonik. In addition to his weekly columns, he transmits contagious and controversial memes daily from the Vox Popoli blog.

>> No.12608124

His "memes" are some hardcore Qoomer Facebook dogshit.

>> No.12608297

He spent all that time writing the book and nobody paid attention to it.

>> No.12608332

Odd his favorite take downs--calling people midwits, gammas, manlets (he professes to be 175 cm)--all perfectly encapsulate him. His "darkstream" is no misnomer; the audience is treated to an hour of blind projection each night.

>> No.12609116

You act like /lit/ actually reads anything.

>> No.12609159

still no explanation for why i should care about this literal who guy. i'll have to assume it's just some desperate shilling at this point.