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12607100 No.12607100 [Reply] [Original]

is a career in law fulfilling? what are some /lit/ professions?

>> No.12607106

>human laws are so retarded you need a middleman to wade through them

>> No.12607127

failed lawyer here

it's so fucking boring bro, to me personally. you spend your life just sifting through other peoples rules and regulations. its a life of bureaucracy.

you other push paper for banks. make money. feel like a corporate slave, and have nice parties with people u hate.

or you work for justice. and you're always one illness/drought of work away from homelessness.

but I seek adventure in my life. if you want an office job, its one of the best for sure.

>> No.12607134

No career is fulfilling, unless you're a bugman.

>> No.12607137

>is a career in law fulfilling
absolutely fucking not

>> No.12607176

alright what is fulfilling then?

>> No.12607202

>neet learned a new coping word

>> No.12607206


civil law is Office Space squared except highly stressful, competitive and somewhat lucrative. it is also usually fucking boring and numbs your soul

criminal law turns you into a cynic or an alcoholic or most likely a combination of the two. just as stressful, far less lucrative but potentially much more interesting

>> No.12607466


>> No.12607475

unless you're highly intelligent, conscientious, competitive and a sociopath, don't bother. you'll just get steamrolled.

>> No.12607482

I've heard that a law career is genuinely soul-crushing. Since I have had a casual interest in law since I was a teenager, I have been content to read about law and some interpretations of it. Since he died, I've been hooked on reading and listening to Scalia's thoughts on constitutional law especially.

>> No.12607493

sweet they just opened up the creating store down the block hope i get a job.

>> No.12607494

I mean if you're interested in it, maybe.

From a UK perspective you're probably better off trying route that allows more movement. Big time lawyers are bred from birth and it's very over-saturated with normal solicitors and barristers.