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File: 76 KB, 645x858, 2smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12604379 No.12604379 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a brainlet and the antagonist in my story is an evil mastermind type.
How can I make him believably smart if I'm a fucking idiot?

>> No.12604399

Don’t know much about that but what I do know is, I’m your dad

>> No.12604442

just leave it vague.

>> No.12604459

no, it turns out like crap. Eg: The Big Bang Theory

>> No.12604520

Orson Scott Card tried the genius protagonist thing.
Didn't really work without actually making everyone around him a massive retard.

>> No.12604553

there's a point at which increasing intelligence brings diminishing returns. an analogy that comes to mind is the /3/ image that demonstrates subdivisions of a head model until there's barely any improvement. another way of putting this is to say, there's a big gap between 90 and 120 IQ, but less of one between 120 and 150. the latter, if you consider those two people with 120 and 150 IQs, respectively, won't behave much differently at all. the differences are invisible and subtler.

>> No.12604564

Find the reasons why he is 'evil'. Also, get a good grasp of what 'evil' means

>> No.12604602
File: 78 KB, 177x201, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop mistaking iq for intelligence

>> No.12604610

t. brianlet

>> No.12604615

t. dyslexic

>> No.12604624

A large part of being a genius is really just thinking and processing things way more efficiently than other people, but you have all the time in the world to compose a novel, so the things that your antagonist does that seem so smart and quick-witted, they could spring up after careful planning and redrafting of your story.

>> No.12604635


i wrote up an overly long post in response to OP, then i scrapped it because i figured the thread would get deleted and i'd get banned. anyway, stop mistaking iq for intelligence


>> No.12604646

this was written by a delusional brainlet though

t. brain chad

>> No.12604653

Nigga you clearly don't know anything about IQ.

>> No.12604672

It's probably harder to write a character with a lower I.Q. Dumb people say some funny shit.

>> No.12604770

Try to keep it as a realistic kind of intelligent. Think Anton Chigurh. He’s a very intelligent character, but he’s not an over the top or extravagant villain. A villain who is “smart” and too over the top would be someone along the lines of Bane or Thanos.

>> No.12606024

You literally can't. If you could predict what a person would do in every situation you would already be as smart or smarter than that person.

>> No.12606033
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John Kennedy Toole would beg to differ.

>> No.12606055
File: 271 KB, 1000x1000, anton_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Anton to flip my coin.

>> No.12606056

There's an image that sometimes gets posted on /tv/ of someone describing the difference between a smart character written by a smart writer (I think it was the bad guy from No Country For Old Men) versus one written by an idiot (the TV show Sherlock). The conclusion was essentially that to dump people smart people are indistinguishable from wizards. If you can find the image its actually kind of worthwhile to think about while writing a "genius" character, whether he's accomplishing his goals by actual intelligence or smart people magic.

>> No.12606057

>dump people
Meant dumb people, which I apparently am

>> No.12606060

Unlike your characters you aren't actually in the situation. You can think about schemes and plans for a pretty long time before letting your characters "come up with them" and act them out.

So yes, you can make them smarter than yourself. But only to a degree. A 80 IQ knuckle-dragger will never solve a complex mathematical equation, even if he has infinite time. Similarly a 100 IQ average joe can't pretend to think like a 160 IQ genius.

>> No.12606072

Yes, because IQ is about quick thinking. If given enough time you can easily come up with something more intelligent than what you would say or think on the spot. An example of this is thinking back and realizing you could've said something better than what you did.

>> No.12606075

What's the scale for that? How high can I go? What do I do? Those are some interesting digits as well.

>> No.12606080

Does anybody have that screencap of someone comparing Anton Chigurh to Cumberbatch's Sherlock? That hit the point really well I think, an intelligent character written by an intelligent person vs an intelligent character written by somebody who thinks intelligence is just near-magical omniscience.

>> No.12606090
File: 237 KB, 915x933, 5c6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind, I found it myself

>> No.12606098


this. so obvious

>> No.12606111

Depends. I think the smarter you get, the better you get at pretending to be smarter than you actually are.

Let's say you have an IQ of 120. You probably won't come up with Werner Heisenberg's equations yourself. But with some studying you can understand them, switch them up a bit and pretend you came up with them yourself without having to be as smart as Heisenberg.

Compared to that someone with an IQ of 80 can barely follow written commands. You would definitely see through it if someone like that pretended to have even an average IQ of 95 - 105.

>> No.12606117

Sort of. If i was given infinite time to think about every word i said i could make myself appear smarter than i am now.

>> No.12606118

yes, you can create that illusion, for the retards, the 99% who read any book, you create situations that make it seem like your character is smart, for the 1% of readers they prefer any hint of philosophical additions that come from the background static characters

>> No.12606124

IQ is bullshit anyway

>> No.12606132

t. low IQ

>> No.12606168

Have them speak as little as possible and people will assume they're intelligent.


>> No.12606172

Bane is also ridiculous in that he seems to have no ideology/actual beliefs and yet attracts people who are suicidally devoted to him. The fact that these people are all highly capable and intelligent is also unbelievable, considering actual examples like Heaven's Gate or the Branch Davidians.

>> No.12606174

You could also make the character extremely witty and quick, but this might seem cheesy or over-the-top with an antagonist.


>> No.12606251

No, it is impossible for anyone, even a fictional character, to have a higher IQ than I.

>> No.12606275

Wow, do you have a really big head?

>> No.12606284

whats the IQ of a computer

>> No.12606286

Did the writers of Good Will Hunting need to be geniuses to write about a math genius? Just do some research on geniuses in history and you can easily build a character out of that.

>> No.12606295

Anybody here with an IQ higher than 150? How is the world like for you?

>> No.12606306

He didn't really do much that would require genius level intelligence. He just wrote a nonsensical fake formula that the audience can't understand. Then the story became about his emotional life, rather than his analytical intelligence. And in terms of emotional intelligence he was rather stupid. Generally all of his behavior did not show much intelligence.

If you want characters that are genuinely intelligent and do intelligent things, then Good Will Hunting isn't the place to look. It's a story about a damaged idiot who happens to be a genius.

>> No.12606331

I think Murakami does this well. Quirky and intelligent characters with the "big picture" in mind and in their motivations, far surpassing the simple-minded protagonists in intelligence and wit.

>> No.12606365

Just make him misterious and avoid showcasing him much like Giovanni in the first generation of Pokémon. You never see him but he is the shady bad guy who is behind everything and the infrequency of his use only increases the mistery that the imagination of the observer attributes to him. Let the reader imagine him however he wants.

>> No.12606524

Just imagine you have to talk to monkeys every day.

>> No.12606528
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1549733184897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"But Sherlock!" Moriarty cries "That police officer blew his own head off, look at it, there's skull fragments on the wall, how is he fine now? How did you fake that?", Sherlock just winks at the screen, the end.
I can never read this line and not lose my shit.

>> No.12606563

This only applies to a character with "street" smarts. If a character is supposed to be knowledgeable in various fields, you can't bullshit that, no matter how much time you're given to think about it.
Sure, you can go google it, but the character will never reference a scientific principle in relation to what's happening in the story, if you've never heard about it. So no, I don't think it's possible to write about a smart biologist/chemist character, if you haven't studied the field yourself.

>> No.12606579

Knowledge is not the same as intelligence. And there are ways around your lack of knowledge in a field. Just get someone knowledgeable in the field to help you out. It's a pretty common thing for writers to do.

>> No.12606841

just make him asexual

>> No.12606847
