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12604342 No.12604342 [Reply] [Original]

I've enjoyed Nabokov's writing for a few years now. How does this compare, /lit/?

>> No.12604404

It's probably his best writing but I didn't find the story too interesting

>> No.12604694

Reading it right now. It's greater confirmation than Lolita that the man was a closet pedophile. I'm not holding that against him, I don't really care, but the first half of the book almost only describes sex between children. It's beautifully written and clever, but tedious. There isn't much of a plot, and virtually no character development. It's masturbatory writing, literally and figuratively.

I'm underwhelmed.

>> No.12604794

if you wanna be really cruel you can say that all of his novels after pale fire are vladimir nabokov fanfics, fittingly penned by the man himself

i wonder if there are any readings/critiques on those last few books through the lens of The Sixties as we know and define it today. like pale fire and ada were published in two very different worlds

are the boyd bios worth reading?

>> No.12604898

I suspected this. He really couldn't have explored the sexual themes in Lolita much more.

>> No.12605360

It’s good I just started pt 2 today. His short stories are worth a read also desu