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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 127 KB, 575x767, qt at bookshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12603252 No.12603252 [Reply] [Original]

>excuse me, is that a copy of Revolt Against the Modern World?
>that's my favorite book!
>in fact, I'm actually a bit of a radical traditionalist myself, do you want grab some coffee and discuss the failings of modernity with me?

>> No.12603261
File: 236 KB, 691x625, 1536363840995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grab some coffee
>discuss the failings of modernity
you fucked up

>> No.12603264
File: 463 KB, 500x775, 66EE7651-67D8-4BA0-BDA1-B6F1DFA862D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I ever!

>> No.12603268

>*Pans down briefly to observe and analyse foot aesthetics, speculating lifestyle and behavioral habits.*
Depends, what types of shoes you gonna wear?

>> No.12603272

I'd love too, what kind of metaphysics are you into? I'm partial to Plotinus, Shankaracharya and Ibn Arabi myself. I'm hope you're down to move to a house in the central European countryside with me to start a large backyard garden and pop out 5 kids.

>> No.12603274

now that’s a qt

>> No.12603275

>nose ring

>> No.12603277


Test her.

>"Tell me miss, is it possible to reconcile a bhaktic temperament with the duties of the kshatriya?"

>> No.12603282
File: 370 KB, 1024x407, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ha ha, uhh"
>*awkwardly fails to make eye contact*
>"I-I'd love to, but my cousins are over."

>> No.12603285


>> No.12603290


>> No.12603294
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>> No.12603298
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My thoughts exactly

>> No.12603299

Marry her instantly.

>> No.12603303

>oh no a small piercing! Surely she is no good as a partner.

>> No.12603314

>rejects modernity
>not wearing a hijab
out of my way harlot!

>> No.12603330

This. What is she, some kind of modern Isabelle Eberhardt?

>> No.12603340

It's gross and unsightly. Get better taste.

>> No.12603343


there's your problem

>> No.12603353

Piercings, tatoos, colored hair (most of the time), denounce a profound lack of aesthetic sense. I'd never let a woman with such astounding lack of taste get near my carefully sculpted body.

>> No.12603382

In all seriousness, does there exist a single girl who would read retarded books like this? Seems to me the only ones that read them are super failures 2 steps away from being mass murderers.

>> No.12603400

>they don't realize women get piercings specifically so they won't have to deal with men like this
>doesn't know what denounce means

>> No.12603412
File: 221 KB, 1080x1350, 1547684578847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love Joseph de Maistre and the counter-revolutionaries, anon!
>I actually wrote a feminist marxist critique of them in college, tee hee~

>> No.12603416

>doesn't know what denounce means
What? He used the word correctly.
>denounce: to threaten by some outward sign or expression

>> No.12603423

Fuck. I love redheads desu.
Books for this feel?

>> No.12603443
File: 40 KB, 128x128, 1510353661368.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't realize women get piercings specifically so they won't have to deal with men like this
that changes nothing

>> No.12603475

"have you read Weininger's Sex and Character?"

>> No.12603493

No, fuck your Eastern bullshit.

>> No.12603504

Any book will do desu. But no book will solve it.

Gorgeous girl, would have satanistic mock-marriage with.

>> No.12603517


>> No.12603519

No thanks

>> No.12603559

based boy

>> No.12603573

>piercings denounce a lack of aesthetics
>piercings threaten a lack
what was your first language? He clearly meant "announce" or "proclaim"

>> No.12603590
File: 139 KB, 750x750, 1549164521926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a bookfu thread?

>> No.12603594

Yep, dropped.

>> No.12603598

los ogros..

>> No.12603599


>> No.12603636

No, that is still fine. I am a native English speaker. You are the one lacking in lexicon.
>threaten: to portend, or give a warning of
>He clearly meant "announce" or "proclaim"
>implying "denounce" is not a synonym for those words

>> No.12603647

it's common in hindu culture. women use it to draw attention away from their appearance, since indian men are creeps

>> No.12603650

Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.12603655

denounce isn't a synonym of those words. you probably meant denote.

>> No.12603656

No he didn't. He probably meant 'denote'.

>> No.12603672

/fa/ as fuck desu

>> No.12603677
File: 95 KB, 500x457, it-was-the-most-unholy-thing-i-have-ever-seen-26545670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine! A smelly neckbeard manlet wrote that crap!

>> No.12603686
File: 177 KB, 450x431, denounce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I'm talking about. You are refuted thus.

>> No.12603733


>> No.12603744

dope citation there man.

Not only is the usage of "denounce" to mean "denote" sourced in Torkington's Diarie of Eng. Travell, which was written in the literal 1500's and published in the 1800's as "Ye Oldest Diarie of Englysshe Travell," but also used in the 1600's in the King James Bible. Totally up to date usage and you've proven all the doubters wrong. I denounce you the winner!

>> No.12603761

>All pre-modern thinkers are Arab or Persian.

>> No.12603825

Clearly insane. Dropped

>> No.12603830

>Totally up to date
Forget which thread this is, anon? Itt we are against the modern world, against the stream, etc. in all its implications.

>> No.12603841
File: 45 KB, 1384x640, 1550094679602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>they don't realize women get piercings specifically so they won't have to deal with men like this
Is this true?

>> No.12603848

unironically she is a sheeple desu

>> No.12603933
File: 346 KB, 752x1136, 1n9Ggjh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>excuse me, is that a biography of Rubens?
>he's my favorite Northern Baroque painter!
>I'm something of an Art Historian myself, would you like to come for coffee and stroopenwaffle and we can discuss the philosophical messaging of Baroque painting?

>> No.12603950
File: 1.06 MB, 1240x1870, 1548005415056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tee hee, is that a collection of Apocrypha?
>anon, don't you want to feed the birds in the park with me and teach me about the influence of Platonism on St Augustine?

>> No.12603954


>> No.12603973
File: 1.15 MB, 1366x768, 1548439189212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>um, well, I don't know anything about Hinduism or Tantra anon
>but if you want to tell me about the way that Nietzsche uses the concept of the Chandala and the Kshatriya, I guess I wouldn't mind

>> No.12603979

Nice try thot

>> No.12603998
File: 806 KB, 1065x1338, 1548575612043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fox hunt isn't merely a tradition anon
>it's an endorsement of the notion of retaining our inheritance for the next generation as well as a recognition that the burden of self reliance
>well yes Pater is a banker anon and I'm sure he would agree with you that the Cold War has shown the success of Hayekian economics

>> No.12604008

Retards. He used the wrong tense, it's supposed to be "Piercings, tatoos, colored hair (most of the time), denounces a profound lack of aesthetic sense."

>> No.12604033
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1541209063621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't realize women get piercings specifically so they won't have to deal with men like this
Even if that was true by any means (which is not) it changes nothing. Nose rings are funded on spooks and slave morality. Serves right for women.

>> No.12604051

fuck off fed poster

>> No.12604055
File: 60 KB, 685x1030, 2015_0327_Ingrid-Schaffner-685x1030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh dear anon, I'm afraid you have a lot to learn about photography, contemporaneity and alternative modernisms
>why don't you come down to the Institute of Contemporary Art after hours and I'll bring you up to speed

>> No.12604056

3 eye whites showing, without a doubt mentally unstable

>> No.12604063

Reminder to ignore and report all butterfly fag posts

>> No.12604064

God. Light, airy shirts like that with no bra beneath drive me crazy.

>> No.12604066

Well duh. she's a female.

>> No.12604068

damn btfo

>> No.12604097

>no, it's a copy of "Mein Kampf"

>> No.12604103
File: 109 KB, 1024x768, girl_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon, I didn't know you were a Christian existentialist!
>I've been reading Jaspers lately myself. Don't be shy, get down here! You know I love talking with you.

>> No.12604105

the acceptable one tough

>> No.12604117

is that even a meme?

>> No.12604148

am I the only right winger that find nose rings on girls kind of cute? Yes I understand its likely a warning sign of their mental state being absolute trash. But ignoring that, its kind of cute.

>> No.12604155

Yes. It's a way of pointing out they're liberal and free spirited. Not that it matters if you're a Chad though. A girl won't reject a Chad even if he's a traditionalist.

>> No.12604176

Coffee-houses have been popular for centuries, and some of our greatest thinkers like Newton would have world-shaking discussions over a cup of joe

>> No.12604198

ok but it better be an independent cafe and not fucking starbucks

>> No.12604267

>tradcuck jezebelposting
o am i laffin

>> No.12604279

This isn't a LARPing board

>> No.12604293
File: 69 KB, 940x736, mark-fisher-001-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey anon lets cry about Capitalism together

>> No.12604313

What is she, some kind of modern Gregory Berrycone?

>> No.12604314
File: 9 KB, 199x181, 1548464152463.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is, stop breaking my immersion

>> No.12604330

Personal style/fashion is largely about signalling what group you belong to. Girls with nose rings are generally signalling that they are in a group which does not welcome neoreactionary 4chan addicts.

>> No.12604335

i think normal chicks with nose rings are hot
that said id also smash art hoe cunt

>> No.12604337

conservativism is the new punk

>> No.12604373

Evola was a pussy. He wandered out during air raids to experience the thrill of battle and got his spine severed by shrapnel and he remained paralyzed. Pussy should've just gone to war.

>> No.12604401

That's Deutero-Canon to you jezebel heretic.

>> No.12604419

It seems like 90% of girls of this mind are blind ideology, they think life will be easy and effortless and that they will have barn dances every weekend full of idealistic people just like them, that life will consist of scattering about some seeds and watching them grow. As my time in society runs out this is really starting to drag on me, I have started to actively shop for land and suspect I will be going it alone, oh well.

To be fair, most guys think it will be any easy life as well, but I ain't looking for dick so I could care less about their delusion.

I suppose after the hardwork of building the house and clearing the land for gardens is far enough along I can perhaps work with an ideologue if solitude has nott turned me into a hermit by then.

>> No.12604448


>> No.12604464
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, 1523745164800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic meme but girls like this do actually exist. I know a qt conservative girl who unironically believes in benevolent dictatorship.

>> No.12604488

In the same vein you can find plenty of muslim girls in the west who unironically believe in the worth of waging jihad via terrorism. Teenage girls gonna teenage no matter where you are.

>> No.12604504

Pass, you're ugly btw.

>> No.12604508

>Epic meme but girls like this do actually exist.

Yes, in Afghanistan.

>> No.12605228


>> No.12605238
File: 13 KB, 284x177, theziz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Excuse me, is that a copy of..."
>"No, no, honey. YOU do not speak to ME. If I'd like to speak to you, I will address you first."
>*turn around and continue browsing the world factbook to verify pre-WWII European Jewish population figures.

>> No.12605269

I live in Australia lmao, and the chick I'm talking about is of Irish background. She likes to brag about to fact that her family is from the only town in Ireland that voted against legalising abortion.

>> No.12605270

Uhhhhh sure?

>> No.12605552

In olde days, all the crones would wear a shawl to cover their grey hair.

>> No.12605562

fucking MODERN
so contemporary I'm contempt you hairy gay

>> No.12605565

>those bifocals to address your literature strained eyes are very elegant anon
>rolls over to reveal snail trail

>> No.12605576

What in tarnation is a snail trail?

>> No.12605582

Use shipping containers as dwellings. If hoes can't hack roughing it, they're not built for country livin'

>> No.12605597

What a foul cretin. I bet she smells bad, despite looking clean. No, this one will not do.

>> No.12605605

No thanks.
Beer him but no homo
She looks like Lauren Faust. No thanks, but not because she's ugly, she's just not my type.
Not a fan of the makeup.
Now this is a woman I can get behind. Wish she didn't dress like a pornstar though.
Possibly a man.
Atrocious larp-fit.
Wouldn't mind if she spanked me. Seems like a decent lass but not my type.
Too short for my tastes.

>> No.12605613

Its to show that they are open to facial abuse

>> No.12605845

ride the tiger lad

>> No.12605863

What the fuck

>> No.12606051

>lifeless material iz gon make us gawds n shiet
Don't make me call Nemesis on your ass.

>> No.12606086

She has a head of hair on her like a half melted cone.

>> No.12606151
File: 129 KB, 675x1200, DzdoZ61W0AA4LWo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust me, you don't want a woman that thinks deeply. It's very dangerous.

>> No.12606196

Fugggg that sounds so good

>> No.12606360

Dios mio

>> No.12606412

>it's common in hindu culture. women use it to draw attention away from their appearance, since indian men are creeps

This must explain why there are so many rapists among left wing western """males""". Huge amount of left wing women have unnatural hair colors, tattoos, nose rings, etc. Still doesn't stop the immensity of #metoo.

>> No.12606474


>> No.12606554
File: 1.63 MB, 2000x1125, wallhaven-730788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow anon, you're reading Dugin? I didn't know people knew him outside of Russia. We should discuss Eurasianism sometime

>> No.12606688 [DELETED] 

you're not going to have "world-shaking" conversations with a woman over a cup of joe.

>> No.12606727

The absolute state of roasties

>> No.12606729
File: 113 KB, 1920x1200, 1540187434216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she has a noze ring too

>> No.12606737

Wanna grab a glass of water later?

>> No.12606750

You've got it backwards, take the normalpill anon

>> No.12606759


>> No.12606774

Then why do you have a nose piercing?

>> No.12606782

you seem resentful, everything okay?

>> No.12606788

weird flex but ok

>> No.12606796

have you tried locking her down yet

>> No.12606812

Fuck off coffee is trad

>> No.12606867

You can just see the Daddy issues in those eyes. She's going to drink a lot of piss while getting buttfucked during her life.

>> No.12606881
File: 9 KB, 250x248, 3c8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Oh did I mention that I'm also Eastern Orthodox?

>> No.12606917

>nose ring


>> No.12607002

>wake up
I am not lucky enough to experience anything like this, ever.

>> No.12607145

The bhaktic path *is* suited for kshatriyas

>> No.12607324

its fucking night time in my dogshit country and i just woke the house laughing at all of this shit

>> No.12607348

based as fuck

>> No.12607661

nose rings are vile

>> No.12607702

t h i s. they will not stimulate your mind, only agree with you, unless they in fact have a man's soul, in which case you won't love you like you should, and they'll always be "considering" their love for you.

>> No.12607736

Would actually do it. She could be an interesting person to talk to.

>> No.12607803


>> No.12607807

Rehash of Plato...

>> No.12607856

I met a small town girl like this two months ago. She's super outdoorsy, likes reading older books, loves cooking and baking for me, is into painting, sculpture, drawing, is fairly traditional, and is in agreement with me about how much modernity sucks. She's not a pseud either, she came to these conclusions all on her own.

So far so good, I just wish I was more physically attracted to her. She's not at all fat right now, but losing 20 lb would probably bring her up to a 8/10. Not sure how to go about convincing her to do that though.

>> No.12607890

Tell her you are dieting or have dieted and how great that made you feel and how bout both of us watching our calories together and exercising....

>> No.12608007

You know my ex was overweight but I made her diet because I cared for her.
Women who are against modernity ARE always about pleasing their man and doing whatever he tells them. And guys against Modernity are always controlling. Ok I will share something. I am into BDSM and I am a male dominant...My female submissive I don't even treat like that. One submissive female asked me who to vote 4 in 2018. I refused to tlell her how to vote. I said that me telling you stuff like that is outside our BDSM game...and I am no longer playing. I did suggest to her however that the Dems were better at Women's Issues than the Republicans..And that is the problem with people against Modernity. Either controllers or being controlled. Much worse than me being a male BDSM dominant. When our game is over IT IS OVER!

>> No.12608042

>You know my ex was overweight but I made her diet because I cared for her.
>Women who are against modernity ARE always about pleasing their man and doing whatever he tells them. And guys against Modernity are always controlling. Ok I will share something. I am into BDSM and I am a male dominant...My female submissive I don't even treat like that. One submissive female asked me who to vote 4 in 2018. I refused to tlell her how to vote. I said that me telling you stuff like that is outside our BDSM game...and I am no longer playing. I did suggest to her however that the Dems were better at Women's Issues than the Republicans..And that is the problem with people against Modernity. Either controllers or being controlled. Much worse than me being a male BDSM dominant. When our game is over IT IS OVER!

Nowhere would i come here to think that this is a game that I would refuse to play with my submissive. She understands that when time is up that I have time for myself and that she. I think if more dominants like me were around BDSM would proliferate but their is always modernity to cause an ill that discredits.

>> No.12608052

Kill yourself

>> No.12608054


>> No.12608086

>talking with me
leaving the dream

>> No.12608090

we should make bookfu threads more often

>> No.12608091
File: 46 KB, 634x576, C_IYFpZVwAA1Q8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12608462

damn i want her to rub her feet all over my rigid cock

>> No.12608662

You know I have seen these sort of Christian/ Catholic women who are against Modernity. This means they are also against feminism. "Do you want me to cook this for breakfast honey? ...lunch?....dinner? ...The Bible says to NEVER contradict your husband....women must never talk in church and keep their heads covered at all times...etc". I mean I never treated my wife, also my BDSM submissive, (she was into it before she met me) this way. She used to moan in pleasure when I rubbed her feet. Her moaning got a lot louder when her feet met and rubbed against my cock....

>> No.12608672

why is her face so big

>> No.12608832

based drunk LARP poster

>> No.12608835

incel cope

>> No.12609123

i did

didnt work out

>> No.12609265

I haven't gotten drunk in years and years. As far as being an environmental/ political activist goes I did have people actually try to kill me on July 4th 1991 by faking a highway accident. Like people have said in Portland Oregon the police are right on board with these far-right wing terrorists...This is known to the FBI who called these people who tried to murder me by faking a highway accident domestic terrorists. Ok ..I usually don't bring up this sort of thing when just posting on UK Leguin but I have "paid my dues" as an activist...I know there is no way to prove this to you right now but I know nevertheless that it is true...ok?

>> No.12609290

o-ok anon

>> No.12609369

I used to train my ex wife submissive by orgasm control and denial. I told her if I caught her cheating on the diet her doc told her to go on then I wouldn't play with her at bedtime....so I used to get her real horny by stroking her c@@@ (women posters here) and then tell her NO just as she was ready to orgasm and move my hand away...she did get a bit upset genuinely and started crying so I reminded her of her serious heart condition and told her I didn't want to lose her and then stroked her c@@t to orgasm...Old softie me...

>> No.12609400

I'm confused, is this some sort of meme?