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12602299 No.12602299[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

books with foot fetishization?

>> No.12602304

I would die for these feet

>> No.12602305

not trying to sound edgy or anything right now but footfags are such irredeemable degenerates that each and every one of you should be dragged into the street and shot. i would unironically wholeheartedly support death squads that hunted you absolute fucking reprobates down and mercilessly executed you and your families. i would fucking smile as i watch you get a bullet between the eyes and i would fucking sleep like a baby knowing the world is a better place without you. just my opinion tho

>> No.12602321

Bleeding Edge

>> No.12602344
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same answer as every time this question appears


>> No.12602345

Bump for interest

>> No.12602349

my diary desu

>> No.12602350

Search for the book Siege by James Mason.

>> No.12602352

The Hobbit

>> No.12602353

Not a footfag, but why? I'd say it's an odd fetish, too, but I also think that you need to brush up on history and get away from 4channel for a minute because your reaction is just silly. Worshipping feet has been a thingsince ancient times.

>> No.12602364

I have a foot fetish but every once and a while I'll watch some porn video or something and it will be just "wrong" enough to make me realize how much of a degenerate I'm being and make me feel guilty about it. It really is a perversion, in the worst sense.

>> No.12602369

all porn is wrong and degenerate

>> No.12602372

There's a difference between appreciating feet as part of the female body and even interacting with them sensually to some degree, and what foot fetishists get up to.

>> No.12602378

Foot fetish is harmless. It's just kind of funny and weird.

>> No.12602388

True, but some are worse than others. Some are wrong simply by the act of depicting it and performing it for viewing (i.e. the sexual act recorded is not wrong in itself), while others are wrong because they are depicting something that is innately evil.

>> No.12602396

It is purely hedonistic flesh worship and self degradation.

>> No.12602397

Feet fetishists are harmless albeit cringy.

The real shit tier fetish is findom which isn't just a shit fetish but actually destructive and on the rise.

>> No.12602505

Eugene Onegin
The Lake Kawabata
Tanizaki’s body of work
Trilby by du Maurier
Also I wonder if Andre Gide had one... any opinions?
Are closet, repressed footfags a thing? I’d wager this poster probably qualifies if so

>> No.12602658


>> No.12602662

holy BASED

>> No.12602676
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paypig detected

>> No.12602677
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>there are girls browsing /lit/ right now
>they will see this thread
>any one of them could let you lick her feet
>it could change your life
>you could experience true, simple happiness, for one blessed moment
>but they won't let you lick their feet
>there's nothing in it for them
>you will remain alone

>> No.12602685

id love to have her feet cupped around my balls, her toes playfully touching each other over the base of my shaft, and hear her giggle as she clenched and pressed her heels together, my cock and balls slowly being crushed in her soft fleshy vice

>> No.12602691

Only pussy-ass niggas prostrate themselves to female body parts
Smh desu senpai

>> No.12602694

富美子の足 and the edition of Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia sexualis I read briefly mentions Baudelaire's appreciation of charmants pieds de soie.

>> No.12602720

Is there a book containing financial domination and humiliation?

>> No.12602728
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>> No.12602729

>The real shit tier fetish is findom which isn't just a shit fetish but actually destructive and on the rise.
It's unironically part of evolution and the free market. In the future all men will be paypigs and inferior to women because of market economics. Maybe that's why you're so butthurt, you know you can't stop it.

>> No.12602732

I'm a footfag but I consider 90% of other footfags to be fucked up pieces of shit. Especially the smellfags and the ones who like brightly-colored nails.

>> No.12602736
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>> No.12602741
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>> No.12602744

not really retard. Incels will reproduce less and get removed from the gene pool

>> No.12602745

Adding to this, I avoid nearly all stuff aimed at foot fetishists because it always seems to take it to an extreme, like toe spreading, brightly-colored nails, sucking on all toes at once, etc.

>t. foot connoisseur

>> No.12602747
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>> No.12602916

Why doesn't Donna Tartt have a Wikifeet page?

>> No.12602942

Sucking on feet is like sucking on a giant end of a penis covered in nerve endings. It's awesome.

>> No.12603018
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I think alot of climbing female authors see footsexuality as a marketing vehicle. If you get an audience of footsexuals, you gain some of the most dedicated and staunch online defenders of a brand/personality

>> No.12603046

id slobber all over these feminine pedal-phalli !

>> No.12603075
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Feet are a muse to the footsexual

>> No.12603080

>non Hindi

>> No.12603084
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Is it true all women are footsexuals or at least competitive aestheticians when it comes to their tootsies?

>> No.12603104

Women's feet have inspiried countless writers and artists throughout the ages. Very /lit/ thread.

>> No.12603117

Feminists hate footsexuals because they elevate hygiene and inevitably celebrate the male gaze. If you're observant, perhaps you've notices the aggressive roll-out of closed-toe, highly modest footwear amongst woke women. Whether Tom's or boots or sneakers, women are being programmed to hide their feet from view. Twenty years ago every girl needed flip flops to drive everyone sane with not only the sights of bare feet but also the sound of their impending arrival and their on going departure. No more! The powers that be see the powerful aesthetics of women's feet as too beautiful and disruptive to the various globalist projects.

>> No.12603130

If your limited social life doesn't provide you with feminine feet aesthetics, what's the best alternative that isn't porn? Do Roasties have meetups?

>> No.12603131

there's certainly a lot of evidence on pornhub to support that statement

>> No.12603140

cross dressing

>> No.12603171

I agree ironically to a large extent and unironically to a smaller extent.

Mostly I think its just a silly fucking fetish (its like being attracted to an earlobe or a knee or some other body part that isnt supposed to play any part in the attraction process) and I wish it wasnt exploding in popularity cuz pictures of feet are disgusting.

>> No.12603182
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Have you never licked a cute girl's feet anon? How sad!

>> No.12603240

>When you finally come out as a footsexual to your family and friends and have to start your ascent of the foot aesthetic pyramid with fugly 3/10 feet made worse by the arthoe's poor hygiene. It would be at least a decade before I had mouthfuls of ten 10/10 toes on the reg but I would tell my younger self to not give up the quest.

>> No.12603247

Would you read a book about footsexuals being systematically rounded up, tortured and executed? What sort of ironic punishments would be funny to administer?

>> No.12603309

For me, my foot fetish is all about aesthetics- drawing back and seeing the wood instead of the trees, so to speak. The shape of the foot; the lines and curves, the arch, the general shape and arrangement of the toes, ideally natural. It's all shadows and shapes, like what you might find in tanizaki's 'in praise of shadows'.

I abhor brightly painted nails, and will only tolerate darker colours if at all. I tend not to pay too much attention to the toes themselves, but have a proclivity for big toes; especially on a certain kind of woman, a big toe can be deliciously coarse, base, and sensual. I enjoy thicker feet also, preferring the meaty soles of a Latina to the ephemeral yet somehow sickly feet of Asians, which- with an often small, rounded big toe and vaguely unpleasant toe arrangements- speak to me of a thing somehow underdeveloped. With bigger feet, an otherwise sophisticated woman betrays her innate need for baseness and sensuality. I especially like to see the feet flop back and forth as a woman is fucked.

The aesthetic foot has a certain character or personality about it, which- when paired with a woman of certain character- speaks of darkly bejewelled pleasures glittering in the night, where corsets rip and ladies sink to their knees.

>> No.12603344

wtf is wrong with you pussy if you have a woman lying right in front of you there is only a pile of body parts in front of you making you want to either devour, drill or insert it in your anus and make you cum hands free. a woman is nothing else than a mere artifact for your sexual pleasure if you can't fuck women like this you are zoomer trash

>> No.12603351
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Alas! life's hours which swiftly fly
I've wasted in amusements vain,
But were it not immoral I
Should dearly like a dance again.
I love its furious delight,
The crowd and merriment and light,
The ladies, their fantastic dress,
Also their feet—yet ne'ertheless
Scarcely in Russia can ye find
Three pairs of handsome female feet;
Ah! I still struggle to forget
A pair; though desolate my mind,
Their memory lingers still and seems
To agitate me in my dreams.


When, where, and in what desert land,
Madman, wilt thou from memory raze
Those feet? Alas! on what far strand
Do ye of spring the blossoms graze?
Lapped in your Eastern luxury,
No trace ye left in passing by
Upon the dreary northern snows,
But better loved the soft repose
Of splendid carpets richly wrought.
I once forgot for your sweet cause
The thirst for fame and man's applause,
My country and an exile's lot;
My joy in youth was fleeting e'en
As your light footprints on the green.


Diana's bosom, Flora's cheeks,
Are admirable, my dear friend,
But yet Terpsichore bespeaks
Charms more enduring in the end.
For promises her feet reveal
Of untold gain she must conceal,
Their privileged allurements fire
A hidden train of wild desire.
I love them, O my dear Elvine,(14)
Beneath the table-cloth of white,
In winter on the fender bright,
In springtime on the meadows green,
Upon the ball-room's glassy floor
Or by the ocean's rocky shore.


Beside the stormy sea one day
I envied sore the billows tall,
Which rushed in eager dense array
Enamoured at her feet to fall.
How like the billow I desired
To kiss the feet which I admired!
No, never in the early blaze
Of fiery youth's untutored days
So ardently did I desire
A young Armida's lips to press,
Her cheek of rosy loveliness
Or bosom full of languid fire,—
A gust of passion never tore
My spirit with such pangs before.

>> No.12603360

Post Marie Kondo's feet.

>> No.12603447

Patrician taste

>> No.12603464

Wait for summer and go out to some crowded-ish streets

>> No.12603490


>> No.12603510
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She's been photographed barefoot?

>> No.12603523

Gotta say I don't like this recent "purple prose on its own is good/funny" fad on /lit/. Most of it is not well done, and a surprising amount of it is filled with grammatical errors and solecisms.

>> No.12603534
