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12599655 No.12599655[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can someone please prove him wrong

>> No.12599678

I can’t. Listening to the audiobook of industrial society and it’s future was disconcerting, he doesn’t sound like a crazy man he sounds very logical and well spoken.

>> No.12599681

check out some of the late sean f kays writings, he does a good job of arguing against this guys ideas

>> No.12599683

you can't from an atheist perspective.

>> No.12599684

That image is fucking soul crushing. Then again, having lobster hands and no face because some schizo sent you a package must be soul crushing too.

>> No.12599715

shouldn't have betrayed humanity

>> No.12599805

Who? I can't find anything on this dude

>> No.12599815

I think he's struggling with his asexuality.

>> No.12599873

that image is making me feel things i dont want to feel. fuck you OP for making me realize i will never abandon my obligations in industrial society to be truly free in a forest with the forest critters and wild animals

>> No.12599898

Not an argument.

I can prove him wrong

>> No.12599935 [DELETED] 

holy fuck kill yourself you butterfly tranny shit

>> No.12599953


>> No.12600045
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Er, fuck. I started reading Industrial Society and the entire opening about modern leftism is tearing me apart.

>> No.12600061

>and the entire opening about modern leftism is tearing me apart.

>> No.12600066

>Technological advancement is natural to human beings


>> No.12600069

Qualify both of these words

>> No.12600070

>That image is fucking soul crushing.
Why? He went full retard with the mail bombs.

>> No.12600071

Ted never agued against technological advancement and was very critical of anarcho primitivism. Read his book before commenting it
The only people who try to prove him wrong either never read him or say "but he killed people!"

>> No.12600076

He probably would have just minded his own business in his cabin if he didn't get MKULTRAed hard and lose his grip

>> No.12600077

He started sending mail bombs only after they destroyed the place near his cabin where he liked to spend most of his time. Eventually even his cabin would have been destroyed to make a road

>> No.12600079
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Killings people bad; comfort good. Without technology no onions lattes and high-fructose endrogo-burgers. No gamecube! No Oprah! Bad man kill good science people. Beep beep boop boop!

>> No.12600086

The pastoral fetish is probably one of the most tragic components of American schizophrenia

>> No.12600090

Well it seems we've all been thoroughly btfo

>> No.12600092

Are humans, their intellect, unnatural?

>> No.12600093

I don't think I'm up for this, personally. But I wonder this formula to be useful.

>Can you imagine a single individual living a gratifying, rewarding life in this modern context? What are their habits, disciplines, joys, and tribulations?

>However you imagine this person living, can you realistically imagine then willing categorically that EVERY individual can live in the same way?

>Can you still imagine a society that is still recognizable where an attempt to apply his criticisms don't become irrelevant?

>If the criticisms become irrelevant, then that means that a post-industrial society is worth abandoning.

>> No.12600097

>not wanting to live solitary, asexual life in nature

>> No.12600103

Go back to where you came from.
This isn't the board for you.

>> No.12600115

That’s a funny way of saying “the only redeeming factor in the otherwise overwhelmingly stupid tragi-comedy that is the American psyche”.

>> No.12600126

Not by themselves. The things they do with that intellect can be and often are unnatural.

>> No.12600133


I am the modern leftist driven by feelings of inferiority and suffering from oversocialization he describes. Particularly paragraphs 10-17, 26, and 28. I've never had this described to me. I've lived in my own bubble.

Though over the last six to twelve months I've started abandoning politics and activism because I've found it entirely hopeless to look for the utopian collectivist society I dreamed about but that leads in to the next section.

When he gets in to the power process (p. 33+) I have entirely abandoned any process of goal, effort, attainment. I've abandoned everything.
Anything that gets difficult I give up. I'm addicted to drugs and have very little joy outside of that.

>> No.12600139

So two right make a wrong.

>> No.12600142
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Butterfly, you only prove yourself wrong by persisting in this narcissistic act. Please fuck off already. Your opinions are literal garbage. We dont want you here.

Reddit, on the other hand, is always looking for more self-important faggots to shit up threads with vapid opinions.

>> No.12600146

if he's right then why is he in jail?

>> No.12600150

What is a threat to the status quo?

His activist methods are fucked, but the man had a point.

>> No.12600152

Not him but yes. Our awareness of the world is simply a biological mutation. I’m not sure how much you know about biology and evolution but mutation is rather hodgepodge and unmethodical. Everything we’ve created is simply a natural extension of our animal nature, including massive death and the destruction of the entire planet.

>> No.12600154

So dealing with problems, like cold and rain, with clothing and shelter, are unnatural?

>> No.12600155

Why so many threads on this faggot lately?
Is the FBI working on a new list of potential agitators?

>> No.12600159
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Hold still a sec.

>> No.12600164

The fuck, he voiced his own audiobook?

>> No.12600171
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/pol/ actually believed this schizophrenic mailbomb terrorist has a good critique of the left that anyone cares about.

>> No.12600176

It's a blurred line, and it depends on how you deal with those problems.
Dealing with rain by building a hut out of wood and mud is natural for a human. Dealing with rain by, say, some advanced chemistry that would be the opposite of cloud seeding and severely fucking the environment is pretty inarguably unnatural.
The line is difficult to nail down, but if you start saying anything humans do is natural because that's what humans do, then there is literally nothing you could define as unnatural and the word is meaningless.

>> No.12600180
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Then I read something like >>12600171 and wonder if I'm fucking stupid or just completely falling apart.

>> No.12600193

I've wondered about this word for most of my life. I remember being faced with the old atom bomb is natural because it came from nature argument. Words are funny, some of them pretty worthless, is what I got out of the exercise. Okay. Our intellect is what makes us unnatural. Our very existence is "unnatural", or perhaps *extra-natural* would be a better term. Meh.
Ted's whole approach to addressing the problem was not only less than effective, it wasn't even addressing the issue. He's just impudent rage as far as I can tell (Haven't read his thingy. No interest)

Nawww. Goal post moving. Building houses, using tools is unnatural/extra-natural or it's a garbage term and there is no excuse.
Wouldn't it be a better method to deal with the various problems of human foibles by learning and trying to adjust? I am sick and tired of the term "human nature" as an excuse for not changing. Evolution is a thing.

>> No.12600199

I WILL live in the forest someday, just you wait /lit/

>> No.12600210


>> No.12600211
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>> No.12600215
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*cracks* pre-industrial civilization? now THAT was a power process *sips*

>> No.12600218
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>> No.12600219
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>> No.12600226

Not schizophrenic.

>> No.12600228

It was pretty effective, desu. You're talking about him. Of course you haven't read him but that's a separate thing entirely.

>> No.12600231
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Ted was not a Christian and did not appreciate the power of Christianity. Honestly you see this in a lot of American cranks. The way out of industrial ruin and decay is there, but they choose to ignore it.

>> No.12600246

It's normal to become disenchanted, especially when you engage in utopianism. It's why you need a strong support group, one that cuts across identity and is united behind class.
The main problem with Ted is that he attributes alienation to industry, when it's actually a result of the capitalist mode of production. He lacks adequate class analysis, and he mistakenly equates the tools with the social arrangement responsible for the tools.
You probably just need to take some time for yourself and sort your stuff out. It's useless to try and fix the ocean while you yourself are drowning. Closing yourself off from others isn't the answer though.

>> No.12600249

ted the retard didn't realize a hut is as much technology as a frickin drone
that is, technology is inherent to the homo sapiens

>> No.12600258

You haven't read his work.

>> No.12600263

You're wrong.

>> No.12600270

This is either the best bait I've seen in months or Reddit: the post.

>> No.12600285
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It's tragic nostalgia. A real problem "conservatives" suffer from, but also people center and left-ish

>> No.12600298

Good prompt, OP, even if you're likely a CSIS information operation for the USG (hi joan!). I don't know his specific reasoning, but if I were to defend the current status quo, or at least make a case that there is something we're doing at least half right and may want to preserve in some way, whatever else we let rot or decay, I'd point to our education system, specifically the universities, which represent an accredited system of institutions that cover our entire continent and even if there's variation in concentrations of talent and resources, it fosters adaptation and knowledge within us, at least to people who go to universities and seek and build themselves with knowledge by great efforts and most importantly collaborate with the talent whose resourced at the university. Some of these professions are essential to have well trained and at the leading edges of their field from a strategic perspective. I would hate for all my mathematicians and cryptographers to be shoveling manure into AOC's latest macrobiome hamlet experiment.

>> No.12600315

How will Christianity save us from the technology apocalypse anon?

Those closest to God (monks) are most disconnected from the World (see Mt. Athos), how can we ever hope to have a synthesis between Christianity and technology?

>> No.12600324

This just proves again the superiority of math chads.

>> No.12600337
File: 58 KB, 600x300, Radegund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't put conservatives in air quotes. Not everyone is a facebook posting neocon boomer.
And nostalgia isn't the best word since most of us have never experienced it personally.

>> No.12600346

I see the state and our "industrial society" as a natural outgrowth of an exercise of power, the most sophisticated and shrewd of which would attempt to marshal such great resources and coordinate so mightily across the elite of society and on down through their various investments and responsibilities the whole of a society, moving and guarding and sending clandestine feelers and agents through ratlines like a cell infiltrating a medium, that this new weighty experiment we call a state could be a great civilization, an incredible font of something else. Of course this engenders nastiness and means the entire contraption is nearly a cartoon of prestigious experiments upon the riff-raff and hoi polloi. But the peasant can now go to a tavern and brothel, nightly, whenever he is done working and thusly also attend to our money's velocity. Catch enough hill people in your city trap and you suddenly have a highly lucrative and manageable urban phenomenon. And maybe this is horrible and degrading, especially when our culture seems to encode a twisted Darwinian capitalism, defended nastily by two well-managed di-poles where each sees the other's lower social orders as orderly grist for the mills they see their futures dependent upon. But to believe all of the above, to see clearly the gruesome injustices and absurd waste and destruction and endangering of ourselves by wanton greed and godlessness, to know all of this and see it affirmed every day, a broader, bigger picture and sense of things is still demanded of you. We don't get to tap out just because its horrible. I can understand why people might flee from all morality, but how can a good person regard the amoral any differently? If you murder or maim people outside of war, your society will be harmed and grow inflamed. You find yourself in this mess, this horror show, and it is on you now. What is it you are doing? You've the weight of thousands of years of men in some sort of motion, surmounting glacially to something. What is it? Do you continue this? Has your spirit waned that much? OP's author is a broken howling lunatic. Recall the guy who created Mormonism and the other who made Scientology and the countless other faiths, systems, cults and grand social projects that haunt this continent even moreso than the urge to make war? It is far from impossible to spread a sensible or good idea. OP's author was not some illiterate ship breaker in Bangladesh who might not trudge the Alinskyite march. OP's author could have made such a march. He was not some FOB immigrant working third shift driving around emptying coin laundries who kept putting off his contributions to the revolution. Free association and free speech are the main elements to any social change. That's really all you need. If your ideas are not that great, they will not breach the potential energy barrier of a mobilized personal army inspired by the new great ideas.

>> No.12600362

agree. only worse is tapir poster

>> No.12600368

And you're a liar.

>> No.12600373

I want some smart anon to debunk his self- prop system argument in anti-tech rev. Right now I’m pretty convinced. Those who go for short term benefit will consume those who go for more sustainable options. China will inherit a dead world

>> No.12600374

Unfortunately, our "industrial society" has done a number on the "free association" modes because they are challenged by inumerable social and cultural disruptions, many of which are required by the economic powers being exercised upon us. And with a comically servile Silicon Valley delighting in police state services we see our free speech challenged too. It is tough but there's a whole architecture from the last century that is defunct and now also we find ourselves in a heavily competitive world. But we needn't resort to hamlets or Chonsky's yarn and bead bazaar. The inimical forces mentioned above are largely dependent upon that ailing architecture. We will have to create for ourselves something new. What that is remains unclear. But even assuming right now were in the midst of a slow motion apocalypse, there are resources available to us. Its not as if our problems are caused by yet another Free Energy inventor being suicided or disappeared. The real fulcrum of our fate seems to hang on whether we can invent in time what we will need to survive and buffer the vicissitudes of the modern world better, and do this before the inefficiencies and waste and entropies of the old ways add up and those systems become no longer viable or crash outright. Its an intensely constructive effort for those engaged to it. By no means is it something that can be done en masse. There is just too much to learn. If you are not up for it, then there it is. OP's author couldn't handle it. Whose to say any of us can fix our mess but our world needs a great deal of help without spending your time sewing gruesome harm upon essentially your neighbors. Just from an aesthetic standpoint, why piss and shit all over civilization like that?

>> No.12600376 [DELETED] 

i can't prove him wrong but i can disagree with one of his main premises. ill paste my goodreads review
but he doesn't strong moral justification for retarding humanity back to a state of 'SMALL communities' and smashing 'organized technology' (both very slippery ideas). maybe his inclination to do so has something to do with being a gaian and pedestalizing a nomad-type forest hermit clan lifestyle. he has a lot of attachment to some nebulous concept of freedom and to the nature of humanity in the supposedly more natural near-feral state he proposes, seemingly because the horrors of "the system" do not pollute your mind in this state.

even if you buy all this stuff, we are left with two equally wretched, cartoonish extremes for humanity's ultimate destination: either the radiohead song "fitter happier" or (literally) hyperindividualistic postapocalyptic microcommunities.

>> No.12600382

here's my try.

he got some stuff right but all the stuff about leftists is basically just vitriol against the people who i guess in present day they are calling basedboys

more significantly he seems to have taken as axiom that the obstacles created by "industrial society" are morally unjustifiable, denigrating, unapproachable and unsurpassable. i agree that these obstacles are real, inestimably grotesque, degrading, dehumanizing and maybe even actually unsurpassable as he says they are.

but he doesn't provide strong moral justification for retarding humanity back to a state of 'SMALL communities' and smashing 'organized technology' (both very slippery ideas). maybe his inclination to do so has something to do with being a gaian and pedestalizing a nomad-type forest hermit clan lifestyle. he has a lot of attachment to some nebulous concept of freedom and to the nature of humanity in the supposedly more natural near-feral state he proposes, seemingly because the horrors of "the system" do not pollute your mind in this state.

even if you buy all this stuff, we are left with two equally wretched, cartoonish extremes for humanity's ultimate destination: either the radiohead song "fitter happier" or (literally) hyperindividualistic postapocalyptic microcommunities.

i think ted would call me a leftist for saying this though

>> No.12600395

Point to the flaw.
You can't, because everything I said is true. Ted's a lightweight. He has an infantile understanding of the organization of society, conflates cause with correlation, and has a completely superficial analysis of class. Where he isn't wrong, he's stupid. There is no distinction between the natural and human world. His manifesto is about as consequential as a phonebook, and he wasted his life for nothing.

>> No.12600412
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By using technology in a Christian way.

Honestly, read Pope Francis' encyclical "Laudato Si". He sounds a lot like Kaczynski at certain points of it, and his main point is that the general atheism that accompanied the Enlightenment has generated all the ruin of industrial society. We can use technology in ways that do not lead to ruin, but to do this we must remember that we are not the masters of this world. Man is not the king; rather, Man is the steward, and it is God, Christ, who is the King of the Earth. The Modern world invites a tyrannical disposition from Men; we think Nature is ours to beat and abuse and molest as we choose, with no care to the consequences.

Just read "Laudato Si." It's very brilliant.

>> No.12600418

I think what may affect the inevitability of your prediction is that we observe this. We see that our short-sighted shareholder servile strategies have bound us to a world without a real future, without any vision or spiritual animation shared outside of neurological marketing. I think the trouble is the scale of our societies, let alone the future megacities, such that there may be no way to preserve everything at those scales, however dense their kindling. Plus, it is not really in America's nature to save everything. There's going to be ruin and failed investments. What we do given that is among what will define us in the next century, where its likely whole industries may find themselves tested as not ever experienced by us. If only there was something in us besides our utility.
Chief among the passions driving Western China envy is the notion Chinese have not only a larger history preceding them but also a momentum and purpose with a distant stake in the far future. Whereas we are only thinking of a few months ahead, at least according to normative American programming. Americans feel that we are empty and blank where there should be something urging and driving us. Something will come along and fill that, be it a religious revival, a new faith or Project Blue Beam's feminine Pleiadian penises. Presently, it seems like one of the most radical ideas is educating yourself to your greatest ability. Is there anything that feels more subversive and wrong that putting faith in yourself, in loving yourself to the point where you become relentless about becoming beautiful and an example in a hideous world?

>> No.12600436

>ruin of industrial society

what is this "ruin" cuz im not feelin it

>> No.12600549

>Not everyone is a facebook posting neocon boomer
I can count on no hands the number of self-described conservatives I've met in my life who are not either facebook-posting neocon boomers or retarded /pol/acks who don't even know what they want to conserve beyond skin color and neoclassical sculptures they find when they google "Greek god statue"

>> No.12600578

Nothing humans do is unnatural, we're a result of nature

>> No.12600594

So in your eyes the word natural describes literally everything to ever exist and means nothing whatsoever?

>> No.12600611
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The goal isn’t just to be talked about, is it? When did eco-socialism begin, anarchy-primitivism? Ted didn’t spark those. People that follow this trad tard only like him because he killed people.
If these people were serious, the real thinkers they need to look into are Zerzan and Bookchin.

>> No.12600614

Marxists are inherently dishonest. Also you're entire argument is that he doesn't see the world the exact same way you do. Your ideas are flawed because you're so indoctrinated that you can't see through any lens but the lens of class struggle. You're literally trying to forcibly integrate your leftist ideas into his philosophy in the exact way he states that a "leftist" would. Get some self awareness, read his book and go neck yourself.

>> No.12600620


>> No.12600631

Its almost like he effectively introduced ideas to a population that never would have considered them. Arguing the originality is an idiot exercise as discussed in the forward to Technological Slavery. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about and just because you can list a handful of philosophers (who both show up in articles about Ted on the first lage when googled) you seem to think you're in "the know" about this shit. Fuck off with your bullshit condescension until you actually have the brains to back it up. I think anarchprimitivism is fucking stupid but I also think your cult is fucking stupid. Go drown in a puddle.

>> No.12600649

Reminder to ignore and report all butterfly fag posts

>> No.12600660

So the goal was free room and board for life and to inspire other crazies to kill random people.

Okay I don’t have a cult, donno what that’s supposed to mean, and I’m here asking questions, engaging. Maybe I should kill a few random people to get the conversation started.

>> No.12600672

Reminder to ignore and report all butterfly fag posts

>> No.12600677

You're the one who can't understand the world outside of your dogma. I'm speaking about Ted, and the problems with his gibberish. Instead of addressing what I've written, you resort to ad hominems, exactly like Ted does.
Technology is value neutral. There is no telos in the tool itself. The class based exploitation of the working class is what causes alienation, not the factory or the computer. The only reason the usage of the factory or the computer becomes involuntary is because of the appropriation of labor value, forcing the majority of people into a cycle of wage slavery they cannot escape. This is coincidental with the development of technology which itself arises to compensate for a constantly diminishing rate of profit. The technology is a correlate, not a cause.
Like your idol, your anger is misplaced when you direct it at me and to the machine you're forced to operate. The development of technology is not divorced from nature but instead has arisen as a consequence of an entirely natural development. There is no glorious wild past to return to. This is delusion brought about by the alienation of Fordist exploitation. Ted himself decries oversocialization, yet instead of contentedly living in the woods on his own he goes on a dummy mission trying to save the world in a way completely divorced from material conditions that give rise to his alienation. Because of his own savior complex that he projected onto others, he now lives out his days in a cage, constantly surrounded by the technology he wished to escape from.

Do you actually have any arguments, or are you only here to proselytize your non-answer to your misguided views about society and civilization?

>> No.12600679

The goal was to kill individuals connected with the technoindustrial system and to get his manifesto read. He accomplished both goals. Or did you miss the fact that you're in a Ted thread?
You absolutely have a cult and you never ask productive questions. You come on here and try to get people worked up just so you can act attacked when everyone calls you on your bullshit. You're just an asshole and no one wants you here.

>> No.12600686
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Depending on the context, yes.
Obviously if someone says they want to see nature I'm not taking them square but otherwise I'd rather not draw a line between us and nature. We're part of it.
That's just the way I prefer to look at things, but I'm a filthy stoner so my opinion is meh for most people, especially here.

>> No.12600693

See? Your entire argument is that he wrong because he's not a class obsessed leftist indoctrinate. There is no point in arguing with you. You'll just keep posting massive walls of text with like 4 arguments in it so you're never wrong and then you'll keep vomiting the same marxist drivel that every one of you vomits. Also I don't care enough to argue this with you. Its not that important. I just want you to know you're a cunt and every though you have is just cult speak.

>> No.12600701

You've spent the whole thread attacking the poster instead of the post.
Is this the true intellectual power of Kaczynskiites?
You claim I've only posted 4 arguments and you can't engage with any of them? Wow, great talk. You sure convinced me to join your neoluddite revolution.

>> No.12600706

So wait... did he found TedTalk?

He uses technology to kill random people in order to get published, which I guess is why /lit/ is interested in him, then he retires to the lit lifestyle. That’s the goal?
His rage against technology is an impotent farce, and you’re all mad that I CAN prove him wrong, and so easily, what’s “productive” about having this discussion AGAIN.

So. What cult am I secretly a member of?

>> No.12600711

And yet you have still failed to prove anything. Go drown.

>> No.12600717
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Because there is no point in discussing the post. You won't change your mind and I won't change mine. I'm not a luddite at all and I couldn't care less what you do. Preferably you go off and die somewhere though.

>> No.12600726

1Ti 6:3-16 KJV
(3) If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness;
(4) He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings,
(5) Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.
(6) But godliness with contentment is great gain.
(7) For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.
(8) And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
(9) But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition.
(10) For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.
(11) But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness.
(12) Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses.
(13) I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession;
(14) That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:
(15) Which in his times he shall shew, who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords;
(16) Who only hath immortality, dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see: to whom be honour and power everlasting. Amen.

>> No.12600728
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Delicious salty babby tears

>> No.12600729
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>> No.12600733
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>> No.12600742

Well i recall reading after they arrested him what his goals were, so after proving those wrong we’re now fishing around for what his goals were. I didn’t fail, you failed to light on what you think his goals were. Just to protect him?

I’m not without my sympathies for a general rage against what’s wrong with the world, but killing random people so you can publish some manifesto of anti-civ ramblings, isn’t at all constructive to anyone’s cause. Mr brain man failed to think through his plan —-or retiring to a supermax prison was all a part of it

>> No.12600758
File: 68 KB, 750x521, 1546366259867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gonna read your post. I just wanted to make you write it. No captcha. Fuck yeah.

>> No.12600765


>> No.12600768
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>> No.12600776

when i see that mangled green pisspoor attempt at a butterfly in the green "name" field i automatically just keep scrolling past the post. i'm not making this up, i literally filter him out mentally. didnt realize others felt the same way

pretty good take but only a hatchet's blow, not the bloody axe murder i feel like exists against the thing

>> No.12600793

Wow, am I really pissing off multiple polfags

Or is it just two or three very vocal liars?

Get well soon, children.

>> No.12600797
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Only one of me. Your mother should have fallen down the stairs with you.

>> No.12600842

Seems yours made that trip.

>> No.12600846

Is that uncle Ted?
I can't prove him wrong because he is right about everything. My girlfriend and I are getting married, buying land, and going to live that life.

>> No.12600850

At least you're able to see what you've been made to become. This is your redemption song.

>> No.12600855

This was the goal? To get people to marry and settle on some spit of land?

What was he right about?

>> No.12600856
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Nah, she did with my brother though. This is a picture of my shit.

>> No.12600867

Good luck anon. The spirit of Ted lives in us all.

>> No.12600883

You’d like 8 chin/tv

>> No.12600887

Kill yourself

>> No.12600891

please leave :(

>> No.12600895
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>> No.12600900

as a schizophrenic hearing him talk about how the government would claim he's mentally ill as a way to discredit him is really upsetting

>> No.12600947

Ted is an-prim's biggest celebrity. it's doubtful that Ellul etc would not be talked about so often if he hadn't killed people. If that's not constructive, what exactly is the bar, considering the hilarious assymetry of the war he fought?

Karl Marx himself said that the hand-mill gave you feudalism, and the steam-mill gave you robber barons. The social or economic changes you talk about are inextricable from the technology that enabled them.

I do not think you actually believe technology is value neutral. The printing press has done more to cause revolution than Karl Marx.

>> No.12600954

stay spooked, bugman

>> No.12600997
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>Karl Marx himself said that the hand-mill gave you feudalism, and the steam-mill gave you robber barons. The social or economic changes you talk about are inextricable from the technology that enabled them.
The user operates the tool, the tool does not operate the user. Tools are created with intent and for a specific purpose. Those purposes are in mind prior to the advent of those tools. Capitalism did not arise as a result of industrial factories. Factories were created to efficiently accumulate capital.
>I do not think you actually believe technology is value neutral.
I do. There is no value inherent to things in the world. Value is a result of social relationships.
>The printing press has done more to cause revolution than Karl Marx.
Marx didn't cause revolution and neither did the printing press. Great man theory is as false as technological determinism. The historical and material conditions caused every revolution. Capitalism itself contains the seeds of its own destruction, as did feudalism. Communal living and capitalist exploitation are neither unique to industrial society, and the so-called industrial revolution was the result of capitalism because capitalism was a necessary condition to industrialization of the Fordist variety.

A bomb is as value neutral as a gun as a pickaxe as a lunar lander. None of these artifacts contain within themselves any value until put to use toward some end. Some bombs are good. Some bombs are used to blow up bomb factories. A lunar lander can be used to destroy an orphanage. A pickaxe can be used to wreck the air pods guy.

>> No.12601025

okay, so after 114 posts of shit, i'll finally try to refute the manifesto.
ted's ideas weren't all new, they were mostly based on j. ellul and probably go back at least to rousseau. his view is still widely shared by dark green "deep" ecology and anprims like j. zerzan.
ted's point is mostly that technology not only makes us unhappy but also dependent and unfree. that being said, people are always dependent on their environment as they have to feed in order to survive and probably for this reason and for fun people have started to create tools in order to ease the effort required for subsistence. additionally we are social beings and want to have sex, play, communicate, produce culture and we discovered that we could ease our lot by working cooperatively. in the wake of this or even before people also generated langue, which soon took on a life of its own and culminated in mathematics, modern science and technology. today technology is used for everything. producing clothes and food, shelter and for communication. however the implementation is not steered by the general public but by private entities. what ted doesn't like about technology is not techno per se but complex constructs that require global hierarchical management and supply chains. they produce ecological devastation, human exploitation and alienation along the way.
but haven't we always already been alienated? alienation meaning anything else than total self-closeness? we have been alienated by language, by our unconscious, we are dependent on others and on nature. technology is the effort to loosen some of those dependencies and confer them on others. because of huge social constructs you are no more dependent on your tribe and because of technology you are not so dependent on nature.
of course there are many arguments to be made about who should own the means of production and the knowledge and permission to use technology, meaning intellectual property and also if technology shouldn't be a common good in order to diminish its risk of exploitation. also there are a lot of technologies which have failed to make our lives better like cars and social media, but there are others like trains and film for example that most of us wouldn't want to miss. one point i am still laboring about is the question of efficiency. machines require lots of energy and maintenance so some tasks are probably more energy efficient if we undertake them ourselves and don't automate them.
concluding i'd say ted was to lawful which was the nickname he was given by h. murray of the oss during this acid experiments. he was still a good American during the cold war: instead of ascribing his perceived powerlessness and dependency on capitalism, the oss or even contingent reasons like to construction of a road near his Montana cabin, which finally drove him to become a terrorist, he because of his lack of trust in other human beings and their creations, constructed an enemy that was worthy of him

>> No.12601035

No. Justify his brainlet opinions instead, how about, and we'll go from there.

>> No.12601068

Maybe the powers-that-be want you to be a miserable sperg. Have you ever considered that? Boomercons like Laura Loomer and Entertainers like Alex Jones get deplatformed constantly on websites like Facebook and Twitter but Unabomber apologists have their own niche on almost every normalfag website.

>> No.12601514

>Laudato Si
Wait, is Pope Francis based and redpilled then??

>> No.12601627

>ted's ideas weren't all new, they were mostly based on j. ellul and probably go back at least to rousseau.
No, his ideas were based on Nietzsche and Spengler.
>his view is still widely shared by dark green "deep" ecology and anprims like j. zerzan.
Because they are ignorant since Ted doesn't like anarcho primitivism.

I won't comment the rest of your post, please reread the manifesto paying way more attention

>> No.12601646

t. weak and insecure leftist

>> No.12601798

There's nothing to prove wrong, his critique is logical and well grounded. It's how he acted that was despicable, not his theories

>> No.12601932

Not because modern left is retarded means that everything's lost. Take it just as a reality check. Let this serve us as a tool for fixing the left's problems.

>> No.12602024

Leave this board

>> No.12602057

tranny manny mutilated fanny

>> No.12602092
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>> No.12602164

He was wrong because he was an eco fag. Embrace industry, embrace hedonism.

>> No.12602177

just christian asceticism wrapped up in psycho ramblings

>> No.12602216

Nope. Go fuck yourself, your little faggot one word response is about as retarded as it gets.

>> No.12602218

Those aren't really very good goals. His goal should have been to get people to agree with the ideas in his manifesto and take the actions that would lead to his goals.

But that would have meant controlling his anger and not hurting people.

>> No.12602220

I fucking hate you so much.

>> No.12602287
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I think this pic says a lot
his humble, cozy home uprooted and institutionalized into an FBI warehouse
absorbed into a system that neutralizes humanity

Its like a microcosm of what he was trying to warn the world

>> No.12602414

he criticized technology that requires centralized institution and infrastructure.

for the vast majority of things people would consider "technology", thats hugely limiting

>> No.12602595

butterfly pls go

>> No.12602827

ted cannot be proven wrong, everything he said was true. you cannot escape the truth.

>> No.12603066
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how about no

>> No.12604072
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Its that Spenny?

>> No.12604125


>> No.12604146

His argument against man's ability to guide history by his will is very strong, sadly. I don't buy into quite a few of his ideas but that one in particular, as phrase in Anti-Tech Revolution is pretty devastating.

>> No.12604323

fuck this cunt i don't care if he's right or not i just want to go to fucking space

>> No.12604440

Why does ted hate the anarcho primitivism faggots?

>> No.12604824

we are created in gods image brainlet

>> No.12604832


can we please for the love of god ban this attention whore?

>> No.12604873

Luddite scum.

>> No.12604902

It's kind of impressive when someone only has shitty opinions I think.

>> No.12604911

>dude with fancy clothes wrote thing
>reality itself is telling us what's up

man as technical overlord is a completely christian trip

>> No.12604912

I became vegan recently after realizing I've become too dependent on the capitalist overlords who try to convince you to eat foods that are unnatural to the human body, meat chocked with preservatives, grease, animal fats, these material foodstuff are the leftover rot of the living. You're ingesting ROT! Your body's being preserved inside out! You're being destroyed by the sacrilegious garbage that will masticate on your body as you absorb death, a horrific death that will wretch your body by its inside and invert your entire being into the void. Breathe in the smoke and ash from your barbecues. It's no better than the corporate and cold floors that glisten and shine like the gates of Heaven while the grass beneath you appear like the jagged rocks and crushed shards of bone of Hell. There is no Heaven for the earthly beings. We are not God. Develop telepathy or die at the hands of a woman who smiles sweetly while her brain is as empty as your box of McDonald's double beef patty stuffed with all the potato-y goodness and sweet cheap Chinese rubber, just like mum made it.

>> No.12604922

Wow. Still buttmad that we could “prove him wrong” you resort to pleading for bans. Hilarious, but can you just go the fuck away now with this dumb guy? Please

>> No.12604935

gotta go deeper into why his childhood and onward twisted him towards this

seems like its all a sperg out over some dichotomy that his genius take-everything-literal mind pushed him to resolving through whatever extreme personality trope his maneuver embodied. some unresolved tension from early on that he may as well have cleared up had he gone the opposite direction with his destruction

>> No.12604969

>If that's not constructive, what exactly is the bar, considering the hilarious assymetry of the war he fought?
actually engaging in an asymmetrical war. the worst thing for the powers that be would be an individual who fucks up their infrastructure by showing and creating alternatives. violence always plays into their hands

>> No.12604975

>A pickaxe can be used to wreck the air pods guy.
who the fuck is air pods guy

>> No.12605585
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I want to conserve the environment and live in harmony with nature. Globalism leads to the absolute destruction of the white race. Whites are the only ones capable of living in harmony with the environment. It's a very straightforward line of thinking and I'm sure you can follow.

>> No.12605688
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>> No.12605705

lmao what is that pick from? didnt they guy who axed trostky come from russia where stalin had his family hostage why is he dressed like hes about to raid the alamo

>> No.12605722

>Leader of large followership says not being part of his followership means you're fucking up

Man's not king, but that guy's running a show too. Recognize a sales pitch when you're getting one.

>> No.12605736

I don't get why someone would want to be modern "leftist". I understand being a socialist and I am one but being radlib is something I don't get.

>> No.12605740

i dont know him, only bombing
did he thought that human shouldnt be on the service of tecnic?
if its that, i cant

>> No.12605769

fuck off retarded. if you're not willing to read and engage with the material, don't run your fucking mouth like a dumbshit.

>> No.12605779

Human intelligence (read: technological prowess) was sexually selected for like a female hyena's fat cock, to our own detriment.
Yes it's natural, no it's not good for us

>> No.12605916
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>> No.12605918


>> No.12606007

how did he fail when he got his manifesto read by thousands.

>> No.12606031

I made the mistake of buying unabomber manifesto with tech slavery even though the former is included in the latter.

>> No.12606070

What the hell? Whites and asians are the races that have historically led the entire world in environmental destruction up until the last couple decades, and even now the west and china are far and away the most destructive, we're just wealthy enough to slap pretend bandaid solutions like solar panel funding on top to feel better
Native americans, subsaharan africans, and asian steppe nomads inarguably lived in much better harmony with their respective environments for thousands of years than any industrialized country ever has

>> No.12606092



oooh hohhh ohhh mmm ahhh....

>> No.12606183

See you there, my friend

>> No.12606201

Natural <- natura <- natum = born
Physis <- phyo = grow

>> No.12606206

You don't know what you're talking about. Just letting you know you're wrong

>> No.12606334

he may have sought righteousness, but either denied or was ignorant of the path of righteousness, which is Christ

Joh 14:6 KJV
(6) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Rom 10:2-4 KJV
(2) For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
(3) For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
(4) For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

so its apparent that his goal was to set aright society by rebuking what he thought were the roots of corruption. however the foundation and realization that lasts and can be truly built on, is God

so, ted bundy saw a problem but had no fix, just attempted one. the truth is finding Christ, knowing Him, and sharing Him with others, that they can know Him. this is the fix, its called salvation.

read the bible, the new testament

>> No.12606338

sorry i put ted bundy not ted k

Joh 3:16-21 KJV
(16) For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(17) For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
(18) He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
(19) And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
(20) For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
(21) But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

>> No.12606340

That the physical or biological reality even presents an opportunity for such an awareness to exist (stand out) in the first place, that "our animal nature" even allows itself to be extended to such ranges, is a very nontrivial matter. Either you deny the very existence of greatness, which insistently betrays its existence (standing out) every time it is invoked as a concept, or you recognize the latent greatness in nature and a higher design or fate that eventually reveals this latent greatness.

>> No.12606342
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>The line is difficult to nail down
It isn't. There is bringing forth, and there is challenging forth.