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12599470 No.12599470 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books to understand economics?

>> No.12599475

im hijacking this thread. the topic is now ergonomics

>> No.12599480

Certainly a more valid and useful science.

>> No.12599483

Why would you want to study something so simple-minded and worldly?

>> No.12599519

I want to at least understand it's principles before dismissing it.

Because I want to understand the mechanisms by which goods are distributed in the society in which I live, and with that information I can try to figure out whether or not I should be actively supporting it's existence or seeking to bring about it's downfall in exchange for a more equitable system. I want to investigate if economics is, as I suspect, a field of study designed to justify Capitalism or if it's actually useful in describing how Capitalism works.

>> No.12599534

Read Marx then. Probably some of the best “diagnosing of capitalism” out there, even if you disagree with his solution.

>> No.12599596

sowell but economics is a meme

>> No.12599668

Microeconomic Theory by Mas-Colell, Whinston, and Green is considered a classic if you know some calculus and proofs.

In Macro you could just take a mainstream Macro textbook and keep updated with new research from peer reviewed literature and figure things out from there. Any sort of "Economics in 100 pages" is just going to be ideological in tone presenting capitalism good :^) or capitalism bad >:( so there is no point using them unless as a very brief introduction.

>> No.12599747

what do you think about capitalism?

>> No.12599825
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on an economics kick right now. here's what I'm starting with.

>> No.12599835


not this
not this

>> No.12599839
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also, one popular book that I don't have on me is called Naked Economics. it can be found at B&N.

>> No.12599853
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it's on Libgen

>> No.12599863
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this is a great entry level text slash refresher of economic philosophy, hopefully too entry level for /lit/ but if ur a real dumbass its a good a starting point as any

>> No.12599878
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trust the chinaman

>> No.12599902

he's dishonest, but if you're looking for npc talking points to look woke at work his shit is worth a read

>> No.12599909

>he doesn't know ha-joon chang is korean

maybe you should try reading his books first before recommending them, brainlet piece of shit

>> No.12599917

who burnt your rice

>> No.12600057

Wealth of Nations

>> No.12600067
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Contending Economic Theories

>> No.12600080
File: 74 KB, 882x1339, Harvey - A Brief History of Neoliberalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything Harvey
Currently reading Paul Cockshott, also good.

>> No.12600099

>Paul Cockshott
imagine having this name

>> No.12600141

The Road to Serfdom.

>> No.12600147

imagine wasting time reading shit like this

>> No.12600173

schumpeter is not marxian you retarded pseud.
hes among the top 3 economists of the 20th century and basically proves marx wrong in his own game
his book is a masterpiece however, i recommend it.

>> No.12600186

Everybody Poops

>> No.12600201

>Marxian economic? I don't get it
>Read it? Fuck you commie!
>Muh gurrillion deaths by marxizm

Am I off?

>> No.12600216

you sound like one of those christians when confronted by an athiest tells them to read the bible, like you think people who aren't marxists havent read marx? lmao if only these non-believers would just crack open the communist manifesto and learn the truth about everything!

>> No.12600236

So you're familiar with Marxian arguments? Because I'm familiar with the bible and Christianity. I get what you're saying, I just usually run into people who haven't a clue about any of it

>> No.12600247

do you think marxism is some secret thing that wasn't just the state religion of half the planet in the 20th century? any two semester survey of western civ is gonna make you read marx and lenin i mean come on man

>> No.12600253

>you sound like one of those christians when confronted by an athiest tells them to read the bible, like you think people who aren't marxists havent read marx? lmao
nobody who has read Marx believes in communism working even on paper. It's like saying "my favourite part of the Iliad is the bit with the horse". There I saved you thousands of pages of retardedly drawn out prose. At the end of das kapital, there is still no communism
Marxist history and crit are legit though. Those work. Future Marxist utopia though? As likely as the horse showing up.

>> No.12600261

I don't overestimate my countrymen's education

>> No.12600271

there was a horse in the iliad? but if you're a marxist and you don't believe in the inevitability of communism then you're not really a marxist, but thats ok because marxism is stupid

>> No.12600278

that's my favorite thing about marxists: their totally condescending attitude towards the working class haha

>> No.12600289

It's mostly dumbfuck yuppie suburbanites who pretend to be working class who parrot the points she's talking about, not actual proles.
You're just engaged in workerism and sophistry.

>> No.12600314

But, anon. They and you both are being condescending to me, while I try to teach you about what I've discovered (I was a christian conservative once) I'm the one who believes absolutely in the malleability of the human mind, and I wish to help by spreading the truth.
Not only do those on the right believe the opposite, they don't usually even recognize any working class solidarity.
Well, that might be changing since the recession hit, but some nuts are hard to crack.

>> No.12600318


The more I learn about you, the more I hate you. You were dumb then and you're dumb now. I want you shot dead and killed. Fuck off and stop posting.

>> No.12600323

working class solidarity is extremely rare, its in most cases been ethnic solidarity, as early trade unionists in america were germans, jews, and italians using european guild style trade organizing, sort of like in the 20th century it looked like there were tons of marxist revolutions popping off but most of them were just ethnic nationalist movements against colonial powers waving red flags to get guns from russia

>> No.12600330

not this

>> No.12600338
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>> No.12600351

>there was a horse in the iliad
as much as there is communism described in Marx's predictions for society, so, no, not at all if you believe in the inevitability of communism, you're a communist. doesn't mean you're a Marxist. I mean, that's like saying you have to believe in the inevitability of Martin Luther if you want to follow Jesus.

>> No.12600695

why are you are in every thread with your trip like anyone cares who you are

>> No.12600719

It's much worse than you think, anon. There's more than one tripcode and they are in different timezones. If they weren't dumb trannies to a man, I'd swear it was a Russian cabal intent on making us an Ilf and Petrov subplot.

>> No.12600746

I have never seen her express an honest opinion. She has gestured towards honest opinions that might be held by more complete human beings, but she herself has never expressed one. Or at least that is what I think based on my cursory observations.

>> No.12600773
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One woman, two devices.

>> No.12600781

That's not how tripcodes work, tranner #3.

>> No.12600785
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A million reasons to neck herself.

>> No.12600877

Here's the real redpill. Economies are based on willpower. If you hamper people's willpower, your economy will become stagnant. Encourage it, and it will grow. The end. Don't let math austists say anything else.

>> No.12600890
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>> No.12600893

>mums dining table chair doesn't have sufficient lumbar support
books for this feel?

>> No.12601227

Read this for ap econ in high school. easy read for anyone starting out with no (((macroeconomic))) background

>> No.12601235

If you are capable with mathematics read Steve Keen’s book Debunking Economics

>> No.12601276

A Farewell to Alms
Choice, Contract, Consent
Contours of the World Economy

>> No.12601477
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>> No.12602933


>> No.12603112

The Foundation for Exploration by Goonan