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/lit/ - Literature

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12599397 No.12599397[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do brazilians fail at poetry so bad? After Olavo Bilac, all brazilian poets have been communist hacks making (((modern))) nonsense that pale in comparison to the beauty of Fernando Pessoa alone. They produce poor works and pretend they've done it for the sake of protest, yet it is obvious incompetence on their part.

Brazilians themselves speak a much poorer and brutalized version of creolo which they pathetically deem as Portuguese. I've been there, trust me.

After trying to read brazilian literature, I've become convinced that this colony must have been aborted. How hard is it to spend a century without producing anything of value in terms of poetry?

>> No.12599415

Who cares about poetry when the women are that fucking hot?

>> No.12599417


>> No.12599420

Brasil has been repeatedly hijacked by (((freemasons))) through the years, the crisis is beyond poetry.

>> No.12599428

seriously, what is up with first-world women being dumpster fires by the time they're in their early 20s while the third-world ones are hot af?

white women are garbage who have completely given up on themselves

>> No.12599463

you are so right my friend
western white women are so entitled and horrible to be around

>> No.12599490

need to eat it

>> No.12599495
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How the fuck are these observations even related to the thread? You must be brazilians, as you are only able to entertain the thought of a bunda shaking while your civilization degenerates into a monkey zoo pit.

>> No.12599511

Bro, back in s3 mordekaiswr was op as shite.

>> No.12599528

back to /pol/ amerilard

>> No.12599535

>After Olavo Bilac

You dun goof'd, sir. Augusto dos Anjos blows any parnasiano hack out of the water.

Recife. Ponte Buarque de Macedo.
Eu, indo em direção à casa do Agra,
Assombrado com a minha sombra magra,
Pensava no Destino, e tinha medo!

Na austera abóbada alta o fósforo alvo
Das estrelas luzia... O calçamento
Sáxeo, de asfalto rijo, atro e vidrento,
Copiava a polidez de um crânio calvo.

Lembro-me bem. A ponte era comprida,
E a minha sombra enorme enchia a ponte,
Como uma pele de rinoceronte
Estendida por toda a minha vida!

A noite fecundava o ovo dos vícios
Animais. Do carvão da treva imensa
Caía um ar danado de doença
Sobre a cara geral dos edifícios!

>> No.12599553
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The funny thing about Portuguese is that they simply can't come to terms that they've been made completely redundant by brown people. I mean, Portugal could sink under the ocean tomorrow and the media would probably only broadcast anything about it next year. Portugal has never produced anything of merit apart from Pessoa, they don't have a good educational system, they're the definition of the word 'Yuropoor', their cities are mausoleums of old people begging for money (ironically, to Brazilian tourists), their identity is unknown to most and they are internationally known for being stupid fuckers.

In Brazil we have lots of Portuguese-are-dumb jokes. When I went to Hawaii, the native people made almost the same jokes and, I could 100% relate to these foreign Polynesians on the grounds that the Portuguese are a synonym for 'brainlet'.

>> No.12599565

How pathetic. You fucking monkeys are derailing my thread about poetry and you call me a brazilian. Brazil is the best argument against the existence of a merciful creator: the brazilian criatura (which I won't ever again in my life, not even in my feeblest moment, call a human being) lacks the capacity of entertaining abstract thought and language, thus being unworthy of any sympathy, for learning how to wear clothes and shit in a toilet (sadly you still keep your shit in a bin for the stall to smell and sign to your countrymen that shit must go in there) has been the greatest achievement of your forsaken jungle. If asked between sacrificing all lives in Brazil or sacrificing the worm in my bowel, I'd vow to protect the worm no matter the cost, for at least the worm has chosen to feed on the shit of man where as the brazilian has turned their land into shit.

Also stop coming to Portugal. I don't want you here, and you're not welcome. Next time I see a brazilian you should be certain that I will throw my water bottle at them. Surely they will protest and moan, even if as clean as they've ever been.

>> No.12599578

>and you're not welcome

Your sole purpose in this world is to be a sort of Disneyland for Brazil. Seriously, please reconsider taking pride in a dying, irrelevant, disgraceful nation of literal retards. You people are so lazier than Spaniards and less culturally relevant than the Balkans. I mean, if one country in this Earth failed, it's Portugal.

>> No.12599591
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>Q) What did the Portuguese woman say to her doctor when he told her she was pregnant?
>A) “Is it mine?”

>> No.12599603

cringe and bluepilled

fuck off arab portuguese dog

>> No.12599610
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>> No.12599616

How the fuck do you even dare to open your mouth and type on a PC, you chimpanzé? Brazilian culture, an umbrella term for Carnaval, transvestites and Neymar, is a travesty of Portuguese culture. Portugal has made great contributions to literature, math and world history. We are small, proud, brave nation with a longer history than all other european states that currently exist. We discovered India and Japan, both in the Middle Ages already more civilized than Brazil will ever be for the next one thousand years. We brought sugar to the world.

We're far from irrelevant.

>> No.12599627

i live in a city where there are loads of portuguese immigrants live

ive fucked a few and they all moan like hogs

>> No.12599629

>We're far from irrelevant.
If you have to deny it, it's over already.

>> No.12599654 [DELETED] 

imagine being so butthurt that you waste 10 minutes of your life to type two whole paragraphs crying about a supposedly "irrelevant" country

>> No.12599659

>discovered india and japan

people already lived there idiot

>> No.12599688

Yeah, as you said, our country is full of so called poets that deem enough to put together some disjointed lines and call it poetry, since poetry is just a "feeling" for them. It's the kind of people who considers calling someone "poetry" as a compliment, so don't even bother with us. Our literature has been pretty much irrelevant for decades.

However, Portugal's Portuguese is ugly as fuck. Brazil's Portuguese might sound poor but at least we don't talk as if we had a huge dick constantly down our throat. I'm glad we don't talk like that.

>> No.12599699

Ferreira Gullar was based and also an anti-commie ex-commie

>> No.12599700


>Portugal has made great contributions to literature

LMAO, all you have is Pessoa and Queiroz. Even Camões was just another Homer wannabe. Get over yourself.

>> No.12599701

imagine being so butthurt that you waste 10 minutes of your life to type two whole paragraphs crying about a supposedly "irrelevant" country

Tu estiveste muito próximo de soar tão acéfalo como o brasileiro que cito antes de ti.

>Disneyland for Brasil
Néps. Portugal é a Disneyland para hipsters e chineses ricos. Os brasileiros não têm dinheiro para serem turistas em Portugal; a não ser que estejamos a falar daquela massa de classe média alta ou para cima que fica cá uns dias para depois ir a Londres, Paris, Milão et cetera.

Relativamente a toda a outra merda que te saiu da boca: não sabes um caralho de Portugal. E nem me faças falar do Bostil, ou melhor, da merda de país que é famoso pelas piores razões; mas fica a dica, meu querido mongolóide, mais vale ser desconhecido, do que conhecido como um resort de putas, travestis e um atrasado-mental de presidente da república. E fica dica porque ao contrário de ti, eu sei tanto sobre o meu país como sei do teu.

Outra vez com a mesma merda? Caralho. Deves ser muito atrasado mental ou ser muito novinho para aqui andares. Espera uns anos e depois volta.

>> No.12599710
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>200 million huezilians
>not a single Nobel laureate

>> No.12599714


>fica dica


>> No.12599721

Ficaste nervoso, foi? É compreensível. Agora vai lá chorar a morte do Boechat e foder umas pretas.

>> No.12599726
File: 123 KB, 1024x683, ALEP%20Bolsonaro-AM%20(46)-3612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>um atrasado-mental de presidente da república
Ah, o famigerado esquerdinha lisboeta

>> No.12599753


Claro que não, tudo que disse é verdade. Mas você ainda é viadão.


Presidente paraquedista. Perfeito pro governo caindo por terra.

>> No.12599764

Caralho, moço. Tu para além de imbecil és mais um carneirinho. Criticar a tua figura paternal - o teu paizinho Bolsonaro -, não me faz de esquerda. Se calhar se visses menos vídeos do Nando Moura ou do Olavo de Carvalho, percebias isso. Mas até te elucido do porquê de ele ser uma merda: a grande parte dos seus ministros são dos mais merdosos que eu já vi.



>> No.12599819

do people still take nobel prizes seriously after obama won peace?

>> No.12599830

jesus christ that woman is incredible. would ruin my life and impregnate her without hesitation

>> No.12599860

found the zoomer

>> No.12599865

Carlos Drummond de Andrade is pretty good, and Augusto dos Anjos, like >>12599535 said.

>> No.12600168

Are brazzzilians chimping out in portugal or something, I honestly dont recall all this bitterness from the portuguese living here, but I would not be surprised considering that I know a few people who went there

>> No.12600235

Some edgy Portuguese adolescent thought trolling the monkeys was a good idea - the Brazilians ended up taking the bait.

>> No.12600290

This is peak Portuguese poetry. Can any Brazilian top this?

É pau, e rei dos paus, não marmeleiro,
Bem que duas gamboas lhe lobrigo;
Dá leite, sem ser arvore de figo,
Da glande o fructo tem, sem ser sobreiro:

Verga, e não quebra, como zambujeiro;
Oco, qual sabugueiro tem o umbigo;
Brando às vezes, qual vime, está comsigo;
Outras vezes mais rijo que um pinheiro:

À roda da raiz produz carqueja:
Todo o resto do tronco é calvo e nu;
Nem cedro, nem pau-sancto mais negreja!

Para carvalho ser falta-lhe um U;
Adivinhem agora que pau seja,
E quem adivinhar metta-o no cu.

>> No.12600424

Bruno Tolentino

>> No.12601162

Olavo Bilac was not so much a poet as a master verse-maker. Even in French poetry (which I read fluently) there are very few writers who manage to write alexandrines as fluently as him, and the competition here is extremely tough.

Great Brazilian poets who started writing after Bilac: Manuel Bandeira, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Jorge de Lima, Murilo Mendes. There are many other very good poets too, such as Alphonsus de Guimaraens, Augusto dos Anjos, Joao Cabral de Melo Neto, Cecilia Meireles, Vinicius de Moraes (first phase), Ferreira Gullar, Mario Faustino (who had the potential to be a truly great poet, but died very young) Ivan Junqueira, Bruno Tolentino, Nelson Ascher, Erico Nogueira.

>> No.12601165

Yes, Glauco Mattoso, perhaps the most prolific sonnetists of all time (more than 5,000 sonnets, surpassing Belli). Most of his sonnets deal with pornographic themes, and he even has pornographic verse-novels.

His main fetish is licking the feet of other men.


Coprófilo é quem gosta de excremento.
Pedófilo só trepa com criança.
Defunto fresco em paz jamais descansa
nos braços do necrófilo sedento.

Voyeur assiste a tudo, sempre atento
ao exibicionista, que até dança.
O fetichista transa até com trança,
e o masoquista adora sofrimento.

Libido, pelo jeito, é mero lodo.
A sensualidade faz sentido
conforme a morbidez sob a qual fodo.

Não basta o pé, precisa ser fedido.
Se tenho de escolher, pois, um apodo,
serei um podosmófilo assumido.

>> No.12601188

The idiot here is you. Damares is an excellent choice to keep the mouths of evangelicals constantly full of its necessary baby-food, and she has been doing so magnificently. She is not the minister of education, so she has no power whatsoever in deciding with what should or shouldn't be taught in schools. Another advantage is that she can make imbecile statements about irrelevant things and, thus, direct the left-wing criticism to something entirely irrelevant while the government does more critical actions unperceived.

With that said, Bolsonaro is far from perfect, but his ministers, all things taken into account, are the best ones with we ever had. Who could dream Moro would be our Justice Minister one day? Who could dream we would have someone like Paulo Guedes? The military guys are also extremely knowledgeable and extremely professional, we have ministers who actually went to war-zones in the heart of Africa and have done real things of value there, unlike the Portuguese who were disgracefully humiliated in their very colony, Angola. There are some silly figures, such as Damares (who's an important tool, though), but just to think that our Science minister, who used to be that omnipresent crook Aldo Rebello, is now Marcos Pontes is already a joy for me.

Furthermore, the Congress itself has changed a lot, and a proof of this is the fact that Calheiros lost power. This would NEVER have happened if not for the intervention of Bolsonaro's minister Onyx Lorenzoni. Calheiros losing power is something nearly unimaginable, which even right-wing journalists such as Carlos Andreazza were calling absolutely impossible not even 24 hours before we actually so it happening, on live TV, complete with screaming, accusations, muggings and a desperate speech of defeat. Not only that, but there's now a real chance that Katia Abreu, probably the person behind the fraud Calheiros tried to implement, but actually lose her mandate.

In short, you know nothing of the Brazilian situation, and I haven't even mentioned what Moro just did to PCC leaders...

>> No.12601223

You should try João Cabral de Melo Neto, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Manuel Bandeira and Murilo Mendes.

>> No.12601241

Hey OP, what's your opinion on the ones like João Cabral de Melo Neto?

>> No.12601247

Álvares de Azevedo

>> No.12601264

I am not OP, but I think Joao Cabral was a great artisan, but ultimately not a great poet (except for such works as Morte e Vida Severina, where he actually creates music and emotion).

It's a poet for poets, whom you read not because you really enjoy it, but rather because you wish to 'learn how to write like him'. Cabral is just too rigid, and seems unable to free himself from the rules of his modernist poetics of rigor, which he himself created. Reading his poems, I feel like walking over some large piece of Northeastern dry land, devoid of rivers, devoid of trees and life, except for the occasional apparitions of the cactus and the lizard.

Manuel Bandeira is a lot more natural, and a lot more pleasurable to read. At least that's how I see it.

What about you?

>> No.12601307
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I think I'm going to be sick. I regret having any knowledge of Romance languages.

>> No.12601309

pretty boring text, full of your ass crap, i'll reply anyway
my favorite brazilian poet is hilda hilst, i don't think you'll like her, she's very modernist and marginal

>> No.12601360

This, Augusto dos Anjos > Bilac by far

Also Andrade, Meireles, Bandeira and João Cabral de Melo Neto are GOAT. OP is just low IQ baiting

>> No.12601366

"— E quem foi que o emboscou,

irmãos das almas,

quem contra ele soltou

essa ave-bala?"

Pra mim é sobre as imagens, ele ser como um relógio e as rimas toantes. Acho que é isso, não sei bem se entendo ele, e eu já li um bocado. Vinícius em contraste é bastante sonoro, fácil de sacar. É só deixar-se guiar pelo som pra sentir suas impressões. Isso é assim principalmente nos sonetos.
Já Cabral não gostava de música...

>> No.12601389

Not him, share a poem of hers you like. I've only read so far "Do Desejo". Pretty heavy in eroticism, huh. Is she always like that?