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12599022 No.12599022 [Reply] [Original]

>vaginally and anally raped

>> No.12599163

>right nipple cut off

>> No.12599170

>the case was shelved

>> No.12599530

Fate's part was my favorite. Felt Lynchean.

>> No.12599576

100% agree with this. The ending with the blonde haired blue eyed suspect creates such a beautiful confusion. This section also mentioned FWWM so the similarities to Lynchian storytelling were intentional IMO

>> No.12599582

they say it's one of the worst ways to go

>> No.12599618
File: 42 KB, 600x800, ohiggins-araucano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the section in Amalfitano's part when he talks about this book ("O'Higgins es araucano", by Lonko Kilopan) that tries to argue that the Araucanians came from Greece and had telepathic abilities is probably the section that stood out the most to me. The fact that this book exists and was written by an art teacher legally called César Navarrete that worked in my town's (population of about 250 mil) main public school (Liceo Abate Molina de Talca). The fact that I held this book in my hands and read it from start to finish. It was a surreal experience, you really end up wondering if this teacher was just a cracknut and/or a Pinochet agent. Strange shit had to have happened in this country for that book to exist. It's like Bolaño just made it up but somehow in a schizophrenic frenzy or dream I've read it. The copy I read was available at the Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, for anyone wondering. Pic realted is not mine, but that's the book.

>> No.12599657

Didn’t actually think this would of have been a real book lol

>> No.12599673

2666 mentions Fire Walk With Me?

>> No.12599677

>Multiple Hyoid fractures

FUCKING HELL, BOLAÑO. It's Valentine's day. STOP. I don't want to read this.

>> No.12599679

No no no, he said that Twin Peaks the SHOW was Lynch's best work

>> No.12599693

I am so glad this actually exists. What the fuck is with Chile, dude. You guys produce Bolano, Neruda, Jodorowsky, and countless other artists (many of whom are batshit), plus borderline shizo works like this, and all the civil wars and constant bloodshed...
Is it the lithium flats, or something? Creating genius madmen and idiot savants?

>> No.12599717

Don't forget Raul Ruiz too.

I don't know what to tell you. Lithium is mostly present in the northern part of the country. The south and center probably went batshit insane because of the dictatorship. If you read Distant Star you'll see that it's a clear example of how Pinochet fucked this country on a psychosocial level.

>> No.12599737
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>Orally, anally, and vaginally
Bolano btfo'd

>> No.12599739

go home laddieux

>> No.12599744

>If you read Distant Star
what do you mean? i've read it and i felt it was about some fucking psychotic poet. Give me some context please. Thanks.

btw not that anon you were talking to

>> No.12599751
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Rank Bolano

per me

2666> Savage detectives > Distant Star > Insufferable Gaucho> Last Evenings on Earth > Night in Chile

haven't read anything else

>> No.12599813

>El Chile

>> No.12599824

Yes but there was also a place named after FWWM in Spanish

>> No.12599832

I mean, it's not just about a psychotic poet. He's also a military pilot in Pinochet's regime. He murdered and tortured women. He symbolizes the brutality of the regime. The twins he killed are symbolically the dictatorship's victims. I mean, the way people were tortured in the dictatorship is some fucked up stuff and weren't some isolated incidents caused by a few bad apples.

"From the persecution of Wieder's trace the melancholic memory of Arturo (Belano) is reconstructed and, at the same time, of the Chilean nation."

"For him (Belano), the sisters correspond to the pre-dictatorship Chile, to an universe politically and artistically effervescent, a pure national imagery. By identifying this Chile with the Garmendia's sisters, the nation is feminized and erotized, making it an object of desire which must be loved and protect. Nevertheless, as the novel's title suggests, Angelica is an always "distant" star, which in the end, being one of the Wieder photographs' murdered poets, represents the dismemberment of Arturo national imagery. In Arturo's world, the sisters condensate in themselves the irreconcilable death of such order. En el mundo de Arturo las hermanas condensan , they are the feminine incarnations of an imagery and a purity impossible to rescue"

Source: K. Chaar Perez (2011), La lógica del trauma: dictadura, postdicasura y melancolía en Estrella Distante
(my translation)

>> No.12600196

>a purity impossible to rescue
Is this why they just let the bastard Weider drink wine in the last scene and not capture him?

At one point i thought - The detective, Romero, who was looking for Weider at the end, had been hired by Weider himself to find out if our man Arturo still remembered Wieder so that Wieder could kill Arturo to remove all witnesses or something. There's a line -“As we were leaving Barcelona, I asked him who his client was. A Chilean, said Romero. ”

I guess we'll never know. Bolano is a genius is all i know, even to a foreigner like me who knows nothing about Chile.

Thanks a ton, anon. You're very kind. That makes a lot of sense. I wish i'd read that before reading the book. Cheers!

>> No.12600703

Reading this rn and just finished the first section.

>> No.12601034

Thoughts so far?

>> No.12601180

How did you guys get through the first 50 pages. The run-on sentences were a fucking nightmare to read. By the times you'd finish the damn sentence you'd forget what it was even about.

>> No.12601229

Insufferable Gaucho shouldn't be that high. Read Nazi Literature of the Americas and The Return

>> No.12601417

Chile has the unfortunate historical distinction of being the only (fairly affluent) country in the world to get an avowedly Marxist government into power solely through the existing political structures, only to have it, and all its achievements completely annihilated by a brutal CIA-backed coup that lead to nearly two decades of death squads and poverty.

>> No.12601478

Not that guy, but I've seen two of Raul Ruiz's movies ("Three Crowns of the Sailor" and "Hypothesis of the Stolen Painting") and enjoyed both immensely. What other movies of his should I also check out, and where can I even download them? His stuff is hard to come by.

>> No.12601502

See https://letterboxd.com/jakeaesthete/list/a-beginners-guide-to-raul-ruiz/

This is a pretty good guide into his movies, and the guy that made it is sending the movies that you ask for directly to your email. Check the notes and the comments. I've found some of his movies in YT and torrent, but yes they can be hard to find, so maybe email this Jake guy it might be worth the shot.

>> No.12601511

>That cover with a painting of Gustave Moreau
What a bliss to my eyes

>> No.12601530
File: 299 KB, 1652x2560, 81-VzlnoqwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related hardcover, pure bliss. My ex gf gifted it to me for my 19th birthday three years ago

>> No.12601628

Lol nigga I read this book when I was 15 and it was easy as fuck, maybe you should start with some of his easier works? Brainlet

>> No.12601765

I remember the book getting easier to read after the first section. No idea if it was intentional (since part 1 is about faggot literati types) or if I just got used to it. But stick with it, you’ll be fine.

>> No.12601769

I remember looking this up when I came across this section in the book, and was stunned when I found out it was real.

>> No.12602134

Archimboldi > Killings > Critics > Fate > Amalfitano

>> No.12602202

Insufferable garbage, said Juan de Dios Martínez

>> No.12602607

>Pinochet fucked this country on a psychosocial level.

Can you elaborate on this? How does this manifests?

>> No.12602615

Ah you're right

>> No.12602909

I think I laid it out pretty succinctly in >>12599832.

If you want to go in deeper and read more concrete examples you can read:

>Breaking the
Gabrielle Marsh (2013). "Effects of the Dictatorship on Chilean Society" -
An Analysis of Four Works of Chilean Literature:
La Muerte y La Doncella by Ariel Dorfman, Estrella
Distante, and Nocturno de Chile by Roberto Bolaño,
and Por favor, Rebobinar by Alberto Fuguet

>> No.12602958

I've read 2666 and still can't understand how it manages to be so boring despite all the gruesome scenes. Really a waste of time.

>> No.12603020

so thank you, americans...

>> No.12603068

Don't eat the bait. It is rotten.

>> No.12603115

So I just read the synopsis of this book. How high do I need to be to read it?

>> No.12603116

>lying on the internet

>> No.12603129

Inevitable corruption of power, my friend

>> No.12603468

I intensely disliked Savage Detectives. Is there a chance I'll like 2666?

>> No.12603520

Why do you dislike it

>> No.12603535

full of cunty pretentious snobby leftist poetry cunts

>> No.12603541

Then maybe literature altogether just isn't for you.

>> No.12603545

I'm usually fine with that, but the ones in The Savage Detectives were more aggravating than usual.

>> No.12604162
File: 27 KB, 360x257, rb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats kind of the point. Bolano is roasting his youth and his friends' expectations and pretensions towards literature

>> No.12604247

I got that impression also.

>> No.12604274

Please. Somebody tell me. What is that book? What's it about?

>> No.12604281

The idea that literature is a whore is expanded more on in Nazi Literatures, Distant Star and 2666, how something so lofty and loved by "leftist faggots" (Bolanos words) can be co-oped by literal fascists and made into something beautiful. It's an argument that one can frame whenever there is some sort of scandal of an artist doing something heinous (Bill Cosby, R Kelly) and how to separate the art from the artist

>> No.12604287

Several people (group of academics, police and journalist) are drawn to a border city in Mexico wherein over the course of a decade hundreds of young women have been murdered