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/lit/ - Literature

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12598587 No.12598587 [Reply] [Original]

What are your predictions about literature 30 years from now?

>> No.12598597

It will be like literature today but there will be more books

>> No.12598605

A book filled with emojis will win the Nobel Bell Prize.

>> No.12598619

Books that Incorporate images, memes, gifs, and audio

>> No.12598629

Publishing houses wont exist. Self publishing and online zine collectives will distribute their writings digitally. The author will build an audience through social networking. The author will get paid in bitcoin by the audience.
Physical books will be collectors items for aficionados.

The neon lights of neo Tokyo will shine upon thee

>> No.12598633

I don't think new books will increase as much as they do now. In the end, it's all about books getting sold and I don't think the rate of readers will catch up with the rate of new releases.

>> No.12598635

Sounds abhorrent

>> No.12598643


>> No.12598645

Whites males will be banned from publishing books. The hate u give will be mandatory reading in schools.

>> No.12598661
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We are entering the age of air.
Everything physical will disappear.

>> No.12598680

Written fiction will completely go extinct within the next 20 years. The trend of less and less people reading has no bottom and future generations growing up on VR porn and games are going to give even less of a shit about books than people today currently do. Even high school English classes are going to eventually replace assigned reading with assigned film analysis as books fall further and further into total irrelevancy. Someone growing up in the 2020' and 2030's is simply not going to be able to connect to dusty, boring, old books.

The closest thing to literature that will exist in the future will be audio drama podcasts.

>> No.12598697

>assigned film analysis

>> No.12598731

Most autistic shit i've ever heard. Reading has always been a rare hobby and the finer harder literature is even rarer. Literature will stay the same in schools...Film analysis in english?? are you fucking slow? English Classes assign books to be read because the class is about English unless its a language class american students surely speak English....
fucking dimwit

>> No.12598737

That's a nice moomin, mind if I save it? :)

>> No.12598754
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I can assure you this will never happen.
Because of this very prevalent assumption in our society that books will go extinct, we will be more protective than ever about books whether we read them or not.
Things only go extinct when they're being oblivious.

>> No.12598760

>films aren't spoken in English

Schools will abandon books because future generations will not able to connect to them. They will instead use actually relevant mediums to teach children English.

Kids in the future will learn the language by watching films, playing games, and reading historic tweets, not by slogging through some boring ass book that they absolutely fo not care about.

Even now there's tons of people from non-english speaking counties who learn English by playing vidya.

>> No.12598761

flash fiction will become huge because no one wants to read for longer than five minutes, Borges becomes the next Shakespeare

>> No.12598777
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>Reading historic tweets

>> No.12598797

Speaking English and knowing English are two different things twat. The more STEM jobs open the more Tech Writing jobs open... Your speaking in terms as if grammar and punctuation are useless if that were the case we'd get retards not knowing how to properly write applying for jobs. Other countries would be laughing at us for being illiterate, other countries have literature at the same point its always been. Japanese authors are bigger than ever and they are way ahead of us in terms of Education and the connection of medias.

You sound like a film grad student that took a shot at reading and couldn't relate

>> No.12598801

Pynchon will still be publishing

>> No.12598805
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its okay fren com me bak to /tv/

>> No.12598826
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Nobody besides an English teacher is going to need an understanding of the English language above a Simple English Wikipedia article.

>The more STEM jobs open the more Tech Writing jobs open

>> No.12598849
File: 118 KB, 406x364, 1544222195846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shittiest bait i've ever scene pretty sure its this one of those /r9k/ or /pol/ fags that continually raid this board

go back to your shit board monkey

>> No.12598850
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For the film in english classes that already happens, like my class studied a book a play and a film. Did Inside I'm Dancing, it was pretty class

>> No.12598854
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>mother tongue
classes were always mainly about literature, not teaching you how to speak the language you speak from birth

people have been watching films and playing games 30 years back, technological advancement didn't do shit for the consumption of books, you just don't have to go to the library because you can pirate Tolstoy's complete works and slap them on your ebook reader, it's exactly the same with porn as you don't have to buy fucking VHS tapes

point being as there will be wankers, there will be readers

>> No.12598867
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absolute fucking murder

>> No.12598900

Probably a ton of stuff on how vacuous Western life seems after the environmental collapse