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12597089 No.12597089[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine all the intelligent qts today desperate for a sophisticated Valentine's Day bf... If you can't get girls today, you have no chance EVER.

>> No.12597098


>> No.12597178

Are you aware of what board you're on?
We've renounced the flesh here and seek to ascend all sexual releases.

>> No.12597190
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>intelligent women




>> No.12597195

Post more pics

>> No.12597199

How does one talk to a female that didn't give birth to oneself?

>> No.12597215

I don't even know how to talk to my mother desu

>> No.12597234

Pray to the Holy mother.

>> No.12597241

Where can I aquire one of these sophisticated creatures if I may ask?

>> No.12597247

cringy gnostic

>> No.12597251

just realized soi face on females in kinda hot

>> No.12597378


>> No.12597413


>> No.12597422

who's the girl

>> No.12597425

All of the intelligent women I know are in long term, committed relationships

>> No.12597436


>> No.12597470

That's because its a female trait. Of course its different from some manchild doing it.

>> No.12597473

>long term relationship

if it were committed they would already be married

>> No.12597484

>if anyone represents men of worth as overpowered by laughter we must not accept it, much less if gods


>> No.12597507
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>> No.12597527
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>tfw you don't really know how to talk to anyone

>> No.12597542

It's not just semantics. If they are in a long relationship, but don't marry, the silent agreement is that they are with each other for as long as one of them doesn't find a better alternative. They are avoiding to commit, to accept the other person despite everything, to finally mature and start a family. Sorry, but if after multiple years they still haven't made the next step, there is something wrong.

>> No.12597554

A marriage is a relationship, dipshit.

>> No.12597566

So why didn't you use that word? If you go out of your way to specify "long term, committed relationships" instead of just "marriage", I assume they're not actually married.

>> No.12597634

>An Illustration from Part I of Thomas Pynchon's seminal novel, Gravity's Rainbow (1973, colorized)

>> No.12597737

Elizabeth Olsen

>> No.12597765
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This guy is spot on

>> No.12597833

>marrying someone because you're worried they'll go and find something better in the meantime
Holy shit this is the most pathetic thing I've seen on this board all day

Me and my gf have been dating for over 6 years and have no interest in marriage, or at the very least, we're in no hurry, but we're both absolutely certain that we're gonna spend our lives together regardless of how we make it "official". Her parents aren't married (mine are) and yet her family values are far superior to mine. And what good is marriage when over a third of them fail anyways?

>> No.12597846

We're all just out of college, calm down man.

>> No.12597857

She's fucking someone at work, anon.

>> No.12597862

You should marry anyway for goverment privileges anon.

>> No.12597888

Yeah I have zero suspicion that this is the case, like I said she has very strong family values

That’s what’s so sad about it though. All these anons in this thread thinking it’s a symbolic realisation of your love, when all it really is is becoming (quite literally) friends with benefits. Surely a sign of a purer, more dedicated love is one that doesn’t require government/ecclesiastical intervention?

>> No.12597898

Marriage has no point nowadays, all it does is substitute the couple's legitimacy of their own relationship for the power of the state or church in a age where both are decadent.

>> No.12597948

>when all it really is is becoming (quite literally) friends with benefits.
I honestly disagree. I dont know what the hell you have been seeing but all (recent) married couples that i know, not a single one is advocanting for the fwb sceme. I think you have been haging with weirdos for too long. Honestly im from a more "conservative" country so the only "retarded" couples i've seen were from brazil.
>Surely a sign of a purer, more dedicated love is one that doesn’t require government/ecclesiastical intervention?
True, it all boils down to "spirituality" and "symbolism" really, but that isnt reason to trash them. Some people value that and like to have it, others dont care as much. You do you.

>> No.12597963

>hurr durr I know better than sacrament and tradition
>our love is so special we don't even need to make it official
Even if that were true, it's not only for you but for your kids. Wait, don't tell me you're never planning to have kids?

Dating for over 6 years is just laughable, there is no way she's not resenting you for not making the next step on some level. It's only a matter of time dude. Don't say that I didn't warn you, if you don't grow up you will lose her. How many older people you know that have never married and been with their "gf" for decades?

> all it does is substitute the couple's legitimacy of their own relationship
>in a age where both are decadent.

So this "substitution" somehow had a point in a non decadent age? Are you saying people dating for over half a decade is not decadent, would be accepted in the past? c'mon

>> No.12598022

do people really put bananas up their butt? that seems really big.

>> No.12598039

>Even if that were true, it's not only for you but for your kids.
Not previous anon, but whats the diference for the kid if the parents dont have "married" status on their IDs? I have a friend whose parents arent even married and have been together since highschool and he is alright.

The only thing i agree to some degree is the female normally wanting kids at a point in their life, it doesnt mean all women whish for it, but its a pretty normal "natural" instinct for them to want at a certain point in their lifes. I've seen it happening quite a few times, even to the hardcore feminist types that hated childreen.

>> No.12598042

>If you can't get girls today, you have no chance EVER.

I have no chance ever and I had no chance never.

I'm a 25 yo virgin.

>> No.12598045

we have such sights to show you

>> No.12598283

is this a man?

>> No.12598302
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soiface isn't laughter though

>> No.12598441

>Yeah I have zero suspicion that this is the case

>> No.12598483

OP here. Those qts are having sweaty animalistic sex with Chad right now after being chatted up in a bar

>> No.12598599

Yes, banana is easy. I once put a wiffleball bat up my butt, but that was before I realized I was straight.

>> No.12598764

is the curve a good or bad thing for up your ass? isn't the end too rough?

>> No.12598781

Dicks are curved during coitus anon. You tell us how it feels.

>> No.12598784

You know how when you squeeze the brown end the banana opens up for peeling? More likely is that you'll crush the entire banana with the force of your ass muscles and force the pulpy mess out into your rectum as you pull the peel back out, like squeezing a tube of toothpaste from the bottom to the top.

>> No.12598792

t-they are? doesn't that hurt? when I'm hard I can't really bend my penis

>> No.12598822

when I think about it you're actually right

>> No.12598833

Shitposting is unironically a more fruitful and instructive use of my time

>> No.12598856

>sophisticated Valentine's Day bf
This is /lit/, sophisticated things are denounced as simple and simple things are argued to be sophisticated. The most /lit/ bf would give a qt a bag of rocks and let her figure it out.

>> No.12598861

>If you can't get girls today, you have no chance EVER.
They would need arranged marriages like India

>> No.12598882

You misunderstood me, when I said fwb I meant that literally, like a marriage is just a relationship with perks.

Actually we’re both on the same page about marriage, she’s very forthcoming and blunt about a lot of things. Also I literally said in my first post that her parents aren’t married but are still together, they’re great people and have set a pretty strong prescedent in her life for love without marriage.

>> No.12598889

I sat in the library reading Fitzgerald but I couldn't attract a mate you lied to me OP

>> No.12599035

Anyone else here unironically asexual? Like, not the meme but genuinely not attracted to any gender?

>> No.12599159

thats why they intelligent lmao

>> No.12599208

Asexuality isn't a lack of attraction to all genders, its just that there's no association between attraction and sexual desire. What you're describing sounds more like depersonalisation

>> No.12599224

ring ring ring ring ring, bananaphone

>> No.12599252

This post made me near die of laughter. Asexual but not a meme asexual. Comic genius anon, keep it up, I’m sure it’ll win you a gf by next Valentine’s.

>> No.12599298

Top jej

>> No.12599316
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No such thing as asexuality unless you have serious neurological issues like a tumor.

>> No.12599319

Delete this.

>> No.12599408

Gatsby is the only book college women read, I'm trying to be relatable here

>> No.12599464

>Physical women
I'm celebrating Valentine's Day with my tulpa