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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 20 KB, 220x278, hegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12596691 No.12596691 [Reply] [Original]

Hegel was a sorcerer and the Left and Right being lobotomized bastard children of Liberalism and Conservativsm don’t get this. He advocated for a supreme divine state much like the Reich or the USSR’s plans for Europe and so you can take his insights and use them to justify extreme statism or some kind of techno-socialist autarchy. Right Hegelians focus on his dealings with Spirit, Leftists focus mostly on the Dialectic itself and try to secularize that as some type of silent-pneumatic machinery that drives history towards class conflict and communist statism. They’re both insane and Hegel’s phenomenology is a form of memetic psychoactive agent that binds the minds of everyone who reads it. Its venom, pure necrotizing linguistic magic. He was a genius for this reason. Also if you’re not an autistic retard he basically shows you how the techno-alchemical engineers of civilization are transforming humanity into a sacrificial killing field for otherworldly forces but that’s not interesting to rightists or leftists because they’re castrati golem creatures who only exist to poke holes in the barrier between man’s conscious rational awareness and his subconscious cthonic realm. If you wait long enough Hegel’s name will come up in most discussions by these groups. He’s the root of all their lunacy.

>> No.12596709

The book I’m writing is a Hegelian dialectic and I didn’t even know it :/

>> No.12596714

Great thread, OP. Unironically.

>> No.12596724

I didn't write it, someone else did, I hope he sees this thread and can go into more detail about how Hegel exposes the vast energy farm modernity has become

>> No.12596765

Not to mention psychoanalysis and by route psychology and psychiatry are insanely hegelian. Hegel's philosophy was a philosophy and not a politics and it informs much of the sciences of the 20th century.

>> No.12596799

Summon this person, I am very interested in this.

>> No.12596818

That's what I'm trying to do, and it's the kinds of posts I come to /lit/ for, not for these memelets, but extremely intelligent diatribes popping out of the aether to articulate intuitions I've always had

>> No.12596826

Well yeah, he's just the same kind of guy trying to recreate the "divine union", same as the banks. The point is not to try and force the union of the divine feminine and masculine (i.e. hexagram/above-below, etc..) but to take care of the very real offspring of this union. This is where all people who think like this go wrong. There are very real children and young generations to care for.

>> No.12596838

>castrati golem creatures

>> No.12596856

since everyone in here is a brainlet and OP actually believes this nonsense, I will give you a rundown on whatever you want. I'm no Hegel scholar but I've certainly read him. the whole OP is a clusterfuck of memes and retardation so give me the bit you think confirms your intuitions or whatever

>> No.12596870

I’m convinced that Hegel’s work casts some sort of spell on you, planting a seed in your mind that will grow and change you without your immediate realization. His books are a work of art, he is definitely a genius.

>> No.12596883

Nigger what? How does one into Hegel?

>> No.12596977

I've read Hegel, too, and if you don't think hegel's a language sorcerer I'm afraid you really haven't

>> No.12596995

if you are trying to say Hegel wrote magic spell books it would be a cool idea for a short story or something but it's not exactly an intellectual position to be debunked, I can try though: magic isn't real.

>> No.12597013
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stop regurgitating the same retarded pedestrian basic bitch insights I could find anywhere, hegel was immensely influenced by Boehme and the alchemists through Paracelsus

>> No.12597014

Words are spells. That’s why you SPELL them out. God spoke, and it became.

>> No.12597031

>hegel was immensely influenced by Boehme and the alchemists through Paracelsus
>therefore the books he wrote are magic spells that will take over your mind
yep I can see you are an adept philosopher
so all books are magic spell books? why care about Hegel then?

>> No.12597037

I didn't make this thread to rehash the same arguments with brainlets I've had a billion times before, it was for the guy who wrote the text in the OP, please leave

>> No.12597053
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Not to mention Jesus himself distinguishes himself from the Father through Dialectic alone, as well relating himself as Jesus and himself as the Father to the world through Dialectic alone. The "conflict" between what he says and what he does, and between Canon and Apocrypha, between the Phenomenal Church and the Apocalypse at hand - all of it is SUPREMELY Dialectical.

>> No.12597059

A good sorcerer casts good spells. Most people are bad sorcerers, or hardly sorcerers at all. And not all spells should be absorbed...

>> No.12597068

so you don't have any point to make, you don't know what you are talking about, but you read a shitpost on 4chan that "articulates your intuitions", and rather than assuming he's a retard who knows as little as you do sperging about his own intuitions, you assume he has some secret knowledge. you might have more luck over on /x/

>> No.12597072

woah he even inspired Jesus?

>> No.12597082

Epic win for you, my man. You can leave now.

>> No.12597083


>> No.12597090

I'm lurking to debunk any retard-hegelianism I see in this thread

>> No.12597105


>> No.12597134

OP from other thread here, I was shitposting while drunk last night. Its a pasta from archive from two years ago.

>> No.12597135

>muh hegelian h-harry potter isn't fedora, y-you are

>> No.12597153

How do you do, fellow enlightened man?
Let us laugh at those who believe in silly and irrational doctrines while we continue to hone our intellectual abilitities and show them our superiority through our masterful debate skills.

>> No.12597169
File: 65 KB, 800x800, 43423308_185399009007412_7117600406858891264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it bad that i unironically believe this? i also believe that nietzsche was a sorcerer, and basically 40% of the stuff he supposedly believed was wrong until he injected it into conensus

>> No.12597173

turns out you were all seduced by pasta, this means 50 Hail Mary's and 50 pages reading for atonement of your psuedism

>> No.12597189

Was Hegel a nice person? Did he treat others with kindness? If I had met him, would he be kind to me? I am just so saddened by the lack of kindness I find in this world.

>> No.12597197

he was famously depressed and morose but by all accounts he was kind

>> No.12597223

He was a German, and a Lutheran at that, of course he wasn't nice.

>> No.12597235

After the meal had ended and the guest departed, Goethe asked his daughter: “Now how did you like that man?” “Strange,” she replied, “I cannot tell whether he is brilliant or mad. He seems to me to be an unclear thinker.” Goethe smiled ironically. “Well, well, we just ate with the most famous of modern philosophers – Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel.”

>> No.12597252

Depressed? Poor guy. Nobody should have to go through that. I do as well though, sadly. But I'm glad to know he was kind. I would have been his friend, if he let me. Why was he so down, though? So you're sure he didn't want to hurt people, right? I've heard people on here claiming he was a monster, and that he wanted to bring some kind of revolution that would've killed many people?

>> No.12597268

Do ethnicities REALLY determine character? Is this just a damn meme you guys are spreading here, when you badmouth Anglos and Germans? There's no way that Anglos and Germans actually have a real, distinct nature to them, anymore than any other group.

Not sure what this says about his kindness, but neat story. You have to be kind to everyone - to Goethe, to his daughter, and to Hegel. Just be kind to everyone. In everyone's eyes, see your own. Everyone is here to be loved.

>> No.12597269

he famously wrote a book called philosophy of right where he defends the German state, but some of his followers became revolutionaries. it's hard to parse what he actually wanted/expected from his ideas, but Hegel himself wasn't a political radical or anything like that. he was a boring old philosopher for the most part. people call him a monster because of Marx/Gentiles, but what could he do about his ideas being appropriated after he died?

>> No.12597280

It's a meme buddy, I wasn't being serious.

>> No.12597287

>Do ethnicities REALLY determine character? Is this just a damn meme you guys are spreading here, when you badmouth Anglos and Germans? There's no way that Anglos and Germans actually have a real, distinct nature to them, anymore than any other group.
das rite, you will feel equally welcome in subsaharan Africa, nobody will ever notice you are different such a thing is just a myth lmao

>> No.12597290


>That man is I, and I am that man.

>> No.12597322

Why are political people such psychopaths? They're so devoid of empathy, often times. Look at today's politics, for a modern example, but really it's present throughout history. Why are they so bloodthirsty, all wanting to kill the enemies? Even sensitive people, artists like Mishima - wasn't he prepared to murder the people in charge, when he enacted his coup? I just don't get why political people are such savages towards eachother. But Hegel seems like a nice fellow. I would have patted his shoulder if I knew him, and been his friend. You have to be everyone's friend, if you can. Let them always feel like you support them, and that they aren't alone in our world. Everyone is hurting, and you have to help them hurt less.

Oh sorry, people on here speak like that seriously so I can't tell anymore. Catholics on here despise Protestants, for example, and other Europeans are always mocking Germans.

>> No.12597349


Now, therefore, amēn, I say unto you: Every man who will receive that mystery of the Ineffable and accomplish it in all its types and all its figures,--he is a man in the world, but he towereth above all angels and will tower still more above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all archangels and will tower still more above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all tyrants and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all lords and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all gods and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all light-givers and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all pure [ones] and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all triple-powers and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all forefathers and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all invisibles and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the great invisible forefather and will raise himself above him.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above all those of the Midst and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the emanations of the Treasury of the Light and will raise himself above them all.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the Mixture and will raise himself entirely above it.

He is a man in the world, but he towereth above the whole region of the Treasury and will raise himself entirely above it.

He is a man in the world, but he will rule with me in my kingdom.

He is a man in the world, but he is king in the Light.

He is a man in the world, but he is not one of the world.

And amēn, I say unto you: That man is I and I am that man.

And at the dissolution of the world, that is when the universe will be raised up and when the numbering of the perfect souls will be raised up all together, and when I am king in the midst of the last Helper, being king over all the emanations of the Light and king over the seven Amēns and the five Trees and the three Amēns and the nine guards, and being king over the Child of the Child, that is the Twin-saviours, and being king over the twelve saviours and over the whole numbering of the perfect souls who shall receive the mysteries in the Light,--then will all men who shall receive the mysteries in the Ineffable, be fellow-kings with me and will sit on my right and on my left in my kingdom.

And amēn, I say unto you: Those men are I, and I am they.

>> No.12597357
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I hope you stick around friend, you remind me of mommyGF anon

>> No.12597359

Who wrote this?

>> No.12597367
File: 6 KB, 224x224, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On this account have I said unto you aforetime: 'Ye will sit on your thrones on my right and on my left in my kingdom and will rule with me.'

On this account, therefore, I have not hesitated nor have I been ashamed to call you my brethren and my companions, because ye will be fellow-kings with me in my kingdom. This, therefore, I say unto you, knowing that I will give you the mystery of the Ineffable; that is: That mystery is I, and I am that mystery.

>That mystery is I, and I am that mystery.
>That mystery is I, and I am that mystery.
>That mystery is I, and I am that mystery.

>> No.12597372

You should read Swedenborg anon. Legit magician of thinking, he will strengthen you against the Hegelian poison.

Also he had a lot of LARPers, among them many an excellent writer (Blake, Balzac, Hugo).

>> No.12597375


You did.

>> No.12597382

Can you redpill this thread on the influence the occultist tradition had on Hegel ?

>> No.12597408

>techno-Socialist autarchy
Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.12597410

Yeah he has exactly the same kind of slightly childish but endearing phraseology and gentle but stubborn worldview that goes against 4chan's resident downer ethos.

Sounds like a nice guy but I hope he isn't dishonest with himself.

>inb4 I get taken into the vortex myself and become the 'honesty anon'

That would be cool m8.

>> No.12597423

Process theology of which Hegel's system is a type is quite literally the Gnostic Luciferian mythos.

>> No.12597479
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Hegel was influenced by mystic traditions and took them seriously, but to him they were simple, an animalistic school of wisdom by which one comes to doubt the way things appear. He ties this into Christ with the metaphor of bread and wine. To say that he is a mystic is wrong, but he thinks mysticism and Christianity are on a continuum, and that they both have a role to play in the development of consciousness, but he doesn't pretend like mysticism is the end or the goal of the system, it's to be sublated into the larger truth of the movement of consciousness

>> No.12597585


For the odd NEETzsche fan reading this, the first paragraph is saying that the vulgar Subjective-Objective dichotomy is actually inverted. Your "Objective" pretension actually entails others' sanctioning, thus being "Subjective", and your "Subjective" pretension actually precludes others' sanctioning, thus being "Objective".

>> No.12598675
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Thank you. To let you in on a little secret, and to play off a quote found in this thread:

>That Mommyanon is I, and I am that Mommyanon.

Unironically, though. I am such a coward. What happened was this:

I, as Mommyposter, said I was leaving 4chan, and I left behind a final, farewell post with my own signature at the end. But the very next day itself, I was back on. I was still attached to coming here, out of the habit I'd built myself from all my previous residence in this place. So I continued my business, of spreading love and kindness, especially towards women, but now used a new handle: Womanloverposter. I pretended like I was a new anon, carrying on what an earlier one had started, but it was only me, continuing my own career.

Even worse than this, is the fact that I'm Nondualistanon too. I am all three posters.

I'm only revealing my ruse now because it's finally time for me to leave this place. I've been here far too long, and it is no longer helping me. I am in a very rough patch of life right now, immensely depressed and without any friends or partner (i've never even held a girl's hand, sadly) to hold onto. I am extremely broken inside, and the crushing isolation I lived in became too much to bear, hence why I preferred the company of uncaring strangers to any more of the former. But at this point, I truly have to go now, and to find a way to wade through these traumas on my own, however difficult it is. I feel bad for tricking you guys, but I hope it's not seen as a big deal. I am indeed sincere in whatever comments you've seen from me, it wasn't an act of any sort. But for all the kindness I try to spread, and the spirituality I try to cultivate, this heavy, crushing depression won't leave me. I don't know what to do. Anyway, you take care anons. Hopefully this'll be one of the last comments I ever leave here. I'd appreciate if you could just leave me a tip or two of advice, on how to navigate through my present crisis described above, because I genuinely feel like I could collapse any one of these days...

>> No.12598700
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>But for all the kindness I try to spread, and the spirituality I try to cultivate, this heavy, crushing depression won't leave me.
goddamn anon this hits me way too close to home. I wish you nothing but the best

>> No.12598721
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>Just finishing of the third Critique
Should I just stop after Kant and just not go deeper down the rabbit hole? Will I lose my soul with Hegel?

>> No.12598727

Hope everything goes well for you mate. Stay strong. I believe in you

>> No.12598735

>I'd appreciate if you could just leave me a tip or two of advice
I apologize for not having much in the way of this, but I would like to thank you for your posts. They've directly driven me to be more appreciative and sweeter towards the women in my life which in turn made me a much happier person. Thanks, Mommyanon, I really hope you find what you're looking for. I'm sure you will if you really want to.

>> No.12600329

you too bro, thanks :( it'll be okay...

thank you bro, you too

no problem, but if you don't mind, can you elaborate further on what exactly such simple comments did for you? i've had other anons tell me the same, and i really don't understand why or how these comments would actually change a person in real-time

>> No.12600356
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>> No.12600359

Have you ever read the Outsiders?

>> No.12600365
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>legitimate discussion of Hegel as an occultist ITT

I'm very impressed, I'm usually the one who has to bring up Hegel as a sorcerer on /lit/.

Anyway, the only proper antidote to Hegel is, actually, Christianity. What transcends the dialectic? It's God as man, who is man as God, who lives and dies and lives again. Hegel appreciates Christianity's power, that's why he tries to appropriate it. But it escapes him in the end. Christians can escape the tomb in ways Hegel tries to do; Christianity wins the battle against death, while Hegel's dialectic is only a kind of necromancy.

>> No.12600366

Everything you do is bad, you disgusting pedo.

>> No.12600799

can you give an example of someone that falls outside the Hegelian spectrum of current day "Left and Right"?
I'd like to study viewpoints outside Hegel, just don't know where to start.

>> No.12601752

Yes, why?

>> No.12602085

God unironically

see >>12600365

>> No.12602210

the some of the big commentators are:

Hegel by Charles Taylor is good

>> No.12602240
File: 64 KB, 640x640, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, you are stalking me all the way from /int/ to here, have you?

i still dont recall what made me a 'disgusting pedo' other than perhaps being critical about an issue. i myself have met a pedophile satanist aspirant, as well as a genuine satanist of that sort. meeting them, it has only confirmed to me that i certainly don't relate to these people other than a vague skepticism of modernity.

it was very sad because i genuinely wanted to understand the problem, though i had to elucidate the issue for myself. thankfully before that retarded amos guy came along. he's just a sinking ship.

you guys did help me a lot though. i wouldn't be quite as autistic in my more recent writings if not for your stupidity. the whole reiko spiel helped too.


im not quite sure how that is possible. especially if left is affirmation of innovation while right is affirmation of current structure.

what's your idea of left and right if not this?

>> No.12602255

see this is what i am talking about. are you not still mentioning leftists and rightists?

probably it. you'd need to look to the transcendental and go beyond human evolution. oo perhaps i have an idea of such a thing, but i don't quite know much of philosophers that believe it

you'd want to look into chaos magick, and mage the ascension (i am not shitposting)

also read this:

essentially awakening people to some greater mystical reality. my own version related to that is pertaining to reflexivity. like individuation on a societal scale.

>> No.12602263

left vs. right is a meme
Taylor is objective that's why I suggested him

>> No.12602838

You're a great writer, just from this short post.

>> No.12603176

Read shilling and fichte first

>> No.12603411

he was a drunkard chasing pussy waiting for napoleaons army to fuck up the city he is living in he literally was a happening giga chad from 4chan who had his incel bros like schelling and fichte talking smack behind his back

>> No.12603784

wtf are you talking about? hegel was the antichrist himself

>> No.12604369
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I'm still stuck on Kant, but reading this shit gets me pumped for reading Hegel. He sounds like he's on some next level shit.

>> No.12604371

It doesn't matter what he personally advocated. Spirit doesn't follow subjective opinions

>> No.12604380

This is probably ironic, but I choose to unironically take it as complimen;

Thanks bro-san.

>> No.12604407

Funny that reminds me on the second part of Pascal's Pensées, the bit about why judaism is a necessary historical first step for chistianity.

>> No.12604433

No you're literally a great writer, I was being totally serious. Something about that exact combination of words you used, and also quirky terms like "phraseology" which I'd never heard. Your response here was quite endearing too, and the earlier one as well. I love you my friend, and hope your literary endeavours (if you have any), are going well.

>> No.12604684

Mind-raped Right-Hegelian detected