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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 97 KB, 540x526, Screenshot_2019-02-14-10-44-13-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12596317 No.12596317 [Reply] [Original]

>writes with a Zimbabwe-tier economy of language
>superficial themes and meaning
>tumblr tards eat it up because they feel smart being able to understand something without using the little brainpower they have
How the fuck does anyone consider this shit quality poetry? Fucken muzhiks

>> No.12596347

what else were you expecting from Tumblr then?
they want to feel comfortable without much thinking, just let plebs be plebs, be happy you're not as empty as those people

>> No.12596367
File: 115 KB, 599x899, BC53NzhCUAAhlkd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare put my country's name in your mouth mhata remunhu

>> No.12596415

>How the fuck does anyone consider this shit quality poetry?
It gets people into reading poetry who would never read it otherwise. They don’t really have anything to compare it to do they think it’s amazing.

>> No.12596500

They said this about Harry Potter for prose, it wasn't true then and it isn't true now. Lowering the bar does not help people get into reading.

>> No.12596543

You know who else feels comfortable without much thinking? Incel pseuds that criticize poetry for teenage girls

>> No.12596553

implying rupi kaur writers for teenage girls is an insult to teenage girls

>> No.12596570

I don't care to know who she writes for. I'm too intellegent

>> No.12596571

Check out your current inflation rate, I'm pretty sure it's in the billions. Nothing's wrong with your country/heritage, just your fucking economy. That's why I made the comparison to Zimbabwe's economy.

>> No.12596573
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>> No.12596577
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>> No.12596590
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That seems like a nice poem, do you hate it because people like it?

>> No.12596604

>Nothing's wrong with your country/heritage


>> No.12596611

c'mon now

>> No.12596615

Bad taste hurts us all. This is not some feudal society where their choices are limited, where they will simply occupy the back benches of the crowd. In consumerism, the mob rules. These people with bad taste change the market. This changes the walls of our reality. The overton window applies not just to politics, but to all thought. That this is where the middle rests limits the heights anyone else can reach. You can have no Milton when Kuar sells millions. There are no victimless crimes, and that is especially true when it comes to taste.

>> No.12596619

Seizing the properties of of minority farmers and exiling them is explicitly racist. It also leads to unnecessary famine.

>> No.12596620

You treat them as if they have a heart like yours, but not everyone can be as soft and as tender as you. You don't see the person they are; you see the person they have the potential to be. You give and give till they have taken everything out of you and leave you empty.

It's just cat poster poetry.

>> No.12596631

that’s a brilliant analysis

>> No.12596638

That seems fair. It's not good, but it isn't some affront to my senses. Probably because it's just a poem and doesn't affect my life at all.

If someone on tumblr likes it, good for them.

>> No.12596642

There is hardly anything more important than poetry.

>> No.12596671

I disagree, but you do you. The vast majority of people can go years without reading a poem that will affect them in any way; everyone values everything differently, but I don't see poetry topping the charts personally.

>> No.12596672

aaand what race were those farmers?

>> No.12596689

Lol are you going to say you can't be racist against white people? Even by the definition of institutional racism, the government using it's power to disenfranchise a minority from their property and citizenship is racist.

>> No.12596700

I never really understood the appeal of poetry, but it's plain to see this isn't even real poetry, merely prose with arbitrary line breaks.

>> No.12596725


>> No.12596742

It's justified. The wh*te people were racist first

>> No.12596746

Few important things are recognized as they happen. And the lack of good poetry, or people's inattention to it does not change its importance, but instead indicates how confused we have become.

>> No.12596762

Would you care to elaborate how some preparation of flowery words is superior to every other form of media? Will you cite it's historical pedigree or your personal view on aesthetics?

Poetry is a spook, it is you who is confused.

>> No.12596766


You treat them as if they have a heart like yours,
but not everyone can be as soft and as tender as you.
You don't see the person they are;
you see the person they have the potential to be.
You give and give till they have taken everything out of you
and leave you empty.

Lmao when you format it like actual poetry is so much better. There is even a small glimpse of a rhyme between "be" and "empty". It's still shit though.

>> No.12596770

"Justified" racism is still racism. No ethnic cleansing was ever performed without "justification".

>> No.12596798

Neither. The importance of poetry is found at the crossroads of metaphysics and mind. When you finally overcome the illusion of material supremacy, you will come to see the overbearing influence of desire and belief. The arts and humanities are not a reflection, but a cypher. Poetry, being the most basic, is the most primal way of teaching and remembering. Poetry is the invisible thread of civilization, the very fabric of what we truly hold in common across time.

>> No.12596808

>format like poetry
You absolute pseud. The "formatting" of poetry is not what makes something a poem. A poem, stripped of its formatting, will remain a poem. Something that lacks poetry does not become poetry by its presentation. Poetry is a substance, not a style.

>> No.12596879


>> No.12596884

>is perfectly logical
>appeals to authority anyway

>> No.12596900

Well, yeah. The logical thing to do when confronted with an extraordinary claim is to demand extraordinary evidence, and claiming that some phonemes put in order is a cypher to some unnamed metaphysical aspect is pretty extraordinary.

>> No.12596947

>extraordinary claims need extraordinary evidence
Could anyone be more onions? Of course, there is nothing extraordinary about your own beliefs, and it is all fully supported with perfect evidence, and there is nothing axiomatic in your thinking. I thought this board was supposed to be the smart one.

>> No.12596953

quit it with all the kaur threads

>> No.12596969

Are you trying to deflect from your lack of evidence by critiquing my world outlook? You don't know my outlook or values.

If you feel like your belief is valid, provide some justification and I would be happy to hear you out.

>> No.12596973

>Professor, is this real? Or is it all just going on inside my head
>My dear boy, of course it's going on inside your head! But why on earth should that mean it's not real?
Some people will never be able to accept the fact that Harry Potter is a great series to introduce young people to reading and literature and something that can be appreciated as a reread as an adult.

>> No.12596981
File: 31 KB, 456x620, espantapájaros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A poem, stripped of its formatting, will remain a poem
>Poetry is a substance, not a style
>What are calligrams, metrics, flow, stanzas and verses amirite?!!!

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12597003

Poetry that relies on gimmicks such as in your pic is the bottom of the fucking barrel

>> No.12597010

Poetry is a gimmick though. Without gimmicks it's just prose.

>> No.12597022

>refutes his claim with an extreme example he obviously wasn't referring to
>*tips fedora*
Did you not see that putting the rupi kaur shit into a "new format" changed nothing? Are you really that dense, Anon?

>> No.12597045

citation needed

>> No.12597137
File: 1.62 MB, 4032x3024, the cantos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gimmick =/= style. Rhymes are not a gimmick, alliteration is not a gimmick, anaphoras are not a gimmick. They are just tools to make poetry, you not liking the formatting doesn't make it a gimmick.

>Extreme example

lmao what's extreme about a fucking calligram? Pic related is extreme. Besides, changing the formatting of rupi kaur's shitty poem changes a lot the flow and how you read it(granted, it is still shit, but it's better than before). Stop being such a contrarian pseud and read more poetry.

>> No.12597162

No you wouldn't. You've already demonstrated that you are not interested in good faith discussion. I presented the fundamental structure of my argument, and instead of actually engaging with even a piece of it, you've made absurd remarks as though you are the Phoenix Wright of online philosophical conversations. This is /lit/, not r/ifuckinglovescience.

>> No.12597183

There has never been a good calligram, and never will be. Metrics, flow, rhythm, etc. are not formed by the formatting, but by the internal relationships between the words themselves. A poem, properly read, ignores stanza, line break, verse and solely follows the flow of the words. The formatting exists solely as a mnemonic device, as a conceptual frame that helps to guide the reader through the poem, without changing any meaning.

>> No.12597200

Well I'm sorry it was received that way. I saw your post as a statement of belief, and unless justification is provided, the only way to engage in that is by sharing in the belief. You're a random internet stranger and I see no reason to just agree with you for the sake of engagement.

If you give me something to contemplate and discuss, I would be happy to engage with you in a fruitful discussion, but you got to give me something to work with lol

>> No.12597239

You lot always act the same. As soon as you are called out for acting in bad faith, you no longer have any defense of rationality. But of course, you cannot admit any fault on your part. You act apologetic, as though it is not who you really want to be, but only who you are forced to be by the frame of our conversation. And still, at the end, you place the blame elsewhere. If only I had given you something to work with. I gave you plenty to contemplate. Hardly anything particularly novel; I don't want to give you the idea that I think I am profound. But that only shows you as a pseud even further. If you actually had any interest or experience with philosophy, you could have easily found something to say, if you'd even found my comment worth responding to at all.

>> No.12597273

Ok snowflake, I see that you can't talk about poetry without pushing your anger and negative outlook on others onto me. You accuse me of acting in bad faith, this is a fucking imageboard conversation. I have shrugged off your insults and attempted to further conversation, which is more authentic and earnest than 95% of content on this website.

You're right, I didn't find your post worthwhile, because it was simply a statement of belief without anything attached to it. I could just as easily say, "pottery in the cypher to mankind's true attributes of will and creation" but that's not worthwhile unless I expound on it, draw in reasons and evidence.

I'm out

>> No.12597286

>Neither. The importance of poetry is found at the crossroads of metaphysics and mind. When you finally overcome the illusion of material supremacy, you will come to see the overbearing influence of desire and belief. The arts and humanities are not a reflection, but a cypher. Poetry, being the most basic, is the most primal way of teaching and remembering. Poetry is the invisible thread of civilization, the very fabric of what we truly hold in common across time.
You clearly didn't read the whole thing. Also, every affirmative statement is a statement of belief. Drop the reddit spacing, and I might be able to take you a little more seriously, but most everything you say reeks of someone who watches Hitchens videos to feel better about masturbating all day.

>> No.12597288

Meh if people like Rupi Kaur what's wrong with that. Let's be fair if someone gets more out of it than Keats, say, then it is better to them than his poetry.

>> No.12597305

Read the thread.

>> No.12597311

My racism against black people is justified because they're thug gangbangers that account for 50% of crime

>> No.12597521
File: 162 KB, 600x600, 31fb09b4799d8d5ba2821d93303517b5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, this isn't Keats vs Rupi Kaur, my bad

>> No.12597748

you post here as if
they have your autism too
but not everyone can give
a fuck about pseuds like you
you don't comprehend
the arguments they make
you see the stawman
what you want them to say
and post and post till
the understanding they got
of you the bluepill:
OP is a faggot

>> No.12597763


>> No.12598390

Whatever sells retard.

>> No.12598407

>Zimbabwe-tier economy of language
kek, not bad

>> No.12598438
File: 11 KB, 260x194, Afroking Mach II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who is the dumb nigger in this situation. This guy who probably doesn't live in Zimbabwe or you for taking the bait.

>> No.12598448

Zimbabwe doesn't exist. Zimbabwe has never existed. Zimbabwe will never exist.

>> No.12598494

Do I really need to put a /s for your reddit-tier incomprehension?

>> No.12598531

I didn't think you'd have the internet in Zimbabwe.

>> No.12598544
File: 34 KB, 336x300, 20140105-181046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Mugabe did nothing wrong.
He is a man that stood up for his nation and his people. Were he not black, he could have prevented inflation and so forth from occurring by realizing the need of isolating all media, setting a strict standard on the perception of value, anyone who would disagree would get their head bashed in. Unfortunately, he didn't realize this and as such, Western influences were able to warp perceptions of value and subvert the populace against their leader and goal.
>the economy dude
Imagine being this bluepilled. Economy is driven by perceptions and force at the end of the day.
He took a stand. He might not have won but the man preached the truth and wanted to make the country a better place. Western Imperialists and those seeking to sow instability are the ones truly responsible for first saying "dude wtf, evil dictator inflation", and eventually this message reached the people there and sowed massive instability and resentment. Hillary Clinton's attack on Venezuela, including the poisoning of Hugo Chavez, and following her, the continued affront against Maduro are but another example of this.

If you weren't brainwashed, the only reason to hate Zimbabwe and its and go outright Rhodesia because anything else shows you're cucked. Look at all of Africa, there lack of success is because of a lack of strong nation states and extremely low IQ populations. Massive inflation shows nothing other than taking a stand.
Look up most any other leader of current African nations. All laughable. All paid shills happy to be monkeys in suits for international interests. Milquetoast retards like you are exactly the reason China needs to just come in and setup shop there and wipe out idiots concerned more man-made conundrums than improving the condition and cohesion of their people.

>> No.12598682

>OP makes thread for the sole purpose of making Zimbabwe economy/economy of language joke

>thread actually becomes about Zimbabwe

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.12598703

>line breaks are gimmicks
jesus christ this is a shithole

>> No.12598752

Talk shit, get hit.

>> No.12599401


>> No.12600175

Hitler was justified. The j*wish people were racist first

>> No.12600490

Books were a mistake.
The only real living poetic tradition today is illiterate Pashtun Muslim goat farmer pastoral poetry.

>> No.12600976

unironically Jewish mysticism

>> No.12601837

This is cringe.
>you should be asking yourself how evil feminists are and not how horrible this bitch is at writing poetry you guysxD
>but don't question my interpretation plox

>> No.12601845

What compels people to write such long paragraphs while saying so little?
I feel like a lot of philosophy could be boiled down to a couple of sentences and not be any less valid.

>> No.12601847

Didn't realize Alex Jones was on 4chan now. Is this where you ran after Youtube banned you?

>> No.12602055


>> No.12602073
File: 12 KB, 480x640, 1549025390540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for stopping by lefty-pol.

>> No.12602104

that can't be a real poem. please tell me that's not a real poem.

>> No.12602109

but that's not how you rack up pseud points

>> No.12602121


>> No.12602125


>> No.12602187


The first book I ever read was Captain Underpants. When I was in elementary and middle school, I read genre fiction. It wasn't until high school that I started to actually appreciate literary fiction and widen my taste to include poetry. That being said, I don't run a fucking Captain Underpants podcast, nor do I have a Tumblr posting fan art and gifs from the movies, nor do I base my entire fucking personality on "Which Captain Underpants Villain Are You?" Buzzfeed quizzes. Harry Potter for fiction and Kaur for poetry are questionable as jumping off points if readers never actually jump off. Their superficial themes, the former political and the latter emotional, hinder the reader by offering an illusion of fulfillment rather than the explicit negation of popular entertainment.

Captain Underpants critiques the education system, sure, but that critique goes against the very notion of intellectual fulfillment that schools impose on students. The books encourage young readers to take their education into their own hands and reject any sort of validation granted by society and its institutions. None of the books I read as a kid were the ones school made me read; they were the books I wanted to read. When I moved onto literary fiction, it was because genre fiction no longer excited me. It was the same, formulaic, three act "emotional rollercoaster" that you see in blockbusters and TV. I owe a lot to Captain Underpants,

This two second attention span "poem" with its artificial line breaks attempts to emulate poetry, not actually be it. Kaur's language is mundane and makes no attempt to transform the subject matter. When somebody writes a Facebook post mourning the death of a loved one, we empathize because of the subject matter, not the poster's language. It is not poetry; it's just sad. But with Kaur, her subject matter never even goes beyond a general feeling of angst. Even if her subject matter was compelling in and of itself, isn't admitting so proof that it doesn't even matter that it's "poetry, " that it may as well be a Facebook post? Poetry is not /supposed/ to be anything or /achieve/ anything in particular, but shouldn't it at least be or do something?

Tl;dr Captain Underpants is the shit, Kaur is just shit.

>> No.12602332

The Harry Potter series is, judged solely on the writing, not terrible and a solid jumping off point for many young readers. The most critical part of that sentence though is Young Readers. Not young adults. The problem with Harry Potter comes not from the books, but from the commercialization of the books. The books have become a brand. It's not the books that limit people's literary understanding, but the brand. It's much like Star Wars; the first move is actually a cinema classic, with significant artistic commentary. The brand of star wars, though, has completely consumed that artistic value and made it almost impossible to access. The commercial venture relies upon the mythologization of the work, which in turn prevents an honest and accurate reading/criticism of the work. So, Harry Potter becomes like a corporate religion, complete with rituals and relics and pilgrimages, confessionals and apologies and saints.

All that said, Kuar is even worse. Kuar began with the commercialization. There was never anything of value which organically grew into corporate machinery. Kuar is pure branding as product, no content or substance, only packaging.

>> No.12602556
File: 37 KB, 839x552, 1543645304976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Venezuela is imploding because their economy is over 90% based on fossil fuels, and oil prices crashed 16 months after Chavez died. from April 2011 to early 2016, oil fell to 1/4 of its peak value:
had they begun to diversify their economy 5 years after the Chavez populist revolution - or at least banked some of that cash in case oil stocks tanked - then they would have had some breathing room; instead they are out of money and out of answers, while Maduro goes full dictator.

>> No.12602653

You read this poem and know that she's referring to herself, that she genuinely believes that she is this unique sensitive individual that gives and gives and never takes. Her readers believe this as well. It's hilarious.