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12594300 No.12594300 [Reply] [Original]

How do I beat my technology addiction? I'd love to start with the Greeks and all that jazz but after taking my classes and doing homework all I want to do is mindlessly browse social media and other vapid shit. My attention span is completely shot, I can't read anymore and I spend more time thinking about reading than actually reading. Also I can't move to the woods are stop using tech entirely, I need it for college.

>> No.12594314

just don’t use it when you don’t need to

>> No.12594327

If you are a man, you can excersise your will in opposition to your base urges

>> No.12594331

Then I'm not. I'm basically a slave to my impulses.

>> No.12594339

Then control your impulses or die

>> No.12594342

In that case, get yourself chipped for convenience and open a facebook account. Oink oink, piggy

>> No.12594364

Well, you told us you "want" to mindlessly browse social media, why not do that

>> No.12594378

We all are, until we can overcome it. Just replace your reactions. It is nearly impossible to remove habit but it's easy to retrain them or gain new ones. To get back to baseline you need to unplug for a while. A week, two weeks. Rid yourself of all worldly stimulus, even in your mind. Drink water and eat rice with legumes and greens. Sleep early. Wake early. Spend no moment in unawareness of your own actions or your own body.

Once baseline is reached think about which stimuli lead to which response and remove or retrain them. If when you sit down after a hard day's work the feel of the seat and the sight of the monitor induces an irreversible chemical reaction that ends in some irrecoverable waste of time, consider not sitting down or consider doing something other than frittering and reward yourself so it sticks.

>> No.12594418

It's not that I want to, it just gets the endorphins moving and I can feel it sapping away at my life.

>> No.12594439

I'm not sure about the legumes and rice bullshit but I found this comment helpful

>> No.12594445

It's to desensitize yourself from even taking pleasure from food. Rice, beans and vegetables are cheap, easy to prepare and cover all the nutritional bases. You're not going full vegan, it's just until you reach baseline.

>> No.12594467

Are video games a waste of time

>> No.12594550

There's no such thing as a "waste of time". The question is, is it a waste of *your* time. If you make a living in video games, either by creating them, or playing them or marketing them or what have you, then it is certainly not a waste of time. It is your imperative.

If however, you find yourself playing games by compulsion, if the lizard brain wars with the cerebrum and the lizard brain wins, then you must consider whether this relinquishment of your will is worth its cost. No one can tell you video games are worthless. No one needs to. You can observe the thing, its impulse, its consequence, its grip securely bound in the limbic system, entirely by yourself and make your own judgement and come to your own conclusion.

Remember that chemicals have no context. Once sufficient comfort is achieved anything can be as pleasurable as anything. Even nothing. Think on this. And if you don't believe me (and you should not) then study the works of the old masters and sit in meditation until you realize it for yourself. In the meantime consider that it might be possible to gain as much pleasure from literature or recreational math or music composition or tennis as from video games. Perhaps more.

Then consider if all recreation isn't just a "waste of time". The Buddha apparently stopped listening to music after his stint below the ficus religiosa. Not that there is no pleasure in music, but that the pleasure in nothing, was greater. The temporary seclusion from the world may help you see this, that is, in part its purpose.

>> No.12594559

Start other hobbies to replace the computer.
>what hobbies?
Here are my default answers:
>Start lifting weights! :)
>Start playing guitar! :)
or anything else that doesn't require a computer. Do those, cutting out more and more of the time you spend on a computer. Eventually you'll lose the urge to mindlessly waste time on a computer completely.
Of course, going cold turkey is also an option, but if you've spent years sitting on a computer every day, you might find it too difficult.

>> No.12594579

Why is addiction something that has to be beaten? I never understood this. Master yourself, that doesn't mean become an enemy to yourself, but harness your energy towards refinement.

So, you like browsing social media? Get really fucking good at browsing social media then. Drain your energy that wants to browse it all the time. If you're smart, you'll end up with a skill that will be useful in the world AND you will get bored of it just enough to move onto something else.

>> No.12594627

Anon this is an outstanding response friend.

Can I ask what you are going to do with your life?

>> No.12594640

who are old masters

>Once sufficient comfort is achieved anything can be as pleasurable as anything
do you mean if your high on heroin it doesnt matter what youre doing

>> No.12594743

>old masters
Which ones?

>> No.12594765

In this case OP (presumably) feels like he could be doing something more productive, something he feels is more beneficial than sitting on a computer all day, but can't because of his addiction. There's no point in continuing something you feel is harmful and unfulfilling.
I also don't believe in draining your energy, because 19 times out of 20 you will find an excuse to keep browsing even if you've had enough.

>> No.12594815

Don't cut other hobbies and enjoyable activities even if you feel they might be a waste. Just incorporate reading into your routine. No problem getting home from work and derping in front of a screen for a few hours, but consider giving yourself an hour or so before bed to read a book. Doesn't matter if it is 20 pages or a single chapter, just make it a routine, and more reading will follow naturally.

You can't fight your urges head on, if you succeed the urges weren't that strong to begin with, and if you don't succeed then you'll just suffer a counter-reaction and lose any potential gain you might have made.

>> No.12595065


>> No.12595642

Don’t sleep with your phone near you. Then you get two perks: better sleep and waking up earlier.

>> No.12596169
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thank you, I am gone