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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 40 KB, 885x516, holy-bible_c0-18-534-329_s885x516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12588196 No.12588196 [Reply] [Original]

>not starting with the bible

>> No.12588203

Why would I want to start with fiction?

>> No.12588209

>not dying having never read a single passage of the bible

>> No.12588210
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I prefer the original

>> No.12588215

get fucked

>> No.12588824


> Not starting with African cave paintings

Never going to make it

>> No.12589045

Honestly this, except the oldest cave paintings aren't found in Africa. So you should really just start with global late stone age art. It is the only logical start point for any serious study of aesthetics.

>> No.12590166
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That's literally impossible in the west. Get BTFO you filthy heretic

>> No.12590428

>not starting with Mesopotamia

>> No.12590439

>not starting with the Atlanteans
I'm surrounded by plebs.

>> No.12590445

I started with it and quickly dropped it. The myths are boring and the stories too ridiculous to believe, making it an impractical read in this day and age.

>> No.12590555


>> No.12590561

All Christians became Philistines in the 20th century.

>> No.12590570

not I

>> No.12590628
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>> No.12590676
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So is the bible just an important piece of literature to inform my reading of the canon, or is it the inerrant word of god?

>> No.12590710

a verse isn't a "passage"

>> No.12590818


>> No.12590990

of a god*
Then it's both.

>> No.12590992

You're aware the bible has MANY authors, right?

>> No.12591014

I am. Your point?

>> No.12591035

Have you watched Pulp Fiction? Listened to Gangster's Paradise? Ever been to a Christian Wedding? Read Infinite Jest?

>> No.12591043

Fuck off you szhizophrenic gnostic twat. Go stare at your wall until you become blind.

>> No.12591049

Not understanding perspectivism makes you a solipsist.

>> No.12591063
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>Read Infinite Jest

God no

>> No.12591081

What could be more bugman than refusing to read neither the foundational texts nor the contemporary fiction of the society in which you live? You would crawl into a crevice and hallucinate another world, as the machine marches on, crushing you between its gears like a termite in a lumber mill.

>> No.12591088

Perspectivism is just the rendering of all ideas into solipsism. It is only the rejection of perspectivism that allows for any shared conception.

>> No.12591099
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>What could be more bugman than refusing to read neither the foundational texts nor the contemporary fiction of the society in which you live? You would crawl into a crevice and hallucinate another world, as the machine marches on, crushing you between its gears like a termite in a lumber mill.

>> No.12591120

>Perspectivism is just the rendering of all ideas into solipsism.
While true, it leads to a mind that is much higher than the one that simply starts at solipsism, because it encapsulates more truths from the world. The most solipsistic of all could be said to be Eastern sages, and look at how far their minds got them in the world (compared to the West, practically nowhere at all).

>> No.12591144

>Reading comic books is more bug than not reading them
>wearing "geek" clothing is more bug than just reading
>buying collectibles is more bug than just buying clothes
>cosplaying is more bug than just buying collectibles
>LARPing is more bug than just cosplaying
>The less relevant to daily life, the more obscure and pedantic, the more consumption is used as a display of personality, the more is this consumption is used as an escape from the "horrors" of modern life, then the more of a bugman you must be
>Obsessing over irrelevant literature, pretending you are carrying on a dead tradition, which was itself a failed attempt at reviving a dead tradition, this tradition being completely idiosyncratic to ordinary life, and adopted only out of bitterness towards ordinary social failure...this is heroic
Bug detected.

>> No.12591170

>the solipsist who knows himself to be a solipsist is better than the solipsist who is only recognized as a solipsist by the solipsist who knows himself to be a solipsist

>> No.12591192

>Have you watched Pulp Fiction?

That famous passage was invented by Tarantino, m8...

>> No.12591202

Art enhances life, didn't you know?

>> No.12591249

It wasn't though. You just aren't listening. The last two sentences are the (very slightly paraphrased) bible quote. The preceding bit is a spontaneous exegesis by the character, pulling directly from other teachings of the bible.

>> No.12591252

>using the birth of Christ as a reference for when the stories were created

>> No.12591273

Every time I say I’m going to read the Bible I get shit on because apparently there’s different versions? I said I was going to read the King James Version bit everyone called it the king meme version

What’s the best version of the Bible to read?

>> No.12591409

>What’s the best version of the Bible to read?
King James, ignore the brainlets

>> No.12591513

King James is the prettiest, but debatable how accurate of a translation it is. Somewhat like Fitzgerald's Odyssey versus Pope's or Lattimore's.

>> No.12591527
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This. Reading the bible without having a solid foundation in Mesopotamian and Canaanite mythology, and a history of the ancient near east will not be nearly as interesting.

>> No.12591594

Unless you're well versed in Koine Greek and Biblical Hebrew whichever translation is 'most accurate' is hearsay and isn't really the point

The King James version is one of the most influential books in the English language and was the version most anglo writers grew up

>> No.12591598

What over versions of the Bible do you think is better?

>> No.12592182

What’s that page mean?

>> No.12592189

What even is this post? What does this have to do with anything?

>> No.12592250

It’s the bronze-age reading list I’ve been working on.

>> No.12592271

Fascists are the epitome of bug culture.

>> No.12592273

lmao, the state of you

>> No.12592276

Don't forget that modern people have no idea what the stories are even about. We miss a lot of stuff that would have been self evident for people from those times.

>> No.12592287

Get a job

>> No.12592320

I don't see why we should want to live in the past. Take the things that are still important, and leave the rest behind. Most of the lessons that still matter to us have been passed on in new literature and art.

>> No.12592329

Ridiculing an earnest attempt at self study is the ultimate sign of a psued.

>> No.12592354

>I don't see why we should want to live in the past.
I haven't said that.
>Take the things that are still important, and leave the rest behind.
They're interlinked. Any morale or teaching one derives from the Bible will always be missing the point to some degree as we don't have the right mindset.
>The lessons that still matter to us have been passed on in new literature and art.
Bingo. The Bible is a curiousity and maybe a rough guideline to bronze age culture, but that's it in modernity.

>> No.12592461

touchy touchy, Mr Incel

>> No.12592466

Who brought up fascism tho?

>> No.12592471

>Most of the lessons that still matter to us have been passed on in new literature and art.
quite the opposite, the reason why western art keeps declining is because less and less people understand the classics of culture

>> No.12592507
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>western art declining
It isn't though.

>> No.12592514

>Doesn't want to read infinite jest
>doesn't want to read foundational texts
>would rather devote themselves to psychotic ramblings of a debunked modernist
>calls other people bugs
They're either a national fascist, or an international fascist. Or worse, a woman.

>> No.12592561

Just because the defenition of "art" is loose and you can slap it everywhere it doesnt mean its getting better.

>> No.12592571

This is the state of lit.

>> No.12592572
File: 324 KB, 966x1000, 0686efd0b8442ca7a4e06887371ec478b8bccaf07686a92f0dd2819d8b625bff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've read the Bible. Obviously I don't want to read Infinite Jest because of the mechanical expectation put upon the reader.

>> No.12592577

If you're worried about the mechanical expectation of reading Infinite Jest, you definitely didn't read the bible.

>> No.12592584

Start with the Greeks.
Conclude with the Christians.

>> No.12592585

Umm, I read the bible in the order I found suited me most and basically didn't have to ever flip to an entirely different page in the middle of my reading. DFW is a very presumptuous man to write such a chore of a book.

>> No.12592601

Art and its history from the 20th century on is so complex there is basically no one talking about it anymore besides the author of those books. Trads are still nostalgically fawning over paintings, or pre-modern art essentially, and everyone to the left of them is stuck on their splatterings of feces and other modern nonsense. It's not in decline, the domain of critique has simply become disenfranchised with the genuine critics and appreciators so the entire enterprise is much harder for everyone else to locate and discern.

>> No.12592616

dumb pseud

>> No.12592656

Pointless response. Come the end of the 21st century, everyone who matters will have shifted their views on today's art in agreement with me / that author, because it is the correct view.

>> No.12592911

I honestly dont think art is in that realm since people doing this "complex" stuff arent even "aware" of calling it art. The other thing is that it is not even more "complex", classical music has always been more "technical" in their compositions and even the "spiritual" concepts

>> No.12593009

absolutely based

>> No.12593036

Does /lit/ have a guideline of what to read if you want to truly educate yourself?

>> No.12593408

read the new testament